Here I go and post a video about Ed Conrad on the 22nd of November, and then I learn that he had died 3 days before. I had tried looking him up, but he’d dropped off the internet as near as I could tell in 2015; I guess he was living the quiet life all this time.
I hadn’t mentioned that one of his other obsessions was life after death, and he wrote a fair bit about the Sheppton Mine disaster, and was confident that the experiences survivors and families had in that traumatic evident were proof positive of an afterlife. I did not find his stories persuasive. And no, the ghost of Ed Conrad did not visit me and tell me that I had to memorialize him with a YouTube video.
Why is it ‘unfortunate’?
@2 Because now PZ will get blamed?
Nah, because Ed died. He was a kook, but that doesn’t mean it was OK for him to die.
Ah, John Donne, No Man is an Island and all that.
Well, nice to have clarification. Kinda suspected that.
@ 4
I’m desperately trying to play “If you cannot say anything nice…” game about this reality-denying shit..
In the meantime, you can commemorate the hopefully painful and lonely passing of Mister Dirt-Clods-Are-Giant-Bones with a T-Shirt from his alma mater:
So mean PZ, so mean…
@1 You rotter ,i was going to say that .
Maybe his personality was harvested by the Eschaton? Provided the time-travel detail works out in the future.
Do not blame P Z for his death, blame me. Zod accidentally hit him when he was trying to smite me for my immoral applications of fermented herring and particle accelerators.
Anyway, the ooooOOOOooo part is just caused by leftover programs floating in the Matrix. Nothing mystical.
Man. Ed Conrad was ever on Usenet pushing his ideas on fossils. He was always finding odd rocks and claiming that they were fossilized kidneys and such. Y9ou could never convince him otherwise. He also had his own weird hypothesis of the evolution of the solar system that was like something out of Velikovsky.