I have learned that the most haunted road in Minnesota is located about an hour away from me, near Sibley State Park. It’s called Timber Lake Road.
The street is called Timber Lake Road, which is located in central Minnesota near New London. The area is far from any major cities – about an hour west of St. Cloud – so you’re in for a bit of a drive. In the daylight, that might not seem like such a big deal. It looks like any other country road in Minnesota.
But at night, things can get a little scary. The road is located near the thick forests and wetlands of Sibley State Park. The landscape certainly looks like it would set the scene for a horror movie. As the story goes, a woman who lived in a house near the road one day came home to find her children murdered. Devastated, she hung herself, and her ghost has wandered the road searching for the murderer ever since.
Locals have reported strange sightings on the road for years. Shadows in the woods along Timber Lake Road may point to a supernatural force at work. There have also been reports of red eyes blinking at travelers from the darkness.
A gated cemetery stands along Timber Lake Road. This is where the woman and her children are said to be buried. Here, visitors have sighted ghostly children wandering the graves. You may also hear strange sounds. Dogs howling, a woman wailing, and otherworldly screaming have all been reported.
Never mind the imaginary ghosts — I’m looking at the photos and thinking, “Spider country!” The wailing and screaming are just the sounds the locals make when they stumble into cobwebs. I should check it out. Maybe we could spend a night at the Palmer House Hotel while we were out there.
Man, the ghost-hunting business must be tremendously profitable — you can just milk the absence of the subject of inquiry for money.
Shadows? Huh. Oh noez!!!1ty! Oh & I guess some people haven’t heard of the phenomenon of eyeshine?
I don’t spose they have any introduced Aussie possums locally there by any chance do they? Or even a feral koala population perhaps?
Yes, I can confirm from personal experience they really do sound like that.
“There have also been reports of red eyes blinking at travelers from the darkness.”
Careful PZ, those woods have raccoons!
There is that place in the southern US that had a lot of sightings of odd lights. It was finally proved it was an optical refraction – a mirage – bending the lights from cars on a road below the horizon.
Mebbe the stange lights have a similar explanation. Or maybe there was a huge battle between elves and orchs 4000 years ago.
If you have seen the beginning of the video “Welcome to the Pleasuredome” by Frankie Goes To Hollywood you know to avoid odd tivolis that appears in the middle of the forest.
Larpar@ 2
Drop bears!
This reminds me of a surprisingly dull film called The Mothman Prophecies.
Lots of dark forests, no tension. They could at least have shown a tiny coyote or raccoon!
…If you are very fortunate, you might meet the Snufkin. Remember to bring some tobacco. The Groke is not very dangerous, you can usually hear her wailing before she comes close.
Sibley state park is where my Mom’s family has their yearly family reunion. I’ve been been there many times. I never knew about (or saw any) ghosts there, but I do remember finding some enormous water snails in one of the lakes near New London.
@1 Seriously, possums fighting sound like Freddy Kruger with emphysema. They use to scare the shit out of me when I was a kid.
I knew it, the blinking red eyes are just Arachnologist break lights, the weird noises are their ecstatic yelps at capturing another spider..
If you ever come to Texas – get to visit Bg Bend at night(there are a bunch of camping grounds around, – My first visit was with folks from Weby Corp( https://webycorp.com ) – they’ve got me a good tent and sleeping bag back in like 2021. Was a lot of fun, but at night it can get spooky :D )