Donald Trump wants Pete Hegseth to be secretary of defense — why, I don’t know, he’s not qualified at all, but he is a minor Fox News celebrity and Trump seems to be selecting contestants for a reality TV show — but the nomination is running into trouble. He has a history of sexual abuse, and has even been accused of rape; he also has a history of drunken partying and skimming funds for charity. His own mother wrote to him and said, “I have no respect for any man that belittles, lies, cheats, sleeps around and uses women for his own power and ego. You are that man (and have been for years) and as your mother, it pains me and embarrasses me to say that, but it is the sad, sad truth.” He’s the perfect Fox News host, but anything else…nuh uh. Nope.
What do you do when your own mother tells you it’s time for a come-to-jesus moment? If you’re Pete Hegseth, you enlist in the leagues of Satan, that is, Doug Wilson.
In the years since, Hegseth — now on his third marriage — has claimed that he rediscovered Christ, saying “faith became real” to him in 2018. He became deeply involved with the Association of Classical Christian Schools (ACCS), moving to Tennessee to enroll his children in a branch of this fundamentalist organization. He also joined the associated denomination, the Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches. Both are led by Doug Wilson, an untrained and self-proclaimed pastor who advocates for Christian nationalism and has become famous for his trollish promotion of his far-right political views. At the center of Wilson’s philosophy is a misogyny so overt that it’s sometimes hard to believe he’s serious.
Instead of changing his behavior, Hegseth joined a church that rationalizes and justifies it.
“Wilson holds the most extreme views of women’s submission found in any form of Christianity,” Julie Ingersoll, a professor of religious studies at the University of North Florida, told Salon. “Women are taught that submission to their husbands (and other male authorities) is submission to God. Independence of any kind is cast as sin.”
In one famous passage from his book on marriage, Wilson suggests that sexual violence is women’s fault for not being submissive enough. “[T]he sexual act cannot be made into an egalitarian pleasuring party,” he writes. “A man penetrates, conquers, colonizes, plants. A woman receives, surrenders, accepts.” The alleged failure of women to submit, he continues, leads men to “dream of being rapists,” deprived of the “erotic necessity” found in women’s submission. Nancy Wilson, Doug Wilson’s wife, backs this view, comparing a wife to a “garden” cultivated for the husband’s pleasure: “But of course a husband is never trespassing in his own garden.”
Right. He joined a church that thinks slavery was a good thing, and that believes women should be slaves to men. I don’t think this is going to help Hegseth’s attitude, to think that life is lie a Gor novel.
Also, god damn Christopher Hitchens for promoting Wilson with a lecture tour, a book, and a terrible movie, and also for saying this:
I haven’t yet run into an argument that has made me want to change my mind… However, I have discovered that the so-called Christian right is much less monolithic, and very much more polite and hospitable, than I would once have thought, or than most liberals believe.
I think Hitchens may have found Wilson “polite and hospitable” because he was a fellow male with the ability to popularize his evil church.
Hemidactylus says
Well by contrast Desantis doesn’t seem quite as bad a choice?
But there was stuff like this that seemed to have gone nowhere:
drksky says
Jesus Christ…
Recursive Rabbit says
After leaving my church in disgust, I spent time looking for a religion that actually conformed with the values I was raised to believe in, but that’s not quite the same thing as what Pete did there.
Interesting to learn a bit about Gor from Wikipedia. They’ve got a movie adaptation of Outlaw of Gor that went through the MST3K treatment I might pay closer attention to, to see how much creepy stuff gets through (and if the Joel and the bots riff on it.)
microraptor says
Recursive Rabbit @3: Haven’t seen that particular MST3K episode, but the series has always been quite consistent about both pointing out and mocking any of that sort of behavior, especially in modern seasons.
As far as Hegseth goes: creepy serial abuser with no respect for anyone who isn’t a white Christian male? Seems like he’ll fit right in with Donny.
Nemo says
The only good thing about nominating DeSantis is that it would take him out of the Florida governorship.
raven says
This is a classic example of a common pardox.
Can god, who is omnipotent, make a rock so big that even he can’t lift it?
Can Trump pick a person as Defense Secretary who is so horrible that even the GOP won’t vote for him?
Peter Hegseth reminds me of Andrew Tate, except without the warrants out for his arrest. Yet.
raven says
Doug Wilson, the uber creep isn’t quite as clever as he thinks he is.
He has set up a toxic cult that manages to attract misogynistic slime molds like Peter Hegseth.
He has also set up a toxic cult that is going to disgust and repel most other people, especially…women.
His cult has nothing whatsoever to offer to women.
This is the latest pattern in US fundie xianity.
Women are leaving those churches in higher numbers than men, for the first time in recent history.
This excerpt from a Reddit comment explains it well.
“It’s because the church as a whole don’t care about women. They don’t care about our rights, feelings, or safety. Women are breeders that need …” Just say no.
Reginald Selkirk says
@3, 4
I see that has both the original Outlaw of Gor and the MST3K treatment of it.
lotharloo says
I don’t know why you are so shocked at Wilson, he sounds like an average church leader.
fishy says
His religion of choice became real because someone told him what he wanted to hear.
It kind of sounds like social media with millions and millions of people being told what they want to hear.
What they want to hear may be monkeyhouse-shit-fight crazy, but they still want to hear it.
It might be why this guy gravitated to the prestige media of the lowest form.
weylguy says
Sounds like a perfect Trump pick, another sicko.
PZ Myers says
I’m unsurprised by Wilson, I was shocked at Hitchens.
Hemidactylus says
The one thing I kinda like about Hitchens is what his views on Israel and Zionism were. Aside from that I see a neocon slide on Iraq and other problematic stuff. He did lay into Kissinger and into Slick Willie, for better or worse. Can’t say I’ve done a deep dive into his years of works.
petesh says
Hitchens was my exact contemporary at Oxford (different college, same course). He was a dick. Admittedly many Balliol men were, but he stood out even then, which seemed to be his main concern.
lotharloo says
About Hitchens, I have seen the clips of the movie and the debates and pretty much anyone he could have chosen would have had the same points of view. I personally am not a fan of this type of second degree bashing of someone, Hitchens had flaws and going to a debate tour with a typical religious scumbag doesn’t really rank high in my list.
John Morales says
Well, being shocked by Hitchens implies that it was a surprising event.
Not what PZ expected.
(So, at that point, he still had cred with PZ)
chrislawson says
I will defend Hitchens this far: at the time he did that tour and movie, Hegseth’s worst behaviour was yet to come, and H took a slightly conciliatory tone towards atheism that he wouldn’t today, not IMO because his beliefs have changed all that much, more because the religio-fascist media sphere was still larval then.
I won’t defend Hitchens any further. One of my formative experiences about him was reading about the time he insisted that women couldn’t be funny and when his brother started listing well-known women humorists, Christopher jammed his lit cigarette onto his brother’s chest. I remember repeating this event to a friend, an admirer of Hitchens, who responded, “It wasn’t really because of the sexism, it was because he was losing the argument,” as if that (a) made the sexism irrelevant or (b) made the behaviour any better.
Walter Solomon says
His mother has recanted and went on Fox News to advocate for her son. Apparently he’s grown as a person and put the youthful indiscretions he did at age 37 behind him.
Something tells me she saw dollar signs.
Raging Bee says
Either that, or Hegseth was just as mean and abusive toward his mom as he was toward other women, and just plain bullied her into recanting.
John Morales says
RB, or the mother will intervene to prevent protect her son as best as she can.
Big difference between a private (leaked) communication without presuming either dollar signs in her eyes or bullying by her son.
(Does even that exhaust the universe of possibility?)
(Perhaps she should be shunned for supporting her son)
John Morales says
[um, and a recantation. Hasty posting]
Kagehi says
@PZ “Instead of changing his behavior, Hegseth joined a church that rationalizes and justifies it.”
This tracks… I had an uncle like this. The family “suspected”, but had no proof that he molested his own daughter, he worked doing taxes for people, and we suspected probably cheated them (or helped them commit fraud, either way…), was divorced by his own wife (for reasons she refused to comment on), and would regularly show up at the home of his own mother, and both beg her for money, claiming he desperately needed it, then also was caught a few times also stealing it directly from her own purse. When she died the first thing my father did was high tail it over immediately, so we could rummage under every mattress, carpet, cabinet drawer, stack of books, etc., to find the money she had developed a habit of hiding there, just to keep his grubby hands off of it.
At some point he “found Jesus”, and joined some local Mormon group, who, as near as we can figure, deemed the qualifications for becoming a member was something along the lines of, “Having divorced at least one person in the past, and being liars and cheaters in some other aspect of their lives.” So, yeah, of course a scum bag like Hegseth would not only look for, but readily find, a church who reflected his vision of how to be a creep – oh, sorry, I mean, “supported his high moral Christian values”.