Poster boy for MAGA politicians

John Jessup ran for the position of county commissioner in Hancock county, Indiana. He doesn’t like gays, immigrants, or trans people, standard MAGA values, and won handily with a plurality against two Democratic contenders…but then he was arrested for a wild night in Las Vegas, if we can call sexual assault merely “wild”.

The arrest stemmed from a reported sexual assault of a woman in January after she and Jessup had a drunken night out in Vegas.

The victim told police Jessup forced her to drink high amounts of alcohol before taking advantage of her in his hotel room and sexually assaulting her.

Witnesses who were with Jessup and the victim corroborated the woman’s story to detectives, adding that Jessup said “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas” multiple times throughout the night.

At the time of his arrest, Jessup reportedly told police there was “nothing criminal” about what he’d done while describing the incident as a “f***ed up, drunk night.”

It gets worse. We get the details from the victim.

(Below the fold since this gets ugly.)

The woman described how, during a night out in Vegas, Jessup “kept feeding her” Long Island Iced Teas despite her wanting to stop and drink water. Jessup then reportedly took the woman to a gentleman’s club where she became sick and started throwing up in the bathroom.

Jessup and the woman then reportedly went back to their hotel, but the woman was so intoxicated she needed to be put into a wheelchair to make it up to her room. Once inside, the woman said she got into the shower fully clothed and turned the water on to sober up.

However, the woman told police that the next thing she remembers is waking up in a bed lying next to Jessup. She said both she and Jessup were naked and he was touching her sexually.

Jessup reportedly got out of bed in a hurry once the woman woke up, got dressed and went downstairs to smoke a cigarette. Court documents detail how the woman said Jessup kept saying he was sorry and that he should “just kill himself.”

The woman said she pretended to be asleep the rest of the night after Jessup returned and got out of bed early to tell her husband what happened. Soon after, she booked a flight back home and later blocked Jessup’s phone number because he insisted on taking her to the airport.

It gets even worse.

The victim was his daughter. He was celebrating her 21st birthday by taking her to a strip club, forcing her to drink to excess, and then sexually assaulting her.

Happy birthday!

Mr Jessup says he will resign his elected position.


  1. Matt G says

    And all this despite the fact that he has role models in the highest offices in the country to show him this behavior is wrong. How could this have happened?

    Great job, MAGA women (and men, and minorities, and immigrants, and…).

  2. trollofreason says

    I’ve never liked that tourist phrase; it’s wrong, for one, & like an old Denny’s ad strategy of putting “Whenever, wherever” blazoned across the backs of its mostly female FOH… it just made my skin crawl.

  3. nomaduk says

    Court documents detail how the woman said Jessup kept saying he was sorry and that he should “just kill himself.”

    Sounds fine to me.

  4. raven says

    Nationally, 2,467 people died from alcohol poisoning on average each year during 2017 to 2020
    [age-adjusted rate 0.7 per 100,000].

    There are a lot of things wrong here.

    Not least, that letting or getting someone that drunk can be fatal.
    People die that way way too often.
    Acute alcohol intoxication can be and is fatal at levels not much higher than the falling down drunk stage.

    At my old university, for a while every few years a student would end up dead from acute alcohol poisoning, usually undergraduates at fraternity parties.

    I never saw it myself but I saw a few fellow students who were probably getting into the possibly fatal territory.
    We did take one student to the ER at 2;00 AM for a drug overdose. Which likely saved her life.

    PSA: Don’t drink until you pass out.
    Don’t let the people you are with drink until they pass out.

  5. Larry says

    Welcome to the Neunit3d Stat3$ of ‘murica where a politician’s character doesn’t matter so long as he is of the new president’s party (with “he” being specifically intended), white, and professes to be a xian in name even though he thinks jesus was a californicate hippy and believes turning the other cheek means to moon somebody before shooting them in the back as they walk away.

    We aren’t a nation any more. we’re scenes from a John Carpenter “Escape From” movie.

  6. gijoel says


  7. Tethys says

    Rapists of a feather, flocking together. I think the step-daughters instruction is the best remedy for this disgusting piece of excrement.

    Maybe Nancy Mace could take a break from her personal transphobic bathroom vendetta to condemn a real Republican example of a predatory penis owner.

  8. robro says

    His own married daughter!!!!? Geez. Sounds like Jessup was taking a cue from the Serial Sex Abuser himself.

    Gnu Atheist @ #8 — If by “next AG” you mean Gaetz, he’s ditched the whole business. Apparently afraid of facing the Senate hearing. Probably the only smart thing he ever did. Or has the Serial Sex Abuser in Chief already picked somebody else?

  9. Reginald Selkirk says

    @12: robro:

    You know the rules. When an awful Trump appointee goes down, he gets replaced with someone even worse.

  10. John Morales says

    [robro, I’m pretty sure Gnu Atheist wrote that because Gaetz (surely voluntarily! :) dropped out]

  11. tacitus says

    Voluntarily, in the sense that he was told by the Senate Republicans there would be no way for them to prevent the Democrats from obtaining the damning but suppressed report from the House Ethics Committee.

  12. Robbo says

    “what’s the problem?” some despicable republican apologist will say. “she wasn’t underage, she was 21 yrs old.”

  13. says

    At the time of his arrest, Jessup reportedly told police there was “nothing criminal” about what he’d done while describing the incident as a “f***ed up, drunk night.”

    Yeah, it got really drunk out that night. Can’t do anything about that.

  14. StevoR says

    Fucking hell. Just, fucking hell..

    Turns out what happens in Vegas does NOT “stay in Vegas” and also should bever have happened at all.

  15. John Morales says

    Turns out what happens in Vegas does NOT “stay in Vegas”

    You do get the idiom, no? Kinda aspirational, and most certainly conspiratorial.
    IOW, it takes two to tango, and more to do the sword dance.

    (When in Rome, do as the Romans do)

  16. StevoR says

    Yes I get he idea of that saying – and its a pretty nasty idiom and thing in my view.

    Also obvs typo – never not “bever” have happened.

  17. John Morales says


    Bad behaviour is obviously bad wherever.

    (me and an AI, alternating; customised prompts of course)

    “what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas”

    That phrase captures the idea that what you do in Las Vegas remains a private affair. It's all about the allure of freedom and indulgence without the consequences following you home.


    Is it supposed to be consensual?

    Absolutely. Any activity, whether in Las Vegas or anywhere else, should always be consensual and respectful of all parties involved.


    Apply the logic. If it’s supposed to be consensual, is it applicable when it is not?

    The phrase "what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas" should only apply to consensual and lawful activities. When actions are non-consensual or unlawful, this phrase is not applicable, and such behavior should be addressed with appropriate legal and ethical considerations.


    Simple, really.

  18. silvrhalide says

    Wow. The daughter rocks.

    “… it came to the point where I started thinking about my nieces and my nephews, and I had to protect them,” Rachel said. “I refuse to let anything like what happened to me happen to them, and for my future children I was not going to let this pattern continue in our family…”

    She must take after her mother.

  19. silvrhalide says

    @ 2, 13 Possibly, although it seems more like a standard feature with Republicans.
    Because these photos aren’t creepy at all./s

    @22 This. 1000+

    @ 7 Don’t make them drink tea. Unconscious people don’t want tea.

    @ 12 Never going to happen. Republicans are all chickenshit at heart, which is why they only “protect” women against fake threats that don’t actually exist, as opposed to protecting women against actual threats (bleeding out in a car from a miscarriage, domestic violence, predatory men, ie., Gaetz, Hegseth, etc.)
    It’s also why this POS will only babble in a self-pitying way about killing himself. He will never actually go through with it.
    Let’s not pretend that this wasn’t Jessup’s plan all along. Plays straight out of the sex offender handbook. Grooming, separating the victim from anyone who might intervene on the victim’s behalf, isolation so the victim can’t escape, showing sexually explicit images or behavior to break down resistance, plying the victim with drugs.

  20. StevoR says

    @19. phillipbrown : “If it was good enough for Lot…”

    Lot’s daughters got their father drunk and raped him but they did have more of an excuse given they supposedly thought the future of the species relied on them getting preggas.So I gather anyhow, Might be mistaken. In any case, whilst wrong, seems to me what John Jessup did seems worse to me and also we know actually happened versus the possibly fictional origin of the Moabites group i.e. a tale told by one Canaanite tribe (the Israelites) to offensively describe the origin of another tribe.

    @ 16. Doc Bill : “Is it adultery or incest?”

    Both. Eww.. yes.

  21. Kagehi says

    Que the standard conservative response of, “The utterly corrupt and incompetent Democrats are doing this too, and in far greater numbers, but are absolute masters at hiding it.”, and the similar school yard bully cries of, “I know you are, but what am I!”, from the same. Seriously, I had one idiot joke to a cashier yesterday about 8 year olds getting pregnant, and the cashier reply, yeah, they get younger and younger. Guess what party “both” of them, one because they bragged about the election, and the other because they where both spouting the same BS, and like 19 out of every 20 people here seem to be MAGA, belonged too. And, they literally can’t even see the sickness in their own statements, and claims that its somehow “someone else’s fault, not my party!”.

  22. says

    silverhalide: Those aren’t even the creepiest photos of Trump with Ivanka.

    And yes, I do believe Trump is, or was at some time, having sex with Ivanka, with or without her consent. Everything he’s said and done shows a clear pattern of sexual predation and total impunity.

  23. Bekenstein Bound says

    What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.

    I wonder how many of these Republicans wish their gambling debts stayed in Vegas?