We all know that Vox Day is a terrible, awful human being. How terrible? There is no depth to which he won’t sink.
You’ve probably heard the news about the recent tragic plane crash; the latest evidence is that the co-pilot locked himself into the cockpit and may have intentionally flown it into a mountain, making it an act of murder-suicide, for reasons unknown. Unknown to normal mortals, that is. Vox Day has the explanation, and further, the cure to prevent further incidents (don’t worry, that link isn’t to Theodore Beale’s article, but to David Futrelle’s discussion of it).
Why he did it, no one knows yet, but it won’t surprise me to learn that Lubritch was a deeply angry and embittered Omega male. There is a reason Omegas frighten women merely by existing; they are capable of terrible and merciless acts of self-destruction. You can see Lubritch is a small and prematurely balding young man, possibly somewhat overweight, his occupation indicates that he was more intelligent than the norm, and the uncertain smile he has on his face tends to indicate low socio-sexual rank.
Now, obviously no one else was responsible for Lubritch’s actions if it indeed was Omega rage at work. He alone bears the blame. But it is somewhat haunting to think about how many lives might be saved each year if the sluts of the world were just a little less picky and a little more equitable in their distribution of blowjobs.
He has developed a psychological profile of the guy from his photograph. Gosh, if that were standard practice, I’d hate to think about what might infer from this photo of Vox Day/Theodore Beale staring grimly at a flaming sword.
One might also think his plea for women to give blowjobs to random sad sacks with insufficient sex appeal to be rather…self-serving.
Self-serving would be masturbation. Beale is dealing from the bottom of the deck.
Pat Robertson is saying the crashing pilot is muslim because “they like to kill people”.
Or we could require any job that could get people killed if performed improperly be done by a woman, thus avoiding any Omega Male bullshit. Seriously, what kind of person thinks that ‘he killed people because of lack of sex*’ is anything other than acting on a threat.
* A reason, I note, that only exists in Day’s mind.
Omega male?
Hang on, let me check I’ve followed this.
‘Omega males’ (what?) are “…capable of terrible and merciless acts of self-destruction”, but women should be “…less picky and a little more equitable in their distribution of blowjobs”.
In what universe is this a sensible argument for persuading women to have sex with these apparent maniacs? Call me old-fashioned, but I’ve yet to be attracted to a man based on his capacity for mass violence. This is an entire level of low-standards beyond the usual “I’m a nice guy who doesn’t hurt women so therefore you sluts should sleep with me” to “I am absolutely not a nice guy who will hurt women, and therefore you sluts should sleep with me”.
We’re at an entire new substrata of low standards here. Standards have tunnelled through the ruins of a lost civilisation, and bored on through geological history, unearthing standards last seen during the Eocene. Standards have hit the earth’s molten core and are still accelerating.
I wonder if he regrets that photo.
Who is it that’s supposed to hate men again? I seem to have lost track…
Well, he appears to have no sense of shame, so…
I’d bet “not ‘shopping a halo in” is his main regret on that photo.
Are you kidding me? Has somebody physically scooped his brain out and replaced it with fresh manure? What a fucking pathetic looser.
If Day is really worried about the equitable distribution of blowjobs, I’ll just remind him that both genders can provide them, and perhaps it is his being “picky” that is the problem.
What a creep.
And how does Theodore dare use ‘balding’ as an insult?
Why does Theodore think ‘intelligence’ is a requirement to be a pilot?
Oh, but you’re looking at it all wrong. Women aren’t supposed to give blowjobs to men they are attracted to, they are supposed to give blowjobs to all men. This will reduce sexual frustration in the male population, and thus lead to a decrease in mass violence. Don’t you see? Vox is calling women to patriotic service! It is their duty to suck off every angry guy in the world until they are too physically spent to hurt anyone. Well, until those guys get horny again, I suppose.
By the way, that photo of Vox is amazing.
I was under the impression sluts, by definition, achieved the moniker due to their supposed lack of selectiveness.
Ehm, “give me a blowjob or I’ll kill lots of people” is something called rape.
The revelation that the co pilot crashed the plane on purpose hit me. On board that plane was a Spanish class with their teachers. The children had drawn lots to go on that exchange, they thought they were the winners. Those children could have been my students, the teachers my colleagues. I could have been their teacher.
When I first hear of the crash it was bad and horrible, yet not disturbing, because accidents happen and then you go and look how to prevent them from happening again. That a guy did it on purpose, that is frightening.
“Lubritsch” is not even the guy’s name.
So there’s one bad photo published, and suddenly we can know everything about this pilot? I mean, I used to play a game in high school, where Really Good Friend would hand me a photo of some guy she had a crush on, and ask me what I thought about him, and I would provide a solicited yet unprofessional, all-in-good-fun opinion (and for the record I went for character, not hairline), and would pretty much be wrong on all counts. I wasn’t any better after I started doing this over the internet. How is Vox Day such an expert?
Isn’t it?
Jeremy #15,
Christophe, #17
Aw, I was gonna go for those two. Oh well. Maybe next time he says or writes or communicates something in any way.
I looked up omega male just for the heck of it. Found out there’s also a gamma male. I can see my #4 being a stretch, but come on… gamma male?
Omega? More omicron I would have thought…
No shortage of appalling attitude towards women, and I’ll leave it to everyone else to give it the coverage it deserves. I just feel like pointing out the toxic masculinity’s message towards men: The idea that all problems boil down to lack of sex. Some of us men have entirely different problems and don’t like them being minimized as remedied by simply getting laid, or being treated as defective if we don’t have a strong libido (which often adds homophobia into the mix, since not visibly boinking every female or expressing a desire to must mean a man is gay).
Dunno about omega males (I’m a pi myself; steak and kidney forever), but not allowing anyone to be alone in the cockpit might work better than BJs On Demand.
Rob Grigjanis:
That won’t work too well unless you give all the pilots catheters or bed pans. There ain’t no way that airlines will go for three officers again – even if there was room for a third man.
not this?
uncle frogy
I have to wonder in that picture of vox day with the sword, that he is warning everyone that he has a flaming STD.
How’s Scott Aaronson feeling?
After all his “in the good old days of the Städtl somebody would have provided me with a fucktoy” sounds a lot like Vox Day’s lament about how in a more “traditional” society the pilot would have been married and presumably get all the sex he wanted (cause marital rape doesn’t exist)
keithb @23: Doesn’t have to be three flight officers (doesn’t have to be men either).
karmacat @ 25
Can we we please stop the stigmatization of STI’s? Comments like this imply that any person with an STI is automatically a horrible person who brought it upon themselves, and the reason they have an STI is because they are a horrible person and/or, now that they have an STI, they are no longer worthy of love, affection, or a healthy sex life.
The guy is clearly an awful person, but STI’s have nothing at all to do with it.
I’m trying to figure out if a comment I made didn’t actually post, or if it went into moderation. I don’t want to make a double post. Would there be a notification that my comment went into moderation? Because I didn’t see one.
VD is a walking embodiment of rape culture. I sincerely hope his local police department is keeping an eye on him.
Saad #19
Yes, like The Incredible Hulk.
tulse @ #11
Umm …why? Because gay men, like me, would be throwing ourselves at Day to suck his cock if only he were receptive to it?
No. No, thank you.
And ‘both genders’? Do you know where you’re leaving this comment, do you know how that doesn’t make any sense?
Gays, and the sexual acts that they may perform, do not exist to be the butt of jokes. Fuck right off with that.
As for Day, I don’t believe he must keep proving how awful he is, but rather I believe that he must, for consistency, continue to operate at least at the level that he’s set for himself. This is transparently awful, even for Day. I can only imagine that he somehow thinks he’s justified in saying what he has because, after all, he also says, ‘it won’t surprise me to learn …’. It wouldn’t surprise him, I’ve no doubt, but he’s also just made it up whole cloth and he knows it.
Huh. Rage and violence are characteristics of an omega? Here I thought physical strength and might and masculinity and the ability and eagerness to fight was what being an Alpha was all about? Dominance etc?
Okay then. But then…..omegas are also intelligent? Dont most self described Alphas, among the MRAs, also think and present themselves as intellectual as well? That their cunning and intellect are part of what makes them Elite?
It is almost like there is no consistent way to determine the difference between an alpha and omega male. Like the characterization is entirely post hoc bullshitting used selectively to inflate their own ego while then blaming all problems on feminism and supposing that all men that oppose them are Inferior. Fancy that.
Alpha male : Non Alpha male :: True Christian : No True Christian
Other way round: If Day thinks it’s civic duty to provide blowjobs for sexually frustrated guys to keep them from mass murder, he should set an example himself and start blowing*
*most stupid metaphor ever
Okay, I realize this is utterly irrelevant, but has anyone seen the photograph in question? The guy is totally and freaking *normal* looking; perhaps a little attractive in an impish sort of way. You simply can *not* speculate anything from it.
The weird and frustrating thing is I don’t think Vox Day and his ilk can even conceive that what they are doing is weird and wrong. It’s probably (guessing/speculation) going to come out that the current evidence is correct and the guy deliberately flew into the mountain. Current news indicate he had career burnout on depression for the last seven years or so and maybe this will be confirmed in greater detail (or maybe not). I’m pretty sure blow-job deficiency will *not* be determined to be a primary factor. In short, this sexually unsatisfied omega male psychopath theory will have nothing to do with anything and simply not exist. Yet I imagine Vox Day can’t imagine “omega male” *not* being an explanation. Suicidal depression *IS* omega male in their minds and nothing else can even exist.
Oh…. I’m *NOT* explaining myself well, at all, but fuck it’s frustrating.
Sorry. Thanks for letting me babble.
I assume this wackaloon is another thug candidate for some office or another; or else Is a plant from an alien “candid camera”-style show to film and laugh at the eejits’s reactions.
Why is Vox Day talking about Charlton Heston?
Giliel, that’s assuming he would want to and that anyone would be receptive to his offer if made. Anyhow, it makes for a terrible joke on all levels, no matter how I look at it.
Does Theo ask himself each morning how he can make the world a slightly shittier place? Upon hearing of an air crash killing 150 people, is his only regret that it wasn’t more?
Regardless of whether he means this shit, or is just using a tragedy as an excuse to troll, he’s truly a garbage human being. I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve thought he couldn’t disgust me more, and I’ve been proved wrong every time.
And, I might add, holding that sword incorrectly, as well. It’s not a baseball bat.
That’s rather the point. Vox doesn’t give a fdamn about whether women want to fuck men or give them blowjobs, and he assumes that all men are just barely controlled bags of meat that go on a killing spree if not sexually serviced.
I’m thinking, “Gonorrhea, definitely gonorrhea.”
Giliell, acknowledged. I just don’t see how flipping that projection of his does anything, except perhaps that it could illustrate his bias. Of course, he cares about his own sexual autonomy. So it works on that level. Maybe it’s just everything about him that makes a joke about autonomy so discomforting. I hate to think of him inflicting himself on anyone, especially non-consensually, especially because we know he doesn’t care bout consent already.
Ugh, he’s just so freaking icky.
Ray Comfort’s chimed in on the crash too. His take is that the co-pilot killed everyone because he didn’t fear god enough.
I thought i’d given up finding things insane! Okay, Ted, what if my obligation as a slut to distribute blow jobs independently of my desire to give them led me to fly planes into mountains? Hypothetically, of course.
I’m going to bookmark that post. Then I’m going to read it whenever I say something stupid and smile because there’s no way what I said is as dumb as what Vox wrote.
At this point I’m inclined to say that he’s unfit for human company
Re Comfort:
Well, of course he has.
Have we anyone yet saying this is the work of some deity getting all wrathful over Germany being insufficiently discriminatory to gays or similar? I just need this one more square for my bingo card.
karmacat @ #25
Can we not do this? STI’s are highly stigmatized in our society. We have no idea if this asshole has an STI. It’s not at all reelvant. These sorts of comments imply that people with STI’s do not deserve love, affection or healthy sex lives (if they desire one). Comments like this also strongly imply that people with STI’s are by default horrible people who either brought it on themselves, or deserve it, and that having an STI means you’re being “punished” for something.
Not to mention it’s quite clearly slut shaming.
“HA HA HE HAS AN STI! Isn’t he gross and terrible and awful lolol herpes!”
Shouldn’t we be better than that?
And finally, there is plenty wrong with what this guy says and advocates for. There’s really no need to create medical diagnoses to ridicule him.
And STI’s are super common, anyway:
My apologies, Thomathy — my intent was to poke at Day’s hyper-heteronormative view of the world, and certainly not in any way to denigrate anyone (other than Day, of course). I admit my words were poorly chosen.
Woozy @33:
Only because the Feminazis will have managed to suppress the truth, by manipulating their castrated Sampi-male “investigators”.
That last quoted line:
…is utterly indistinguishable from satire. David Futrelle, as just one example, has written many a thing in exactly that vein, expressly to lampoon the childish (and bafflingly enraged) entitlement to women’s orifices that’s so frequently displayed by stunted boymen like Teddy Beale*. In fact, you could’ve told me David did write that excerpt himself and I’d have believed you. It is MRA entitlement, perfectly distilled, free from the two-fisted verbal wankery of the various Pit-guests who used to sealion Pharyngula to defend it.
I struggle to understand how anybody can be so utterly deficient in self-awareness. Ted and his ilk truly are the creationists of gender appreciation.
*Who, by the looks of that photograph, has a severe inferiority complex (that he obviously blames All Women™ for), given that he himself is bald, average-looking, against a red background, lit in a tricep-flattering way and holding a FLAMING FUCKING PHALLUS. [/profiling]
I’d hate to think about what might infer from this photo of Vox Day/Theodore Beale staring grimly at a flaming sword.
That as an “Omega Male,” he is about to commit suicide by shoving it up his ass?
“his occupation indicates that he was more intelligent than the norm, ”
As a fellow airline pilot, I can say that this is not necessarily true. Although, we consider ourselves gods, but more of the fallible, bickering Greek kind than your standard omnipotent being.
His mother never gave him any hugs when he was a child
Or gave him too many hugs. While also being a boa constrictor.
(His father was most likely an iron maiden filled with scorpions. He was not very attentive)
Yesterday I debated a conspirationist friend of mine.
To my utter surprise, he agreed that I was making good points and he may have to review his ideas.
His display of integrity was almost heartbreaking.
^ The above is my refugee now that I read Vox Day’s argument and want to burn the stupid out of my brain.
Without intending to derail the discussion of Pox Day…
One plausible argument raised thus far is financial problems. Lufthansa was about to take 40% pay cuts from junior pilots on Germanwings and Eurowings without their assent. From March 18:
I will carry her across the threshold
I will make dim the light
I will attempt to spend my love within her
Though I will try with all my might
She will laugh at my mighty sword
She will laugh at my mighty sword
Why must everybody laugh at my mighty sword?
@ UnsaltedSinner
Reckon Beale’s sword isn’t as mighty as all that. Has the look of a man well practiced in holding his, er, sword.
Ah, but you see, Beale was just joking. It’s very easy to tell when Beale is joking: if you’re upset by it, then clearly he was joking and you’re a fool for taking him at his word.
If you’re not upset by it, then he’s dead serious.
Yeah, of course it can all be blamed on the mother, and thus a woman. All the problems in the world (in other words, all the problems men face, because women don’t have problems and their “problems” don’t count) can be laid at the feet of a woman; either the mother who didn’t raise a good enough son or the women who don’t dispense sex at request.
Stop that shit. You’re doing the exact same thing: blaming a woman for a man’s horribleness.
Actually that photo of Vox Is pretty badass – if understood in a self-satirising self-deprecating way. Its as if he actually acknowledged on some level that he’s a flaming dick.
BTW, it should be noted that German quality media are refraining from over the top speculations about the reasons of the pilot.
It’s clear that he had a depressive episode years ago. It’s also true that there are no regular psychological asessments for pilots and that they are in a catch-22 when it comes to mental health: get help and you might lose your job, don’t get help and get worse psychologically wise.
With a sad irony, this horrible crime might turn the table on the salary negotiations for the pilots. Before, the general public was not on the side of the pilots and Lufthansa used this, claiming that the pilots were just hurting the passengers. Now the general public will be very mich on the side of the pilots when it comes to working conditions.
Yeah, of course it can all be blamed on the mother…
She did go through with his birth.
You’re just contributing to the misogynist pile of manure that grows shit like Vox Day. You’re not funny.
If only these awful women would stop giving birth, the world would be misogyny free!
He’s completely serious. Let’s remember that his reaction to NK Jemisin receiving an award would be to call her an uncultured savage and say that people like her would be incapable of building a civilization without people like him.
Then again, maybe he was just salty because the SFWA wouldn’t acknowledge his greatness.
All the European airlines are now reviewing their procedures to ensure there is never a lone crew member on the flight deck. It’s clear to me now that they should kill two birds with one stone, and hire someone whose sole job is to wait until one of the pilots needs to go to the toilet and then go in to give the other one a quick blow job.
Concerning Mr VD, the flaming sword is obviously a compensatory fantasy that must be related to the size of his you-know-what. And, of course, to the fact that he has no hair.
This thread is proving useful for the showing of true colours.
williamgeorge, I might have come off as encouraging you before. But stop it. Giliell is right. Just, no.
Also: can we stop with the fucking “flaming sword is compensating for his penis hur hur” comments? Jesus.
Err.. I know at least two definitions of “omega”, neither of which makes sense with respect to this nut case’s stupid comments. One is, “submissive and bottom of the pecking order”, which isn’t someone *capable* of going off kilter and doing this sort of thing. The second would be, “Outside the normal pecking order.”, and refers to the person who everyone likes, doesn’t get involved in challenges, and tries to be everyone’s mom/dad, more or less. Where the F is Vox Dumb getting his dictionaries? Oh right.. forgot, he is probably pulling them out of his ass…
I was under the impression sluts, by definition, achieved the moniker due to their supposed lack of selectiveness.
Maybe he’s referring to the kind of woman who lacks selectiveness, but still won’t have sex with him.
Kagehi, #72:
I’d be surprised if the MRA-crowd put that much thought into their terminology. I read Futrelle’s blog as well and based on that the ‘Omega’ seems to be used for anyone who is unfit to qualify as a ‘Beta’ (or, lo, an ‘Alpha’). Dictionary definitions probably don’t enter into it and apart from some popular acronyms or similar, these people seem to be making it up as they go along.
Just look at one of Futrelle’s collections of MRA-Memes. These memes are utterly baffling and nonsensical and probably takes some very specific logic twists to unravel and understand each one. If you had one MRA looking at the memes made by another they’d likely be just as confused as anyone else. Not that they’d ever admit it,..
If you want to blame someone, blame Theodore Beale’s dad Robert. He’s a convicted tax fraudster whose crimes include threatening a judge. He’s also had a long run in backing right wing politics, including involvement with Pat Robertson’s presidential run and helping establish World Net Daily.
But if they did that, they’d be sluts, and he’d hate them for it.
(Also, what is it about dudebro culture and its assumption that everyone with a penis likes to receive blowjobs?!? …Not only do they believe women are a monolith, they evidently believe men are one, too.)
A psychological profile plus
.Not the first time, BTW: IIRC, an Egyptair pilot did that over the Atlantic once.
God is with him.
This is what Theodore Beale actually believes.
*lightbulb moment* I was wondering what was so odd about that posture! I’m not American enough to have recognized it… :-)
I approve.
That’s not how it works. Really, trust me on this, it’s not.
In his latest post on this subject VD believes that the co-pilot had converted to Islam. I’ve seen no indication from any reputable source that this might be the case. But, hey, why not add yet another knee-jerk cause to the list?
In fact the investigators seem to be shying away from depression, simply saying that the bloke was being treated for an illness. All else is speculation.
Also, why do they think that only people with penises like them? Oh, wait, that’s their definition of person…
just because you can string words together , and use the parts of speech correctly to create sentences does in no way imply nor indicate that you can think. Unless thinking is the ability to use the rules of grammar correctly .
I have not seen very many instances of good solid thinking coming from the reactionary in fact I am hard pressed to remember a single one. This dude is no exception he can follow the rules of grammar and write good solid sentences but shows no evidence of real a solid ability to think in any coherently consistent way.
uncle frogy
Re: “Converted to Islam”.
I searched for that story and followed the following breadcrumbs:
Random blog, then Gateway Pundit, citing three other right wing sites.
Path one: A right-wing “news site”, with 404 Error linking to another blog. (Blog itself is in German. Google translating seems to show that the blog is all about Evil Muslims) and a quote from the Daily Mail.
Path two: The German site “pi-news”, which is….”Politically Incorrect News”. The author is the blogger with the 404 post. But the kicker: the article, by the same blogger who babbled about Muslims on his personal blog apparently, explicitly says that people don’t know this guy’s religion and says nothing about him being a Muslim. So why did Gateway Pundit site this article? Because of a comment, citing a Facebook post.
Path three: Another right wing blog, linking to this article in the International Business Times: http://www.ibtimes.com/andreas-lubitz-religion-debate-germanwings-crash-raises-questions-over-pilots-faith-1860396
What’s the article about? A reported asking about the pilot’s ethnicity and race, about people reacting to that question, and about several people who are jumping to the conclusion that he is a Muslim. Exactly like all the right-wing blogs in the masturbatory misinformation chamber that is right-wing “news”.
Hopefully that was entertaining and educational for everyone involved. I certainly managed to somehow hold right-wingers with even more disdain, which is certainly a miraculous event.
I have to say I learned a lot from VD’s post, but what I learned was about VD and it wasn’t anything I really wanted to know. But then we already knew–In VD’s mind, it’s all about VD.
Wow. That really is the MRA position in a nutshell. You can’t even parody something like that.
I wonder how the MRA sexual entitlement pecking order works
Alpha Males are entitled to PIV with Anal option
Beta males are entitled to PIV only
Gamma males are entitled to blow jobs.
Delta males are entitled to hand jobs
Or does the woman’s SMV* enter into this?
*Sexual Market Value – there used to be an online MRA to English translator, but it deleted itself after suffering an attack of decency.
David Marjonvic
Also a leading hypothesis for the the Malaysian Air flight that disappeared.
Yeah, and their “definition” of alpha always seems to be the mad, rabid, wolf the rest of the pack would kill, for being too dangerous to allow to run with them. lol Personally I think most of them are Zetas (in some shifter novels, the omega are, as I said, outside the normal park order, and help stabilize the pack, while its the zeta that are literally so weak they are the true runts of the group).
To bend over backwards in order to be fair, it might be their definition of “blowjob”. Not that that changes much.
If all you need to quell your Omega rage is a blow job, it shouldn’t matter if you get it from “the sluts of the world” or a friendly cooperative guy. Consider that the next time your rage wells up, Vox.
leerudolph, thanks for making the “obscure Greek letter” joke. I was trying to do something with digamma, but it just wasn’t working.