Good news, bad news

The good news: we’ll have the mortgage on our house paid off by next month!

That’s it. That’s all the good news.

The bad news: we have some major repair work to do on the house. The estimate for that involves many, many zeroes.

Worser news: my mother is in the hospital again. COPD is an evil, vengeful bitch. Didn’t my kind, tolerant, loving mother suffer enough with having to raise me?


  1. Jazzlet says

    I’m sorry to hear your mother is in the hospital again, COPD is an awful disease.

    House repairs aren’t a fun way to spend money or to endure. I hope the spiders and the cats won’t suffer in the process.

  2. StevoR says

    Sorry to hear about your mother and hope she gets well as soon and as smoothy as possible, PZ. Also that those house repairs can be done cheaper and better than feared here.Best wishes.

  3. says

    I hope your mother recovers soon.
    Also, as a friend said decades ago, A house is not unlike a swimming pool. It is a hole in the ground into which you pour money.

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