I knew this whole network thing was a bad idea — all the great writers here sometimes make readers forget that I’m supposed to be the ☆star☆. The other day, Taslima Nasrin got more traffic that day than I did, all for this horrific post (warning, very chilling, with many photos of woman mutilated by acid). And then that odious twit, JohnTheOther, picked up on it and started ranting about how evil Taslima was, on his psycho MRA site, AVoiceForMen (nope, not linking there). Furious denunciations from demented sociopaths and lots of attention to the criminal abuse of women around the world? Good work, Taslima!
And then Ophelia Benson hit the two million page views mark (just since joining FtB). Way to grow, Ophelia!
And now Jason is bragging that he he has fans who give him free beer in my presence. I’d congratulate him too, but I’m too busy clinging to the tattered, fading fragments of my fame and weeping.
Me. James Mason. A Star is Born. And everyone else on FtB is Judy Garland.
Whoa, whoa, JohnTheOther? Wow! Taslima’s really hit it bigtime!!
Now everyone will have to compete to be more eclipsed than you. Way to set trends, poopyhead.
You don’t even get to be Kris Kristofferson?
I have no idea who these people are, PZ. Do they have a shrine at my blog? No, they do not.
Also: what is this FtB you speak of? Never heard of it.
That remake is rank heresy.
There, there, Poopyhead.
Ugh, I now know about Johntheother and I wish I didn’t. What a scumbag! Maybe I should read Pharyngula less often;)
Damn, PZ. How the mighty have fallen.
Free beer? In your presence? Things are looking down. Hire yourself a botnet and up your traffic.
AVoiceForMen? Like, we men have been silenced up to now, but at last we have a voice? Huh, I never noticed that.
At least you still have an awesome mascot.
He even took time out from his victim complex ranting to go after the mistakes she sometimes makes when writing in English! Class act indeed!
The MRM is already a nonsensical fuck-poop; even if eloquent proponents could be found it would still be a bitter, twisted, reactionary piece of shit that only the most psychotic and sociopathic could possibly buy into. Why these idiots choose to compound the abject failure of their position by allowing vile, privileged, frustrated white man-children to use the MRM as a flagpole from which to wave their little sexual grievances is beyond me.
Then again maybe he’ll surprise me and put out a post next week in flawless Bangla. If he had any shame at all he would at least give it a try.
There is some serious nonsense going on in the comments over on Taslima’s post. There are a few MRAs over there who are particularly fixated on Taslima
Acid attacks? Whatever. Writing about acid attacks? GRAVELY INSULTING TO MILLIONS OF WOMEN
Well, yeah. Because if there’s one thing I hear from women I talk to, it’s “I really don’t have time to express myself online, so thank goodness I’ve delegated that to the Men’s Rights Movement.”
Nice work to the thriving FTB community! I find it seriously thrilling to think that there are millions of readers checking out these blogs. Thanks for letting us know. This sort of reminder helps keep up the spirits in the face of the daily waves of wingnuttery.
There, there. I still like you best.
…while I was wearing a shirt with your chibi-fied face on it. I think you win this one, High Lord Poopyhead. :)
All I know is Taslima’s post broke my heart. And I’m still far from over it.
I will buy you a rum (if R Watson hasn’t come to St Paul to drink all of it) or beer when you are in St Paul in August at the regional convention and baseball game.
P.S. The panel on Squid @ CONvergence was missing a chef. I hope this will not be overlooked in the future.
I would have bought you a beer. Or an icecream.
But I’m too afraid to try to hang out with you.
I rather suspect, PZ, that you love the fact that there are so many talented voices. I suspect that you look at all of this and feel a sense of satisfaction that the future of the freethought movement is in such good hands.
Also, James Mason, hands down.
You could always forgo all integrity and announce your conversion to Christianity.
If played right you could make millions.
Jesus shit. Still? They have more disgusting faux-concern and paternalism to dish out? More “Dear Muslima”-style trolling? These people are vomit-inducing fuckwits.
Oops. I meant to say
Ophelia Benson #22
Ophelia’s speechless.
Hah! if I could be bothered to step down from Mount Olympus to deign to waste my holy time to write such a plebeian thing as a web log, your puny network with it’s loser-like millions of hits would be shunted aside like so much dross. Why I’d mop the floor with you! You’d need a new Leica rangefinder camera to even see the ground from the massive heights of greatness that I would spew forth onto teh innertubes. My superiority would occlude such low-brow screeds as get promulgated hereabouts. Cousins of famous people who once waved at me in a parade would leave comments!
Why I’d be able to finally give the downtrodden a voice! but no, I’m too busy conducting my experiments with balloon animals filled with honey, when I’m not divining the true nature of particle physics with my Parcheesi set and a Ouija board.
(I am unable to continue further, can’t keep a straight face)
I did some research, and I found an international organization that supports victims of acid attacks. I made a donation. Below is the link for anyone else who would like to do the same:
Since you moved to FTB I’ve read Pharyngula less. It’s not because I’ve gone off it, it’s just now I read a few other blogs regularly I don’t always have time to keep up with all your numerous posts per day.
PZ, if you just could get your damn book published, you’d be famous again! (which reminds me: what is happening with that book, wasn’t it supposed to be out by now? Hopefully it is still in the works)
Amazon UK has its release date as 14th August.
Interesting, since I can’t seem to find it on Amazon US.
I just can’t stop loving PZ.
The focus of the post is on stereotyping perpetrators of that type of crime as men. In the course of taslima’s research she certainly had to ignore a lot of non man-on-woman cases of throwing-acid-in-the-face in order to fit the narrative. Replace the word “men” with “muslims” or any other protected group in that post and you get instant hate-speech. This is one rare instance where the MRAs are right to be annoyed by a crappy post.
Her opening was “Men throw acid on us with the intention of injuring or disfiguring us.”
Do you dispute this claim?
(BTW, that’s Taslima, it being not just her name but a proper noun)
Factual speech, rather.
(Are facts hateful to you?)_
Your support for MRAs is noted, but you are still quite wrong.