In response to that Kardashian index nonsense that disparaged scientists who use Twitter, Science magazine too a look at the “top 50 science stars of Twitter”. I made the cut. I have a Kardashian index of 355.
They also refuted the premise of the index.
Rather than identifying “Science Kardashians”—those who are, as Hall put it, “famous for being famous”—the top 50 list reveals that a majority of the science Twitter stars spend much, if not all, of their time on science communication. For them, Twitter popularity can amplify their efforts in public outreach. A case in point is Neil deGrasse Tyson, director of the Hayden Planetarium in New York City and host of the science TV show Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey. With more than 2.4 million followers and fewer than 200 citations, the astrophysicist is undoubtedly the top-ranking celebrity scientist on Twitter—and has the highest K-index of anyone on the list. Yet few would consider his Twitter fame unwarranted.
The list is also 92% male. It must be because women are intrinsically incapable of the gossipy social chatter that Twitter is so good at. Oh, wait, no…there are external reasons? Really?
Although the index is named for a woman, Science’s survey highlights the poor representation of female scientists on Twitter, which Hall hinted at in his commentary. Of the 50 most followed scientists, only four are women. Astronomer Pamela Gay of Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville, whose more than 17,000 Twitter followers put her 33rd on the list, says the result doesn’t surprise her because society still struggles to recognize women as leaders in science. Female scientists are also more likely to face sexist attacks online that can discourage their participation, she adds. “At some point, you just get fed up with all the ‘why you are ugly’ or ‘why you are hot’ comments.”
Interesting. If anything ought to conform to the stereotype (not the reality) of womanly behavior, I think Twitter is a pretty good exemplar. But notice how when you put an easily measured status metric on something, and make it easy to detect the sex of the participants, boom, men dominate? I think Pamela Gay came up with the clearest explanation for why that happens.
I just looked at my twitter follows. After removing organizations, I have a m:f ratio of about 4:1. I’m going to spend the rest of my morning balancing this out. Anyone else up for the challenge?
This is a way cooler list though
And you’re # 3 PZ!
Only a matter of time before there are PZ upskirts on 4chan.
OT, but I’ve been following Pamela Gay for ages and never realized she was at SIUE. I was in Edwardsville this summer! I was on campus at SIUE! I could have stopped by and said I was a big fan! Wait, maybe that’s creepy? Never mind.
Hmmm… seems like I know a lot of those names from the skepticism sphere rather than the science sphere.
Sagar Keer
That is cool.
I really like the pictures of the people with their legos.
But….what about Dr Karl??? (@DoctorKarl) Australian science communicator extraordinaire and 238K followers, and he didn’t get on the list. Rigged I tell you!
Although… I must admit I don’t know what his citations are like, he’s more of a communicator than someone who publishes in peer reviewed journals.
Give it time, once footage of his dancing efforts at the Kanye West concert this week go viral he’ll rocket up the list.
Ugh. Just looked at the full list of 50, and there are four (4) women… and three (3) “woman-respecting” arses. Really? (That I know of – namely Dawkins, Harris, Krauss)
Re jeffj #1:
Start with DNLee who blogs at SciAm: Urban Scientist
Then search the #WomeninSTEM hashtag: (twitter search)
“Binder full of women scientists” (Storify)
Discov-Her – 10 women scientists you should follow on Twitter
and from PZ last year: Women and science on Youtube
At least NDT and especially Cox are higher than Dawkins. But what the hell is Kaku doing there (and higher than you)? Isn’t he like, a bad science fiction writer or something?
Pteryxx: thanks, those recs put me over the top. Now we’ll have to wait and see if this turns into a more balanced timeline – at first glance, it looks like the dudes are a whole lot more chatty.
jeffj, fyi: The year I didn’t retweet men
Thanks for doing this. It may seem small but overcoming bias means lots of little commitments to do better.
…re my #10… make that (4) and (4). *sigh*
Just gonna drop this little hypothesis here: the fact that the index is named for a frivolous woman is no coincidence.
(elaborating on my previous post)
The naming of this “index” speaks volumes about what the institutional expectation is of scientists from scientists. Join the exclusive anti-social boy’s club. Don’t waste time explaining publicly funded research to the public.
Why are we shocked when NIH and NSF funding get cut?
…I’ll just leave this here.
Women and POC punished for promoting diversity – ThinkProgress
I don’t mean to disparage anyone for using whatever kind of technology they enjoy, but I definitely prefer long(ish) form commentary. Tweets seem to encourage people to harm their own reputations with off the cuff remarks that are missing vital context. Then any subsequent attempt to add context looks like backpedaling. I hadn’t actually realized that PZ tweeted, but checking the latest tweets, I stand by my view that his long posts are much better.
Dawkins would really do himself a big favor if he’d just stop tweeting–really, maybe just lay low for a few years and come out with a book. Speaking only for myself, I previously thought he was someone to be taken seriously. Maybe Twitter is introducing new efficiencies in the marketplace of ideas by exposing sloppy thinking. What I don’t get is why the people it exposes are so willing to cooperate.
@PaulBC #18
You hit the nail on the head there re Dawkins. He does have a lot of foot-in-mouth moments where he isn’t able to express his point fully. But he is way out of touch on topics of misogyny, cultural diversity etc.
In PZ’s defense, I think a lot of his tweets are links to his new posts here (I mainly follow him there to stay updated about here). But Twitter is easy to start a conversation but never to fully discuss ideas. I find it just impossible to fit my thoughts on topics in just 140 characters.
Sam “there may even be credible evidence for reincarnation” Harris on a list of scientists. Funny.
@PaulBC and Sagar Keer:
I think recent events have shown that Dawkins’s tweets are not simply the result of foot-in-mouth syndrome. He wrote larger blog posts that reflected exactly the same bullshit as his tweets, exacerbated by his attempting to “express his point fully.”
Dawkins is not sloppy, he’s just wrong.
I actually think twitter has helped my writing – I tend to be overly verbose, and it forces me to stop and say “Ok, how do I get this same idea across but cut 10 words from that sentence?” It’s a big exercise in how to be concise and efficient with words.
I used to think like Paul, that DickieD was just flailing at Twitter, but no, the closer you look, the closer you see that Chris has it exactly right.
it’s only in a small part sloppiness, you see the wrongness of it when he is directly asked to explain in detail.
10 words?
Hell, I have to work to cut 10 pages just to comment here. Me on twitter? No hope.
wait, really? lol.
I can’t find it right now, but isn’t there research that shows that women are cited in papers only 2/3’s what men are (even controlling for degree, institution, and field)? So, then, doesn’t this index ALREADY rely on grossly skewed data against women?
@Chris J #21
Agreed. His sloppiness with Twitter is one thing. He has some really outdated & pathetic notions about nearly all issues that don’t directly impact a middle-aged white man..
Chris J #21 (and others)
I agree that many of the things Dawkins has to say are bad no matter how much care he puts into explaining it. What I don’t get is why anyone wants to expose their mostly unedited thoughts this way. Maybe the technology we’re aiming for is finding out how to tap into people’s inner monologue and get a continuous stream of consciousness for all to read “Aw… cute kitty… My foot hurts… Whoa! What was that? Heh… probably just the hangover wearing off… Hey! Where’d kitty go?”
Carlie pointed out that it is work to keep things brief, and I agree, but I don’t think most people tweet in carefully crafted aphorisms. They just shoot from the hip, and then seemed shocked when they get in trouble for it. I think the reason someone like Dawkins does it is purely because he’s able to get away with it. (Note: I have started to write a post like this about three times and scrapped each one before posting, since it seemed unnecessary and this probably is too, but I’ll let it go this time.)
Other than that, it is probably good for keeping people posted with links and announcements. I don’t follow anyone on twitter, but I can imagine there is some use to it.
Sagar Keer
@ 2. Thanks for both the suggestions and the pictures – lovely!
@ 27.
73 is middle-aged now? Woot! I’m young! =^_^=