We growed a little more

Quietly, in the dead of night and in disguise, we stealthily slipped in some new people on the FtB roster. Shhh. Don’t tell anyone.

You can go visit them yourselves, but keep it on the down low. If it ever got out what a hive of rapscallions and scallywags we were nursing at the SJW teat, they might call us rude names or something.


  1. Hj Hornbeck says

    If it ever got out what a hive of rapscallions and scallywags we were nursing at the SJW teat, they might call us rude names or something.

    Rude names?! That’s a possibility? Golly gee, what have I gotten myself into…

  2. William Brinkman says

    Thanks for having me here. Pardon the dust at my blog. I’m still working on it, but I should make my target launch date of Monday. :)