
  1. wmdon says

    That reminds of something… what could it be? Oh, yes.

    For thousands more years the mighty ships tore across the empty wastes of space and finally dived screaming on to the first planet they came across–which happened to be the Earth — where due to a terribble miscalculation of scale the entire battle fleet was accidently swallowed by a small dog.

  2. Snoof says

    I’m impressed that the owner of the foot had the fortitude to take a photo. I’d be too busy screaming and flailing uselessly.

  3. fastlane says

    Snoof, I think if blue rings suddenly appeared on that that little critter (it’s about the right size), there would be screaming and flailing…

  4. Artor says

    Aww, isn’t it cute? Look at the pretty blue rings… Honey? Why are you frothing at the mouth & screaming in agony?

  5. Usernames are smart says

    ~ if blue rings suddenly appeared on that that little critter ~.
    —fastlane, #10

    Cool, I learned something new today:
    Blue-ringed octopuses (genus Hapalochlaena) … are recognized as one of the world’s most venomous marine animals.” “… its venom is powerful enough to kill humans. There is no blue-ringed octopus antivenom available.”

    I’ll buy that for a dollar!

  6. RobertL says

    Obviously an Australian foot. The owner’s saying “maaate… I’ve found a blue-ringed octopus.”

    His friend says “strewth…aren’t they deadly?”

    First guy says “yep”, casually flicks it off, “let’s go for a beer”.

  7. Ichthyic says

    Snoof, I think if blue rings suddenly appeared on that that little critter (it’s about the right size), there would be screaming and flailing…

    well, for a few minutes anyway.

  8. ralfmuschall says

    #14: No need for antivenom – all the venom does is to paralyze the muscles, causing suffocation. Ventilation (for a few hours) is usually sufficient.

  9. sundoga says

    ralfmuschall – sure, but you need to get to a hospital with a ventilator rig first. If, say, you’re on the Great Barrier Reef…