He’s not even a good dancer

Trump has run out of things to say. Two people fainted in his rally in Pennsylvania (this is probably an ongoing problem, when most of your fans are old people), and he used that as an excuse to stop answering questions…but he couldn’t let them leave. Instead, he told the organizers to play music from his playlist while he stood on the podium, swaying and making those hand gestures that he calls “dancing.” For almost 40 minutes. Jeez, let us escape!

Who needs policy when you’ve got a hodge-podge of random songs to play instead?

It was time to listen to Andrea Bocelli’s “Time to Say Goodbye.” After listening to James Brown, Trump began to speak again, as if remembering that he was still at an event that was billed as a town hall.

“This is the most important election in the history of our country,” Trump said, once again accusing Democrats of weaponizing elections. But then he went back to his music.

“Those two people that went down are patriots, and we love them, and because of them we ended up with some good music, right?” he asked. “So play ‘YMCA!’ Go ahead. Let’s go nice and loud!”

“Here we go, everybody,” Noem interjected.

The crowd cheered and danced to the Village People song from the 1970s, which celebrates gay cruising culture. Noem put her hands up in the shape of a “Y.” As the song was ending, Trump mouthed the words, “Nobody’s leaving.”

“Nobody’s leaving. What’s going on? There’s nobody leaving. Keep going,” he said, as Rufus Wainwright’s version of “Hallelujah” played next. “All right, turn that music up! Turn that up. Great song!”

Then it was “Nothing Compares 2 U” by Sinéad O’Connor. “An American Trilogy” by Elvis Presley. “Rich Men North of Richmond” by Oliver Anthony. Trump stood and swayed.

As “November Rain” by Guns N’ Roses played, he walked off the stage. He spoke to attendees on his way out, as “Memory” from the musical “Cats” played in the background.

Hmmm. Imagine I walk into class to give a lecture, and instead whip out my iPhone and start playing random tunes from my playlist, while wobbling and grinning up there behind the lectern, and I do that for the whole hour. My students would be baffled, would complain, and my division chair would have words with me afterwards, and everyone would wonder if I was losing my mind and maybe ought to be shuffled off into retirement early. This performance by Trump is clear evidence that he ought to be wheeled off the stage and sent off to cheat at golf for the remainder of his life. He definitely shouldn’t be president.


  1. StevoR says

    Trump : “Who the hell wants to hear questions?”

    Erm, me for one and even ore so I’d like to hear some answers. preferably coherent reasonable ones.

    Music has its place but NOT drowining oyut actual policies and Q& A’s.

    Playing It’s a Man’s World’ was apt but I can think of quite a few others I’d personally add toTrump’s playlist starting with Denis Leary – Asshole (Official Uncensored Version) then maybe Midnight Oil – Short Memory (1983) w images of Jan 6th & Covid mass graves playing in background esp here!) in addition to Song For Donald – Parody of Song of Roland | Don Caron which was conveniently even written specifically for him! (So many good parody songs there too – highly recommend that prarody Project channel.

  2. lotharloo says

    MAGA is a cult. There is no other explanation.

    This is also the main reason why I don’t trust the polls and I am skeptical of the common argument that says “Trump will lose because Republicans have been under performing the polls since 2016 and the election is swayed more towards Democrats than what the polls show”. Trump is the cult leader and the herd only comes out to vote for him and not other random minions they don’t care for. I don’t think the polls can measure that. I think Trump will likely overperform the polls.

  3. flex says


    Huh. Those are the exact same reasons I believe Trump will underperform the polls. I may be overestimating the intelligence of the American people again. I know sonofrojblake would say that I am.

    I’ve already voted, and we’ll see what happens in a few weeks.

  4. birgerjohansson says

    “I’m a private dancer, a dancer for money…”
    “It’s all so easy when you’re evil”
    “I’m a liar!”
    “They’re coming to take me away, haha”

  5. birgerjohansson says

    Ian King @ 5
    Yes, but that behavior is self-limiting. The Trump mutation has spread to Argentine and Austria. I wish the infected would go for kool-aid instead of spreading the bug all over the world.

  6. StevoR says

    @ ^ flex : Twenty days 31 minutes precisely, well, precisely ~ish given minutes pass quick and typing takes time..


    Yes I’m counting down the days & not gunna pretend I’m not.

    United States of America, choose wisely please. Literally begging here. Consequences shaping our planet and my country and so many others.Deciding the Climate among so much more. How the fuck can it be so close still right now?

    Trump belongs in jail not the White House. Stopping him and his agenda and all it implies for so very many real human individuals needs to be priority 1. Please.

  7. flex says

    @StevoR, 10,

    Unfortunately, the only way it’s over by Friday the 8th, is if it is a landslide for Harris. Even then there will be challenges and legal filings and legal battles. The closer the election is, the more motivated the Trump team and MAGAts will be to challenge the results.

    This election is likely to drag on until the inauguration, and even then there will be a large segment of the population who will always believe it was stolen.

    That’s the best case scenario; the result where Harris wins.

  8. raven says

    Two people fainted in his rally in Pennsylvania (this is probably an ongoing problem, when most of your fans are old people),

    That was my thought as well.
    They would be lucky if they only fainted rather than something more serious like a heart attack.

    This just points out what I’ve said before.
    It doesn’t matter what Trump says or doesn’t say.
    His mind is going and far along that path.

    If he wins, they will just prop him up in a chair with a TV, unlimited diet cokes, and a cell phone to text to the X website.
    The real rulers will be his staff, Project 2025, the ultra rich oligarchies including Elon Musk, and the christofascists. And JD Vance might be the actual acting president.

    So, he might as well play songs at his rallies and pretend to dance. No one who is there cares. They’ve already made their minds up.

  9. awomanofnoimportance says

    How about “Don’t Know Much About History,” followed by “If I Only Had a Brain” from the Wizard of Oz. And closing with “Stormy Weather.”

  10. raven says

    ‘Dead heat’: Trump pulls even with Harris in NBC News poll

    NBC News https://www.nbcnews.com › politics › 2024-election › d…

    1 hour ago — Donald Trump and Kamala Harris are deadlocked in the latest national NBC News poll, with Trump bolstered by Republicans coming back home to …

    Latest poll here.

    Trump who was down a few percentage points from VP Harris is now gaining to be even.

    I’m going to have to state the obvious.
    It looks like Trump has at least a 50% chance of winning the election.

    In a rational world, he would be polling in the low 30s %.

    This is case Nightmare Green territory.
    If it happens, we won’t be living in the USA any more. We will be surviving (hopefully), in the USA.

  11. StevoR says

    @ ^ raven : In a rational world Tump would be polling 0% – indeed Trump wouldn’t be a thing. Nor would his hateful cult be.

  12. microraptor says

    Of course, part of the reason that Trump is still polling well is because the media continues to sanewash his behavior instead of pointing out how absolutely incoherent any of his ideas are or how much of a disaster his policy ideas would be if actually implemented.

  13. robro says

    …everyone would wonder if I was losing my mind

    No, they wouldn’t “wonder”. They would be confident you’ve lost your mind, much as we’re confident the T-man has lost his. Some university profs might get away with dancing in class…like the 70+ year old English drama professor…but I’m afraid dancing for most is deemed a bad sign.

    If age related mental decline runs in the family, then there’s this: Wikipedia says of daddy Fred…

    In October 1991, [Fred] Trump was diagnosed with “mild senile dementia”, with his physician citing symptoms of “obvious memory decline in recent years” and “significant memory impairment”.

    Fred was 86 at the time he was diagnosed. He died about 8 years later.

  14. birgerjohansson says

    Trump Freaks Out After Harris Releases Her Medical Records

    BTW I am somewhat less concerned with the claims Trump is catching up. The polls have been quite stable the last weeks. Trump is campaigning mostly in states he already is confident he will win, which is a faulty strategy. There is a lot of unfavorable coverage (finally) coming out in the media.
    The claims of a sudden Trump surge therefore may be some kind of media manipulation.

  15. robro says

    birgerjohansson @ 21 — “The claims of a sudden Trump surge therefore may be some kind of media manipulation.” Perhaps the news media just wants the drama of a “close” race to stir up the public emotionally. That way, they capture more eye balls.

  16. mamba says

    He’d never answer truthfully, and the whole thing is just a song and dance routine anyway. Might as well make it literal.

  17. notaandomposter says

    opinion polls don’t (always) predict election outcomes- a trend in change among polling data might give some useful information, but history has shown that opinion polls (at any particular point in time) are not good predictor (with the exception of exit polling) and here’s why:
    voter turnout overwhelms the opinion differences, and the samples of folks who choose to participate in polls do not (currently) reflect the same population of folks who actually vote

    history HAS shown that the greater voter turnout = the greater likelihood of a progressive candidate winning.
    where is the polling data :”are you planning to vote?”, “did you vote in 2020″, ” did you vote in 2016″, “are you voting for the first time” —-that data would be predictive

  18. notaandomposter says

    also (and in addition) Trump is a fascist and likely demented. and those attending those rallies are attending a cult meeting- so why not just watch him ‘dance’ – nothing he says is any more relevant to the audience

  19. Jean says

    As raven mentioned @14, there a good chance that if Trump is elected you’ll have JD Vance as president. I actually think that this would happen in a year or 2 after inauguration (either through health issues or a 25th amendment “coup”) and you’ll have a christian taliban government with a tech bro coalition getting to implement their own agenda.

    This should get more air time because you’ll get a few years of Trump chaos, retribution, repression and grift followed by a different type of chaos, repression and grift.

  20. Rich Woods says

    my division chair would have words with me afterwards, and everyone would wonder if I was losing my mind and maybe ought to be shuffled off into retirement early

    There’s your escape plan, PZ.

  21. Tethys says

    I hope Simon Rosenberg is correct about the reasons why the polls continue to be unreliable. The main two are the biased right-wing pollsters being averaged in with the independent polling organizations, and the inherent bias of their methodology in general. This is why the last election was forecasting a red wave that didn’t materialize. They keep failing to poll women under 30, which happens to be the key demographic that is registering to vote in huge numbers, and sending in their early voting ballots as Democratic Party members. It’s pretty safe to assume those ballots are votes for Kamala Harris.

    As to the OP, if Biden did anything remotely this unhinged for even one moment, the media would be broadcasting non-stop criticism of his mental acuity.
    Trump literally dances and DJ’s ….crickets.

    It’s obvious that the music and big-name Artists who were involved with the Democratic National Convention and Harris-Walz lovefest is living in his head rent free.
    Nobody popular likes him, and his fragile ego is definitely bothered by the fact that none of his events have that adoring, enthusiastic, crowd of supporters. In contrast, his events have drawn three different trump-voting men with guns, trying to assassinate him.
    It’s gotta burn, especially when your entire persona is transactional and shallow.

    The media also isn’t reporting on the fiasco of Trumps campaign event in Coachella, where the vast majority of the attendees were left stranded for hours waiting for the buses to shuttle them back to the parking areas which were 5 miles away. Many walked, but a large number are too elderly for nighttime hikes in the desert.

    Thousands of Donald Trump’s supporters reportedly found themselves stranded Saturday night after the former president’s rally in Coachella, California.

    Attendees were bussed roughly five miles from parking to the venue at Calhoun Ranch, where Trump delivered a rambling 80-minute speech in scorching desert heat, during which several attendees required emergency medical attention. ….

    One rally attendee, Wesley Johnson, took to X to detail the chaos and confusion two hours after the rally had concluded, when he and other rallygoers still waited to be assisted.

    “Parking lot is a two-hour walk. Countless elderly stranded here and can’t walk anymore. No restroom facilities accessible anymore,” he wrote.

    Video and more available at the link.

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