Kevin Roberts, president of the Heritage Foundation, promoter of Project 2025, and generally evil dude, murdered a neighbor’s dog. Just flat out killed it with a shovel.
Speaking to the Guardian, then-chair of the history department Kenneth Hammond, along with other witnesses, described the story as unsettling but noted that they did not press Roberts for further details at the time.
Hammond told the newspaper: “He was discussing in the hallway with various members of the faculty, including me, that a neighbor’s dog had been barking pretty relentlessly and was, you know, keeping the baby and probably the parents awake and that he kind of lost it and took a shovel and killed the dog. End of problem.”
Marsha Weisiger, another professor at the university, recalled Roberts sharing the story at a dinner: “My husband and I were stunned. First of all, that he would do such a thing. And second of all, that he would tell us about it.”
She added that Roberts also mentioned considering killing the dog’s puppies.
He wanted to kill the puppies?
OK, now the story about Haitian immigrants makes a little more sense. It didn’t happen, it’s just projection and fantasies of a gang of animal-hating monsters.
what? WHAT! Just made me physically sick. WHAT? Holy FUCK.
The dog in question, a pit bull named Loca, belonged to Daniel Aran, who the newspaper confirmed was Roberts’ neighbor at the time. Aran kept three dogs and confirmed that the animal went missing in 2004.
“She was my favorite,” Aran said, remembering that she was the only female he owned and adding that, despite searching for her including at the local pound, she was never found.
I swear to non-existent god, if I see a jackass MAGAt in a hat saying “Make Pets Safe Again”, I’m gonna say some shit.
It looks like Kevin Roberts is trying to outdo the governor of South Dakota. Kristi Noem just used a gun and shot her dog.
It’s much more manly to use a shovel. I guess.
I’d be more impressed if Kevin Roberts used a knife or his bare hands and teeth though.
It’s been said many times that you can tell how people will treat their children and other people by…how they treat animals, especially pets.
There is an overwhelming amount of data from multiple sources, that people like Kristi Noem and Kevin Roberts are generic garden variety…monsters.
There is a lot of data on this point.
In a neighborhood in Springfield, Oregon, decades ago, people started finding dead cats that had been doused with gasoline and set on fire.
Shortly after that, a kid shot up the local school, killing 4 and wounding 25.
Coincidence? Possible but not likely.
They’ll do it to pets and other animals, they’ll do it to humans they believe are animals. Their wet dream about rounding up brown people, legally here or not, and putting them into camps that will turn into death camps. These are seriously demented and sick people.
It just amazes me that someone can be so cold, no matter how many times I’ve seen it.
So right-wing projection? It is Tuesday. Another day of the week.
If he couldn’t be bothered to talk to his neighbors expressing his displeasure with the barking, he could have called animal control and they could have issued warnings and/or fines for incessant barking. Or, he could have gotten one of those dog silencers that emit hypersonic sound that humans can’t hear but dogs can. Instead, he chose to violently murder the dog, dispose of the body, then brag about it as if it was something to be proud of. Fucking republicans.
This is the same creep who said “We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be.”
One of the rules of hunting is that you should eat what you kill. Maybe that’s why Aran didn’t find her?
@4 I immediately thought of Noem too.
#11 C’mon, this isn’t RFK jr.
Remember in the first John Wick movie, the way they established that the antagonist was irremediably evil was having him kill John’s dog.
<cough>Kristi Noem<cough>
Before passing it on, what are the fact check bonafides?
See, Trumpsters don’t really hate migrants. They are generously hunting food for them.
@16 DanDare
Ground News rates it high factuality. The rest of the stories are rated mixed factuality.
It isn’t known if he actually killed the dog or not, though there is good reason for suspicion. He bragged about it at a party some 20years ago. and a dog went missing at that time.
@ ^ ardipithecus :Not just a dig. A beloved pet dog named Loca, described as a “a little, little thing.” in your link.
Yes, there was an issue with her barking but you addres that by first talking to or informing the enighbours -maybe the council if – NOT by murdering someone’s pet with a shovel and then disposing of its body so they don’t even know what happened. That’s horific, sick and obvs totally over the top. Its sadistic and then to drag about it afterwards and discuss killibng puppies. Fucking hell.
I guess there;s probly a statute of limitations on animal creulty ehre? There should’nt be
This sadists wih no sense of proportion or how to deal reasonablty witha barking pet wnats to run everyone’s lives and deicatte everyone elses morality and conduct and determine what opportunities people have? Wow.
Arrgh! Swear this computer swicthes letters around on me. Between that and clumsy fingers and over-tired brain. Sigh. Clarity fix & elaboration :
tt is sadistic and then to brag about it afterwards and discuss killing puppies. Fucking hell. That’s just moustache-twirling cartoon villain level shit.
I guess there’s probly a statute of limitations on animal cruelty charges where Kevin Roberts is and where he committed that crime? There shouldn’t be and hope not. That sort of act should mean criminal charges and record and ban on ever owning pets. This sadist wih no sense of proportion or how to deal reasonablty with minor nuisances like barking dogs wants to run everyone’ else’s lives and dictate everything for others?
Also the lack of patience and murderous disproportionate response here reminds me very much of Kristy Noem. A dog being a dog, behaving as dogs do equals an imediate death sentence for that disliked dog?
SomethingA lot seriously fucked up with that telling intolerant extreme authoritarian mentality.The line* about “You shall know them (my followers – Christ) by their love..” also springs to mind here.
Oh and if if this stuff Kevin Roberts is willing to brag about then what stuff might he have done in private and be hiding?
.* John 13:35 apparently.
Joining in with all the others who already mentioned that people who are sadistic to animals often move up to bigger human targets. There is something twisted in their minds. Playground bullies taken to extremes. So this is where Republican politicians come from? Bragging about killing a pet shows what a total lack of compassion they have.
Why is there never a John Wick around when you need one? Baba Yaag!
I do not think Kevin Roberts is a completely useless member of society. To quote Al Bundy about an annoying neighbor “there’s lot of good buzzard fodder there”.
So, the rtwingnut xtian terrorists usually use a shovel to shovel shit at us. How clever, now they are using them to murder pets. WTF
@19 stevoR wrote: you addres that by first talking to or informing the enighbours -maybe the council if – NOT by murdering someone’s pet with a shovel
I reply: Yes, but, only the civilized act responsibly. These aholes are lower life forms and just like tRUMP, their first thought is to resort to violence.
Since the pet eating debate came up a few weeks ago, it soon occurred to me that there’s a decent record of people either stealing other people’s pets (particularly high value dog breeds, for resale) or committing sadistic violence on other people’s pets (up to and including killing or attempted killing). These weren’t seen as a very big deal until theft and killing of pets was associated with ethnic stereotyping, and the squick factor of people eating said pets.
Either Trump and Vance have some animal cruelty in their own past they’re projecting or someone in the rhetoric industry part of MAGA does. All bad things become the fault of the outsider or scapegoat.
Heck, I keep an eye out for America scapegoating things onto Trump and MAGA.
I’d charge him, but we lack evidence. Bragging of a crime is not proof of commission.
Animal abuse is a sign of antisocial personality disorder (a.k.a. psychopathy):
@ ^ Nathaniel : No we don’t actually lack evidence. If Loca was a person who was known to have vanished in suspicious circumstances and then Roberts was caught bragging about murdering her with him providing a detailed description of how he did it I think there would be at least strong grounds to bring him in for further investigation. It might not be enough to convince a court but we do still have circumstantial evidence of a potential crime and an uncoerced voluntary confession of guilt from the perpetrator.
It’s a bit of a stretch and exaggeration to note that there are people on death row in the USA – no prizes for guessing their skin colour and economic status – with almost as little solid evidence.
If I was the head of the local Law Enforcement authority and assuming there isn’t a statute of limitations on animal cruelty cases (& for reasons noted by #5 raven & #6 Larry among others like the seriousness of animal cruelty theI think there shouldn’t be)) I’d get more information from Daniel Aran and the witnesses who heard Kevin Robert’s boasting about the murder and then bring Roberts in for questioning. If he claims to he was lying then the obvious first question is “Why?” with a side order of tough cop You sick fuck!” If Roberts admits it and is found guilty I’d say a short prison stint is in order. Politically, I’d also publicise this because it is so revealing of Kevin Robert’s sociopathic mentality and character. I would love to see those things happen although sadly doubt they will.