How’s your relationship going?

Have you been in a break-up? Miss your partner? Hate your ex-partner who has blocked you on all social media and want to rip into them? No problem, AI to the rescue!

Just feed all the texts you have stored on your phone into an app called Amori, and it will construct a simulacrum of them that you can talk at forever!

Our GPT-powered algorithm will analyze your text conversations with your lover or ex, providing you with some extra sassy relationship insights and a compatibility score to share with friends.

It’ll even simulate phone sex for you.

That’s not creepy at all.

For added verisimilitude, buy one of those inflatable sex dolls, tape a photo of your ex to its head, and run this app while you have a conversation with it.


  1. whheydt says

    My late wife and I never used texts, and usually being in the same room since I retired a decade ago, not a lot of need to e-mail each other. So a ChatGPT simulating her is way too creepy, much as I miss her.

  2. wzrd1 says

    Who needs a sex doll, when one has political leaders that’ll fuck one at the drop of a hat.
    Just never doing so in a way or manner that one finds desirable.

    As for the AI, I’d consider it under the condition that, should it underperform badly enough, I retain the option of shoving that cluster computer up the billing manager’s buttocks sideways.
    Coming up on two years since my wife died, I still catch myself turning to speak to her.

    Now excuse me, have to clear my head for a phone interview for a job. Endlessly enjoyable, as that gets followed up usually with an in person interview, where they learned that they were seriously anticipating hiring a gargoyle.

  3. birgerjohansson says

    Ray Bradbury had a story with recorded messages “speaking” with the protagonist, and with each other.

  4. says

    I don’t need an AI to have conversations with my ex – my sleeping brain does that for me. The dreams have gotten less frequent as time has passed, but he was part of my life for over 20 years, so my brain has a lot of material to pull from. I’m proud to say that the dreams almost always end with me walking away or telling him to leave.

  5. Akira MacKenzie says

    Sigh… A topic that always sends me spiraling into more depression,

    Okay, for context: Single. Only had one girlified. College, 26-years-ago. Emotionally devastating break-up. No woman has looked at, much less touched me, in that time. Fat. Ugly. Poor. Mentally ill.

    That’s not creepy at all.

    First of all, beggars can’t be choosers. Secondly, better we vent our perversions with a non-existent person than to inflict them upon others. Is a someone buying a sex toy also “creepy?

    For added verisimilitude, buy one of those inflatable sex dolls, tape a photo of your ex to its head, and run this app while you have a conversation with it.

    You see, this REALLY bugs me right here: The idea that there is something pathetic or deviant in wanting sex but not being able to find a partner. I expect to hear this sort of shit from the same sort of assholes who picked on me back in high school.

    I’m sorry I get sexual aroused when I can’t attract a willing female partner. Please forgive me for not knowing my place as an unfuckable creep who who should never even think of having an orgasm–those are only for the worthy.

  6. Chaos Engineer says

    @7 I don’t think any sensible person objects to people masturbating for pure physical release. (Although it’s kind of creepy when people bring up the topic when nobody asked them.) But using AI as a substitute for friendship or romance is deeply concerning and we ought not to encourage it. Especially if it’s an AI that’s been modelled from a real person without their consent!

    Also, If it’s any consolation, there are lots of “fat ugly poor mentally ill” guys who can find partners. There are also lots of thin handsome rich neurotypical guys who can’t find partners, and if you ask them why, some of them will say, “Women don’t want nice guys like me, they only want abusive meth addicts.”

  7. Louis says

    @ John Morales #8,

    Good reference! I came here to say:


    And just as a reminder to the world: Neither is Orwell!


  8. Louis says

    @Akira, #7,


    First of all, beggars can’t be choosers. Secondly, better we vent our perversions with a non-existent person than to inflict them upon others. Is a someone buying a sex toy also “creepy?

    I’m very much on the “you do you” side of the equation. Sex toys, dolls, etc? Great! Not my bag, but nowt wrong with them. I don’t think it’s pathetic or deviant to have all the usual perfectly reasonable sexual desires when one is in the position of not having a sexual partner. In fact, wouldn’t that be the most common state? The majority of single people have the same sexual desires the majority of non-single people have.

    When it comes to this app it’s the non-consensual, distributable element of it that concerns. The “behind the eyes” aspect of wanking is one thing, the creation of an external model of a person is different. This app is, whilst sadly an inevitable consequence of the use of Large Language Engines, a shareable, publically available entity. Like “revenge porn” is a violation of a person, this is a violation of a person. Websites exist to share revenge porn of “Susie from English Class” who sent, in good faith, a lewd pic to her school boyfriend (and he was an abuser by distributing it). This is simply going to be added to that website. “Here’s Susie’s porn, and here’s Model Susie.”. That is quantitatively and qualitatively different from “sex doll”.

    Rumination over exes, over finished relationships, is an inevitable psychological consequence of these emotional events. There is a point at which such rumination is unhealthy, pathological, harmful. This sort of app has that sort of issue, potentially a tool for healthy transition, potentially as source of obsession. And with the potential for abuse, the scales are tilted against the positive aspects.

    If other people want to mock the use of sex toys/dolls etc as “sad” or “pathetic” etc, I think they are misguided, wrong, and being harmful. They’re being the wrong kind of “wanker”, if you will. This app is not in the “sex doll” box of wanking aides.

    And all that said, this app exists, and will continue to because the chances of these things being successfully regulated in any meaningful sense is laughably tiny.


  9. Silentbob says

    I think Akira MacKenzie has misunderstood. It’s the simulation of an actual living person who has not consented that is the creepy part, not unrequited longing, or sexual fantasy.