There was a Far Side animated special for Halloween in 1994?

Somehow, I totally missed it. Thanks to the magic of YouTube, though, now I can catch up on it, 23 years late.

“Charlie Brown Christmas,” it ain’t. It’s weird and slightly disturbing. It can’t have gone over well with most middle-class American families — although looking at it now, my kids would have loved it.


  1. Hatchetfish says

    I was twelve, and it’s better a favorite ever since. Somehow I found a copy online years ago,and have jealously and carefully shepherded it through about a decade and a half of drive updgades and replacements.

  2. Hatchetfish says

    I was twelve, and it’s been a favorite ever since. Somehow I found a copy online years ago,and have jealously and carefully shepherded it through about a decade and a half of drive updgades and replacements.

  3. killyosaur says

    Pretty sure I saw this. I was such a fan of the Far Side I would have sought that out. (I was 13-14 at the time this came out :P)