Women in Secularism 3!

It’s happening again: another Women in Secularism 3 on 16-18 May. The speaker lineup has been announced, and registration is open.

Now I just have to figure out if I can swing it, somehow.


  1. Al Dente says

    I hope someone tells Ron Lindsay to keep his opening remarks short and welcoming rather than long and lecturing.

  2. MG Myers says

    Great speaker lineup! I’m glad to hear that CFI is offering another Women in Secularism conference.

  3. Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls says

    I hope someone tells Ron Lindsay to keep his opening remarks short and welcoming rather than long and lecturing.

    Better yet, start a campaign that essential tells him to “shut the fuck up an listen”, which is best by by NO remarks by him.

  4. psanity says

    Well, he’s on the schedule as “Opening Remarks with Ronald A. Lindsay”. So. The only remarks appropriate from him in that venue would be a massive, yet brief, grovel. I wouldn’t hold my breath. I guess everybody who wants to enjoy the conference can just be 20 minutes late.