Kent Hovind recycled a video titled Aronra, Professor Dave, & PZ Meyers get OWNED by Kent Hovind’s Assistant
, originally posted by Matt Powell as AronRa & his minions vs. Matt Powell
(no link, sorry, they’ve received enough attention). It’s the same damn argument he’s been making for months: They said we didn’t come from rocks, but I found an article I don’t understand that says we did come from rocks
. Sorry, guy, no phylogeny includes “rocks” in the tree of life. There is no line of descent from “rocks”. We’re all made of carbon, that does not imply that in the distant past there was a Mama Anthracite that spawned a little family of coal lumps that then led to us. I’ve pointed this out to him before, and he paid as much attention to that as he did to the spelling of my name.
What’s depressing about that is how intellectually bankrupt these guys are. Powell has three arguments he makes over and over again, that he thinks are clever: scientists think we evolved from rocks, scientists think squid came from comets, scientists think dinosaurs farted themselves to death. All wrong. I guess that’s better than Hovind, who has one: incredulously stating that you think you’re related to a mosquito
. At least Hovind’s assertion is factually correct.
He had a few more oft-repeated lies than just those three:
1) Pterosaurs were used by the Confederacy to fight in the ACW.
2) “Evolutionists” claim that monkeys surfed from Africa to South America.
3) All mass shooters were atheists.
I’ve never seen, met or heard of an honest creationist. They all think lying for their religion is virtuous and OK to do.
The eejit might think we are silicaceous life forms?
As I have listened to Heath, Noah and Eli dissecting numerous “documentaries” at God Awful Mivies I am by now well versed in the standard creationist lies.
Like, atheist school shooters asking a girl if she was Christian, and murdering her when the said “yes”.
Lies come as naturally to creationists as breathing.
Alt-X @2:
I’ve known several. They didn’t flaunt their belief, neither did they try to hide it. And they weren’t remotely interested in defending theirs, or attacking others’. “They all think blah blah” gets rather tiresome.
By 4004 BC I think the first British neolitic monument builders had already gotten started, and the Mesopotamians and the Chinese had already built settlements that would grow to cities.
Jericho was already ancient at this time, as were the various towns in Anatolia.
Rob Grigjanis @ 5
The loud, dishonest ones tend to dominate the religious right social media.
The meek have little place among activists.
Oh, right, I forget the “monkey surfing” argument. They’re all similar arguments in the sense that they require assigning bad ideas (which they don’t hold) to your opponent.
I’ve had intelligent creationists in my classes. They’re the ones who hunker down and study the material given and don’t just reject everything the instructor says out of hand.
Minerals helped. But we’re likely bicarbonate interacting with it.
@1 wait, Pterosaurs in the civil war? How do they even get to that one?
Creationists are serial killers. Of strawpeople.
It is all just obvious fairy tales.
I’m not even sure that the writers of the bibles even thought they were writing factual accounts.
The Big Boat Incident is clearly borrowed and repurposed from Babylonian sources taken from even older Sumerian stories, and modified and rewritten in Hebrew.
The Flood is claimed to have occurred during the Egyption Third Dynasty. At that time the Egyptians were building the pyramids. After the Flood they just continued on building them, not realizing that a worldwide flood had occurred and that they were actually…dead.
Isn’t the surfing animals how they claim the animals of Australia got there after the Ark landed? They really aren’t consistent with their fairy stories.
If you google “civil war pterosaur”, you’ll be flooded with credulous articles about this one faked photo. Unfortunately, most of the skeptical links take you to Skeptoid or Skeptic magazine, and no, I’m not going to link to those assholes.
There are entire sites dedicated to trumpeting the authenticity of one old photo. It’s like the Loch Ness monster, only with even less evidence.
Go to Dinosaur Kingdom II in Natural Bridge, Virginia and see the Dinos attack Union troops. Went there when I was stationed in Virginia years ago, it was quite a hoot.
10 & 13
It was a publicity photo for the long-cancelled TV show Freaky Links. The creationists and cryptozoology kooks got a hold of the picture and ran with it.
I have looked for the book and I cannot find it. Damn.
I recall, from a decade or more ago, a description of long lipid formations facilitated by boundary formations in clays.
So I Googled it. Apparently clay and lipid formation is fairly well known.
So I Googled clay and early cell formation and found an article that is close to what I remember:
From here. I was mixing up lipid formation with fatty vesicles. Almost 20 years ago, and I am an historian and liberal arts major, so I have an excuse.
And forgot my point.
So I guess it is possible we came from clay. Or, at least clay helped. Maybe. Not a rock, though. Though some rock can make life more enjoyable.
I have been delving into South American mammalian paleontology, paleoecology and paleo biodiversity. The idea that caviomorphs and Platyrrhini ‘colonised’ South America via vegetative rafts from floods in Africa seems well supported. Did I miss something?
Cells go through a lot of trouble to make minerals. For reaction centers. There’s whole synthesis and shipping systems for iron sulfur clusters.
The Flood is claimed to have occurred during the Egyption Third Dynasty. At that time the Egyptians were building the pyramids…
Onion headline: Ancient Peoples Watch in Awe as God Creates Universe
@Oggie: Mathom
I hadn’t looked at non-enzymatic lipid biosynthesis yet. Any good sources?
I have looked at non-enzymatic glycolysis.
Again, this was remembered from a book I read ten or fifteen years back and I cannot remember title or author. Or even subject. And this was about clay helping to create fatty vesicles, not lipid formation (I do vaguely remember seeing an article/chapter in a book/something regarding long lipid formation being aided by oil boundaries, but that’s all I remember on that one. Sorry.) The link to the Harvard piece is what I was able to find. As far as actual papers, sorry.
@ 18
Not really, just that Matty P. disingenuously presents the theory as “Godless scientists say monkeys surfed to South America. Boy are they sure dumb.”
@20 I remember that one.
This is probably where they got the monkeys surfing to South America.
The headline is click bait.
In the article it states clearly the theory of vegetation mats created by storms carrying the monkeys from Africa to South America.
This is plausible. Such vegetation mats are seen today after major storms and they have a variety of wildlife living on them.
The teeth from the old South American monkeys look very similar to 36 million year old monkeys from Africa.
36 million years ago, Africa and South American were closer together.
They were one continent at one time but plate tectonics has been moving them apart for ca. 110 million years.
It’s still a long voyage on a vegetation raft but significantly shorter back them.
“These primates clung to storm debris that formed natural rafts. Currents carried these platforms of vegetation across the ocean. ”
From this article, the currents must be favorable for these rafts to travel the distance.
Don’t forget this is a rare event that only has to happen once.
A whole lot can happen in 30 million or so years.
Wasn’t there an event some 10-15 years or so ago (maybe longer, I’m getting horrible with keeping track of time as I get older…), where someone documented a bunch of iguanas in the ?Caribbean? float around on a vegetation raft, and eventually end up somewhere that didn’t previously have iguanas?
Yeah, it seems like it would be an unlikely thing, but with tens-to hundreds of massive storms over millions of years, it seems to me that it would be more unlikely to never happen.
It’s just fucking wild the amount of stuff that we currently observe actually happening in real time, is categorically dismissed by creationists, while embracing all sorts of nonsense. It would be almost fascinating, in a way, if they weren’t out there also trying to destroy the institutions of education, government, etc. :/
lochaber, don’t forget human animals.
We’ve seen iguanas raft on vegetation mats for 200 miles from one island to another in the Caribbean.
Of course monkeys (and other organisms) reached South America from Africa on “rafts”. Also true for the creationist account – as Powell knows.
Probably more than once. Remember, thousand year floods used to happen about 1,000 times every million years. Now, of course, it is much more often.
@18 @23 One difference is that I don’t have distort the phrasing to make the creationist account sound ridiculous. I believe this is their preferred translation:
So much more plausible than monkeys on surfboards.
I found the title of that video confusing because I’ve watched the whole thing twice, and I don’t remember him ever mentioning you. Just Aron Ra and this other channel. Did you catch Kent’s racist joke, though?
I don’t make enough videos to warrant a mention. He’d have to read to see most of my criticisms, and Kent don’t read.