Double-reverse brilliance

I am about to revolutionize the academic experience, which is afflicted with endless committee meetings, inspired by this comic:

I’m switching it around. No more meetings wrecking my days. Instead, all committee meetings are to be immediately replaced with “drinks”.

The only problem is that some days I have so many meetings I might suffer from alcohol poisoning.


  1. robro says

    If drinks are involved, you can call it anything you like and it’s still better. Even a business meeting is more fun if a bottle of Scotch is at the table (as they say)…and yes, I know that from personal experience.

  2. Jado says

    Call your fellow attendees “snugglebottom” and I guarantee it will be a PARTY. Although I am sure the MEETING will happen later with HR…

  3. komarov says

    If you came home from work and told everyone you’re late because you were having ‘drinks’ all day that might cause some confusion. You certainly shouldn’t expect much sympathy for being exhausted after a long day.

  4. says

    I could say, “I’ve been havin…having [hic] DRINKSH all d’goddam day” and remove the confusion, if that’s the problem.

  5. Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls says

    What, no academic committee meetings without a shared bottle of sherry? Jebus, talk about puritanical…..

  6. chrislawson says

    So you thought Mad Men-style management is the way to go? Good luck with that.