
  1. Allison says

    You got snookered!

    This guy that Medusa turned to stone wasn’t the Real Jesus(TM), any more than the guy in the department store in December is the Real Santa Claus.[*] Jesus was Jewish. This guy looks Northern European. Probably some Welsh guy playing Jesus in some sort of religious pageant.

    And you guys call yourselves skeptics!!

    [*] (Pro tip: Santa lives at the North Pole, not the mall.)

  2. robro says

    Jesus was a stoner…it could be true**. In college I had a classmate from the Galilee region who said pot grew everywhere there, which he and friends collected and sold to tourists. If it was true in the mid-60s it was probably true 2000 years ago.

    Anyway, I guess it’s a start, but the J-man has been dead so long who cares what Medusa has done to him. It’s all the other Jesus wankers Medusa needs to work on.

    ** If there was a Jesus. I’m not too sure about that.

  3. robro says

    Reginald Selkirk @ #5 — Yeah, pull some facts on me…well, Live Science facts. Still, even with the wide error bars, that’s well before the purported time of Jesus. Hell, 1400BCE puts in the traditional time range of Moses…also Tutmose III who’s an actual established historical figure who campaigned in the Levant.

  4. UnknownEric the Apostate says

    Hell, 1400BCE puts in the traditional time range of Moses

    “Dude, I was so stoned I swear I saw the sea part!”

  5. CompulsoryAccount7746, Sky Captain says

    @microraptor #2:

    Why is he wearing gloves?

    To cover the holes, duh.

  6. CompulsoryAccount7746, Sky Captain says

    That robe asymmetry’s bugging me.

    Image search results for “Sacred Heart of Jesus Statue” are generally symmetric. I saw one other lopsided one. Brazil’s redeemer is too, but subtler, not about to fall off his arm.

  7. says

    This guy that Medusa turned to stone wasn’t the Real Jesus(TM), any more than the guy in the department store in December is the Real Santa Claus.[*] Jesus was Jewish. This guy looks Northern European. Probably some Welsh guy playing Jesus in some sort of religious pageant.

    Sounds like a heroic act of self-sacrifice for his Savior!

    Next time Medusa shows up, maybe James Caviziel can take the fall for Jesus!

    Cannabis came to the Middle East between 2000 B.C. and 1400 B.C… Those are pretty wide error bars.

    The dudes who brought all that weed probably weren’t all that diligent about, like, dates and times, man…

  8. birgerjohansson says

    The gorgons later turns up – camouflaged as human strippers- in the Wormwood graphic novels. Tentacled monsters guaranteed in the plot.

  9. raven says

    Not OT because this is indeed a blessed day.

    OSINTdefender @sentdefender

    The Russian-Appointed Leader of Crimea, Sergey Aksyonov has announced that the 145th Pillar on the Kerch Strait Bridge has Collapsed as a result of a “Terrorist Attack” causing a Total Halt in Car Traffic across the Bridge; he further stated that No Damage was caused to the Train Bridge and that Rail Traffic will begin again soon.

    The highway part of the Kerch bridge has collapsed due to a Ukrainian strike.

    Those pillars are massive and solid.
    It takes quite a hit to collapse one of them.
    It will take months to fix that one.
    Which is why I’m smiling tonight.
    Slava Ukraini.

  10. birgerjohansson says


    The “girls” in the Wormwood, Gentleman Corpse” series by Ben Templesmith are kick-ass. While their members do not specialize in turning things to stone, they help fight off an alien invasion in “Calamari Rising” (tentacles, remember).

    @1 Alucard is a pretty strong demi-god on his own, once he reaches “restraint level zero”.

  11. birgerjohansson says

    Raven @ 18
    The railway part of the bridge is unharmed, but is restricted to lighter loads for now.
    The road part has taken substantial damage.

  12. Ridana says

    I can’t find which of the bazillion giant Jesus statues is depicted here. Looking around Wiki because I wondered if there was an explanation for the gloves (looks to me like both his hands fell off at some point and the gloves are an artifact of a shoddy restoration job), I ran across this great story, about Monroe, OH’s “King of Kings” statue (aka “Touchdown Jesus” and “Butter Jesus”). Just a torso at the end of a megachurch’s baptismal pond, he looks like he’s drowning and begging Daddy to rescue him. :D Anyway, it was struck by lightning and burned down to the metal frame (unlike the sturdier Christ the Redeemer statue, which has survived being hit twice). lol

    Also found this great statue in the Philippines, in color!, of apparently Jesus being robbed at gunpoint. :D

  13. wzrd1 says

    I dunno, I think I’d call that Ohio statue “Lay down your burden”, given the position of the cross.