It’s a travel day for me! I have to drive to Wisconsin to fetch my wife back and to say hello to a cute little ragamuffin for a bit, and then tomorrow I come back. I’m thinking once classes start and I have to deal every day with a swarm of potential plague carriers I’m going to have to throttle back time spent with unvaccinated grandchildren.
While I’m on the road, though, at least I can leave you a pretty diamond squid to look at, and you can always converse among yourselves on The Infinite Thread.
They’re kind of like wet spiders, aren’t they?
Well hopefully everything I’ve read about the Pfizer vaccine being available to 2+ by September (they are thinking 5+ by early Sept, 2+ by mid to late Sept and then 6mo+ by Late Oct/Early Nov) bears out. That would allow you to visit in Late fall (assuming other stories related to people actually getting vaccinated as a result of the delta variant proving to them to be worse than expected continues to be true…)
I remember when PZ was all about octopuses and didn’t care about spiders. Hang out on a person’s blog long enough and things come around I guess.
BTW Octopi RULE, Spiders drool, literally.
I remember when PZ was all about octopuses and didn’t care about spiders. Hang out on a person’s blog long enough and things come around I guess.
BTW Octopi RULE, Spiders drool, literally.
Sorry for the duplicate comment. :(
Saw the picture, thought you had your x-ray taken.
It does look a bit like PZ, doesn’t it? Pareidolia in action, I suppose…or maybe PZ was actually a servant of Cthulhu all along!?! Mwa, ha, ha, haaa!
@2 Yeah I remember those halcyon days looking forward to Fridays for a new photo .I well remember the day it was the turn of the Piglet Squid ,I laughed my head off .
Happy days .
Now that is a beautiful squid!
Two of my grandchildren (the only two girls) have MCAS – Mast Cell Activation Syndrome.
It’s sort of like severe autoimmune and allergic reactions on steroids.
To help protect them, their Daddy and their adult brother were vaccinated ASAP.
My daughter, who also has MCAS, had to wait until her medical teamed thought it was safe for her to be vaccinated.
Luckily, she responded well to the vaccine.
We don’t know how long it will be before the doctors think that it will be safe to try on the girls (ages 6 & 9).
Those precious and vulnerable little ones are the reason that ALL of those who can, should be vaccinated and ALL people should be wearing masks in public.
Wait a minute, that has to be a H R Giger painting….