You people have been marvelous, and our cancer fundraiser has reached over $8300 — and I said I’d tell you about oncomirs, micro RNAs involved in cancer, when we reached $7500. But it’s been a very long week, I’m going to go pass out, so it’ll have to wait until tomorrow.
If you throw more money at the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society while I’m sleeping, you’ll make me feel even more guilty about not getting the article to you promptly. Go ahead, make me suffer.
So is this a cancerlation notice for the evening?
When he said make him suffer he meant, send money. You missed that, I see.
I’m working on it now! I had to get some sleep! I mean it when I say it’s been a very long week — lots of labs and grading and new lectures and working on the HHMI annual report.
PZ Myers
What are you wearing?
[ducks and runs]
A lab coat, of course.