Drink your coffee and eat your breakfast first. This clip of Stan Solomon, a right wing talk radio host, will ruin your appetite.
He hates blacks, Latinos, Jews, gays, environmentalists, just about everyone, and it’s all wrapped up in his fervent Christianity.
…it doesn’t make a difference what group it is. If you put anything ahead of doing what’s right in God’s eyes, or better yet ignoring the reality of God, then you’re a tool, you’re a useful idiot.
(via Right Wing Watch.)
Stan is just doing as Jesus commanded, “If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters—yes, even his own life—he cannot be my disciple.” Luke 14:26 You have to hate in order to love, it’s so simple. Man this guy is a real shit.
And a good morning to you too.
Stanny has a twitter account if anyone is interested
What bothers me about the term “godless liberals/leftists” is that it is a simple denial of reality. The vast majority of Americans are Christian and by simple math, most liberals and progressives are Christian. Likewise, when this shit-weasel is ranting about blacks, Latinos and gays, he’s complaining about mostly Christian people. Of course I know he doesn’t think that they are real deal Christians, I’ll just say that before anyone else.
Should go without saying, but lots of TW of many kinds there.
nope. They’re not real Christians.
Ugh, think about us poor Europeans who are 7 hours ahead of you! Way to ruin my lunch.
He calls other people tools, talk about projection!
A very sad little person.
a lovely example of how TrueChristians are truly delusional. They pretend that some magical being agrees with them and only them.
If you put anything ahead of doing what’s right in God’s eyes, or better yet ignoring the reality of God, then you’re a tool, you’re a useful idiot.
Well, so much for all those creationists, AGW-denialists, liebertarians, and all those other anti-rational idiots who deny the reality of God’s creation.
You really do not have to go that far to get pissed off at the repukes’ hate rants. Just catch the comments on Yahoo articles about the President and First Lady or about anything else related to Democratic, Latin, African-American or Jewish politicians, celebrities or business owners.
@6, Алекс
Nuff said.
Wow! Now that was some hard core bigotry. He’s the kind that gives religion a really bad name. Worse that it gets from just being ideologically stupid. You wonder how anyone with more than a couple of firing brain cells can listen to this crap and actually agree with him. No “Sapiens” for that homo.
Hate seems to be a drug for some people. But why can’t they get their fix via sport, or fiction?
[yawns] Feck off, Mr. Nobody [rubs eyes and gets on with a nice day]
Apparently, this kind of public talk is legal in the US. As a godless citizen of a small European democracy, I have to say I don’t place the same value on free speech as the American society does.
I wouldn’t bring this up if it wasn’t for the violent threaths some people (mostly women) are getting in the internet, all defended by the magical words “free speech”. So, for the record, freedoms of speech, religion, pursuit of happiness or whatever are not absolute. But I suppose it’s very hard to impose reasonable limits to them in a huge divided society of 300 million people with little culture of common decency.
My wife and daughter a visiting relatives in the US next month, and I’m scared as hell. Please tell me that country is not really such an insane open war zone as it seems from this side of the pond.
@6 and @11: Some googling learns I shoulda used Саша, Шурик, Саня, Алик.
Threats and harassment aren’t legal. Unfortunately, a lot of people in power and privilege don’t give a damn, so they don’t consistently enforce the laws against those except when it’s convenient.
ZOMG, that is vile. Completely, utterly vile. And to imagine that after spewing such hatred, he would probably then try to tell you how his god is all about love. Yeah, right.
педант :P
Sasha, you smoke?? Bah.
It’s right out of their manual, Orwell’s 1984.
IIRC, they had a Two Minutes of Hate every day.
The fundie xians have modified it. Two minutes wasn’t even remotely close to enough.
They have at least an Hour or Two of Hate every day. Sometimes it is 24/7/ 365 Days of Hate. What a dismal religion.
The Bible is particularly good at creating an in-group vs out-group mentality, us vs them, thou shalt not kill(anyone in the in-group) etc, but genocide/rape/murder(anyone in out-group) is permissable if not welcome. See also Northern Ireland or Israel.
These guys remind me of certain passages in this book I read:
They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate.
Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
@ 12,
This. It’s hard enough to have a rational discussion of religion with the religious.The wingnuts of the crowd have appropriated the term to now mean only their nasty little misanthropic vision of god and the media has done nothing but mindlessly accept the reframing of what it means to be religious.When you hear the “discussion” of family planning,for example, the media buys into the right wing’s attempt to define it in terms of the religious against the secular, ignoring the vast majority of religious families using contraception and supporting its use.One example of many. The religious middle ( which probably means the majority of religionists) must must take back what it means to be religious from these idiots before they start committing atrocities in the name of their god that make bombing abortion clinics look like a church picnic.
this is religion without any inhibitions to say out loud what it believes.
the majority of believers do not really think as dogmatically as this they do not question “their faith” they just go along. They are more culturally christian and probably do not really believe all of what their religion teaches. They instinctively take what they like and leave the rest but they do go along with all the negative results.
I think it is a good thing that these creeps should get all of this exposure but their is a danger.
Is the danger they pose worse than the danger of restricting their speech?
uncle frogy
Reminds me of the old song “They’ll Know We Are Christians by our Hate”.