I made it back, scudding ahead of the oncoming hurricane! Actually, I saw no sign of it: everything was calm when I left Tennessee and North Carolina this morning, and all my flights were on time. I know some of the east coast people were seeing flight cancellations, but I think my timing was just right to be well ahead of it all.
I hope it all dribbles away quickly, but otherwise, best of luck to those staring Sandy’s landfall in the face…and better yet, best of preparation.
Oh, good! Please get as much rest and pleasure as possible before it’s back to work time on Monday.
Glad to hear it.
One year ago today, the October surprise snowstorm hit here. It took out several trees in my yard, one of which landed on my power line, tearing it off my house. My neighborhood got power back in two days. Mine was out for six.
I’m hoping things won’t be so bad this time.
Well obviously if you can’t see it, it never happened!
I live in Virginia Beach, VA. I am just wondering why Pat Robertson hasn’t prayed Sandy out to sea. He’s done it in the past (or so he claims). Maybe his god is punishing someone for tolerating a gay person (it could be me, except we are not getting a direct hit in Virginia Beach).
Of course you realise that if this storm sufficiently disrupts voting to hand the East Coast to Mittens, the right will claim it as a sign from God.
Why can’t god just fiddle directly with the voting machines?
What effect is 51 dead Haitians supposed to have?
Gawd works in mysteeerious ways–especially around hurricane season.
But if it disrupts voting enough then the early votes and mail-in votes will count more significantly and seeing as Obama has a massive edge in early voting in several critical swing states, and Romney is depending on election-day voting to even make it close, what will the right say if the storm ends up handing the election to Obama?
Would that they take it as a divine message to them to lay off on the hate…. NOT.
I am just wondering why Pat Robertson hasn’t prayed Sandy out to sea.
He won’t, because the color of the states Sandy is set to hit is wrong.
Now, if they were mostly a nice red color, I’m sure Pat would be asking everyone to pray for the Hurricane to move elsewhere.
I’m only half kidding about that. I really do think Robertson is that inane and petty.
Of course they won’t lay off the hate. Their brains just don’t work (that way).
I hope your point above is right. I really do. I suspect though that the not-poor, who may be more inclined to vote at all and vote for Mittens, will also find it easier to get out and vote even in shitty weather.
Hope I’m wrong and I hope you get a better President for us all in 4 years time.
And if nobody is killed and the elections aren’t disrupted they will all claim their magic hoodoo wanted to further punish America by allowing the Minion of Satan Obama to continue in office. You can’t win with these crumbs.
Best of luck to those about to be hit. I will not pray for you.
Nice use of the word there. . . I always appreciate a solid nautical reference.
I was down to the Democratic campaign office today and the word is that the storm will likely favor us just because of that early voting. I hope they are right. My doctor also assured me Romney won’t win because there are too many younger voters who are mostly Democrats who are going to vote, plus the hispanic vote which is going to be significant. I also hope he is right. We’ve been working hard to register hispanics here in the Cottonwood, AZ area, but alot of rich easterners have retired to Arizona and most of them are rabid Rethugs.
I done went into the lab tonight and took care of the LN2 needs of the equipment that needed it; the joint is closed tomorrow, though the worst of the storm isn’t expected in the DC area until later in the afternoon. Never can tell when the roads will get too unpredictable (mostly downed trees and associated roadway obstructions, I’ll predict).
Pourmecoffee tweeted this interesting wind map, that I’m still poring over and comparing to more conventional maps like this, or more specialized local maps like this.
All this fun & games will end for me when my power goes out. Just a question of when that happens, and for how long it stays out (#PEPCO_country).
Therefore, God. (Isn’t that how the argument is supposed to go?)
God is clearly displeased and is judging the east coast.
Glad you’re back. Your post reminded me of the time hubby got almost the last plane out of Heathrow just an hour or so before airports were closed for several days due to the ash cloud from the volcanic explosion in Iceland. Not that he knew it at the time. It wasn’t until later that day, in the Middle East, when he got on his flight to Australia and it was nearly empty that he discovered that no later planes had left Europe. He got to stretch out across three seats for a very comfortable sleep. =^_^=