An excellent plan

We’re going to distract all attention from our horrible #FTBullies status by a well-tested expedient: We’re going to blame Rebecca Watson for everything. At last, all Deep Rifts are healed!

I must highlight a comment from kosk11348 that encapsulates the whole recent mess.

The best analogy I’ve heard yet for understanding this situation is a fire evacuation plan. Fires are rare, yet it makes sense to have a plan in place. Continuing that analogy, here’s my rundown of the “conversation” thus far:

FTB: “Fire evacuation plans are a good idea. We recommend that all skeptical events have one.”

DJ Grothe: “All this talk of fires scares away attendees. Plus TAM has never, ever had a fire.”

Stephanie Zvan: “Actually, there have been a few small fires at TAM. Remember that trash can that caught on fire?”

DJ Grothe: “Yes, I put that fire out myself. At no time did anyone feel unsafe.”

FTB: “Ok, but you just said…never mind. The point is, because there was no policy in place, we now have no record of the fire, no investigation into the cause of the fire, and no reason to think another fire might happen again. Are you currently training your staff to know what to do in the event of a fire?”

DJ Grothe: “We have a robust fire evacuation plan printed in our literature. It reads: ‘TAM hates fires.'”

FTB: “But that’s not really a plan…”

Russell Blackford: “Is there any evidence that things burn?”

MRAs: “Look, it’s the fire department’s job to handle fires. If you are on fire, call them.”

FTB: “Huh? You’re saying it’s the victim’s responsibility to alert the fire department? What about the responsibility of the organizers…”

MRAs: “#FTB bullies say TAM is infested with arsonists!”

FTB: “What? Nobody is saying that! Arsonists do exist, sure. But we have no reason to think TAM is any worse than the general population in that respect. Look, it’s really simple…”

Ophelia Benson: “You know, I was schedule to speak at TAM, but I just got this really weird letter explaining in great detail about what to do when I find myself in a fire at TAM. Like, seriously detailed. It described the flames singing my hair, peeling my flesh…”

Russell Blackford: “Way to overreact to a helpful warning!”

Thunderf00t: “I will continue to offer to light friends’ cigarettes for them and you can’t stop me!”

Paula Kirby: “The firestasi see fires everywhere because they love to pretend they are all victims of fire, just like the Nazis.”

FTB: “Ok, now this is just getting bizarre…”

Harriet Hall’s T-shirt: “I feel safe from fires at TAM (even though it still doesn’t have a fire evacuation plan)”

FTB: *sigh*

We’re done now.


  1. Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls says

    in enforcing anything outside of asking people to leave.

    Hotel security can force people to leave their premises and are in contact with the convention staff. Why do you keep bringing up this inane and stoopid argument if you aren’t trolling?

  2. chigau (女性) says

    What is wrong with you people (shotsick)?
    <blockquote>The words you are quoting.</blockquote>

    The words you are quoting.

    It’s not rocket surgery.

  3. 'Tis Himself says

    Shotsick, it’s very simple. We’ve seen your “argument” before. If you think it’s something that hasn’t been discussed many times and rejected as often, then you’re really not paying attention.

  4. jemby5 says

    Been a while my friends…4 hours in fact. How goes the victim culture? Rebecca report any good rape threats lately? It would seem your blame Rebecca meme is fizzling out. P.Z. must be busy proof reading your plan. I expected to be banned by now. Surely, one of you has reported me.

  5. Ogvorbis: Dogmaticus sycophantus says

    I do not believe any of you have thought about how it will be enforced, and the limited power staffers have in enforcing anything outside of asking people to leave.


    It is layered response. The responses can range from a staff member telling the person, “Hey, your behaviour has been noticed and, if it continues, you will be asked to leave,” through, “Hello, hotel security, we have an issue on this floor at this room,” all the way up to dialing 911 and saying, “Hello, I need to report a crime.”

    I sometimes work at forest fires (as well as hurricanes and one terrorist attack) as an SEC2 — a security specialist, level 2. I am unarmed. I have no arrest powers. Yet I can legally stop people from entering an area. I, also, use a layered response, ranging from, “This area is closed to the public because of x,” to, “Security LE (law enforcement), security me, on channel one, could you send an LEO up to checkpoint y?”, and, occasionally, asking that local law enforcement (or the LEO for the federal district) be dispatched to my location. The point is, one does not need to be a law enforcement officer in order to enforce published policies, closures and restrictions. To claim otherwise is disingenuous.

    You claim no one has thought this out. What is your evidence? Have you seen any of the policies (either the ones that have been used or the ones that have been proposed)? Actually read them? I gaurantee that any discussion of anti-harrassment policies for any convention of any kind involves a shitload of what if scenarios that are hashed out in order to create the staff protocols that are part of the anti-harrassment policy.

    So, again, where is you evidence that none of this is ever considered?

  6. 'Tis Himself says

    jemby5, your presence is urgently needed at the slimepit. They’re short one rapist apologist.

  7. Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls says

    I expected to be banned by now. Surely, one of you has reported me.

    If you whole claim to fame is that you were banhammered from Pharyngula, you are a pitiful and uninteresting anti-social fool.

  8. FluffyTheTerrible says


    Listen, I hate to speak in cliches and truism ,but if you are not part of the solution, you are part of the fucking problem.
    If you really want to help, because you agree that harassment policies are necessary, what is your solution?
    Don’t come here and complain that it’s impossible to implement, and OMG abuse, give solutions, suggest ways of improving, prove yourself as an honest interlocutor.

  9. says

    I love any MRA claim that the gals claiming to have been sexually harassed are victim fetishists and stuff. They probably think claiming to be a victim of that and the effects that surely come after it (like the tons of comments about how you are too ugly to be raped) is ultra duper fun.

  10. John Morales says


    I expected to be banned by now. Surely, one of you has reported me.

    You can blame Rebecca Watson for that.

  11. says


    … How goes the victim culture?

    …I expected to be banned by now. Surely, one of you has reported me.


  12. shotsick says

    @Ogvorbis: Dogmaticus sycophantus

    security specialist, level 2, that is on the G.S. scale?

    I do not believe your analogy works when put next to policing behavior at a convention. Basically, staffers cannot lawfully do anything other than report what they know to security or law enforcement.

    You did not present any evidence, you just asserted that it is out there.

    Someone gave me a link to a study done in 1992 which shows the effectiveness of sexual harassment policies in protecting female university students. The problem with that is that universities have there own police ( i just graduated from one) on hand to respond. Conventions rely on the local LE or security. In order for any plan to be successful in its implementation, you have to a have trained personnel that carry the force of law.

  13. 'Tis Himself says

    I do not believe your analogy works when put next to policing behavior at a convention. Basically, staffers cannot lawfully do anything other than report what they know to security or law enforcement.

    Hey asshole, that’s what Ogvorbis said he could do.

    I understand your problem now. I thought you were just another MRA JAQing off. Instead you’ve got the reading comprehension of a concussed gerbil.

  14. says

    Shotsick/jemby5 (yeah, same IPs) have been banned, as they/it desired. Expect it to come back under a different guise, and get banned again. Stupid sockpuppeteers. Do they even realize how thoroughly they undermine their own position?

  15. says

    I’m going to call this the Thunderf00t fallacy: that the only way to respond to sexual harassment is to call in the law. One thing organizers can do very effectively is shape the culture of an event, to let people know what behaviors will be frowned upon and put you in the outgroup.

  16. Ogvorbis: Dogmaticus sycophantus says

    security specialist, level 2, that is on the G.S. scale?

    It isn’t on the GS scale. I can, as a Security Manager, supervise people at a much higher pay grade. Pay grade at my home unit does not matter when one is at a federal incident — only your level within the ICS.

    I do not believe your analogy works when put next to policing behavior at a convention. Basically, staffers cannot lawfully do anything other than report what they know to security or law enforcement.

    Why this shit with ‘believe’? Is that your way of weaseling out of actually giving any evidence? Belief is a requirement of religion. Evidence is a requirement for a rational argument.

    But it does work at conventions where such a policy is taken seriously by the staff and organizers. Reporting what one knows to the hotel security and/or law enforcement can be the second and third levels of response.

    You did not present any evidence, you just asserted that it is out there.

    Yeah. You are correct. There are no security plans at forest fires. There is no Incident Commmand System. Is that your argument?

    The problem with that is that universities have there own police ( i just graduated from one) on hand to respond.

    And each university has its own protocols for dealing with problems. Level one is the Resident Assistant within the dorm. If the RA cannot handle the incident, it goes to the campus police. If the campus police can’t deal with it, they call the local police. Same exact thing.

  17. says

    I call dibs on the “Victim culture paradox”. The strange event in which the people that believe victimizing yourself makes you cool happen to be the same ones that make a huge drama about being banned from blogs or blocked in twitter.

  18. says

    An example: at CONvergence, I saw a fight break out. Police weren’t called (although they would have been if it got more serious): instead, con ops were right on hand, they moved in immediately to close off the hallway and prevent innocent passers-by from getting involved, and calmed down the two aggressors. And then I believe they simply confiscated their badges, so they wouldn’t be able to participate in any of the con events and had to leave. An efficient organization with a commitment to prevent trouble can work to stop problems from escalating.

    Face it, if you call in the police or hotel security, the big problem has already occurred. Cons should be more interested in squelching problems before they happen.

  19. Ogvorbis: Dogmaticus sycophantus says

    Cons should be more interested in squelching problems before they happen.

    Which is a very good reason to have a well-publicized anti-harrassment policy in place, one which is included in the information sent to participants, is a very good idea. Explaining, in no uncertain terms, one’s expectations regarding the behaviour of participants is vital. That alone would prevent at least some problems from even developing.

  20. says

    Anyone with an axe to grind can claim harassment on anyone else just by virtue of their perception.

    Looks like we have our new “death panels” argument.

    “If we do x, then y will happen! I will ignore that y has not happened anywhere else that has done x.”

  21. carlie says

    Rebecca Watson stole all the harassment policy leaflets out of the welcome packets for TAM before anybody could see them.

  22. Ogvorbis: Dogmaticus sycophantus says

    Looks like we have our new “death panels” argument.

    Prediction: Within one year, a resident of the “slyme pit” will be asked to leave an atheist/skeptic conference after engaging in inappropriate behaviour and will then trumpet to the world that sexual harrassment policies exist only so that PZed and his minions can kick out people with whom they disagree.

  23. says

    An efficient organization with a commitment to prevent trouble can work to stop problems from escalating.

    You know what strikes me about all of this bullshit? Those who argue against anti-harassment policies* claim that we’re being irrational for insisting that conference organizers put together an anti-harassment policy and they expect that people at the con are going to act so irrationally that the only solution is to call the police.

    Can anyone sit down and think things through in their world? Or are we all acting purely on impulse all the time?

    *I’d really love to know where you work. Are you arguing against your HR department, too?

  24. Ogvorbis: Dogmaticus sycophantus says

    Another very good reasonto have a well-publicized anti-harrassment policy in place, one which is included in the information sent to participants is to prevent charges of favouritism or enforcement of ‘group think.’ If a person (such as the hypothetical prediction above) does something that gets him or her kicked out of the conference, if the staff can point to a harrassment policy that was sent to all participants and say, “This has nothing to do with the person’s ideas, he/she violated x, y and z (with an emphasis on y) and was asked to leave.”

    And yes, I know I am being Captain Obvious here, but considering how many crewmembers from the SS Oblivious show up here . . . .

  25. says

    @Ogvorbis: Dogmaticus sycophantus: Yes, no doubt. When the death panels don’t materialize, it’s best to fabricate your own.

    I wonder how many of them already claim (anonymously) to have been ejected from a conference for daring to not toe the line.

    Rebecca Watson invented toes and lines.

  26. Ogvorbis: Dogmaticus sycophantus says

    If Rebecca Watson invented toes, why does she keep changing the number of toes throughout the geologic column?

  27. Cipher, OM, Fighting Fucktoy says

    Rebecca Watson bought me the wrong applesauce and I hate it.

  28. Antiochus Epiphanes says

    An example: at CONvergence, I saw a fight break out. Police weren’t called (although they would have been if it got more serious)…

    I take it that no superpowers were deployed.

  29. Louis says

    If the joke I made in #37 is:

    a) not funny
    b) already done
    c) copyright infringement
    d) blisteringly unoriginal
    e) all of the above

    Well, I can only apologise and say that I was just following orders…

    …from Rebecca Watson.


  30. says

    “Society is responsible for outmoded, elitist perceptions of sexual identity,” says Debord. Therefore, capitalist neotextual theory holds that government is capable of intentionality.

    A number of theories concerning the bridge between class and truth exist. It could be said that the example of dialectic construction which is a central theme of Madonna’s Erotica is also evident in Material Girl.

    If neosemanticist feminism holds, we have to choose between subcapitalist libertarianism and the textual paradigm of narrative. Thus, the main theme of Reicher’s analysis of textual precultural theory is a mythopoetical reality.

    Abian implies that we have to choose between subcapitalist libertarianism and patriarchial narrative. It could be said that the premise of the subtextual paradigm of discourse states that class has objective value.

    “Society is part of the stasis of truth,” says Sartre; however, it is not so much society that is part of the stasis of truth, but rather the paradigm, and some would say the fatal flaw, of society. The primary theme of the works of Gaiman is the role of the poet as writer. However, the subject is contextualised into a Marxist class that includes sexuality as a whole.

    The premise of capitalist neotextual theory holds that narrativity is capable of significance, but only if dialectic construction is invalid; otherwise, we can assume that sexual identity, perhaps surprisingly, has significance. Therefore, several narratives concerning subcapitalist libertarianism may be revealed.

    If one examines socialist realism, one is faced with a choice: either reject postpatriarchialist discourse or conclude that truth is capable of significance. Any number of narratives concerning the common ground between narrativity and class exist. It could be said that the example of socialist realism depicted in Spelling’s Melrose Place emerges again in Charmed.

    Sontag suggests the use of Sartreist absurdity to deconstruct capitalism. However, the premise of socialist realism states that the law is part of the fatal flaw of consciousness, but only if Foucault’s essay on subcultural rationalism is valid; otherwise, context is a product of the masses.

    The subject is interpolated into a Sartreist absurdity that includes sexuality as a paradox. Thus, in Melrose Place, Spelling denies Derridaist reading; in Robin’s Hoods he examines subcultural rationalism.

    The subject is contextualised into a cultural libertarianism that includes art as a totality. However, Lyotard uses the term ‘socialist realism’ to denote the stasis, and eventually the failure, of predialectic society.

    “Class is fundamentally used in the service of class divisions,” says Lacan; however, according to Pickett[1] , it is not so much class that is fundamentally used in the service of class divisions, but rather the defining characteristic, and some would say the rubicon, of class. Thus, the premise of precultural narrative states that the law is meaningless. Baudrillard promotes the use of textual premodern theory to read and attack consciousness.

    In the works of Tarantino, a predominant concept is the concept of textual narrativity. Therefore, if Marxist capitalism holds, we have to choose between socialism and postcapitalist discourse. In Reservoir Dogs, Tarantino deconstructs textual depatriarchialism; in Pulp Fiction, however, he affirms deconstructive deappropriation.

    However, Wilson suggests that we have to choose between textual depatriarchialism and subtextual theory. Lacan uses the term ‘textual premodern theory’ to denote the bridge between society and class.

    Therefore, Baudrillardist hyperreality holds that expression must come from the collective unconscious. Lacan suggests the use of socialism to deconstruct sexism.

    Thus, a number of discourses concerning textual depatriarchialism exist. If socialism holds, we have to choose between the capitalist paradigm of context and Foucaultist power relations.

    It could be said that the premise of socialism implies that art is used to oppress the underprivileged. The primary theme of Werther’s essay on textual premodern theory is the role of the poet as artist.

    Therefore, it is all Rebecca Watson’s fault.

  31. Ariaflame, BSc, BF, PhD says

    I’m starting to think that there’s some sort of easy access bit to the slimepit, but they only can get access to the ‘inner/higher/upper’ (or is that lower?) levels by trolling here and getting banned. Possibly why they are so obvious and practically begging to be banned.

    Also *applause* to WithinThisMind

  32. Ogvorbis: Dogmaticus sycophantus says

    Also, Rebecca Watson invented Post-Modernism.

    No, she just came up with the twelve mutually exclusive definitions currently in use within academia and the general public.

  33. Sili (I have no penis and I must jizz) says

    What is wrong with you people (shotsick)?
    <blockquote>The words you are quoting.</blockquote>

    The words you are quoting.

    It’s not rocket surgery.

    To be fair. G**gle’s blogging site doesn’t support borkquote for some utterly bizarre reason, so not everyone may be skilled in remembering to use it.

    I curse vehemently every time I’m told to take them out.

  34. Sili (I have no penis and I must jizz) says

    Face it, if you call in the police or hotel security, the big problem has already occurred. Cons should be more interested in squelching problems before they happen.

    But that’s exactly what Grothe was doing!

    What are you complaining about?!


    (Seriously – I know we work with transparent banning here, but I’m increasingly sympathetic to the idea of using Hell-banning as presented by someone else a while back.)

  35. What a Maroon, el papa ateo says

    Rebecca Watson had joy, she had fun, she had seasons in the sun.

    Rebecca Watson wrote the book of love.

    Rebecca Watson killed Schrodinger’s cat.

  36. Louis says

    Rebecca Watson both killed and did not kill Schrodinger’s cat, it exists in a superposition of alive/dead states.

    This is also Rebecca Watson’s fault.

    Quantum effects are all due to Rebecca Watson. The decoherence problem….Rebecca Watson. The reason the universe is not fully conceptually intuitive to lumps of meat evolved to cope with middle sized objects at middle sized distances?

    Rebecca Watson.


  37. mythbri says

    Rebecca Watson thinks what is best in life is to crush her enemies, see them driven before her, and to hear the lamentations of their whiny trolls.

  38. Ogvorbis: Dogmaticus sycophantus says


    Bad pun. No donuts.

    Rebecca Watson invented the pun. She also invented the donut. And she also prevents me from having a donut. All at the same time.

  39. 'Tis Himself says

    Rebecca Watson put the bomp in the bomp bomp ba bomp, put the ram in the rama lama ding dong and put the dip in the dip de dip de dip.

  40. Ogvorbis: Dogmaticus sycophantus says

    She also invented the tritone.

    Not to mention the strumpet solo.

  41. Owlmirror says

    Stupid sockpuppeteers. Do they even realize how thoroughly they undermine their own position?

    I suspect that they don’t really have a position. The position is “be as much of an asshole as possible so as to get reactions.

    It’s basically postmodern performance art. “I sneer at you and anything you care about, because I don’t care about anything at all.”

  42. wordplague says

    I have a few plan proposals:

    Proposal 1

    Only admit females to the convention that resemble Rebecca Watson and sexual propositions from males will approach zero with in the fortnight. We’ll call it the RW-facial index.

    Proposal 2

    Only admit males with the testicular fotitude of the males on the skepchick panel and rape will be physicaly impossible. We’ll call it the RW-Castration index.

    Proposal 3

    Take P.Z. Meyer’s cock out of your collective mouths and stop letting radical feminism high jack the skeptics movement. P.Z. take Rebecca’s vestigal cock out of your mouth and stop kowtowing to every person with a vagina that puts the word “skeptic” in front of their name.

  43. Cipher, OM, Fighting Fucktoy says

    Only admit females to the convention that resemble Rebecca Watson and sexual propositions from males will approach zero with in the fortnight. We’ll call it the RW-facial index.


    Only admit males with the testicular fotitude of the males on the skepchick panel and rape will be physicaly impossible. We’ll call it the RW-Castration index.


    Take P.Z. Meyer’s cock out of your collective mouths

    Homophobic? Judges?

    and stop letting radical feminism high jack the skeptics movement.


    P.Z. take Rebecca’s vestigal cock out of your mouth and stop kowtowing to every person with a vagina that puts the word “skeptic” in front of their name.

    Ignorant, misinformed, and transphobic.
    Is that a record? Tell me that’s a record.

  44. Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls says

    Take P.Z. Meyer’s cock out of your collective mouths and stop letting radical feminism high jack the skeptics movement. P.Z. take Rebecca’s vestigal cock out of your mouth and stop kowtowing to every person with a vagina that puts the word “skeptic” in front of their name.

    In other words, kowtow to those loudmouthed idjits with dicks who think they can harass women at will in any place, any time, and any situation. Is that is what you are saying, because that is what it sounds like to me. We are saying mature up and realize women are people too, don’t deserve to be harassed period, and you should keep your dick and attitude where it belongs, away from women.

  45. Wowbagger, Deputy Vice-President (Silencing) says

    wordplague wrote:

    Take P.Z. Meyer’s cock out of your collective mouths and stop letting radical feminism high jack the skeptics movement.

    Rich Sanderson, is that you?

    Anyway, homophobic/misogynistic comments aside, how is ‘letting radical feminism high jack [sic] the skeptics [sic] movement’ a bad thing? Why can’t you fight for what you want without PZ’s help? Are those of you wanting feminism-free skepticism so incompetent that none of you could achieve the profile that PZ has?

  46. says

    @ Ing

    AS IF! THey are the main target audience!

    Well, I see. I’ll just be waiting for Proposal 1 to go into effect. An army of Rebecca Watson lookalikes. Name badges will become very important at such events.

  47. wordplague says

    As soon as you treat a group of people with special conditions, dispensations, and protections they are NOT EQUAL. Christopher Hitchens understood this, but he’s dead now. What we have left are a bunch of dick flagellating pussies like P.Z. inserting their fringe politics into a movement about critical thinking. It’s fucking religious!

    And then there’s Rebbecca Watson who complains about mean messages on youtube, meanwhile women in Pakistan are getting acid thrown in their face by husbands with impunity. Shame! Shame! Tell that self important cunt to shave her pits and call me.

    As for the rest of you spineless men on FTB – who probably spend their entire lives in the ‘freind zone’ – contrary to what Chrisitianity and RW’s castration brigade have told you, it isn’t wrong to have a penis.

    Fuck P.Z., Fuck feminism, and fuck everybody now that I think of it.

  48. Cipher, OM, Fighting Fucktoy says

    As soon as you treat a group of people with special conditions, dispensations, and protections they are NOT EQUAL.

    Did you have to practice to get this obtuse?

  49. says

    You know what I love? I love it when barely literate trolls are so very impressed with their *RAEG* and cock-which-makes-the-world-go-round that they skip the whole thinking thing and go right to regurgitating insults which were old when I was in middle school in the 80s.

    I give the troll a -3, overall, for poor performance, missing concept and so much pride in its genitalia that it thinks the thread will be impressed by the mention of cocks.

    Also, Rebecca Watson wrote the Bible on the back of the bishops at the First Nicaean council.

  50. Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls says

    As soon as you treat a group of people with special conditions, dispensations, and protections they are NOT EQUAL.

    Ah, a fuckwitted liberturd. All mouth, ignorance, blather, slogans, and anything but intelligence and evidence. Tell you what loudmouth ignoramous. Show me you can reliably shut the fuck and listen to and learn from women, and I’ll listen to you. Until then, all you have is your theology and ego. A very lonely place it is.

  51. Ogvorbis: Dogmaticus sycophantus says

    it isn’t wrong to have a penis.

    Nor is it wrong to have a vagina. A cunt. A twat. Or whatever term you choose to use.

    What is your personal interest, your investment, in making sure that about 1/2 the population of the atheist community, the population of the US, the population of the world, are not considered to be fully human? Do you like being able to grope women with impunity? to treat women as sexual objects? as things? Why is it so important to you to preserve rape culture, rape apology, misogyny, sexism, and the small and large incidents of the oppression of woman?

  52. says

    @ wordplague

    Oh look, an angry MRA that wants to be banned. How fun and original. Just kidding. Come on, you’ve got to do better than that! Be original with your delusions and gendered insults! You can be angrier than that, right? Probably not. You’re just pathetic, like every other troll about these parts.

  53. carlie says

    and stop letting radical feminism high jack the skeptics movement.

    “letting” it “high jack”? I don’t want a skeptic movement that isn’t feminist, so there. To adapt a phrase, my skepticism will be intersectional or it will be bullshit.

  54. Wowbagger, Deputy Vice-President (Silencing) says

    wordplague wrote:

    As soon as you treat a group of people with special conditions, dispensations, and protections they are NOT EQUAL.

    Because all people are created equal at birth, right? No difference where you’re born in the world, what gender and whether that gender is the same as your biological sex, with what coloured skin, sexual orientation, health/physiology? Or the wealth of the parents you’re born to?

    In a better world someone as clearly fucking stupid as you should have gotten more help from the education system, since you certainly aren’t the equal to anyone here.

  55. ixchel, the jaguar goddess of midwifery and war ॐ says

    As soon as you treat a group of people with special conditions, dispensations, and protections they are NOT EQUAL.

    John has $50. George has $40.

    I give John and George each $20.

    As a special condition, I give George another $10. Are John and George now less equal than they were before?

  56. Cipher, OM, Fighting Fucktoy says

    Be original with your delusions and gendered insults!

    Right? I mean, “too ugly to harass,” “self-hating men,” “cunt,” “hairy armpits,” “have her call me”? It’s like a half-hearted attempt to act out a cliche of stupid sexism.

  57. Paul says

    Fuck Skepticism. Fuck it long…fuck it hard. Sideways

    Can we use a rusty knife?

  58. carlie says

    ixchel – they are only equal if John also takes the $10 from George and then takes another $10 from George and then kicks him in the shins for being a freeloader who was willing to take that $20 that was offered in the first place.

  59. wordplague says

    @Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls says:

    The bitches who bang the harrasment gong the loudest are always the one’s you wouldn’t want to fuck in the first place.

    Learn from women? If I want makeup tips or to hear about your menstral cycle, I’ll let you know. In the mean why don’t you work a little more on closing the science-major gender gap, and a little less on your legs. No one wants in any way, you fucking message board dwelling pork slit.

  60. Cipher, OM, Fighting Fucktoy says

    See? This trollery is just fucking pathetic. It’s got all the quality, authenticity, and subtlety of a Christmas play at a Christian middle school.

  61. Paul says

    Guys, wordplague couldn’t be any more clear that he’s just trying to get banned for a notch in his belt. Even the peanut gallery that might stumble on this thread could trivially recognize this, so no need to fight the good fight.

    Incidentally, wordplague, Nerd of Redhead isn’t a woman.

  62. says

    Come on, wordplague, I’m sure you’re a failure at many things in life, but you could really shine here! If only you were a bit more creative in your trolling endeavors. It seems like such a waste of your vile stupidity to be spewing these tired old lines.

  63. Cipher, OM, Fighting Fucktoy says

    Guys, wordplague couldn’t be any more clear that he’s just trying to get banned for a notch in his belt.

    And even then, completely halfassing it! What a pitiable spectacle.

  64. carlie says

    Gee, wordplague, given that you hate women so much, it’s a shame you can’t tell which ones they are.

  65. says

    The bitches who bang the harrasment gong the loudest are always the one’s you wouldn’t want to fuck in the first place.

    Do you come by your odiousness naturally, or did you send away for it?

  66. Anri says

    Post by wordplague…

    /em popcorn

    Seriously, this guy’s not for real, right? This is a really silly, incompetent try at trolling, gotta be.

    Protip, wordplague: if you want to convince people you’re actually for real, you have to tone it back to believable levels. Right now, what you’re doing is just sad.

    Shut up, alter your ‘nym, and try again with rhetoric someone sensible might actually swallow. We enjoy trolls around here, but they have to meet us 1/10th of the way.

  67. Paul says

    It seems like such a waste of your vile stupidity to be spewing these tired old lines.

    Unless Myers has changed recently, he’s more likely to ban for insipidity than for being a creative troll (indeed, the latter would be more likely to result in non-bannination, because there’s nothing worse than being both stupid and boring). Perhaps this troll knows what to do to get the desired result.

  68. Owlmirror says

    As soon as you treat a group of people with special conditions, dispensations, and protections they are NOT EQUAL.

    LOL. If you weren’t such a hypocrite, you’d see that you’re demanding special conditions, dispensation, and protections . . . for misogynists.

    What we have left are a bunch of dick flagellating pussies like P.Z. inserting their fringe politics into a movement about critical thinking. It’s fucking religious!

    Only in the same sense that “critical thinking” is itself a fringe political movement trying to insert itself into the mainstream. Wah! It’s not fair when other people do exactly what we want to do, only differently!


    And then there’s Rebbecca Watson who complains about mean messages on youtube, meanwhile women in Pakistan are getting acid thrown in their face by husbands with impunity. Shame! Shame!

    Kind of like how the “critical thinking” movement is complaining about treatment by the religious mainstream, while people who burn Korans are being set on fire in Pakistan. Apostasy, and blasphemy still carries the death penalty, prison sentences, or steep fines outside of the US/UK, while you whine about whatever-the-fuck it is you’re whining about, you pathetic hypocritical pissant.

    Shame, indeed.

    fuck everybody now that I think of it.

    Did Rebecca Watson give you that bad case of despairing self-loathing?

  69. says

    I say that a better punishment for people who are clearly trying to be banned is disvoweling. They can still post but it’s going to be gibberish and thus they’ll never be able to actually get to the point of banning. Har. Har!

  70. Wowbagger, Deputy Vice-President (Silencing) says

    I’m guessing the slimepit/slymepit has a ‘make your bones’ demand of its new initiates; they have to come here and be banned before they’re let in over there to rant about how awful women are, even though they could totally score with any one they chose.

    Why not just write directly to PZ and have him ban you pre-emptively, saving everyone a whole lot of time and effort?

  71. wordplague says


    Nerd of Redhead isn’t a woman? Jesus fucking Christ, the world is spinning. I can’t believe a guy at FTB would sound like feminist gash hag.

    All of you quasi-homosexual (I say quasi because gays actaully have sex ) pussified males on FTB, and too your grand eunuch P.Z.: paying lip service to feminism isn’t going to get you laid. I know, you’ve been chopping at that tree trunk for over 20 years, and you think a few more strokes will get you there – wrong. Take the feminist butt plug out of your ass and cut your losses.

    What am I up to now, lets see:

    homophobia…a yes,

  72. wordplague says

    @ Anri

    Nah, you guys ban anyone who dissents. It doesn’t matter how that dissention is delivered. But, you NEVER dissapoint.

    The troll strums the fiddle, and the entire FTB community dances!

    Its so much fucking fun!

  73. Owlmirror says

    What am I up to now, lets see:

    It really is postmodern performance art, isn’t it?

    What next? Smearing yourself with feces?

  74. wordplague says

    The best part of winding you diseased vaginal blood burps up is I get to do it again and again. You ban me and I creat a new account with a new IP adress…it never ends HA HA HA.

    Rebecca’s Skepchick blog is even easier because that hole can’t take anything in stride and she responds to every trolling statement. My fiance and I have made a drinking game out of her rape threat announcements. Any time one of our threats makes the list we take a drink.

    You guys are more predictable than planetary motion.

  75. Wowbagger, Deputy Vice-President (Silencing) says

    wordplague wrote:

    Nah, you guys ban anyone who dissents. It doesn’t matter how that dissention is delivered.

    Liar. On several levels.

    Owlmirror wrote:

    What next? Smearing yourself with feces?

    Nah, this one’s definitely a shit-eater, not a shit-smearer. That would take creativity, and it’s clear that xe ain’t got that.

  76. wordplague says


    That would be like taking a dump in a pig stye. The entire FTB is a pile of shit.

  77. Cipher, OM, Fighting Fucktoy says

    The troll strums the fiddle, and the entire FTB community dances!

    It must be hard to be this sort of person. Trying his best to make us angry… and mostly just provokes pity and disappointment. Try your best, little troll! Maybe you’ll even be worthy of contempt someday!

  78. says

    wordplague, you seem to think you actually… upset us? No. You don’t. You’re just a fun little play thing for the moment. And not a very good one at that. Honestly it’s either mess with you or do physics homework, and I’m beginning to lean towards the homework (it’s slightly less predictable than you, and that’s saying something).

  79. Owlmirror says

    Nah, you guys ban anyone who dissents.

    News flash: “Dissent” isn’t magically good.

    It doesn’t matter how that dissention is delivered.

    And you’re not so much “dissenting” as being an asshole.

    Its so much fucking fun!

    Because your life is so empty, you need to feel hated to feel alive.

  80. Paul says

    That would be like taking a dump in a pig stye. The entire FTB is a pile of shit.

    Your metaphor is confused. It’s true that trying to piss on your usual hangout is pointless because you’re pissing into an ocean of piss, but right now you’re the only one pissing here. It makes you stand out, sure, but when you piss into the wind you’re the only one covered in piss. Although I guess that isn’t enough of a change from the modus operandi for you to care.

    I second the disemvoweling option for people who are clearly just trying to get banned for bragging rights. Has FtB considered allowing deputizing of moderation privileges?

  81. wordplague says

    Does P.Z. actually do any work at UM? I see him making response videos to TF in his office, puttsing around on his blog, and showing up at conventions. He’s like every professor that I’ve worked for. His grad students do all the work and he takes all the credit. Does the university know that he’s using their bandwidth to preach his castration politics. That mother fucker probably has the grad students write his own proposals.

  82. truebutnotuseful says

    Ing wrote @ #(5)93:

    I say that a better punishment for people who are clearly trying to be banned is disvoweling. They can still post but it’s going to be gibberish and thus they’ll never be able to actually get to the point of banning. Har. Har!

    Not a bad idea.

    I’ve also been thinking…I wonder if the Dungeon needs a brief hiatus. We seem to be getting inundated with pitstains / Thunderf00tsoldiers whose objective seems to be trolling until the banhammer drops, then scurrying back under their rocks and bragging to their buddies that they got banned by PeeZus.

    I’m not saying don’t feed the trolls – we of course continue to feed them until they explode. I just worry that memorializing them in the Dungeon is making things worse, at least for the time being.

    Or, perhaps the few Pharyngulites who dare brave the pits can report on who of the Dungeon-kept are bragging about bannination, and those can have their names blotted out. Deny them the satisfaction of an epitaph.

  83. wordplague says

    @ StarStuff, an uppity feminist says

    Stop with your troll deterent cliches you cum cathing bucket of jism. Stop responding to my comments to explain how they aren’t provoking a response, you fucking lukimia of fun.

  84. Owlmirror says

    My fiance and I have made a drinking game out of her rape threat announcements.

    You don’t have a fiancé.

    Any time one of our threats makes the list we take a drink.

    Yeah, because you’re so unimportant and anonymous that no-one who threatens you with anything can scare you. Threats are just a way for you to express your pettiness, cruelty, and jealousy of people who actually go out there in public under their real names.

    Also, you might want to do something about your alcoholism.

  85. Wowbagger, Deputy Vice-President (Silencing) says

    Because your life is so empty, you need to feel hated to feel alive.

    Life hasn’t been the same for wordplague, not since the strip joint where he worked as a junior jizz-mopper closed down. As he wiped away each viscous gob of spunk he really felt his life had meaning.

    Now, he’s got nothing.

  86. Anri says

    Nah, you guys ban anyone who dissents. It doesn’t matter how that dissention is delivered. But, you NEVER dissapoint.

    The troll strums the fiddle, and the entire FTB community dances!

    Its so much fucking fun!

    See, this is what I was talking about.

    This isn’t even really trying. You’re not a good instigator, you’re not a good liar, you’re not a good troll.

    Let me try again to explain to you: you are attempting to troll… and failing. Find something different to do, you’re not good enough at this to do it in public – you’re an embarrassment to trolls.

  87. Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls says

    Stop responding to my comments to explain how they aren’t provoking a response,

    Oh, liberturd throwing a temper tantrum. Typical response from the juvenile mentality of liberturds. Anything but rational discussion with evidence, like adults do…

    His grad students do all the work and he takes all the credit.

    What a fuckwitted idjit, ignorance dripping all over the internet. UMM is a teaching university. No grad students in biology. If you are that careless with facts in real life, no wonder you can’t interact without throwing tantrums…

  88. Paul says

    Or, perhaps the few Pharyngulites who dare brave the pits can report on who of the Dungeon-kept are bragging about bannination, and those can have their names blotted out. Deny them the satisfaction of an epitaph.

    This would destroy the whole point of the Dungeon. PZ hiding who he banned would open up the floodgates to everyone claiming they had been banned for disagreeing, or not towing the “castrated” line or whatever the current slur is. I mean, he could decide to do it to clean up the comment threads, but at that point the Dungeon listing would no longer serve it’s original purpose (and would be better suited as a pharynguwiki item or some such).

  89. says


    @ StarStuff, an uppity feminist says

    Stop with your troll deterent cliches you cum cathing bucket of jism. Stop responding to my comments to explain how they aren’t provoking a response, you fucking lukimia of fun.

    Ha! A reaction. I knew you could do it. So… proud. *tears of joy*

    Oh, and… U mad? Yeah, u mad.

    Don’t be jelly that I’m a better troll than you are, cupcake. It’s just skill and years of practice. You’ll get there eventually (*psst* No, you won’t. I was just trying to make you feel better.)

  90. says

    That’s the thing that’s annoying about the current crop of slimepitesque trolls – so very, very lame.

    When you have you reassure yourself that yes, you are indeed getting everyone upset…Well, long ago I had a website that someone responded to with this message:

    Le Clown! C’est triste! Plus triste! Quand Jai Vu le Clown, Je Crie.

    Which is somehow even more appropriate for our current troll than it was for my webpage.

  91. ixchel, the jaguar goddess of midwifery and war ॐ says

    Good point, carlie.

    Note too that John’s shins feel safe and welcome.

  92. wordplague says

    @ Anri

    You don’t get it do you AIDS sponge. Don’t send a response larger than the original comment to explain how it isn’t envoking a response. Thats called i-r-o-n-y.

  93. Cipher, OM, Fighting Fucktoy says

    Stop responding to my comments to explain how they aren’t provoking a response, you fucking lukimia of fun.

    Aww. Looks like you hurt the boring troll’s fee-fees, starstuff.

  94. says

    @ wordplague

    You don’t get it do you AIDS sponge. Don’t send a response larger than the original comment to explain how it isn’t envoking a response. Thats called i-r-o-n-y.

    Aw, how cute, you think you know what irony is. Here’s the thing, buddy, we can respond to you with words on teh internetz without you evoking an emotional response from us (other than a slight amount of pleasure from getting a new play thing, but you’re not good enough for even that).

  95. Cipher, OM, Fighting Fucktoy says

    Tempos is picking up now dance faster!

    What year is this? This shtick was tired when I was doing it in 2004! Boo.

  96. Happiestsadist says

    wordplague: You can’t spell, and you swear like a kid who’s just learned a few dirty words. You’re a sad little skidmark who’s fucking terrified of women, and that terror comes off you like a bad smell. I can only imagine that your hand, after years of faking it, has finally taken out a restraining order, and now you’re forced to desperately try to impress your fellow slyme molds by being an Internet Tough Guy.

  97. says

    @ Cipher

    Aww. Looks like you hurt the boring troll’s fee-fees, starstuff.

    If there’s one thing that I’m good at, it’s upsetting pathetic trolls (but, let’s face it, I’m good at more than one thing because I’m awesome :P ).

  98. wordplague says

    Were up to approx. 55 posts since i’ve been here. No bann yet. P.Z. must have already slipped on the depends and took his nightcap. This is almost as much fun as trolling RW.

    She’s afraid to go on the internet now. She stated on the panel that she only goes on the internet as is necessary for work and that her mom isn’t allowed to read her blog anymore.

    I like to think i played a small part in that.

    Now dance you fledglings!

  99. Paul says

    It seems kind of sad that a probable slimepit denizen is basically re-enacting the original trollface comic. Life imitating art imitating life? The more things change, the more things stay the same I guess.

  100. wordplague says

    @ Happiestsadist

    spelling errors? really? That’s almost as strong as P.Z.’s italic and boldface critique of TF.

    Now get back in the chorus line!

  101. truebutnotuseful says

    turdplague wrote:

    My fiance and I have made a drinking game out of her rape threat announcements. Any time one of our threats makes the list we take a drink.

    I’m glad you and your, ahem…“fiance”…lead such fulfilled and well-rounded lives that you can sit around and congratulate yourselves for making someone afraid for their safety by threatening them with rape! Well done, bravo, and all that.

  102. Pteryxx says

    remember, disemvoweling’s a violation of their Freespeech!!1! Because anything that mitigates the damage, or gives *the audience* choice to read or not read at will, means the human race will go extinct, or something.

    Any tools out there to auto-rot13 a given troll’s posts?

  103. Pteryxx says

    Oh, and killfile. Killfiling’s probably some sort of violation of their inalienable right to violate others, too. *nodnod*

  104. Cipher, OM, Fighting Fucktoy says

    You know, usually we’d make a point of dragging all this shit out and exposing how ugly it is. But no, this flaccid fuckhead is waving his worthlessness around like a flag. Behold – the opposition. All the wit, talent, and appeal of a smushed cockroach.

  105. wordplague says

    @Wowbagger, Deputy Vice-President (Silencing)

    Don’t comment that you’re bored. Not commenting at all conveys that message with greater magnitude, and dare I say, validity.

    You should critique my spelling too. That’s always a good card to play when you’re being trolled. There are many errors and you could get a few “look how stupid and ignorant” rejoinders in.

  106. Cipher, OM, Fighting Fucktoy says

    Goodnight, friends! I hope you get at least some amusement out of this sad bit of fluff before PZ lets fall the banhammer.

  107. wordplague says

    @ StarStuff, an uppity feminist

    You wouldn’t know physics if it walked up to you gold plated. Here is a test: What did Stern and Gerlach unknowingly discover and whose theoretical construct did they confirm? you have 2 minutes to answer.

    Also what is the name of E-field interaction of charged partles which produces x-rays? \

    you have one minute to answer.

    You’ll know doubt have to rely on wikipedia or one of the males here to help you out.

  108. says

    Don’t comment that you’re bored. Not commenting at all conveys that message with greater magnitude, and dare I say, validity.

    Oh, wordplague, you misunderstand us again. We’re trying to be unbored here, but you’re just not giving us much to work with.

  109. wordplague says

    @ Cipher, OM, Fighting Fucktoy says:

    “and appeal of a smushed cockroach.”

    C+. Sounds like a yokal saying one might hear from an elderly farmer in the late 19th century. You aren’t witty.

  110. Owlmirror says

    Rebecca Watson made wordplague pretend that his hands are his “fiancée” (he can’t commit to left or right, so he strings them both along).

  111. chigau (女性) says

    Why do They™ send only one at a time?
    We® are large and contain multitudes.
    (and we know how spellcheck works)
    (cf. “yokal”)

  112. says

    @ wordplague

    LOL, you realize that there are multiple fields in physics, right? Derp. Dude, I’m taking College Physics A. It’s basically Newton’s laws, simple fluid dynamics, etc. It’s cool, though, I see how you would be confused, what with all that difficult advanced physics and SCIENCE! in your brain.

    Also, I’m not sure how a gold, anthropomorphic physics wold help me understand the subject.

  113. rowanvt says


    you fucking lukimia of fun

    Leukemia. Apparently despite “working for professors” boring troll never managed to pick up how to spell the big words. Oh well.

    Is it sad that boring troll is so boring that the error in spelling is the most annoying thing about it?

  114. Owlmirror says

    Rebecca Watson made Nikita Khrushchev think that banging his shoe on his desk was a good idea.

  115. Wowbagger, Deputy Vice-President (Silencing) says

    Rebecca Watson punched Houdini, rupturing his appendix.

  116. wordplague says

    You keep saying you’re bored, but think of how much fun we’re having.

    Remember, 14/15 participants at a gang rape are having fun. Why ruin it because of one no-funick?


  117. Paul says

    Is it sad that boring troll is so boring that the error in spelling is the most annoying thing about it?

    Rebecca Watson so aroused this troll that he can’t manage to spell or choose words well anymore. One might wonder which body part he’s typing with.

    Really, “You’ll know doubt” was probably the most grating thing in this thread to me.

  118. Wowbagger, Deputy Vice-President (Silencing) says

    Rebecca Watson robbed the school of Tito Puente!

  119. says

    You keep saying you’re bored, but think of how much fun we’re having.

    Remember, 1/1 wordplagues is so pathetic that they try to evoke anger with rape “jokes”. Why think they’re anything but a ban-hungry troll?


  120. rowanvt says

    But I do know doubt! There are times where I look at a radiograph I’ve just taken, and I worry that the positioning may be too off, despite the inherent difficulties with working with small exotic animals.

    Have you ever *tried* taking a lateral radiograph of a turtle without getting any part of you in the primary beam???

  121. rowanvt says

    Great. Now I want to listen to fiddle music, as it’s my favorite instrument. But there are no speakers on this computer.

    Rebecca Watson’s fault.

  122. Owlmirror says

    Rebecca Watson made wordplague think that being a troll was like being a rape victim.

  123. wordplague says

    @StarStuff, an uppity feminist says

    Both questions I asked are things you will learn in an introductory QM and electromagnetism. Infact, you may learn about bremsstrahlung (light breaking in german) in the next semester depending on whether or not you’re on an honors track. I wish you the best in your studies but I still prabably hate you and your entire extended family. However, in the outside chance I meet you at a convention lets forget all of this happend.

    Care for a DANCE?!

  124. rowanvt says

    Rebecca Watson caused my most anticipated clutch of corn snakes to hatch out predominantly male, which I wanted, but for most of the clutch to be lightly colored, which I didn’t want.

  125. wordplague says

    @ Ing: Gerund of Death

    That’s the first nonboring comment I’ve seen on this thread. Thank you…but I still hate you, and every last fledgling that thinks like you. In fact I hope you die in a drunk driving accident on the way to your first born’s wedding, and then they die in a drunk driving accident on the way to your funeral…but thank you for the link.

    Dance magic dance magic dance!

  126. says

    @ wordplague

    I’m a bio major, so teh physics isn’t exactly my think, ya know? And I already told you, unless you want a broken limb or a poked out eye, you don’t want me to dance.

    Oh, and if I met you at a conference (and actually realized it was you, ’cause, ya know, you’re pretty anonymous right now) I’d laugh at you and walk away to hang out with the cool people. *Puts shades on… at night* Awww yeah.

  127. rowanvt says

    I’ve raised up several fledglings. It’s so fun watching them fly for the first time… especially when they don’t understand how to do the landing part.

  128. Wowbagger, Deputy Vice-President (Silencing) says

    Rebecca Watson came up with the idea for faking Milli Vanilli.

  129. Wowbagger, Deputy Vice-President (Silencing) says

    Rebecca Watson sold the cow for three magic beans.

  130. chigau (女性) says

    Do you have a mirror?
    Do you look in it without feeling disgust?

  131. wordplague says

    @ StarStuff, an uppity feminist

    Your internet cute-talk such as “teh” and “think” make me want to throw acid in your face…since you’re a bio mager you’re probably taking or will take math for the life sciences, which is a watered down version of calculus. Therefore, you won’t have the math background to really appreciete classical electrodynamics, namely Maxwell’s equations. That said, biology goes way the fuck over my head. I had to take a bio-physics class while getting my masters and I wanted to kill everything that lives after it was over. So, there is my humility.

    You’ll know it’s me at the convention because I’ll be dressed like David Bowie in Labrynth and I’ll have a horde of goblins behind me making rape threats…but cute rape threats.

    That raps it up for tonight. I hate but goodluck in your studies.

  132. ixchel, the jaguar goddess of midwifery and war ॐ says

    hey wordplague

    how do you feel about chomsky

  133. Owlmirror says

    Rebecca Watson made Christopher Hitchens undergo waterboarding, and change his stance about it afterward.

  134. says

    @ wordplague

    Ah, but I have taken Calc 1. And Bio Stats. I am forever done with TEH MATHS (well, at least teh math classes for my undergrad degree).

    And I don’t “study” physics. I DEMOLISH it! *flexes muscles*

  135. Owlmirror says

    Rebecca Watson used operant conditioning to program B. F. Skinner to believe in Behaviorism.

  136. wordplague says

    @ixchel, the jaguar goddess of midwifery and war

    Fuck Chomsky and his narrow interpretation of history, and fuck your female empowerment user name….about that, is there a jaguar godess of miscarriage? I could get behind that.

  137. wordplague says

    @ Ing: Gerund of Death

    Good, less is is more. But you shouldn’t comment at ALL. Stop throwing the troll scraps.

  138. wordplague says

    @ rowanvt

    using the vocabulary that FTB’s has provided for you. It has some Orwellian appeal to it, but you’re still acknowledging my presence.

  139. wordplague says


    Are you fucking kidding? RW is the gift that keeps on giving. None of you are more reactionary and thin skinned as that living abortion. She complains more than actual rape victims.

  140. says


    this is now stuck in my head. it’s all mouthyb’s Rebecca Watson’s fault.

    Also, Rebecca Watson made me trip over my crutches and fall on my broken foot. she’s so mean (and in cahoots with my murderous kitteh)

  141. chigau (女性) says

    Are they getting more points for longevity?
    Pick a backwater thread and count comments until banning?
    That is just so sad.

  142. says

    Who let the trolls in?

    Hey, look what I found in a completely different context, about considering what *might* happen at an event and having a procedure to deal with it:

    Whitby Ribfest chairman Colin O’Regan said the festival didn’t see the lightning storm coming before the bolt hit the tent. “Basically a sudden storm came out of nowhere,” he said.

    The festival’s emergency plan — drawing on lessons learned from other rib festivals — ensured first aid workers were able to race inside the tent “within seconds,” while other staff and police already at the event kept the crowd orderly…

  143. chigau (女性) says


    He’s managed to get himself grad students at a strictly undergraduate institution!

    I think they’re weeding his garden.

  144. says

    make me want to throw acid in your face

    Your desire to throw acid in a woman’s face is entirely your responsibility and none of hers.

    Your cowardly and sociopathic attempt to shift the blame for your violent fantasies onto the target of those fantasies is noted, though.

  145. theophontes (坏蛋) says

    @ All

    {angry pout} There you go again, horde! Hogging the wordplague troll all to yourselves. Please forward to TZT when you’re done playing.

    {leaves in a huff}

  146. wordplague says

    @SallyStrange: Elite Femi-Fascist Genius:

    I know menopause has taken hold and the hot flashes are clouding your judgment, but the acid remark was figurative, not literal. You should know the difference by now what with all those Harlequin Romance Novels you polished off while on maternity leave.

  147. wordplague says

    @chigau (女性)

    I’m RW? No wonder I thought you were all trying to rape.

    Explain your username. Are you tring to use pinyin and why the fuck do you have female in paranthesis? your name is Chi Gau? Which “Chi” and which “Gau?” Do you even know anything about Chinese or are you another American that thinks its shiek to write characters all over everything Cao ni ma si gui zi!.

  148. chigau (女性) says

    wordplague #223
    Do you really think that SallyStrange is your mother?

  149. wordplague says

    @ SallyStrange: Elite Femi-Fascist Genius

    Plug the open wound that is your vagina and bleeds reason.

  150. chigau (女性) says

    wordplague #225
    I was not responding to you.

    Sit down.
    You are NOT the center of the Universe.
    I’m sure you’ll get over it.

    and I’m not American and I’m not using Chinese.
    (if you think REAL hard, you may figure it out)

  151. theophontes (坏蛋) says

    @ chigau

    I blame you since I suspect that you are Rebecca Watson.

    Aaaaah! Rebecca Watson is a tardigrade! (Now it all makes sense.)

    @ wordplague

    Are you tring [sic] to use pinyin

    Try to learn English before you botch Japanese.

  152. rowanvt says

    @ Chigau-

    I always wanted to say that my favorite kanji that you used has to be onaji. I thought it was a beautiful play on the words. Sannen kara nihongo o benkyou shita noni zenbu wasurete shimaimashita. And that would be because, of course, once I got the point where I could converse with my relatives-by-marriage they stopped visiting because they dislike flying so much. -_-

    @ Boring Troll-

    I acknowledge you exist, because you do. Because you are human. And because I can’t help wondering if, with your mediocre attempts at trolling, you are not in fact actually fairly civil in real life. Maybe even a little shy.

    @ 215-

    Actually, for the lateral (side) shots we usually squish ’em between some foam and tape them into a turtle sandwich. I’ve done that with several RESs, mud turtles and various small tortoises. I am NOT looking forward to my first lateral rads on a 50lb Sulcata.

    We also use the foam method for lateral rads on rabbits. Though I refer to this as “Bunny Bondage” because of the vast amounts of tape required to be snug enough for bunny to not right itself, but not so snug as to discover if breathing is optional for rabbits.

    My job is very strange. Did you know that it’s incredibly hard to do a nail trim on a box turtle? Took me half an hour.

  153. wordplague says

    @ chigau (女性)

    The characters are CHINESE for female pronounced “nu3xing4”

    3=third tone
    4=fourth tone

  154. Tethys says

    I can’t think of more things to blame on Rebecca Watson.

    I am rather bemused to discover that the ELCA* has a sexual harassment and misconduct policy

    Seeking to protect youth and other congregation members from sexual misconduct or harassment should be an aspect of each congregation’s ministry. No congregation is immune from the possibility of sexual misconduct but steps can be taken to address those concerns.
    One step is to adopt policies and procedures addressing the issue of sexual misconduct and harassment in the church. One resource that provides useful sample policies and screening forms is from Church Mutual Insurance Company.
    This resource provides a sample policy along with other screening procedures and forms that can assist congregations in becoming safer places.

    How depressing is it when the evangelicals are safer than our supposed skeptical allies?

    *Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

  155. wordplague says

    @ rowanvt

    of coure I’m civil in person. Sociopaths always are…

    Your research area sounds extemely dull. You remind me of my freind, a radiochemist, who does experiments which involves implanting isotopes in cancerous mice. Jesus was it fucking boring to hear about.

    And of course you invent boring pet names (Bunny Bondage) for the apparatus used in your research. You’re almost as much of a drain on funny as my research supervisor who called our Van De Graaff accelerator “Bruno.” Only a German female could vomit such uninspired douchery.

  156. rowanvt says

    Or maybe it reads onna saga. Because… ya know, not only the chinese use kanji.

  157. chigau (女性) says

    wordplaque (meathead)
    everyone else
    different or to differ
    this is my ‘nym.
    The parenthetic changes from time to time.
    The current one is “josei” (NOT Chinese), meaning “woman” in response to some other thread.

  158. rowanvt says

    AHAHAHA… you think I’m in research. Oh dear, let me wipe the tears from my eyes.

  159. rowanvt says

    *shakes a fist at jousei* See, I told you it’s been three years and I’ve forgotten it all.

  160. wordplague says


    You douche chilling said:

    How depressing is it when the evangelicals are safer than our supposed skeptical allies?

    Quit your fucking victim mongering. You aren’t threatened at conventions and you never were. Why don’t you adopt some of the characteristics of the gender you’re so afraid of and man the fuck up!

    I’m so glad that Dawkins called your fucking menstrual goddess RW out on her bullshit.

  161. chigau (女性) says

    How’s your 日本語 working out?
    Are you going to stop trying to show off?

  162. wordplague says

    @ chigau (女性)

    What you have in parenthesis is Chinese. Japanese barrows from Chinese characters but its fucking Chinese, the same way English borrows from French. All you had to say is that you were using it in Japanese, not double down on your linguistic ignorance and say “I’m not doing Chinese.”

    Explain to me how you do a language? Can you rape a language? If so RW may have some advocacy plan for it. Actually you can rape language; I do it to English on every post. Beat you to the punch you predictable fuck tards.

  163. wordplague says

    @chigau (女性):

    You just wrote Japanese using Konji. What do you want, a fucking bucay?

  164. theophontes (坏蛋) says

    @ Jadehawk

    … gave the surprise away.

    Oops, sorry. (I blame SIWOTI Rebecca.)

    @ rowant

    I think you need to spell it out to it:

    @ wordplague – Try Wikipedia before your next brainfart. Kanji.

  165. rowanvt says

    Actually, there are definitely modifications to many of the kanji that are used for Japanese. They’re often simplified as, unlike in chinese, the kanji are typically used for only part of a word and definitely not for an entire sentence. My Aunt Ling was quite curious to see some of the differences as we swapped the writing of common kanji. I don’t remember as many as I would like and I’m going to be re-learning the language soon.

  166. Brownian says

    Why don’t you adopt some of the characteristics of the gender you’re so afraid of and man the fuck up!

    So, when these desperate, pathetic, wanna-be martyrs don’t get banned, what do you guys think happens in their little brains? How do they reconcile this fact with their screams of Stasi?

    Or do you even think that what they do can be compared to how humans think? Am I anthropomorphising too much?

  167. wordplague says

    @ Tethys

    Stop with the “how are you literate” routine. Its boring and unoriginal.

  168. says

    So, when these desperate, pathetic, wanna-be martyrs don’t get banned, what do you guys think happens in their little brains?

    he wouldn’t get a slimepit cookie for not getting banned, so he’d just pull an Anthony McCarthy

  169. throwaway, these are not the bullies you're looking for says

    Cyrillic languages must confuse the fuck out of wordplague.

  170. ixchel, the jaguar goddess of midwifery and war ॐ says

    Fuck Chomsky and his narrow interpretation of history

    Hmmmmmmm. Nice try, but not what I was looking for.

    Conclusion: probably not.

  171. wordplague says

    @ rowanvt

    No you jack-ball. Japanese typically borrows nouns from Chinese and integrates it into the written language just like Korean. In fact most of the familiar words in English such as ‘Typhoon’ or ‘Tycoon’ are actually Chinese using the Japanese pronunciation.

    Chinese is an isolated language and therefore a character cannot be morphed with tenses like English. Japanese barrows whole words from Chinese, it doesn’t use part of a character. The point is, your friend (female in parenthesis) was using Chinese characters and kept insisting that she wasn’t “doing Chinese.”

    Finally she wrote something in Hiragana which implicitly solved the mystery. What do you mean you are relearning the language? It doesn’t sound like you ever knew it.

  172. wordplague says

    @Jadehawk, mec fâché en jupe said:

    yeah chigau, stop claiming you’re writing English words when so obviously you’re writing Latin.

    False analogy. You are comparing a written system based on a syllabary (Latin) with one that is based off of ideograms (Chinese). Any more revelations you want to grace me with there Chomsky?

  173. chigau (女性) says

    are you trying to tell me that you are smarter than

  174. rowanvt says

    Chigau yo. Sannen kara nihongo o benkyou shita. Zannen desu. Juunen mae ni atashi no senkou wa nihongo desu.

    Demo, daijoubu yo. Omae wa moumai na hito noni, daijoubu desu.

  175. theophontes (坏蛋) says

    @ Flewellyn

    I suspect (as Jadehawk suggests) that it wants to get a cookie for being banned from Pharyngula. I further suspect it fails to realise that it has far too much entertainment value here and will have to hoggle harder.

  176. wordplague says

    @ixchel, the jaguar goddess of midwifery and war ॐ

    Chomsky the linguist or Chomsky the narrow-fuck-tarded political commentator? Same man but two very different aptitudes. there Chomsky?

    Ayn Rand would shove “Atlas Shrugged” so far up that pontificating jack-balls ass if she were alive today. He’s barely alive today. Of course you all revere this guy because he tows the radical feminist line just like the effeminate P.Z. -straw man – Meyeres.

  177. rowanvt says

    And while Japanese may have borrowed whole words, in the WRITING THEREOF the kanji is not always the whole written word, unlike chinese.

    For example, onaji. The ona- part is written in kanji, while the -ji is often written in hiragana. This is especially true in verbs. Also, most kanji have an onyomi and a kunyomi. A chinese pronunciation and a specifically Japanese one. There are also kanji that are *only* used in Japan and the simplifications are not shared in the written language between the two countries. Add in that some of the meanings of the kanji have been changed, and the written language is not mutually understandable.

  178. theophontes (坏蛋) says

    @ wordplague

    Chinese using the Japanese pronunciation.

    As ek nou in Afrikaans gaan pos, gaan jy my ‘n hele verhaal gee oor Nederlands? Poephol.

  179. says

    my latin may be rusty as fuck, but I’d like to think I’m still better than google translate. for starters, most latin sentences don’t need a nominative pronoun, cuz that’s already indicated in the verb ending. secondly, if paenitere were used like a normal verb, the sentence would be “paeniteo”, but I think that would mean “I cause regret”, not “I regret”

  180. chigau (女性) says

    Your teachers did you a grave disservice by telling you that Japanese borrows (present tense) from Chinese.
    That happened 1500 years ago.

  181. Iapetus says

    Well I’ve manned up, but stupid troll is still here blathering on and on. It isn’t even providing any decent troll titles.

  182. says

    Pteryxx: I can’t claim total credit for that phrase. It was liberally borrowed from the phrase ‘alpha cock carousel,’ used by trolls at manboobz to describe why they aren’t getting laid.

    Apparently, it’s because all the women are busy riding the carousel.

  183. rowanvt says

    I already offered you a reel, but you never responded. You don’t want to dance at all. *pouts*

  184. Brownian says

    Ayn Rand would shove “Atlas Shrugged” so far up that pontificating jack-balls ass if she were alive today.

    Pretty hard to do with the crowd of sycophantic yes-men she surrounded herself with standing in the way.

  185. says

    from the translator site I used to make sure I got my latin right:

    This site was designed to be viewed with Mozilla Firefox. I recommend this based on its adherence to W3C compliance standards, as well as the fact that it’s far more secure. If you value everything good and wholesome, please stop using Internet Explorer.


  186. ixchel, the jaguar goddess of midwifery and war ॐ says

    Same man but two very different aptitudes. there Chomsky?

    Don’t worry. You don’t understand why I was asking.

  187. says

    Brownian: If you could tear her away from demanding sex from her followers no matter how unattractive they find her because she’s ‘enlightened,’ you probably still couldn’t get her away from those yes men. If you can’t come up with good ideas, I suppose having loads of people telling you that you’re smart (for a woman) is better than nothing.

    Or something.

  188. wordplague says

    @chigau (女性)

    Its still Chinese! Jesus fucking Christ. Kanji is simply (Hanzi in Chinese) means Chinese characters. Japanese has borrowed from Chinese but it doesn’t make it any less Chinese. Its like saying the word “Dinner” isn’t French because its used in English.

    My teachers? I’m teaching you. You just wrote a sentence with a bunch of Hiragana that I don’t understand but with three Chinese characters. Starting from the left and going to the right (I can’t use my Chinese IME from the terminal I’m at) I will give the Chinese pronunciation and pinyin:

    jin1 = today or this day
    shi4 = event or business
    yi4 = different or difference

  189. Brownian says

    If you could tear her away from demanding sex from her followers no matter how unattractive they find her because she’s ‘enlightened,’ you probably still couldn’t get her away from those yes men.

    She had to demand sex? She wasn’t very smart then.

    Rebecca Watson knows how the game is played. Tell the Randians off and they’ll fap to thoughts of you for years.

  190. says

    Its like saying the word “Dinner” isn’t French because its used in English.

    the word “dinner” isn’t French, it’s English. The French word is dîner.

    By this attempt at logic, English doesn’t exist.

  191. chigau (女性) says

    rowanvt #266
    I can’t do Japanese in romaji any more :(
    Ek is lief vir Afrikaans!

  192. Brownian says

    See, chigau (女性) sees how it works.

    What do the Japanese characters mean again, chigau?

  193. says

    Brownian: There’s a story in her biography of her going to the younger men who had flocked to her because of her philosophy and demanding that they service her. If they did not, she blacklisted them from events.

    I have to say, the hatefap confuses me. I can’t say I’ve disliked anything enough to hatefap the way this barely literate, barely intelligent enough to operate a computer is.

    Usually, if I hate something this much, I just leave it alone. Why waste time?

  194. wordplague says

    @Iapetus said

    Well I’ve manned up, but stupid troll is still here blathering on and on. It isn’t even providing any decent troll titles.

    I’m gonna call Bravo Sierra on that. I’ve given you about 4 different memes and brought you guys together in bashing me. Also, I’m perfect for straw manning the opposition. Just think of how many quotes you could take from this thread alone and read them at the next Skepchick panel.

  195. Brownian says

    My teachers? I’m teaching you. You just wrote a sentence with a bunch of Hiragana that I don’t understand but with three Chinese characters. Starting from the left and going to the right (I can’t use my Chinese IME from the terminal I’m at) I will give the Chinese pronunciation and pinyin:

    jin1 = today or this day
    shi4 = event or business
    yi4 = different or difference

    Teacher, jadehawk pulled my hair!

  196. rowanvt says

    Actually, the first kanji is ‘ima’, which means ‘now’. If it had been followed by toki, it could have meant ‘today’ or rather “time-now”. Today is ‘kyou’ or ‘konnichi’.

  197. Brownian says

    My teachers? I’m teaching you. You just wrote a sentence with a bunch of Hiragana that I don’t understand but with three Chinese characters. Starting from the left and going to the right (I can’t use my Chinese IME from the terminal I’m at) I will give the Chinese pronunciation and pinyin:

    jin1 = today or this day
    shi4 = event or business
    yi4 = different or difference

    Teacher, tell us more about your fiancée. Is she beautiful?

  198. Pteryxx says

    Pteryxx: I can’t claim total credit for that phrase. It was liberally borrowed from the phrase ‘alpha cock carousel,’ used by trolls at manboobz to describe why they aren’t getting laid.

    Apparently, it’s because all the women are busy riding the carousel.

    mouthyb: Thanks but I think that was Jadehawk. Still you have a great turn of phrase; and now I’m imagining a sort of literal NSFW carousel with giant saddled-and-ribboned rampant penises on poles. Thanks again! /3am

  199. rowanvt says

    @ Chigau 286 –

    Whereas I’m sitting here going “dictionary! Need my Kanji dictionary! Stupid lack of vocabulary!”. I can still read the hiragana and super common kanji but blargh.

  200. says

    Jadehawk: But there are so many better ways to enjoy oneself. If one is going to fap, why not fap in a way which isn’t like rolling in an open sewer?

    That makes my vagina very sad. :(

  201. wordplague says

    @ Jadehawk, mec fâché en jupe says:

    the word “dinner” isn’t French, it’s English. The French word is dîner.

    By this attempt at logic, English doesn’t exist.

    weak critique. I’m talking about the word itself not the current spelling that modern English uses. It’s a fucking French word the same way pajama is a Hindi word adopted by English.

  202. says

    Pteryxx: There’s an awesome tshirt about that which I totally intend to buy and wear at manboobz. It’s a woman staring slyly at the viewer, legs wrapped around a giant cock (chicken) on a carousel.

  203. rowanvt says

    Oh, almost forgot. Konnichi is written with the ‘ima’ kanji, but also includes the kanji for day ‘nichi’. The kanji by itself is ima.

  204. Iapetus says

    So according to idiots logic, Detroit is a lovely city in France?

    Speaking of french trolls, remember when Phil Giordana (can’t be arsed to check the proper spelling) offered to help us with our titles? He was a complete and utter asshole too, but at least he was an excellent chew toy.

  205. Brownian says

    I’ve given you about 4 different memes and brought you guys together in bashing me.

    Rebecca Watson spawned more memes and brought even more bashers together with only four words.

    Is this where she gets to shove “Atlas Shugged” up your ass?

  206. rowanvt says

    My favorite quote about the english language:

    “English doesn’t borrow from other languages. English follows other languages down dark alleys, knocks them over and goes through their pockets for loose grammar.”

    And it shows what I love about Japanese. Regular verbs. Once you know how to conjugate one verb ending, you know ’em all. The two irregular verbs are easy enough to remember. And for the most part the particles did not give me much problem. The hardest part was the giving and receiving verbs that vary based on social and interpersonal status.

  207. Brownian says

    Usually, if I hate something this much, I just leave it alone. Why waste time?

    If you had a fiancée, you’d know.

  208. wordplague says


    Disreagard the fact that I have intentionally antagonized you all for the last few hours with rape jokes, misogynistic statements, and violent imagery towards women…buttttt

    are you refering to Ayn Rand’s Biography? She actually forced young men to “service” her. Now that is a women i can respect and follow.

  209. says

    Brownian: Humph. I’ve had five so far and I have to say I’m quite good at leaving it alone.

    I must be doing it wrong.

  210. says

    wordplague: Antagonized? While I think you’re a candidate for extensive re-socialization, you have not damaged my calm.

    I’d imagine you haven’t damaged anyone else’s, by the responses.

    And do your own reading.

  211. says

    also, i know troll’s spelling is insufficient to know for sure, but let’s assume it knows whether it’s getting married to a man or a woman and take it at its word when it says it has a fiancé rather than a fiancée

  212. rowanvt says

    I think boring troll got the word ‘antagonized’ mixed up with ‘highly amused’, same as it mixed up ima with konnichi.

  213. wordplague says

    @theophontes (坏蛋)

    Another dolt that thinks it’s cool to put Chinese characters in his username. So what’s your uninteresting reason for putting the word huai4 dan4 (scoundrel or bad guy) in your user name?

    Do you have the same linguistic fortitude as female in parenthesis does or did you just hop on good translate and become the internet equivalent of the douche bag with Kanji tattooed onto his bicep?

  214. says

    Jadehawk: I canna say I dinna try, ye ken? Alas, mah poor polygamous self has run afowl of the pressure to be married.

  215. Brownian says

    can’t you tell how much of its ego is based on thinking oneself awesome with languages?

    Understandable. By every other metric it’s mentioned, it’s a spit in a bucket compared to Rebecca Watson.

  216. wordplague says

    Is everyone here a fucking japanaphile? Why the fascination with that disgusting conquered culture?

    They are bar none the most misogynistic society I’ve ever encountered. They mass produce a computer game called rape play for fuck sake, and all of you “radical feminists” seem to have a hard on, albeit figurative, for Japan.

    Fuck Japan. China is the future.

    Also, I love it when you all chime in to tell me that you aren’t antagonized. Yeah, very convincing, because I always tell everyone in the room how calm and unaffected by everyone I am. In fact I sometime wake up in the middle of the night to tell all my friends how well I’m sleeping.

    Dance you feeders, DANCE!!!

  217. Brownian says

    In fact I sometime wake up in the middle of the night to tell all my friends how well I’m sleeping.

    Is that anything like spending four hours in the blog of someone you pretend to despise?

  218. Iapetus says

    don’t be mean

    But the bubo wants us to be mean! I won’t speculate on why it feels the need to be banned. But it is pretty hilarious that he can’t figure out that PZ is sleeping. The very least we can do is offer some half-hearted casual insults until PZ and his banhammer wake up.

  219. Brownian says

    Dance you feeders, DANCE!!!

    Teacher, can you send in someone who knows English to explain what “boring and unoriginal” mean?

  220. rowanvt says

    Not a Japanophile, but I do have Japanese relatives. Having grown up with frequent visits from Aunt Kumiko and listening to her and my cousins converse in a language I couldn’t understand very much made me want to learn it. I also think the language is incredibly beautiful.

    On the other hand, I personally find French horrifying to listen to because of the nasal qualities inherent in the accent. Nails on a chalkboard.

    Ima. Kyou.

  221. wordplague says

    @ Brownian

    Understandable. By every other metric it’s mentioned, it’s a spit in a bucket compared to Rebecca Watson.

    Huh? What are you talking about. Wasn’t Rebbecca – Rape Whistle – Watson an advertsing major or something boring? And now she’s somehow, through H.P. Lovecraft Cthulhu sorcery, morphed into a voice of the skeptic community. And what are you jack balls on about with languages. I know Chinese, that’s it. When did you get the impression that I thought, or care to, know about languages?

    You are now down to strawmanning my pride. Nice.

  222. says

    If it weren’t a troll trying to get banned, its ability to be consistently wrong would be admirable. I guess I could wish for more original wrongness, but being creative would indeed not get it banned, so I understand.

    still, it’ll do for procrastination for now. it’s fun enough watching it being wrong. it would be almost disappointing if it got something right for a change.

  223. wordplague says

    @Brownian says:

    Is that anything like spending four hours in the blog of someone you pretend to despise?

    I’m a fucking troll, that is precisely what I do. Did you just put down your ether rag and figure this out?

  224. theophontes (坏蛋) says

    @ Jadehawk

    bah. by that idiot’s logic, France isn’t French, it’s Frankish.

    … or Indo-european. Or we can go all the way back to our grunting forefathers.


    Byzantine no less. Invented to turn the Rus into godbots.

    @ wordplague

    er … I live in China.

    (scoundrel or bad guy)

    O GAWD, and I just had that tattooed on my ass! (Actually: “Lousy actor” – because I am.)

  225. Iapetus says

    I know Chinese, that’s it. When did you get the impression that I thought, or care to, know about languages?

    Just after dinner.

  226. truebutnotuseful says

    Brownian wrote @ #295:

    Teacher, tell us more about your fiancée. Is she beautiful?

    That depends. How beautiful would you call a filthy old sock so petrified with semen it’s rigid enough to function as a hockey stick?

    turdplague probably gave it a pretty Chinese name and everything.

  227. rowanvt says

    Unfortunately, too tired to play anymore. Have to sleep for my non-research job that happens to involve things like radiographs and anesthesia of small mammals. Plus the foster kitten probably wants a snack.

    I look forward to reading when I wake up!

  228. Brownian says

    I’m a fucking troll, that is precisely what I do.

    Please, you’re not fucking anything.

  229. John Morales says

    Current specimen:

    Disreagard the fact that I have intentionally antagonized you all for the last few hours with rape jokes, misogynistic statements, and violent imagery towards women…buttttt

    Wow, this is truly a pathetic specimen of a troll.

    Can’t confuse commenters.
    Can’t start a flamewar.
    Can’t even annoy commenters.

    All it does is post little stupidities.

    (Willing chew-toys are convenient)

    Hey specimen, having fun providing hits for PZ’s blog?

    Everyone is having fun laughing at ya, so it’s fair enough. :)

  230. Kendo says


    I’m a fucking troll, that is precisely what I do. Did you just put down your ether rag and figure this out?

    Oh fuck! You got trolled hard. It took twice as many posts for you to realise that you were dancing to the language troll, than it did to turn the tables.

  231. theophontes (坏蛋) says

    @ Brownian

    Please, you’re not fucking anything.

    What? Socks don’t count?

  232. wordplague says

    The best thing about this is I have to be at the university all night, staring at a vacuum chamber and listening to the
    annoying *click click click* from the exemer laser…. I hate my advisor, she’s a power tripping sack of cunt. Yet, I’m stuck under her thumb working for next to nothing in her surface dynamics lab with poor funding.

    but you guys have engaged me for going on 5 hours, and allowed me to purge all of this hatred and bordem.

  233. Brownian says

    So, I just got this tattooed on my shoulder:


    It means ‘strength’ and ‘honour’.

    What do you all think?

  234. wordplague says

    @ John Morales:

    Another PW’d FTBer who wakes up to tell me how well he’s sleeping.

  235. John Morales says


    … but you guys have engaged me for going on 5 hours, and allowed me to purge all of this hatred and bordem


    You’ve been enriching PZ’s coffers, and all for the sake of getting some free abuse to appease your self-loathing.

    (I for one don’t begrudge you a decent portion of disdain so as to mercifully appease your paraphilia)

  236. Iapetus says

    I hate my advisor, she

    Probably spends a lot of time having to deal with entitled shitweasles like bubo?

  237. Beatrice says

    Aw, is the troll going away? I was hoping for some more amusement while I drink my morning coffee.

    Dance, troll, dance!
    *pokes it with a stick*

  238. theophontes (坏蛋) says

    @ Brownian

    I’ve been waiting in the “Ghey seks with Brownian” queue for years. And you only tattooed that on your shoulder? *sulks*

    (I thought 睪丸 meant “the driving force behind wordplague’s arguments”.)

  239. Brownian says

    but you guys have engaged me for going on 5 hours, and allowed me to purge all of this hatred and bordem.

    I don’t think this one is smart enough to consider the implications of the fact that this site has an html tag just for quoting trolls.

  240. John Morales says


    Another PW’d FTBer who wakes up to tell me how well he’s sleeping.

    Well, ’tis true I’m a FTB commenter, just as you are.

    It’s Rebecca Watson’s fault, of course.

  241. truebutnotuseful says

    turdplague wrote @ #342:

    I hate my advisor, she’s a power tripping sack of cunt. Yet, I’m stuck under her thumb working for next to nothing in her surface dynamics lab with poor funding.

    So that’s why you hate women. You have to work for one – probably a professional who won’t put up with your shit – but of course that’s an inversion of the Natural Order, because you’re a Dood and she’s a Chick. So you burn through your impotent rage by making rape threats at people on the Internet and trolling the fora of your betters with your brazen braggadocio.

    Thanks for baring the ass of your psyche for all of us to see. It’s really been quite amusing.

  242. John Morales says


    No worries, Beatrice.

    This one is obviously hooked, and when the banhammer comes it will be all sad and stuff and seek to create a new ID so as to enjoy a little more abuse from people.

    (Who could forget the Piltdown?)

  243. Brownian says

    I’ve been waiting in the “Ghey seks with Brownian” queue for years. And you only tattooed that on your shoulder? *sulks*

    The rest of my body is covered in dolphin tattoos and celtic designs. There’s simply no more room anywhere else.

  244. theophontes (坏蛋) says

    @ John Morales

    I was hoping to manhandle the manly troll to the manly Testosterone Zone Thread.

  245. theophontes (坏蛋) says

    @ Brownian

    The rest of my body is covered in dolphin tattoos and celtic designs. There’s simply no more room anywhere else.


    {ducks back into queue with a look of excited anticipation}

  246. John Morales says


    theophontes, why bother?

    (Such small fry ain’t worth the effort)

  247. theophontes (坏蛋) says

    @ John Morales

    The Testosterone Zone Thread is currently lacking testosterone.

  248. Owlmirror says

    “English doesn’t borrow from other languages. English follows other languages down dark alleys, knocks them over and goes through their pockets for loose grammar.”


    The problem with defending the purity of the English language is that English is about as pure as a cribhouse whore. We don’t just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.
    James D. Nicoll

  249. John Morales says


    Stop using my meme, you’re only encouraging me.

    Ignorant incompetence makes it easily manipulable. :)

  250. Wowbagger, Deputy Vice-President (Silencing) says

    The troll still hasn’t worked it out yet? Sheesh.

  251. wordplague says

    @ John Morales

    New ID? This is my fourth one, you underestimating bucket of AIDS!

    As soon as the grand eunuch himself P.Z. wakes up, changes his depends, and takes RW’s butt plug out of his ass, I will be banned. Until then…

    Dance you parasites!

  252. rowanvt says

    @364, I’ve seen both quotes. The other is attributed to him too. Probably just said at a different time, with the same intent.

    The very first time I encountered the quote, it was a conglomeration of the two.

    “English doesn’t borrow from other languages. It pursues them down dark alleys, knocks them unconscious and rifles through their pockets for loose grammar.”

  253. Beatrice says

    I got a personal response from itsy-bisty troll, I feel all special and stuff.

    Will you dance the polka if I tell you to?


    And the reason I’m still drinking my first coffee after 11am? Rebecca Watson made me sleep through the alarm.

  254. rowanvt says

    @ John Morales –

    Wait wait wait we’re all radfemnazistasis here, right? So you can’t use manipulable as it has the word “man” in it, and man is a no-no word!

  255. Wowbagger, Deputy Vice-President (Silencing) says

    Sorry, troll – I missed that. Try again?

  256. John Morales says


    New ID? This is my fourth one, you underestimating bucket of AIDS!


    Way to prove my point; like I wrote, you’re addicted to being insulted by your betters — you know it, I know it.

    Until then…

    … until then, you’ll provide him with blog hits and therefore.

    (What’s it like to be a tool for enriching someone you envy?)

    Dance you parasites!

    You know Rebecca Watson is making you do this, no? :)

  257. truebutnotuseful says

    turdplague wrote @ #367:

    As soon as the grand eunuch himself P.Z. wakes up, changes his depends

    What on earth would P.Z. need with Depends™? It’s common knowledge that at the stroke of midnight, P.Z. turns back into a majestic cephalopod and retires to his secret basement aquarium, where he spends the night beaking his prey into submission until the first rays of sunlight break over the horizon and the curse transforms him back into a lowly human.

    Honestly, if you can’t even get these incredibly basic facts straight, why should anyone pay you any mind?

  258. Brownian says

    As soon as the grand eunuch himself P.Z

    This is one of those things like waking up to talk about how well you’re sleeping, right?

  259. John Morales says


    … we’re all radfemnazistasis here, right?

    Damn right!

    I stand corrected, the specimen is easily womanipulable.

    (It admitted as much)

  260. John Morales says


    Bloody hell! What an el-cheapo defective specimen this chew-toy turns out to be. Freebie or not, it’s kinda disappointing.

    A couple of little chomps, a couple of little squeaks, and it’s already broken?


  261. truebutnotuseful says

    Wow, over 30 minutes without a post from the plague of turds? I guess someone left to go put in some quality time with the fiansock.

  262. Owlmirror says

    @364, I’ve seen both quotes. The other is attributed to him too. Probably just said at a different time, with the same intent.

    No, I’m pretty sure that the first one is just a cleaned-up paraphrase of the original.


  263. carlie says

    Damn, this one is sad. Remember when we used to have real trolls, the ones who were subtle and didn’t reveal their trollness for a few comments or so? The ones who didn’t want to be banned so badly you could see the desperation dripping off the screen? Those were the days.

    You know, being banned doesn’t really count when you’re so obvious about it. It’s like mooning a police officer and then bragging later that you’re a hardened criminal.

  264. Wowbagger, Deputy Vice-President (Silencing) says

    Carlie wrote:

    It’s like mooning a police officer and then bragging later that you’re a hardened criminal.

    It seems fairly obvious that this particular pissant is making his poor effort in order to impress some likeminded, equally unsophisticated douchemongers buddies.

  265. wordplague says

    The last hour was case and point why women should rarely hold positions of authority. My fucking advisor forgets to tell me we’re out of liquid nitrogen and then calls up out of the blue and wants me to prepare a vacuum system with the absorption pump. When she discovers we can’t do that because she didn’t tell me to order any more liquid nitrogen, I get a Rebbecca Watson ass reaming about how I’m not proactive and I won’t get a post doc with this kind of “lax attention span.” This is the same cunt whom I’ve worked for free for the last two fucking years. Finally, she’s done castrating me and I call her by her first name and this is what I get before she hangs up:
    Advisor: I’m not your friend, I’m your advisor *click*
    Of course she gets a pass because she can always blame her menstrual cycle. This women is a fucking Phd. And controls my entire future! And you RW fledglings complain about your feelings being hurt online. Whose REALLY being raped here?!

  266. Wowbagger, Deputy Vice-President (Silencing) says

    Oooh, he’s back. Yay! Okay folks, take a number.

  267. ChasCPeterson says

    case and point


    Whose REALLY being raped here?!


  268. wordplague says

    No one in the scientific community wants to complain about the power tripping cunts with a vendetta that have now inundated the field. They get all the advantages because they’re a “suspect class,” and they take all the best research positions because nobody wants to be accused of being a sexist.

    Grad school is like Shawshank Redemption for men. You get fucked in the ass by women and men, and if you complain about it you’re a misogynist.

  269. Brownian says

    Finally, she’s done castrating me


    Did you rebut her claim that you’ve got a lax attention span by telling her that you spent six hours trolling Pharyngula, or did your little sack shrivel right up while you mewled “yes, ma’am”?

    Also, you might want to see to this castration obsession of yours. I suspect the problem is not the women in your life, but the fact that you’re just a failure as a human being.

  270. Beatrice says

    The last hour was case and point why women should rarely hold positions of authority. blah blah Rebecca Watson blah blah blah blah cunt blah blah blah blah

    Obligatory xkcd: How it works

  271. Beatrice says

    And controls my entire future!

    I’m insulted. We, the Pharyngulates, are controlling your future by keeping you locked in the perpetual troll dance on this site and keeping you from getting any work done.

  272. carlie says

    When she discovers we can’t do that because she didn’t tell me to order any more liquid nitrogen, I get a Rebbecca Watson ass reaming about how I’m not proactive and I won’t get a post doc with this kind of “lax attention span.”

    She’s right about that. Why didn’t you notice the liquid nitrogen was running low?

  273. Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls says

    Yawn, give it a “D” for staying power, still an “F” for intellectual content. Why do trolls like to prove to the world they are idjits? [/rhetorical]

  274. Brownian says

    She’s right about that. Why didn’t you notice the liquid nitrogen was running low?

    It’s Rebecca Watson’s fault.

  275. ChasCPeterson says

    I get a Rebbecca Watson ass reaming

    Oh, the horrid, horrid harpie. She said “don’t do that” to you? Wow! Just like being raped up the ass! AND castrated!!

  276. carlie says

    And controls my entire future!

    Why can’t you switch advisors? Aren’t you such a hot commodity that any professor would jump at the chance to have you in their lab? Or hell, just quit altogether and get a profession that doesn’t require you to be around women, ever. It’s all up to you.

    We, the Pharyngulates, are controlling your future by keeping you locked in the perpetual troll dance on this site and keeping you from getting any work done.

    Heh. Wait, I see a possibility here. Start engaging them late at night, and then they’re up being all trolly, and then they fall asleep at work and get all kinds of shit for it.

  277. wordplague says

    @ Brownian

    You don’t have to work under this harpe and you don’t have your entire academic career hanging by the teeth a woman’s lib fueled tirade. You’re taking her side souly on the vagina criteria. She doesn’t have a penis so she must be right.

    You’re probably some sicophantic undergrad whose parents have paid your way through everything. In order to stay contemporary you buy in to any movement that has the word “left” attached to it. You figure if you spend enough time on FTB maybe some of P.Z.’s education will rub off on you.

    Get over yourself and then commit ritual suicide.

  278. carlie says

    Finally, she’s done castrating me and I call her by her first name

    Of course, keep up that kind of shit and you might not have to worry about spending much more time with her at all. You do realize that she is not obligated to keep you on as a student, right? She could kick you out of her lab. Don’t think she’s not keeping notes on your behavior, because by now she probably is.

  279. carlie says

    You don’t have to work under this harpe and you don’t have your entire academic career hanging by the teeth a woman’s lib fueled tirade.

    Neither do you. Go find a different advisor if you’re such hot shit.

    You’re probably some sicophantic undergrad whose parents have paid your way through everything.

    He’s not, but I’m a woman and I got paid to go to summer camps in high school for being a minority in a science field and then I got a full ride scholarship through undergrad. Jealous?

  280. Beatrice says


    Since we come from all over the world, we can keep it going 24/7. It’s brilliant.

  281. carlie says

    I’d love to stay and chat, but I have to go get paid for doing science now. In fact, this week I’m doing seminars specifically just for girls to encourage them to be scientists. Have fun in school today with your advisor, wordplague!

  282. says

    If I ever end up working with lazy, illiterate idiots like this troll, I’ll go on a much worse rampage than telling them to stop fucking off on the internet and do their job. I mean, I’ve seen some seriously mutilated English come out of the hard sciences, but not being able to spell “major” is probably an act of incompetence beyond the reach of even the most humanities-hating physics prof.

  283. wordplague says


    Yeah, switch advisors after two years of working on my thesis. Just throw all that time and money out the window because little miss menstrual show can’t have any gratitude for students with cocks that work for free in order to bolster their tenure.

    Fucking brilliant advice. Are you a guidance counselor? Too bad you weren’t one at Columbine in 1999.

  284. Wowbagger, Deputy Vice-President (Silencing) says

    The fun part is that the poor dimwit probably doesn’t realise we’re worldwide, 24/7; by the time one bunch of regulars goes to bed, another will be up and online to make him dance.

  285. wordplague says


    You got a scholarship for being a minority? Wonderful. Your parents didn’t use protection one night and 18 years later you’re rewarded for it. This is the kind of bullshit that the skeptical community unfortunately endorses and aligns itself with.

    Where is my scholarship for being born? Oh, that’s right I’m white. I have to do on merit.

  286. Beatrice says

    Oh, this one is edgy. Going into murder fantasies.

    It seems we got your cock in a twist. Getting a bit upset, lazy ass?

  287. Brownian says

    You’re taking her side souly on the vagina criteria

    No, I’m not taking her side. I’m against your side, because you’re a half-literate half-wit, and a piece of shit to boot.

    You’re a fucking stain, you dumb fuck. Suffer in agony, and die alone and afraid.

    You’re probably some sicophantic undergrad whose parents have paid your way through everything. In order to stay contemporary you buy in to any movement that has the word “left” attached to it. You figure if you spend enough time on FTB maybe some of P.Z.’s education will rub off on you.

    You’re really shitty at this. I mean, really shitty.

    Take notes, fuckbag: you haven’t the fucking brains to even guess at who I am, let alone do it well enough to hurt me.

    If you’re anywhere near this shitty at your actual work, you should fucking thank this woman for keeping your stupid ass around for so long.

    Get over yourself and then commit ritual suicide.

    Get over myself? I’m not the one who just got put in his place for spending all of his time trolling like a useless fuck instead of doing his job and then crying about it because the world is so mean.

  288. ChasCPeterson says

    little miss menstrual show can’t have any gratitude for students with cocks that work for free in order to bolster their tenure.

    Two years ain’t shit.
    If this is your real situation and attitude, i.e. if you’re not just trolling, your graduate school experience is seriously dysfunctional and you should get out now for everybody’s sake. Start over with someone who can earn your respect by having a gigantic cock.
    Or not.

  289. ChasCPeterson says

    Oh, that’s right I’m white.

    That’s it, keep reminding yourself: there’s that.
    Oh, and hey, your cock. See? Look on the bright side.

  290. wordplague says

    @Jadehawk, mec fâché en jupe

    Keep pushing the spelling critique. You’re getting allot of mileage out of that one. I’m gonna go home and eat a lead salad because I suck at spelling. Nice bid for shaming.

  291. Brownian says

    Where is my scholarship for being born? Oh, that’s right I’m white. I have to do on merit.

    From the lack of misspelled words, I’d guess you copied and pasted this comment.

    You ain’t getting by on merit anywhere, you fucking moron.

  292. Wowbagger, Deputy Vice-President (Silencing) says

    Anyone keeping a list of the words and concepts wordpiss is demonstrating an ignorance of? It must be pretty long by now.

    But don’t stop there, wordpiss. Let’s see if you can set a new record!

  293. Brownian says

    I’m gonna go home and eat a lead salad because I suck at spelling

    Don’t be stupid.

    It’s not that you’re a poor speller. It’s that the world would be a better place if the irresponsible sibling duo that birthed you were forced to face some sort of punishment for not aborting you in the fourth trimester with a ball peen hammer and a kettle full of boiling water, assuming attending your open casket funeral were some sort of punishment to them.

  294. Louis says


    I’ve read the thread, I’m not worried about the trolling and misogyny you’re engaging in…well….I am worried about them, more for you than for anyone else, you seem uniquely ineffective as a human being. I imagine most people will simply look at your trollish invective and laugh at you.

    But I digress, the thing that really concerns me, as a someone who supervises people with PhDs (and who has one himself) and graduates, and who works in the lab himself as much as he can, I expect people to manage their lab, reagents, equipment, stocks and themselves to a high degree (depending on the organisation, in industry, we have “people” for this stuff.).

    Sorry but not having a dewar of liquid nitrogen to hand when it appears a significant fraction of your experiments depend on it, that’s sloppy. Don’t wait to be told, your PhD depends on this stuff, check it when you get in in the morning and ask if you can get some more (if you need to ask). Shitty PhD supervisors are a dime a dozen, and few of them have any management training, so I sympathise a little bit there, but dude, really, doing a PhD is an adult experience. I’ve gotta say that whatever else your supervisor is, she’s right that you need to be more proactive. With the terrible job market that exists at the moment, you need to get your act together. Oh and shitty postgrad students are even cheaper than shitty PhD supervisors, just so ya know.

    But hey, I’m on holiday this week, I can afford the time to fuck about with illiterate fools on the web between DIY jobs and potty training a recalcitrant child, you? Not so much. You’re doing a PhD, get back in the lab, stop trolling internet sites because your Man Fee-Fees are hurt about the fact that people have noticed you are a misogynist toilet.


  295. wordplague says

    @ ChasCPeterson

    Now this shit just got personal. This started out as a fun troll -the -feminists while working overnight, but now fuck that.

    Who the fuck are you Mr. MIT? What the fuck do you know about grad school, delivering data on time, designing and conducting experiments, teaching undergrad labs, getting half the sleep, doing twice the work, and getting none of the pay?

  296. Louis says

    Jadehawk, #401,

    I mean, I’ve seen some seriously mutilated English come out of the hard sciences, but not being able to spell “major” is probably an act of incompetence beyond the reach of even the most humanities-hating* physics prof.

    Careful, your prejudices are showing!

    Mind you, it’s probably only fair, they showed theirs first. ;-)


    * What’s there to hate about the humanities? Everyone should have a hobby.** {Runs away giggling}

    ** For any hard of thought lurkers, I AM NOT SERIOUS. Reason, you know that philosophical tool that underpins science, can be used to investigate, erm, well, everything! Who knew? Humanities, people, because C P Snow should be made to be wrong as often as possible….and then, erm, well, right!

  297. wordplague says

    @Jadehawk, mec fâché en jupe:

    I was being sarcastic you tone deaf puddle of HIV.

  298. Brownian says

    Now this shit just got personal



    I can’t get over how much this partial person sucks at life.

  299. ChasCPeterson says

    Who the fuck are you Mr. MIT?

    yeah, that’s Dr. UCLA to you.

    What the fuck do you know about grad school, delivering data on time, designing and conducting experiments, teaching undergrad labs, getting half the sleep, doing twice the work, and getting none of the pay?

    I know all about it, dude. Except I used to get paid for teaching undergraduate labs. If they’re making you do that for free that’s an even better reason to quit.

  300. Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls says

    What the fuck do you know about grad school, delivering data on time, designing and conducting experiments, teaching undergrad labs, getting half the sleep, doing twice the work, and getting none of the pay?

    Gee, you ever think some folks here have graduate degrees and teach/have taught at universities? Which your inane and unintelligent tirade here will preclude you from ever doing?

  301. Louis says


    I hate to answer a question to Chas, who is at odds with me and thus will never see my answer, but speaking for myself:

    Who the fuck are you Mr. MIT? What the fuck do you know about grad school, delivering data on time, designing and conducting experiments, teaching undergrad labs, getting half the sleep, doing twice the work, and getting none of the pay?

    First it’s Dr, not Mr, in my case, and it’s Cambridge (UK) not MIT, but let’s not waste time on that, the answer to your question is: pretty much everything. Been there done it, helped to run it, before abandoning it to go into industry. (Worst mistake EVER as it happens, but we live and learn)

    Ah, actually, I did get paid. That’s because I earned a stipend…quite a good one for the UK as it happened. And not getting paid for teaching undergrads? What the fuck are you doing!? Change schools, even in the USA that’s practically illegal, surely!


  302. Brownian says

    @Jadehawk, mec fâché en jupe:

    I was being sarcastic you tone deaf puddle of HIV.

    There you go again, blaming everyone else of how much you suck.

    I bet your advisor would take you more seriously if you learned to write as if you were taught by humans, not wolves.

    Ir is that why she calls the lab to speak to you in person, instead?

  303. Janine: Fucking Dyke Of Rage Mountain says

    Some schmuck shows up, shits on the floor and rolls in it for hours and thinks that he is some principled warrior for free speech.

    His time would have been better spent playing with a Hitachi Magic Wand all night.

    Too bad about this thread, the first few hundred comments were funny as hell. Now it is just sad and smelly.

  304. Wowbagger, Deputy Vice-President (Silencing) says

    Wait, the troll’s doing an educational (forgive the expression) pissing contest? At Pharyngula? Hahahahahahahaha!

    Oh, that – that’s just sad. Though not all that surprising; one of the things I’ve learned arguing with the entitled asshole dudebros over the #FTBullies affair is that most of them don’t have the faintest fucking idea goes on here apart from their pissant idols getting their (figurative) asses kicked around (and then off) the property.

  305. ChasCPeterson says

    who is at odds with me

    I’d say ‘occasionally annoyed with’.
    (And that’s pretty much the median of my distribution.)

  306. says

    Wait, the troll’s doing an educational (forgive the expression) pissing contest? At Pharyngula? Hahahahahahahaha!

    now now, let’s be fair. since none of us are white men, no one here had to actually do work to get their degrees and jobs. they were handed to us on a gilded affirmative action platter.

    so, you know, troll is the only person on all of FTB who’s ever had to work hard for anything, because it’s a member of the most oppressed class in the world: stupid white men with entitlement

  307. Pteryxx says

    Be funny in a schadenfreudey way if the troll’s advisor turns out to read Pharyngula, eh? Yeah, unlikely but possible.

    It’s mildly interesting to see one of these entitled magic-penis types ‘live’ as it were… obviously he doesn’t dare say any of this crap *to his advisor* though unless she’s the chillest woman PhD evar, she knows he’s thinking it. How dare those walking woman-parts castrate him by actually holding him responsible for his job and his attitude!

    (I’ve never worked in a lab where *the advisor* is responsible for something as trivial as tracking and ordering LN2. If I tried that crap I’d have been dressed down in any lab ever. Why not just tell her to go bring him a sammich, yeesh.)

  308. Pteryxx says

    …though to be fair, if he’s filling the LN2 WITH his entitled-parts, castration’s a definite possibility.

  309. Louis says

    Janine, #427,

    His time would have been better spent playing with a Hitachi Magic Wand all night.

    Well that’s true for all of us really.

    A copy of JACS* and a Hitachi Magic Wand and a silk sheeted bed with suitable mood lighting and candles…


    * Journal of the American Chemical Society. Just to be clear. Phwoar….look at the heterocycles on THAT!

  310. carlie says

    You got a scholarship for being a minority? Wonderful. Your parents didn’t use protection one night and 18 years later you’re rewarded for it. This is the kind of bullshit that the skeptical community unfortunately endorses and aligns itself with.

    Where is my scholarship for being born? Oh, that’s right I’m white. I have to do on merit.

    Oh, I’m white as white can be – women were counted as a minority.

  311. Louis says


    You say “potato” I say “poTAHto”*, let’s call the whole thing off. Anyway, I thought I was kill-filed. Put me back, put me back!


    * But seriously, NO ONE SAYS FUCKING POTAHTO. NO ONE! Ridiculous song, annoys the piss out of me.

  312. wordplague says

    Louis said

    But I digress, the thing that really concerns me, as a someone who supervises people with PhDs (and who has one himself) and graduates, and who works in the lab himself as much as he can, I expect people to manage their lab, reagents, equipment, stocks and themselves to a high degree (depending on the organization, in industry, we have “people” for this stuff.).

    first of all, my ability to manage the lab is limited by the funds, current projects taking place, and my current information as to what the principle investigator (the harpy) wants to do on a given day. When she wants to perform a procedure that is rarely done in our area of research, she needs to let me know that the tank of liquid Nitrogen has not been filled so I can use the fucking absorption pumps!. Its like having a broken down car on blocks for a month at a time, and suddenly your spouse asks you why there is no gas in the tank because they want to drive it. Can you fathom that Mr. supervisor?

    I’ve gotta say that whatever else your supervisor is, she’s right that you need to be more proactive. With the terrible job market that exists at the moment, you need to get your act together. Oh and shitty postgrad students are even cheaper than shitty PhD supervisors, just so ya know.

    Every smug asshole over the age of 40 says the same thing to me over and over again. I know the state of the job market and it hasn’t been good since I climbed out of the womb. You can’t just agree with a generic statement like “you gotta be more proactive” without the specifics of the situation. You fucking PhD supervisors love to blame every problem on the grad students simply because you’re entitled to do so. Your tenure is essentially license to act like an abusive tyrant. And don’t try to turn this around and call me out on Trolling. I’m talking about real interactions and real consequences. Not the peanut gallery responding to all my WWF misogyny.

  313. Pteryxx says

    now now, let’s be fair. since none of us are white men, no one here had to actually do work to get their degrees and jobs. they were handed to us on a gilded affirmative action platter.

    …then how did PZ get here?

  314. Pteryxx says

    You fucking PhD supervisors love to blame every problem on the grad students simply because you’re entitled to do so. Your tenure is essentially license to act like an abusive tyrant.

    …and you’re trying to get a degree why, again?

  315. Brownian says

    I know the state of the job market and it hasn’t been good since I climbed out of the womb.

    I do just fine, white with a cock and all.

    Have you tried having merit? Because without merit, nobody’s going to stand for a whiny little fuck like you.

    Honestly, the problem is that you’re a lousy piece of shit.

    Listen to these people. They’re kinder to you than you’ve been to them, and they’re giving you good advice.

    Personally, I hope you suffer and die slowly and miserably, fucker.

    Sit and spin. And next time, order the goddamn nitrogen like you’ve told to.

  316. Pteryxx says

    Besides, if the procedure’s rarely done and the equipment’s rarely used, then *of course* the LN2 supply should be checked and refreshed, because that’s an unusual demand above and beyond the day-to-day LN2 requirements if any. It’d be a waste of LN2 and an unnecessary expense to keep topping off a full tank for months just in case this rare procedure needed to happen.

  317. Brownian says

    Anyway, I’m tired of hearing you cry like a four-year-old who can’t have a cookie.

    Go back to trolling us, manly man of men.

    As I recall, you were making us parasites dance.

    So get the fuck back to it.

  318. John Morales says


    Ah, I see the specimen yet has some squeak left in it:

    I’m talking about real interactions and real consequences.


    It imagines it’s competent at something and that it matters in some sense to someone, and so, lacking any other way to gain attention, it tries to troll.

    (I begrudge that technically it’s an unwanted pest, so it’s in some sense an actual troll)

  319. wordplague says

    Listen you soul suckers, I get paid. The “None of the pay” statement was hyperbole to make a point. I get a stipend for teaching undergrads. However, I have to eat, live, and occasionally go out and socialize. That leaves me with -let me do the math – not a fucking red cent. And once I graduate, I get to look forward to more of the same inequities in a postdoc.
    And for all you limeys chiming in from the UK. We don’t get free health care in the U.S. So when I do finally have a psychotic break due to my white female slaver’s abuse, It will come out of my pocket, the same way it does each time I visit a half educated primary health care physician on campus. Anybody else want to throw in their two cents and get in on the gang bang?! You fucking vultures .

  320. John Morales says


    However, I have to eat, live, and occasionally go out and socialize.

    Yet here you are, steadily adding to PZ’s bank account and being dissed for your failures.

    This is your life, your food and your socialisation, and you will do it until PZ takes pity on you and bans you.

    (We won’t)

    Anybody else want to throw in their two cents and get in on the gang bang?!

    Awwww… poor little troll!


  321. wordplague says


    I have to admit I like the “order the goddamn nitrogen” line but the rest of your post was straight out of a 1980’s B movie sreenplay.

    “Sit and spin?” Yeah, I let one go before they canceled Family Matters.

  322. echidna says

    Be funny in a schadenfreudey way if the troll’s advisor turns out to read Pharyngula, eh? Yeah, unlikely but possible.

    Not that unlikely, I would have thought. Particularly if she is a biology person, or simply looks up his browsing history.

    Many is the time that I have thought of writing things here that I have thought better of. And these are tales of experiences with people who have been dead for years, in places where I no longer work or study.

    Either this guy is making things up wholesale (in which case there is no need to be careful), or his poor judgement is going to get him into strife one way or another.

  323. Brownian says

    Remember when wordplague wrote this about Rebecca Watson:

    She complains more than actual rape victims.

    Then reread his bullshit about having to order nitrogen.

  324. Pteryxx says

    So if you hate researchers, being a grad student, and rotten postdoc pay so much, why not quit? None of this is news. Heck, go into a blue-collar field like trucking or car repair where women still are rare so you won’t have to deal with them. (Win-win!)

  325. ChasCPeterson says

    Your situation is dysfunctional and your attitude sucks. Therefore you are unlikely to finish. Bail now and save yourself and others some stress and wasted time. That is my sincere advice.

  326. John Morales says


    It ain’t often you see a troll waahing at being trolled. :)

    (No self-respect, this specimen)

  327. Pteryxx says

    …Come to think of it, how the heck did this troll end up working for a woman advisor anyway? It’s not like sending in job applications; AFAIK, grad students have to exercise some choice in what department and whose lab they want to do research. Why did he deign to work in a woman’s lab in the first place? (…Didn’t read the publications closely enough?)

  328. 'Tis Himself says

    Back when I were a lad, we had trolls who cared about their trolling. They were trying to argue a point, not just looking for a ban. They might use logical fallacies, ignore contradictory evidence, and repeat previously refuted points, but at least they put some effort in their work. It made the commentariat proud to have argued with the trolls.

    But nowadays we get weak insult, unfunny jokes and just general nastiness instead of actual discussions of points.

    Où sont les trolls d’antan?

  329. says

    However, I have to eat, live, and occasionally go out and socialize. That leaves me with -let me do the math – not a fucking red cent.

    somehow, me and my broken foot have a hard time caring about troll’s money-worries. You have no money left after socializing?

    boo fucking hoo

    So when I do finally have a psychotic break due to my white female slaver’s abuse

    sensitive flower

    You fucking vultures .

    no one asked you to come here and troll. in fact, no one is stopping you from leaving and doing your job

  330. John Morales says


    Himself, you’re being overly generous. This specimen has no stamina, either.

    (bah — Rebecca Watson’s fault, that is)

  331. says

    if I cared about troll, I’d advise troll to change advisors or drop out. because if this is how unstable he is, he’ll end up being a danger to himself and other people at his university sooner or later.

  332. ChasCPeterson says

    and as dawn finally creeps across the savanna, the vultures awaken and swoop in, one by one, to take their turn at what’s left of the ass-reamed gang-banged raped and castrated carcass, beginning already to desiccate in the unyielding heat of the still-orange sun.

  333. Brownian says

    Anybody else want to throw in their two cents and get in on the gang bang?! You fucking vultures.

    What was that about 14/15 participants?

    I think we’re all having a pretty fun time here.

  334. trewesterre says

    As a woman who completed an undergraduate physics degree and is currently working on a PhD in astrophysics: I suspect that wordplague isn’t actually in physics (despite his going on and on about it and how women can’t do it). If he is, he’s at best a second year undergraduate and probably won’t make it. I’ve never encountered someone in physics at a university level who is so appallingly ignorant of the fact that women can (and do) go into physics and succeed, even if in smaller numbers (though numbers that are increasing).

    As evidence, I point to the fact that he questioned someone’s knowledge of physics and then went on with “what did these guys discover in this year”. Physics majors don’t generally care that much about who discovered what when and that sort of thing will never appear on a test or homework assignment. It’s something you might put in the introduction to your lab writeup or thesis, but you wouldn’t expect everyone to know it (you might if your only experience with physics was a history of physics class though). If he did a degree in physics wanted a test of physics knowledge, he’d put down some equations.

    Sorry for the long response blathering on about an idiot. It’s annoying to see people try to paint physicists as sexist assholes when (as I said before) I’ve never met anyone who has successfully completed a physics degree or who is actively still doing physics while holding such outdated and wrong opinions about who is capable of doing it.

  335. Brownian says

    Wordplague, any chance that anybody in your family is dealing with a terrible illness?

    If so, I’d love to hear about it.

  336. carlie says

    Every smug asshole over the age of 40 says the same thing to me over and over again.

    Wait, are we all 18 year old undergrads, or are we all over 40 and out of touch? I can’t keep track.

    Anybody else want to throw in their two cents and get in on the gang bang?! You fucking vultures .

    Y u mad, bro?

  337. Louis says

    Hey Wordplague,

    I am not over 40 or smug! Well, I might be a little smug, but I am very under 40 thanks.

    Over 40, deary me, the cheek of it. Grumble moan complain etc.

    The only thing I will even vaguely agree to is that academic supervision and treatment needs a lot of reform (from my experience and that of the vast majority of my colleagues…anecdotes I know). I don’t blame the academics to be honest, I blame the system, there need to be some significant changes. Different discussion for a different day.

    That said, I think Pteryxx has you nailed. What are you doing? Surface dynamics? Chemistry dept? Physics dept? Both should have an incredibly healthy LN2 stock, never been in one without it.

    I don’t know the specifics of your (likely fictional, you’re a self confessed troll, who the fuck is dumb enough to trust your word for anything?) situation because you haven’t deigned to share them with us, not that I want you too particularly. But if what you are saying is true, then sorry the supervisor is right in this instance. Deal. Also, why is she micromanaging which experiments you do? Grow some conical flasks, man, take the initiative and direct your own project some more.

    Bah, one thing I really don’t miss is whiny undergrads/first year PhDs. The increasing desire to teach to test and spoonfeed people really fucks them up. I know seriously bright people, real geniuses, who on arrival at their chosen PhD lab with their newly minted Oxbridge double first class degrees still shiny, shit their lab coats inside of six months because all the cramming in the world failed to prepare them for research…

    …{insert increasingly old mannish and curmudgeonly rant about how bright young people are being fucked over by politically motivated school targets and increasingly privatised educational institutions with dicky stats requirements and then being left to the not so tender mercies of ruthless academics, here}

    Ooooh I’m bitter this morning and I’m not even at work! ;-)


  338. Louis says

    Vulture Gang Bang?

    I saw them at the Hippodrome back in ’93. They were supporting PhD Supervisor and the Random Fisters.


  339. Wowbagger, Deputy Vice-President (Silencing) says

    ‘Tis Himself wrote:

    Back when I were a lad, we had trolls who cared about their trolling.


  340. Sili (I have no penis and I must jizz) says

    What did Stern and Gerlach unknowingly discover and whose theoretical construct did they confirm? you have 2 minutes to answer.

    Also what is the name of E-field interaction of charged partles which produces x-rays? \

    Half integer spin, by showing that Ag^+ deflects two ways in an inhomogenous magnetic field. Pauli.


    Very clever of you recall the beginnings of quantum mechanics. Do you know any physics from, say, the last 50 years?

  341. Sili (I have no penis and I must jizz) says

    (and we know how spellcheck works)

    That still won’t solve the “fiancé”/”fiancée” problem for the poor homophobic troll.

  342. Sili (I have no penis and I must jizz) says

    [B]remsstrahlung(light br[a]king in {


  343. Sili (I have no penis and I must jizz) says

    I blame you since I suspect that you are Rebecca Watson.


    Aren’t you Watson? I thought we all were Watson in this place.

  344. Louis says

    I am Spartacus</strike? Rebecca Watson. And it's all my fault.

    Yes, even that. You know….that. My bad.


  345. Louis says

    Repost of #477:

    Once more without borktags. DAMN YOU TYPO (One TRUE Gdo of Clerical Errors)!!! DAMN YOU STRAIGHT TO HLEL!!

    I am Spartacus Rebecca Watson. And it’s all my fault.

    Yes, even that. You know….that. My bad.


  346. says

    oh yeah. why was troll asking questions about physics the answers to which can be googled? that doesn’t seem like something that would make sense to ask if you’re trying to figure out if someone knows advanced physics. would make more sense to ask for something current, that would be difficult to google.

  347. Menyambal --- Sambal's sockpuppet says

    Wordplague, I did grad school and spent time teaching lab work. You need to get a grip on your hatred, or get a different situation. Your adviser may be bad at it, but you sound a lot worse. Assuming that one person’s problems are related to their gender, race or sexual orientation is silly.

    By the way, you can’t spell, punctuate or write for shit. You need to find another medium.

    That’s two cents from this vulture, contributed only because you are so fucking blatant.

  348. Sili (I have no penis and I must jizz) says

    Rebecca Watson spawned more memes and brought even more bashers together with only four words.

    Five words!

    “don’t” is two words!


  349. Sili (I have no penis and I must jizz) says

    oh yeah. why was troll asking questions about physics the answers to which can be googled? that doesn’t seem like something that would make sense to ask if you’re trying to figure out if someone knows advanced physics. would make more sense to ask for something current, that would be difficult to google.

    They deliberately put in the proviso that we weren’t allowed to google, as that would be cheating.

  350. says

    They deliberately put in the proviso that we weren’t allowed to google, as that would be cheating.

    sure, but it’s not like he would be able to tell either way (I just checked. it takes less than 2 minutes to find out the answer) it was basically a really inept thing to ask.

  351. trewesterre says

    In principle, asking old questions isn’t necessarily a bad thing (when it’s something everyone in physics is likely to know) because everything is so specialized that if I ask a question about modern astronomy, someone working in solid state isn’t necessarily going to know the answer to the question (hell, if I ask a question about my field of astronomy, someone in another field might not know the answer if it’s current).

    However, if you really want to sort out the physicists, you involve some maths. When I took the comprehensive exam, they didn’t ask trivia questions, they asked questions where you had to use *gasp* maths to solve the problems. If you didn’t remember the equations, but could explain what sort of approach you’d take (and you could logically reason it through) then this is also fine because it shows you understand physics enough to set up a method to solve a problem even if you suck at memorizing equations.

  352. Louis says

    Jadehawk, #485,

    This is why I am very suspicious of People On The Internet. It’s very easy to fake knowledge to a general netizen, to make false claims and have them appear credible. Luckily in a group like this there are enough diverse subject experts to have a good chance of spotting fakers. Obviously there are other similarly useful groups out there in the wide old web, it’s just nice that this one is populated by shouty experts! ;-)


  353. Sili (I have no penis and I must jizz) says

    the exemer laser

    Remember to get someone to proofread your thesis. One thing is to misspell on blogs – who cares – but your committee is not likely to be kind to you if you don’t master the vocabulary of your own trade.

  354. Sili (I have no penis and I must jizz) says

    sure, but it’s not like he would be able to tell either way (I just checked. it takes less than 2 minutes to find out the answer) it was basically a really inept thing to ask.

    Ah. Was it Pauli that theorised spin-½ then?

  355. trewesterre says

    I remember one time some guy on a message board was on about how girls can’t do maths so I busted out a problem that was on a homework set for my third year mathematical physics class (a question I’d answered) and asked him to solve it. After a delay of several pages with other posters pointing out that he still hasn’t answered the question, he quietly left the thread because he didn’t want to admit to being incapable of doing maths as well as a girl.

  356. Sili (I have no penis and I must jizz) says

    case and point

    Eggcorns are fun.

    You can’t just go fill the dewar, yourself? The level of nitrogen was pretty much the first thing I checked on getting into the lab.

  357. says

    is it possible to “confirm” a theory if you do your experiment before the theory comes around? basically, that might have been a trick-question based on what the experiment was meant to test and the results in relation to that vs. what the experiment ended up doing ultimately

    anyway, according to Teh Interwebs, Pauli did the exclusion principle, Uhlenbeck and Goudsmit did the electron spin; but both came years after the experiment


  358. Louis says


    Remember to get someone to proofread your thesis. One thing is to misspell on blogs – who cares – but your committee is not likely to be kind to you if you don’t master the vocabulary of your own trade.

    And to think we have recently had a case of the conscience pangs over porcupine insertion suggestions. A viva committee/defence panel would make any candidate wish for rectal porcupines. Fervently. The least such a candidate could expect is a verbal ramming so savage that tears come to my eyes as I contemplate it even now at this range.


  359. trewesterre says

    Oh, and I’m going through the thread in a wonky order (started from the top of this page, went down until wordplaque started going on about physics then working my way back up).

    Anyway, he doesn’t know that Korean has its own alphabet (which is actually a true alphabet) now does he? I have some friends who know even fewer Chinese characters than I do, despite them being born and raised in Korea versus me visiting Japan twice. They switched over formally after achieving independence from Japan, but Hangul (the Korean alphabet) was developed in the 1400s.

    Nevermind that he’s kinda wrong about Chinese itself (e.g. there isn’t just one Chinese language and it’s definitely not an isolate), but I don’t know a lot about the Chinese languages (apart from the fact that I really don’t like the sound of Mandarin, but that’s maybe just because it’s a tonal language) so I can’t get into more specifics there.

  360. Paul says

    Too bad about this thread, the first few hundred comments were funny as hell. Now it is just sad and smelly.

    At least there’s a silver lining that apparently by trolling trolls around the clock we’re actually keeping them from advancing through grad school, since telling women how they’re rubbish at science all night is enough to make them forget basic work tasks.

    I suspect that wordplague isn’t actually in physics (despite his going on and on about it and how women can’t do it). If he is, he’s at best a second year undergraduate and probably won’t make it.

    I thought about pointing this out last night, but I didn’t think anyone would be interested in real discussion (trolling the troll is more fun, and surprisingly easy on this one). The examples really felt like some undergrad regurgitating something they had recently studied, much like college-age libertarians take such pride in pointing out that Ayn Rand was soooo right in one specific chapter of Atlas Shrugged and if you don’t know it off the top of your head you’re ignorant and unworthy of conversation, you uneducated lout.

  361. Louis says

    Jadehawk, #490, #493,

    Oh dear. You’ve been doing Reading again haven’t you? Look, if you Lady Persons™ with your Pink Fluffy Lady Brainz™ are going to prance about showing off that you’re all intelligent and can read for comprehension and stuff like proper people, how is a brother ever going to get a job, sammich, beer, and a shag? Hmmm? Didn’t think of THAT did you?


  362. Sili (I have no penis and I must jizz) says

    Come to think of it, isn’t it a bit silly of this troll to say they’re commenting from their lab?

    PeeZed knows their IP, and there can’t be all that many physics profs who had students work in the lab last night. Much less students so incompetent they forgot to check the LN2.

    Oooh. Am I getting too close to threatening?

  363. Phalacrocorax, z Třetího Světa says

    there isn’t just one Chinese language and it’s definitely not an isolate


    I think he was probably trying to say “isolating language”.