What if he offered you candy, or had a puppy you could play with?
That’s Josh Duggar, the man who became famous for being on a reality TV show about a religious family popping out a train of babies. Then he became more famous for the fact that he had been molesting his little sisters. And now he’s hooked on the prestige and has been caught in another glamorous crime.
Homeland Security Investigations Special Agent Gerald Faulkner, testifying for the prosecution, alleged Duggar downloaded computer files depicting child sex abuse on May 14, 15 and 16 of 2019.
The files were initially flagged by a police detective in Little Rock, Ark., and then allegedly traced to Duggar’s IP address on a computer at his workplace at the time, the Wholesale Motorcars dealership.
One file, according to Faulkner, depicted child sex abuse involving children ranging from 18 months to 12 years of age. Faulkner described the images as “in the top five of the worst of the worst that I’ve ever had to examine.”
According to Faulkner, when homeland security officials raided Duggar’s car dealership and asked to speak with him, without informing him they were investigating child pornography, Duggar “spontaneously” responded, “What is this about? Has someone been downloading child pornography?”
So that’s what used car salesmen do in their free time.
Anyway, now he’s begging to be released on bail with a novel excuse.
The motion further argued that because Duggar is a public figure, it is unreasonable to view him as a flight risk: “Duggar has a widely-recognizable face and has spent the majority of his life in the public spotlight—making any concern that he is a risk of flight all the more unwarranted.”
Widely recognizable? Gosh, if he’s released am I going to have to call the police on every pudgy, balding white guy I see on the street? Never underestimate the ego of a white man.
Fucking hell.. 18 months. That’s fucking sick.
Don’t worry Josh can still be saved. He just has to let Jebus into his heart, and all will be forgiven. /s
Just one thing though. I would be more specific in saying “this is what THIS used car salesman does in his spare time”
Other than that.. yuck, what a piece of s***
Gosh. I hope he does not get that bail. What a piece of muck.
Uh yeah. the only reason I would get in a van with that guy is if I had my brass knuckles in my other hand. I’d enjoy tossing this guy a beating. Which is why I wouldn’t do it. I might enjoy it too much. Disgusting horrorshow scumbag.
And he’s been released on bail.
“Roman Polanski to the white courtesy phone. Roman Polanski to the white courtesy phone.”
The uterus as a clown car show.
I wouldn’t recognize him if he sat next to me on a flight to Sydney.
No, but then again I never leave the house.
He kept them on his work computer? At a car dealership?
I suppose he spent his time looking through them and masturbating between clients.
Massively stupid and a subconscious (or conscious? for the publicity?) desire to be caught. Some God-besotted people crave public punishment for their God-determined irredeemably sinful natures.
He certainly picked the most revolting, disgusting, criminal way to get that public punishment.
@ 0Rigel
Of course he was. He’s white, rich, and Christian.
@garnetstar “He kept them on his work computer? At a car dealership?”
I’ve been managing networks, computers and users for over 35 years now. Users do dumb shit. Especially the ones that don’t know anything about computers.
I had a director once I didn’t much care for. Nothing specific, just got a bad vibe from him. At this job every time a user logged in their installed software got dumped to a text file on a server. Some one above us would get this data. It all got massaged and in the end was a report of illegal software. Then I would get an email with the offending programs name the computer it was installed and I would uninstall it.
So I scanned those text files before they went up. Seemed easier to delete some of the entries and then go talk to the user. It was usually a utility that made their life easier. Fine. Uninstall it and then we’ll work on getting it ok’ed.
But one time I scanned that list. Deleted a line and then went to the directors office. Previous director had an open door policy. This one was closed door. I just walked up, opened it and walked in. Told him there was something on his PC called “hardfuck.com” and I was going to delete it. He just got up and walked out of the office. Waited till he knew I would be done before he came back.
Users just do dumb shit.
Never had a problem with that director after that. We just completely ignored each other the rest of the time he was there.
@12 Geez!
These people need to watch more TV, like Law & Order, or maybe spy movies. Any teenager who’s watched such shows knows more about common-sense secret procedures than these dudes.
Despite her best efforts, his couldn’t keep him on the straight and narrow.