How about a glass octopus?
Yes, I’m bringing back the Friday Cephalopod. I have been diverted by my fascination with spiders, but I realized I can encompass multitudes, and my love for marine squishies never went away. I just can’t do much personally with cephalopods here in the middle of the Minnesota prairie — but I can still love them from afar.
They’re beautiful, but so are arachnids. Does that make me polyamorous?
By coincidence, I was just listening to the story of the giant cephalopod in an audiobook of Jules Verne’s 20,000 LUTS. The term used in this version sounded like “pook,” though I know devilfish is used elsewhere.
Thank you .
I can’t believe you never mentioned Children of Time and Children of Ruin on here, I think you would love them. I would adore a review!
What? I forgot to mention them? I read them and liked them very much.
Ah, great. I loved them both; they seem to have been written specifically with you in mind.
Well they do have 8 legs/arms
Dunno about that, but you’ve definitely got a leg fetish.
Thank you, it’s always nice to see them again. I don’t mind spiders, but these stealth bagpipes are just soooo cool. Sometimes you can sense there’s someone there looking back at you.
Take this orangutan that finds a pair of sunglasses:
The first thing it does is to open them and look through them. Doesn’t that imply that it had figured out it’s purpose before even opening them?
You’re at least POLYPamorous.
A Myers-Decembranchiata romance.
Erlend Meyer — LOL @ “stealth bagpipes”.
Erland #10.
The context of that video tells me that is quite clearly a captive orangutan. It has undoubtedly observed tens of thousands of visiting humans wearing those strange things on their faces that cover the eyes. Many of those visitors will have been observed by it removing the sunglasses from the face to reveal the eyes and then replacing them.
The orangutan knew precisely that they cover the eyes when it saw a pair fall into its freakshow we call an enclosure for it to ‘find’. Of course it had figured out from all that observation that the purpose of the sunglasses was to go over the eyes. Wild orangutans do after all learn through the observation of the activities of their mother. Notice that it also tested them for edibility which for an orangutan is the ultimate utility.
This all implies evidence of an understanding by the orangutan of our shared anatomy. It also clearly shows the presence of proprioception, and reveals the intelligence of our wonderful cousins to boot.
Had you shown me a video-trap recording of a wild orangutan, that had never seen a human before, picking up a pair of glasses it found in the forest and trying them over their eyes I would have been mightily impressed!