Joe Rogan needs to do a better job screening guests on his show. Here’s one of his interesting guests.
Sheldon Johnson – a 48-year-old youth counselor for the Queens Defenders who spent 25 years in prison for attempted murder and robbery – was introduced on the Joe Rogan Experience in February by his friend, Perlmutter Center for Legal Justice executive director Josh Dubin, as “a marvelous human being” who was wronged by “the system.”
Johnson was also photographed shaking hands with Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg.
He sounds better than Jordan Peterson or Alex Jones or Elon Musk or Gavin McInnes. Except…
However, less than a year after his release from prison, Johnson was arrested in New York on Thursday after police found a severed head in an apartment freezer and a torso stashed in a bin.
What kind of life puts you on a trajectory that leads to stuffing decapitated heads in a freezer?
Oh, wait. Never mind.
Give the dude a break, man! I mean, who among us hasn’t left somebody else’s body part or another in the ice box.
Is he a natural-food enthusiast? You cannot trust the meat from the factory farms, they feed the animals antibiotics and hormones. BTW I saw Mads Mikkelsen playing this sympathic doctor on TV, the cannibal lifestyle seemed to work fine for him.
I dissected my fair share of cats in a human and then comparative anatomy course. Yet I think we used a sheep’s brain for the cranial nerves. My memory is foggy on that. Does that seem like standard practice? Never brought anything home with me, but brought caught snakes to school with me for vert zoo. Classmates in other classes were a bit put off. I did release them later.
I recall sitting with my pet cat in my lap with cat anatomy manual in hand trying to visualize internals. He enjoyed the attention. If he only knew what the manual was about…
I turned out ok. No severed cat heads in yogurt containers.
I don’t know but I would imagine that being in prison for a quarter century would contribute.
Anyone who gives Joe Rogan oxygen is automatically suspect. Yes, I know Neil DeGrasse Tyson has been on his show, and it makes Neil look sketchy too.
If the accusation is to be believed, Neil is sketchy regardless of Rogan.
The mission of the Perlmutter Center for Legal Justice is incredibly important: training legal professionals in correct interpretation of the scientific basis of forensic evidence and exoneration of people convicted on the basis of shonky evidence.
What I don’t know is how well the Perlmutter Center performs at its mission. Certainly this incident does not reflect well on it. I don’t think anyone should blame them because one of their advocates may have committed a terrible crime, it’s pretty much inevitable that it will happen sometime even for groups that don’t work in criminal law; the error is in pushing a badly veneered celebrity-influencer strategy on a dodgy platform.
I guess this is what happens when Trumpistas like Perlmutter and Rogan try to do social justice.
@Larry #1:
If by ‘somebody else’ you mean a pig or a chicken, then yeah.
He’s moving ahead in life. Cooler heads prevail.
See, this is what prison really does: Takes away all the opportunities to learn better techniques for hiding/disposing of the evidence.