The table to the right is a list of the bottom 10 nations for IQ, as reported by Richard Lynn in 2002. Should we really believe that the people of Ghana have an average IQ of 58? It’s a ridiculous claim. It’s not possible to assess an entire nation in that way, it implies that most people there lack the brains to tie their shoes, and further, he argues that the entire population of the continent of Africa were cretins. Does that sound credible to anyone? Well, maybe to hardcore racists who somehow let that shoddy work pass peer review and get published in the journal Intelligence.
I do notice that Lynn revisited that work in 2010, and suddenly Ghana’s average IQ score shot up to 71. Remarkable progress for 8 years. Shouldn’t that alone have called the hereditarian premise into question?
Well, finally, a major publisher is proposing to re-evaluate all of Richard Lynn’s work, which is something. The publisher is Elsevier, so I don’t expect much from them, though.
A leading academic publisher is reviewing its decision to publish research papers by the late British professor Richard Lynn, an influential figure in the discredited field of “race science” who argued western civilisation was threatened by genetically inferior ethnic groups.
Elsevier provides access to more than 100 papers by Lynn, including several iterations of his “national IQ” dataset, which purports to show wide variations in IQ between different countries but which has been criticised by mainstream scientists for serious flaws in its methodology.
The database, a cornerstone of scientific racism ideology that was first published in 2002, is being used in online propaganda by a new generation of well-funded “race science” activists, whose activities were uncovered in a recent investigation by the Guardian and the anti-racism group Hope Not Hate.
Yeah, it’s about time…although his flaws and fallacies have been well known for decades.
Critics say Lynn relied upon samples that were unrepresentative or too small to be meaningful. According to Sear, Angola’s national IQ was based on 19 people from a malaria study, while the Eritrean average IQ was derived from tests of children in orphanages.
The 2010 iteration of the dataset asserted an average national IQ of 60 for Malawi, 64 for Mozambique and 69 for Nigeria – all below the typical threshold for intellectual disability. “It is wholly implausible that an entire world region should, on average, be on the verge of intellectual impairment,” wrote Sear in a critique of the 2019 edition.
That semi-secretive “race science” organization is the Human Diversity Foundation (HDF) (racists have been busy ruining the reputation of a perfectly good word, diversity, by tying it to fundamentally anti-diversity goals), which is led by the odious Emil Kirkegaard and was, at least formerly, funded by a Seattle tech bro named Andrew Cornu. It’s nothing but good times for these hateful wackaloons, thanks to a recent election, and who have been capitalizing on the unwarranted academic reputation of their hero, Lynn.
Trump, who has promised mass deportations should he win a second term as US president, told an interviewer last month: “We got a lot of bad genes in our country right now.” In June Steve Sailer, credited with rebranding scientific racism as “human biodiversity”, was given a platform by the former Fox News journalist Tucker Carlson on his podcast.
They are now labeling mass deportations as “re-migration.”
It’s about time his work was publicly repudiated. In fact, it’s about time his corpse was dug up and kicked into the nearest sewage ditch, although that’s pointless now — it should have been done while he was still alive (he died in 2023).
Ah the Human Diversity Foundation, otherwise known as The Pioneer Fund trying to get away from it’s 80+ year reputation of advocating eugenics.
HDF, huh? What a dishonest name. Even the stupidest “race scientist” must realise that eugenics programs reduce genetic diversity by definition.
Oh yeah, the ugly fuckers from “Heimat”, the party fomerly known as NPD. One of the parties coming as close to calling for the Fourth Reich as you can without getting into trouble with the German law.
Now that the situation in Syria might possibly improve, these Arschgeigen can’t think of nothing more than sending all the Syrians in Germany immediately. They are joined i their demands by the Conservatives, of course.
It seems this “race science” horseshit is never going to disappear, is it. I remeber the Bell Curve crap in the eighties and this is nothing but a regurgitation of the same.
As for “Remigration”, those pisspots from “Heimat” may wave as many banners as they want, but it’s proving to be not as easy as they think (except they never think, I know).
They tried it in the UK with the Rwanda boondoggle, and it failed at great expense. Those postfascist pillocks in Italy tried it with Albania, all they did was waste close to a billion with zero success and a lot of egg on their simian faces, so I wonder if anyone else is ever going to try (the US might, having a convenient land border with Mexico plus ample precedent).
But I doubt it’s going to happen in Germany anyway, with Syrians or anyone else. You see, this year an unprecedented number of Germans citizens (a million, give or take) celebrated their sixtieth birthday… which means that in five years there will be a mountainous rise in the number of pensioners. Young people will be needed to replenish the ranks, no matter where from. Already German employers are desperate to find reasonably young workers, so I doubt anyone is being sent away, no matter how much those nazi pricks squawk and ignore reality.
“We got a lot of bad genes in our country right now.” True. Every single-digit IQ MAGAt that voted for Dump.
@ ^ AstroLad : If there;’s any nation that has failed a national IQ Test itwa sthe United States of America this year – on November 5th to be precise.
This is freaking insane. Anyone who’s ever travelled anywhere outside the Western/Northern bubble knows that if anything, people in the global South are more intelligent than we are, showing a high degree of creativity allowing them to access resources, and maximize their use. Necessity is the mother of invention, right? Besides, people from those nations regularly emigrate, and show themselves entirely capable of learning new languages and cultures, getting a post-secondary education, and entering the workforce. And while you might be able to make the argument (the converse of Trump’s idiotic “they’re not sending over their best people”) that anyone in a position to successfully immigrate to a Western nation is, in fact, the best of the best, not all paths of immigration require such means. Refugee immigrants are just people affected by instability in their nation, and have no such advantages, and yet they still manage to make it work.
These “race realists” or whatever just WANT a reason to demonize people they don’t understand. Fucking makes me sick.
VolcanoMan #7: “… demonize people they don’t understand.”
Indeed. People they don’t want to understand, possibly because that hate is pretty much all they have left to prop up their core self.
AstroLad #5
Did you read the article before posting that?
@7 — Ah yes, the old chestnut that humans evolved to be smarter in colder climates, a favourite argument of “race scientists” to explain the dominance of European colonial empires due to innate genetic superiority. And yet for some reason, Europe was never dominated by the Sámi.
(And besides, it’s not like planning and co-operation don’t help humans survive in tropical environments.)
100 years ago “race scientists” would have gleefully told you about the inferiority of Asians, how they were dumb, degenerate drugs addicts etc. They would be appalled at the development of the idea that Asians are highly intelligent and have well ordered societies that maybe white people should emulate. An idea that began when the Japanese overwhelmed European forces in Asia during the early days of WW2, further fostered by Japan’s rise from broken to economic superpower in the aftermath of the war.
In the 21st Century Ghana is one of the more successful countries in Africa. It’s considered very politically stable, fairly low in corruption, and has a high literacy rate, to name 3 examples. If you take something like IQ at face value(which you shouldn’t) it doesn’t seem to be slowing them down.
Nigerians? I’ve read that Nigerian immigrants to the US are one of the more successful immigrant groups when it comes to entrepreneurship. Again, it doesn’t sound like their supposed low IQ is holding them back.
You could argue that the modern idea of Asian ‘genetic superiority’ actually started earlier than that, specifically after the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905, in which the Japanese absolutely destroyed Russian naval power (including the Baltic Fleet which took months getting to the war zone because the Far East/Pacific Fleet had already been destroyed at Port Arthur) and rather decisively defeated the Russians. That was the first time in modern history that a non-European power defeated a European power.
@AstroLad you beat me to it!
Yes, the united states completely failed a critical intelligence test by electing the convicted felon rapist liar magat. The drooling sheople that elected him are contemptible.
However, I recall many articles that talk about how IQ tests just measure the abilities of people to pass a test geared/slanted toward the ‘wasps’. There are so many true types of intelligence that these tests don’t cover.
Also, the magat in chief just appointed the xtian terrorist m. hucksterbee to be ambassador to genocidal Israel. Welcome to the new Dark Ages
There is the Zulu nation’s defeat at Isandlwana back in 1879, though. I don’t know if that one counts since Africa is still “the west”, although plenty of people seem to forget that part.
Yet, I can see the erasure of any accomplishments from the African continent continues apace (from the very same people who keep forgetting its a continent and not a country.)
@ ^ lakitha tolbert : Fair point although gnerally we count the Africa as the South or the Middle-east altho’ North Africa & South-West Asia are more accurate in my view.
From the second link :
Talk about old fashioned ideas!
Not sure if Frost has realised but battleships now = outdated big targets. Don’t think Germany has any battleships left except maybe as museum ships and wonder if he knows that Morocco has its own modern navy with plenty of warships including 6 frigates, 4 missile boats & probly more than enough to destroy two old battleships if it comes to that?
See :
Still apt. Old rubbish ships, old rubbish ideas and mindset