I haven’t had this much fun since I was condemned by the Catholic League

The Secular Policy Institute has now flexed its mighty muscles and done something. You might be wondering “who?”, so I’ll remind you: this is the vaporous think tank that used to be called the Global Secular Council, or Secular Global Institute, but then underwent a few confusing rearrangements of the chairs on the poop deck to reorganize under this new name. Their specialty seems to be attempting to strong-arm feminists into supporting them, listing celebrity atheists on the masthead, getting together for photo-ops, and otherwise…doing nothing at all. They’ve lately discovered a latent ability to wag their fingers, though, so they’re going to try to do that with this announcement.

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I never cared for Pepsi anyway

There’s usually no point to complaining when some odious business announces that they are “sponsoring” soft drinks or whatever — it’s meaningless. My university has Coca-Cola machines downstairs, which doesn’t imply sponsorship either way. It means we have a contract with the local distributor to service and supply the machines. So when I heard that Pepsi and the Creation “Museum” were teaming up, I shrugged. So what? They’ve got an overpriced cafe, they need to supply it with food and beverage, they’ve got a deal with a local company. Just as gay people have a right to demand equal service from their local bakery, creationists can’t be prohibited from accessing necessary services.

(Sorry, gay readers, if that sounds like I’m comparing you to creationists. I’m not, you’re much better than that.)

However, this image crosses the line.

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The Sad Puppies are goddamned idiots


The Sad Puppies are what the gomers who undermined the Hugo nominations are calling themselves. I’m interested in seeing how they defend themselves…or was, until I read their arguments. And all I can conclude is that these are really pathetic, brainless people.

For example, this guy Brad R. Torgersen. He tries to explain their cause by first setting up an analogy.

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“start acting whiter”

I can’t stand it. I’ve banned a fair number of people for being vile scumbags, and they keep coming back and shitting out their crap in the comments…even when they know they’ll be blocked. In the thread, The Charleston shooting: the prequel, a long-ago banned slymepitter (you know, that simple little place that specializes in exposing plagiarism, just like gamergate is about ethics in journalism) named bovarchist (some of you may remember him) decided to plop this in the comments:

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