From Forbes, no less: Ticket Sales Dry Up for Noah’s Ark Tourist Attraction.
It gets even better in the body text.
The Ark Encounter has sold just over 860,000 tickets in the past year, according to the (Louisville, KY) Courier Journal, which obtained the numbers via a Freedom of Information request. That’s just one third of the high-end estimates park officials made when the attraction opened in 2016.
Don’t worry for Answers in Genesis, though. Lying and spinning the facts are domains of creationist expertise.
Like the picture. But the elephant should be wearing an orange wig.
It would take someone with a heart of stone not to wee themselves laughing at the news .
That’s 860,000 too many.
Forbes article informs:
can;t wait to experience PastaWorld, (speculating) Lasagna beds, and macaroni dresses, and spaghetti pools?
It’s now a target for next trip to Italy
Would I be correct in assuming that the zip lines were added after opening to boost the sagging attendance numbers, like they were added to boost the sagging attendance numbers of the Creation “Museum”? Or is my memory just going?
Creationism is better suited to an amusement park than a museum.
Maybe they can trot out their ever-popular escape hatch, presuppositionalism: “Evolutionists see the Ark Park sinking only because they ASSUME that’s the case! But if you just start from the inflexible assumption that the Ark Park is doing great, then the Ark Park is doing great! CHECKMATE ATHEISTS!”
Better suited as a sideshow at some run-down county fair next to the bearded woman and the pencil neck geek.
Yes and no. The zip lines were added after the park was opened, though they already were in the works when the park was opened. After all, every self-respecting Creation attraction has to have zip lines — even Kent Hovind’s pathetic excuse for a creation theme park has one. They’re “evangelistic opportunities” don’tcha know.
Did someone mention religion?
“Ex-leader of SC Republican Party says he’s Christ and God told him to kill mom’s dog, police say”
What a dumb guy. If you are a Republican, you sacrifice to Mammon, Priapus and Sterculius, in that order.
“…self-respecting Creation attraction….”
Sorry I don’t understand that phrase; it sort of looks oxymoronic to me.
Psst, pz, it’s Fortune, not Forbes.
Holy crap! USD 48 – 70 for a single adult ticket?
I guess the park isn’t being… cough …flooded by visitors then!
Okay, I’ll let myself out.
Before we get all excited about imminent demise, I should perhaps point out that 860,000 is a lot of people; more than the population of Seattle, and nearly 2400/day (assuming no closings). I’d be more interested in seeing the time trend.
“Ex-leader of SC Republican Party says he’s Christ and God told him to kill mom’s dog, police say”
Nice to see that there are some relatively sane Republicans around.
I have a question inspired by post #13. When what was formerly called a millennial (odds increasingly yearly with climate change) flood comes to the Ark Park, will the damn thing float?