They’re about to have a whining mob of harrassing dinks declare that they must be shut down and driven from the internet, just like FtB: Mark Chu-Carroll deplored tech industry sexism.
It was a good network while it lasted, but now that we’ve learned it’s a hot house full of flowering manginas, well, so long.
We need a “What’s new on Scientopia” post every now and then, obviously.
Oh my. I hope they enjoy the asshole flood.
Gahhh! BAD imagery.
I gotta go find some brain soap.
Oopsie. Sorry!
A pile of plain donuts falling out of the overhead bin like dead tribbles.
No apologies necessary. It’s not your fault I had a very vivid image of a colon cleansing. Shudder
It’s a strangely appropriate image, now that I think about it.
I like this. For this one, I imagined the torrential liquified sugar downpour of a Krispy Kreme conveyer belt.
Not nearly as appropriate, but very nice indeed.
Ah, so much wonderful imagery between the last two posts. Flooding anii and walls of Vaginas.
So wonderful
Nuh uh. You keep those flooding anii away from the walls of vagina. That shit’s unhygienic, man.
Indeed it is, indeed it is.
If only nature were so kind…
on a side-note, leftwingfox wins a monocle and an internet for a damned clever turn of phrase. Almost as good as the classic description of an everquest players’ bedroom back in the day: “Reeks of cat piss and murdered time”
Yeah, our intelligent designer was ever so thoughtful.
Four comments. It took four comments before the mansplaining started. I kinda don’t have the heart to look at the rest.
My over/under bet was 10, and I chose the “under”, so I guessed correctly.
To say nothing of the fistulae.
Please explain.
Excuse me? And for your information, I’m not a man.
The fourth comment beneath the article in question contains a link to a blog post which purports to show that Adria Richards is a bit of an arse.
Whether Richards is a sympathetic person or not is, of course, entirely irrelevant to the issue of her treatment, but any old shite will do when you’re clutching at straws.
Ohhhh. Thank you, Fred.
I demand a band called “Wall Of Vagina”!
Thanks. I thought you might be talking about me or Caine. And that just didn’t fuckin’ make sense at all.
/nigel swipes forehead with back of hand
It was Kevin who made that very awkward comment, Fred just explained it.
Well, I was discussion the topic of the OP…sorry if you didn’t catch on that I wasn’t discussing floods of assholes…
Carry on.
That’s called a notpology, Kevin. Your comment didn’t specify a different thread. It was poorly worded, and people often make similar statements about the thread they are currently posting in. See how that works?
Gah! You are correct.
My apologies, Fred. I genuflect in your general direction.
You, Kevin. I’m watchin’ you. <menacingeyes/>
well, I’d consider mansplaining fuckheads to be equivocal to a flood of assholes. Especially as verbal diarrhea and hemorrhaging bullshit seem to be hallmarks of such individuals.
on a serious note: I really like this article. Definitely helps me (also white, male) relate to the fact that anything I take as default is more than likely a sign of my Priors (Privilege) showing, and that I need to swap POVs.
No genuflection necessary, although it would be nice if we could avoid jumping down Kevin’s throat. It took me all of a mouse-click and ten seconds’ reading to figure out he was referring to the article being discussed, so I find it difficult to accept that others couldn’t just as easily do likewise.
Nice use of Priors. I’ve been trying to update my own speech as well, after reading that thread discussing it the other day. It’s amazing how I find it can be difficult at first (ie- removing using “crazy” to describe someone being ridiculous) it can be, but after a little bit, the change has been made.
Perhaps you should keep in mind that we’ve been dealing with a flood of assholes over 3 separate threads, two of which are both on their 4th pages and thousands of comments for over a week. I currently have no desire to read more comment threads of that nature, thanks. It’s incumbent on the person posting to make their communication clear.
I’m also not in the mood for snotty “more superior than you!” comments from a person who couldn’t communicate clearly in the first place.
So…let’s try again.
1. My first comment was responding to the OP. You know, where PZ sent us merrily over to Scientopia. 4 comments in — mansplaining.
2. My second comment referred to the comments above mine which were about ani and such and not to the OP. In hindsight (eeek! double entendres everywhere!) probably should have referred to the OP directly…
3. I’m sorry you couldn’t follow either. Or that you took post 2 as a “notpology”. Which it wasn’t.
Carry on again.
Wait. Amanda Blum is a mansplainer?
No way in hell, my friend. First rule of menacingeyes: You don’t sheathe them until there’s blood drawn.
You can’t argue with tradition. Really. Unless its a fake tradition, like marriage.
Which this is not.
Amanda Blum is not a mansplainer. She merely missed the point catastrophically.
Being a man citing Amanda Blum as though she speaks for all women in tech so therefore you win? Mansplaining.
Chris Clarke:
Holy Hell. This is more complex than the plot of a David Lynch film.
At what point do we get to tell them they’re just wrong?
Good clarification.
Brown paper packages tied up with strings…
As long as there’s no atheist tape on them, we’re good.
There’s something immensely cathartic about this.
I’m just having trouble laughing.
There’s a reason for that, unfortunately.
This has been a helluva week, hasn’t it?
I can’t cope any longer. I’m going to bed. Or at least, I’m gonna play some video games, and check out of reality.*
* Yeah. I consider Pharyngula reality. And really, dishes before video games. But you get the idea.
Gods, yes. One I’d dearly like to be over, but I have a feeling this one’s going to linger.
Sounds good to me. Escaped last night into The Hobbit, maybe I’ll escape into the extra goodies tonight.
I understand. Really, I do. I don’t want to read that shit either, but as far as I’m aware the Scientopia thread isn’t like that, except for that one comment Kevin was referring to. Which has been roundly thrashed by other commenters, and by the article’s author himself.
There’s no explicit reference to Scientopia, to be sure, but it seemed obvious to me what Kevin was referring to.
Luckily enough we’re all on the same page now, so there’ll be no need for any of that.
Okay. I really am getting outta here for tonight. But really.
Fred Salvador:
Not really. There was a mention of “mansplaining,” and a comment number. That comment number was mine. I tried to figure out what the hell he could’ve been talking about.
And I know Kevin. Okay, not directly. But I’ve seen Kevin’s comments, and generally been on Kevin’s side. and so on. But I’ve not been around lately.
Seeing the reference to mansplaining around comment 4, I immediately went into, “WTF? That’s my comment,” mode. So maybe I was being dense. (Looking back, it’s entirely probable.) But still. I’d like to defend my confusion with:
Look! Over there! /nigel points stage right
A creationist!
/nigel wipes forehead in relief
Damn. THAT was close.
If I have to read one more word about forking a repo, I’m going to destroy every graphics card on the planet.
I’m with you.
Rey Fox:
On the bright side, many people were educated about git.
/nigel ducks, and goes of to do dishes. For realz, this time.
Uhm, /nigel goes “off”.
Not of.
I don’t want to be educated about gits, I already know that there are millions if not billions of them.
And I was happier before I knew that there was such a thing as a “developer evangelist”.
So did I, except my first thought was “He must be referring to the Scientopia comment section, because if he isn’t then reality has become a Monty Python sketch”. So I went there and checked, and there it was.
With the exception of Adria Richard’s treatment at the hands of internet lynch mobs and her shit-bag coward employers, the most ludicrous aspect of this whole episode is that there are grown men – fully developed adult human males – that exist on this planet who will snort and snicker in public because “forking” sounds a bit like “fucking”.
I have no idea what these terms mean in a tech context, but if burning graphics cards makes the stupidity stop then I’m all for it.
Sure. But you have the advantage of being sober.
It wont’t stop the stupidity, but it might slow it down as it tries to figure out how to run Crysis 3 with the computer on fire.
As a bit of a computer geek, I do understand forking. It can have a couple of meanings:
– a process kicks off another process on the computer, or
– a software development team takes an existing program module or library and modifies under as a separate effort, leading to two parallel derivations from the same code.
Forking a repo I assume to be splitting off a software repository (second definition), as the basis for a new development effort.
This whole thing has been a Rorschach test for male privilege, everybody is seeing in it what fits their own preconceptions. I wish more people could see the world as Mr. Chu-Carroll does.
Oh FFS. Where’s Rey? We have things to burn.
Did somebody say BURN?!?!
At the risk of sounding like a complete ignoramus; what the feck is a graphics card? And how would destroying them stop references to ‘forking a repo’?
And to think I used to understand the English language……
Acolyte of Sagan:
Just nod your head and back away slowly… slowly…
YES! Ready to go? You pull the cards, I’ll get the bonfire going.
I use graphics cards, and can’t afford a new one. Can we not destroy mine please? :(
Seeing as you avoided the words which must not be spoken, you’re exempt.
Well, you see, basically I want to punish the entire “tech” community for all this Adria Richards nonsense, so I will deprive them of their video games. And while it was not in my original plan, Caine has suggested that it be done with fire, which only sweetens the deal for me.
Or perhaps Nigel’s comment is the better one for this situation.
Chris #35
You owe me a bunny.
That sent the rum out of my nose and I now have a Julie Andrews ear-worm.
Rey Fox
That’s harsh.
Now that’s what I call extreme overclocking.
Ray @ 43: I hope my explanation in #50 didn’t bring out your inner arsonist.
You can have my GTX 660Ti when you pry it from my cold, dead PCI-Ex16 slot ]:-)
The flames will be doused by all the water from Bioshock! Delivered via thirty-six parallel rendering pipelines!
I shan’t be surrendering my graphics card, either. (shakes fist) Give me sweet rendering or I haz a sad.
Do graphics cards have gold connectors in them? If so could we not burn them, and instead put them in a big tub of nitric acid? The net effect is the same, except it would bring me 0.00002% closer to my dream of creating a Good Delivery bar from old computer parts.
It has been a messy week, so…
In regard to Crysis, the book version “Crysis; Legion” is very good, I think the only good book version of a game I have ever come across.
If you find a copy and enjoy it, this will at least be one positive side effect of this week’s misery.
— — — — — — — — — —
Cunning plan: 1. Lure whining mob of harrassing dinks into one place by promises of handing out free video games.
2. Nuke it from orbit.
Make sure they’re only the most sexist video games. Maybe throw in some Hooters coupons or something.