It is short sighted for anyone to talk about “religion” as if they did not have one. There is no neutral zone when it comes to “religion.”
Following Professor Myers analogy, let’s posit the univere as the bowling emporium of life. Each of us in his own alley with his own team, and there is no other place to be.
Substitute the word worldview, or maybe a term like “set of basic presuppositions” for the word religion and this should become apparent to even the most acerbic critic of the people in a neighboring alley.
Sadly, yours is not presented as an example for ludic. Happily, it’s a well-chosen thought for the day.
Crip Dyke, Right Reverend Feminist FuckToy of Death & Her Handmaidensays
Congratulations, PZ, on a nicely turned set of phrases and on wider exposure to the writing and its ideas.
Rob Grigjanissays
Ave, Magister Ludi!
“I’m the example given for ludic.”
No, but you are a nice thought for the day…
The comments on your thought for the day are…predictable in that there is always somebody claiming that atheism is a religion, but mostly complimentary. Congratulations on reaching a wider audience than your horde of minions.
Brian Esays
I thought Ludus meant school. Bah, Latin is a tricksy language. You can’t just learn a bit to get by, however did slaves manage?
it does. Broadly speaking if you’re looking for a mnemonic, it’s “the stuff kids do.” Training, school, sport, or play.
Well done, magister!
Oh, and now I don’t feel so bad about outing your birth year on the previous thread, since it was done on the above site.
karpad – You beat me to it! The Romans seemed to consider that school for the young-uns was fun and games!
Of course, my students loved to participate in the loonie ludi, or crazy games, when we attended the Junior Classical League contests.
Also, we Latin teachers used to get around the district rule about never, ever mentioning alcohol on the district e-mail by sending out notices of an Hora Laetitia (happy hour) to our colleagues when we planned to meet up.
Watch Out! you are approaching Elder Statesman status
trixiefromthelurk says
Well, O Great Oracle, they do have their own television programming.
/Ok, ok, back to the lurk.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Have you read the comments over there PZ?
petesh says
Sadly, yours is not presented as an example for ludic. Happily, it’s a well-chosen thought for the day.
Daz: Uffish, yet slightly frabjous says
I’m not joining bloody Facebook just so I can reply to Keith Graham, so…
All religions are world-views.
Not all world-views are religions.
moarscienceplz says
Happy Birthday, PZ!
kaboobie says
It is fitting that on PZ’s birthday I learned about the SquidFriends Etsy shop:
Rich Woods says
Maybe there’s another Thought For The Day you can contribute to.
As you can see, it needs a bit of balance.
Crip Dyke, Right Reverend Feminist FuckToy of Death & Her Handmaiden says
Congratulations, PZ, on a nicely turned set of phrases and on wider exposure to the writing and its ideas.
Rob Grigjanis says
Ave, Magister Ludi!
starskeptic says
“I’m the example given for ludic.”
No, but you are a nice thought for the day…
zaledalen says
The comments on your thought for the day are…predictable in that there is always somebody claiming that atheism is a religion, but mostly complimentary. Congratulations on reaching a wider audience than your horde of minions.
Brian E says
I thought Ludus meant school. Bah, Latin is a tricksy language. You can’t just learn a bit to get by, however did slaves manage?
karpad says
it does. Broadly speaking if you’re looking for a mnemonic, it’s “the stuff kids do.” Training, school, sport, or play.
magistramarla says
Well done, magister!
Oh, and now I don’t feel so bad about outing your birth year on the previous thread, since it was done on the above site.
karpad – You beat me to it! The Romans seemed to consider that school for the young-uns was fun and games!
Of course, my students loved to participate in the loonie ludi, or crazy games, when we attended the Junior Classical League contests.
Also, we Latin teachers used to get around the district rule about never, ever mentioning alcohol on the district e-mail by sending out notices of an Hora Laetitia (happy hour) to our colleagues when we planned to meet up.
Intaglio says
Watch Out! you are approaching Elder Statesman status