
My sympathies to this woman’s recent struggles, but I am reminded why I despise royalty.

“On cue, the sun broke through the showers to shine on her — and the whole world said in unison…it’s lovely to see you too, Kate”

Nope, I didn’t say that at all. It was more like muttering under my breath at the annoying overdose of saccharine and non-news in the news. Fuck off, Kate, and take your annoying kids with you.

Rupert can stop simpering over this one family, too.

(It’s nothing personal, I just get so annoyed at empty propaganda and the excesses of tabloid “journalism”.)


  1. muttpupdad says

    I will never understand the fascination of American people with the British Titsuckers (royalty), didn’t we fight them twice so we wouldn’t have to hear about them any more.

  2. HidariMak says

    On the upside, come 2025, I doubt that the media (Rupert and otherwise) will be devoting much of its resources to the babbling of the Trump kin either. Always vote like your team is a little behind, but considering the increased dementia in Trump’s bleating, and how rarely a Trump endorsed candidate wins in the general, the turd should be successfully flushed soon.

  3. woozy says

    “My sympathies to this woman’s recent struggles”

    ““On cue, the sun broke through the showers to shine on her — and the whole world said in unison…it’s lovely to see you too, Kate”

    Um, what? Did something happen?

  4. Rich Woods says

    @muttpupdad #2:

    didn’t we fight them twice so we wouldn’t have to hear about them any more.

    Half a dozen of them have been killed in the last thousand years, and several more chased out of the country, but the fuckers keep regenerating.

  5. says

    I’m struggling to find it but I recall in 2021 when Caitlyn Jenner announced she was running for governor there was a satire article alleging that all trans women in the country simultaneously said “Oh God no,” setting a world record for the most people to say something in unison. I guess we’ve now been beaten by the whole world sucking up to Kate Middleton?

  6. andywuk says

    The “Daily Heil” (so named because they enthusiastically supported the black shirts during the 1930’s) isn’t actually a Murdoch rag, although equally vomitus. Unfortunately they’re all still trying to top the epic levels of self-flagellation and wall-to-wall worship that followed the Queen snuffing it and the subsequent coronation.

    Their target demographic is elderly in the extreme (Wikipedia tells me the average reader age is 58) and they still run articles about “the peoples’ princess” who died nearly 30 years ago.

    Unfortunately we have an entrenched infection of parasites that won’t clear up soon and certainly won’t by itself, although a reduction in the number of aristocrats in government seems likely with the next election.

  7. birgerjohansson says

    The Boris helped bring down the number of Daily Mail readers by mishandling Covid (Jeez, I have already suppressed so much of the memories of that era. Sweden did not have the same level of mortality as Torystan but it was not fun).

  8. John Morales says

    It surely helps she’s almost certainly getting the best medical treatment money and status can buy.

  9. Rob Grigjanis says

    John @14: I’m also almost certainly getting the best treatment, despite my relative poverty and lack of status, because I live in a fairly civilized country.

  10. John Morales says

    Well, Rob… from the Beeb: https://www.bbc.com/news/health-68240096

    “Cancer waiting times for 2023 in England were the worst on record, a BBC News analysis has revealed. Only 64.1% of patients started treatment within 62 days of cancer being suspected, meaning nearly 100,000 waited longer than they should for life-saving care. The waits have worsened every year for the past 11.
    [8 Feb 2024]”

  11. nomdeplume says

    “reminded why I despise royalty”? “reminded why I despise Murdoch”, there, fixed that for you.

  12. vereverum says

    @#1 AndrewD
    “The Daily Mail and Journalism are two completely different things”
    George V’s doctors thought so too.

  13. tacitus says

    Cancer waiting times for 2023 in England were the worst on record

    Nothing allowed to get in the way of tax cuts for the rich.

    The NHS waiting list skyrocketed under the Tories in the 1980s and 1990s, and whatever you think of the Blair government (and who doesn’t) they were able to slash the waiting list before the Tories under Cameron doubled it again, and then Brexit and the pandemic added another two million to the list even after promising the British public that leaving the EU would reap billions of pounds for additional funding of the NHS.

    That may well go down as the biggest political lie of the 21st century in the UK. It’s going to be tough to beat.

    I hope the British public has some patience with the new government because the Conservative Party has well and truly screwed the UK for at least a generation to come.

  14. roughcanuk says

    Their fawning love over Kate (the “beautiful English Rose”) is in contrast to their deep hatred of Meghan Markle (the Dark One) and reveals the inherent British racism..

    Here is Canada we had to endure regular segments on our national news about Charles’ cancer diagnosis and then Kate’s disappearance and the Christmas card photo scandal and illness speculation. I wondered aloud why this was considered news and relevant to us in any way.


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