I hope she’s on “suicide” watch

Ghislaine Maxwell has decided to unclench and is no longer going to fight to keep the names of 8 “clients” confidential. Her lawyers announced they will stand back and let investigators dig.

While she’s relaxing her grip, there’s at least 8 men who are clenching right now. And a bunch more who are sweating at the thought that maybe she’s going to be talking some more.


  1. Matt G says

    And top of that list? Dersh!!

    Can we also expect Pinker (whose book The Sense of Style I’m currently reading)?

  2. stwriley says

    At this point, I doubt that Maxwell will be in any danger of “suicide”. Too much of what she knows is now in other hands, including the courts, and if she has the sense nature gave a lemon she’s socked away everything else as insurance against any…unfortunate events. All those who were involved with Epstein are now going to be in the crosshairs of prosecutors, right up to Andy Windsor.

  3. Snarki, child of Loki says

    “if she has the sense nature gave a lemon she’s socked away everything else as insurance against any…unfortunate events. ”

    The fun part about having ‘insurance files’ is making public statements about who has them (which they’ll deny, but might get ‘suicided’ anyway).

    Keep ’em guessing.

  4. Walter Solomon says

    It will only be a shock, personally, if Chris Tucker is named. The rest of these smarmy characters are no surprise. It In fact, it will be shocking if Dershowitz isn’t one of the names.

  5. James Fehlinger says

    [T]here’s at least 8 men who are clenching right now. . .

    Pinker is too straight-laced and smart to be on the list. . .

    Just hold on and suck in, Miss Scarlett!


    The phrasal adjective meaning strict in behavior or morality is
    strait-laced, not straight-laced. Strait here bears a mostly archaic
    definition that survives primarily in this phrasal verb—namely, narrow,
    constricted, or fitting tightly. It’s possible to imagine where
    straight-laced might make sense (for example, in contrasting
    straight laces with curved ones), but such instances don’t
    come up often.


  6. Ridana says

    So…is Trump Non-Party number 56, who was left off the list of those she’s no longer shielding?

  7. Rich Woods says

    And a bunch more who are sweating at the thought

    A bunch which won’t include His ex-RH Handy Andy, since he famously lost the ability to sweat when his Royal Navy helicopter once came within half a mile of an armed Argentinian missile aimed at another target.

    I’d love to leave him in a small overheated room somewhere just in the interests of science, to see what physiological mechanism for thermoregulation has taken over in his body. Unfortunately it probably won’t be ‘shapeshifting lizard’.

  8. StevoR says

    Only 8 men.. I’d have expected more.

    She should be encouraged to expose every last one of them and they should be facing jail for as long or longer than her.