My personal Ada Initiative fund drive is now over, and I’ve transferred all the money donated in the last couple of weeks, less the price of taking my wife out to dinner. You good people donated…
We’re off to a good start, because the fund drive at the organization continues for 8 more days, and the Ada Initiative is offering a little reward: if we can bring that total up to $5000, they are going to teach an Ally
Skills Workshop at Skepticon in November!
If you can chip in, do so directly now: click on the little button below, which will flag your donation as part of the Skepticon campaign. I’m actually most interested in running up the number of donors, to demonstrate the breadth of support, so any amount is excellent — go ahead, donate $1. It would make me very happy to see that goal of $5000 reached with 5000 donations (it would also make everyone happy if some billionaire donated $1,000,000 with one click. Wouldn’t complain at all. Really, any donation is good.)
Oh, and look: they’ve just done a profile of Stephanie Zvan, who’s also urging people to help out.
Okay. Done. Thanks for highlighting this, PZ.
$1 was all I could swing…but done!
Come on, someone beat me.
I saw the article on Stephanie Zvan’s blog on this blog network earlier today first (because my workplace blocks your blog). I’ve donated, posted on Facebook about it, and sent out a Tweet about it.
I’m looking forward to attending an ally training event at Skepticon this year.