
  1. unclefrogy says

    well I have not been waiting for any of them to be jumping into the race.
    I think it is pretty clear that the voters want some kind of change and they thought that the old bald guy conman with the ridiculous come-over was it. I do not think they will go for another status quo candidate no matter how smart honest and competent they are. I won’t. Real change from emphasis on supporting business and the rich to supporting we the people. The rich and business I am confident will be able to take care of themselves, if not then by their own values they should not be in business or rich.
    uncle frogy

  2. says

    @#1, unclefrogy

    I think it is pretty clear that the voters want some kind of change and they thought that the old bald guy conman with the ridiculous come-over was it.

    They thought the black guy with the “Muslim-sounding name” was it, too. If that guy had actually delivered the change he campaigned on, we wouldn’t have had the old bald guy conman in the first place.

  3. slithey tove (twas brillig (stevem)) says

    Burns is adamant Rethuglicon. Even is master of an offshoot of the Illuminati Conspiracy sect to ensure Republican victories at all levels of the ballot, dog catcher and higher. I don;t think he qualifies as “centrist”, no matter how stretched the envelope. /satire

    Bloombug is undecipherable, having shuffled from alignment to alignment, i doubt he’ll remain centrist long.

  4. says

    They are not “centrists” – we are currently in a class war; they are members of the pro-oligarch side.

    I find it amazing that Bloomberg thinks he’s going to run. As what, exactly? “I’m here to represent the interests of my fellow billionaires!” That would be the only honest thing he could say – he has no other experience in common with the electorate. He may as well be a space alien.

  5. nomdeplume says

    @8 “I’m here to represent the interests of my fellow billionaires!” Yes indeed, and appeal to all those people who know, just know, that one day they could be billionaires too, and don’t want President Warren taking any taxes away from them then.

  6. ck, the Irate Lump says

    They bent the rules to allow in billionaire Tom Steyer, why not do it again for Bloomberg? I am tempted to support Bloomberg entering, since he’ll most likely just weaken Biden, Buttigieg and Klobuchar rather than Sanders and Warren.

  7. PaulBC says

    Tom Steyer does not see himself as rich (NYT). For me, being delusional is not a winning trait.

  8. Stuart Smith says

    I see no big problem with these guys. Bloomberg isn’t going to be draining off votes from Bernie or Warren. He’s going to draw votes from the other center-right establishment stooges. The more ways they split the low-information vote, the more chance for those whose decisions are based on more than the current hype to impact things.

  9. sundoga says

    Yeah, not a single one of those is a centrist. They’re all quite right-wing. In fact, the only non-right candidate in the bunch is Bernie – he’s centre-left.
    Don’t forget how skewed US politics is. Obama was actually centre-right.

  10. Akira MacKenzie says

    andrewglasgow @7

    As weird as it sounds coming from a 45-year-old, I love the new Duck Tales! Whoever thought that David Tennant should be the new voice of Uncle Scrooge should get a fricken bonus, it’s also nice to have Huey, Dewy, and Louie have individual personalities rather than the strange hive mind they seemed to share, Cool they rebooted and completed the Della Duck arc from original 1950s comics. Awesome they are folding characters from the other Disney Afternoon animated series into one cool televised universe.

    On that note, even Scrooge McDuck understood that taxes needed to be paid and money needs to circulate rather than be hoarded.

  11. Akira MacKenzie says

    Oh! Please excuse the late 1960s sexism and the tired stereotype that women are spendthrifts. I didn’t write the damn thing.

  12. Allison says

    Bloombug is undecipherable, having shuffled from alignment to alignment, i doubt he’ll remain centrist long.

    I think Bloomberg would be worse.

    Trump is so erratic that he’s not all that effective at getting his policies (if you can dignify them with the word) put into practice. Bloomberg is better at getting what he wants done and at pulling the wool over people’s eyes as to what he is really doing. He’s also a sexual harasser — he’s been sued on a number of occasions, but has always been able to buy his victims’ silence. FWIW, I’ve heard (third-hand) that his company is a white-collar sweatshop. A ruthless capitalist exploiter of pretty much anyone he has power over.

    He’s also good at exploiting the press.

  13. unclefrogy says

    FWIW, I’ve heard (third-hand) that his company is a white-collar sweatshop. A ruthless capitalist exploiter of pretty much anyone he has power over.
    He’s also good at exploiting the press.

    I thought he made his “name” as the press supplying business and the market with the timely information they needed to trade.
    this time this coming election has made me very apprehensive. The thought of the bald conman who seems to be going gaga getting re-elected with all his lackyes and toadies in tow is too dreadful
    uncle frogy

  14. Allison says

    I thought he [Bloomberg] made his “name” as the press supplying business and the market with the timely information they needed to trade.

    To do that, he needed (and needs) employees. Who, in true capitalist fashion, he can exploit and abuse to his heart’s content because the job market is terrible. It doesn’t help that that kind of work is mostly pretty specialized, so your experience is not all that useful for getting another job except at the one or two other companies in the world that do what Bloomberg, Inc. does.