You realize #reasonrally is going to suck FtB dry?

I’m about to depart lovely Morris for a long day of travel to Washington DC. Several other FtB bloggers are already there, or on their way. We may experience a shortage of content! I guess you’ll have to go read all the stay-at-homes this weekend, although even that bunch may just be weeping over how they’re not at the Reason Rally.

I’ll try to post the occasional blog entry or tweet from my privileged position in the speakers’ stands, but I understand that tens of thousands of technophilic pro-science godless people in one place may strain the capacity of the cell towers in the area.


  1. subbie says

    …I understand that tens of thousands of technophilic pro-science godless people in one place may strain the capacity of the cell towers in the area.

    Ah ha! You’ve unwittingly revealed the first step your godless heathen pagan muslim satanic agenda master plan to take over the world.

  2. Kylie Sturgess says

    *shrug* I would have said that I’d feel the same way when it’s the Global Atheist Convention next month… but apparently the wifi will be good at the Melbourne convention venue.

    FTBers like Digital Cuttlefish and I will just have to post a little more!

  3. julietdefarge says

    I chose the Reason Rally over going to Richmond, VA, to protest the anti-environmental practices of Dominion Power C., but I’ll be sure to send an email to their corporate HQ today, letting them know I stand with the marchers. And then, I’m going to paint my roof with reflective paint, so I use less of their coal-generated juice.

  4. Didaktylos says

    Yup, FTB will be totally empty for the next few days.

    … so I shall be able to catch up on content.

  5. scorpy1 says

    It’s things like this that wish for the future to happen sooner.

    You know, where bloggers can just think their posts, have it de-garbled, sanitized for public consumption and posted automatically.

    While we’re at it, “Where’s My Jetpack?”

  6. scorpy1 says

    Obvious edit should be obvious:
    * make me * wish

    I really need to take a few deep breaths before hitting submit.

  7. omcdurham says

    I’m unable to make the Reason Rally this weekend, but my wife will be there and I’ll be following the tweets. But both of us will be at Fort Bragg next weekend to watch the Army’s Golden Knights do a performance “against their will” for us heathens…and also listen to the speakers and the music. Have a great weekend!

    BTW, Jessa wants a picture with you, if you can find the time!

  8. says

    Based on my experiences on the mall for Inauguration and the Rally for Sanity/Fear, cell phones will stop being able to send/receive calls in a 4-block radius all around the mall starting from 90 minutes before opening through to… I don’t know, I never stuck around after the ending.

    However, text messages will continue to go through all day, although with up to a half an hour delay.

    I will be there, by the way, and hope to hear you talk, but that is going to depend on crowd phobia and how bad the weather is.

  9. Brownian says

    You realize #reasonrally is going to suck FtB dry?

    Too easy.

    Why do I suddenly have the urge to write #reasonrally/FTB slash? Even though my talents of anthropomorphization would be seriously taxed?

    Lazily, FtB twisted a finger through #reasonrally’s hair. “Do you really have to go? I can change the sheets, and this spelunking helmet is probably good for one more desce—”
    “Hush. My ride will be here in ten minutes. We can spend the time talking, or…”
    “I’ll call and tell the Fire Department to be on alert again.”

  10. Ogvorbis: shameless AND impudent! says

    Why do I get the horrible feeling that this weekend will also be known as the Great Troll Infestation of 2011?

  11. Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls says

    Why do I get the horrible feeling that this weekend will also be known as the Great Troll Infestation of 2011?

    Possible. Titanium fang sharpened and cyberpistols at ready.

  12. Ogvorbis: shameless AND impudent! says

    Actually, that should be The Great Troll Infestation of 2112, not 2011.


  13. Brownian says

    Why do I get the horrible feeling that this weekend will also be known as the Great Troll Infestation of 2011?

    Probably because you’re caught in some sort of temporal paradox. Try using the terms “reconfigure the collector dish” and “tachyon emission” and see if that solves the problem.

    In any case, I’ll do my best to help out, but this slashfic I’m working on is getting pretty…[breathes heavily]…hot.

    Anybody know of a sex act that rhymes and alliterates with “map of Kyrgyzstan”?

  14. Ogvorbis: shameless AND impudent! says

    Anybody know of a sex act that rhymes and alliterates with “map of Kyrgyzstan”?

    Why do I now have, stuck in my brain, an image of Yoda referring to ‘Solo, Han’?

  15. Brownian says

    Why do I now have, stuck in my brain, an image of Yoda referring to ‘Solo, Han’?

    “Solo, Han” said Yoda. “Sorry: ‘Hand’, meant I,” he corrected, “Catching cold, am I.”
    “Well, I hope you’re not contagious,” purred FtB, while pulling the diminutive Jedi closer, “and today, there’ll be nothing solo about where you put those hands…”
    “Mnghf! Hmmphg,” #reasonrally said, husky voice muffled by the—

    Thanks, Oggie! I’d written myself into a corner there. The Yoda angle helps me out more than you can know.

  16. tbtabby says

    Perhaps…but you’ll be back on Monday, with stories of the rally to share. The tide of reason is receding for now…but any Cretinists foolish enough to think they can move in will be crushed by a tsunami when you return.

  17. Cassandra Caligaria (Cipher), OM says

    Don’t worry, PZ. TZT will hold down the fort around here.

  18. magnusmeyer hustveit says

    Maybe a guest entry series is in order. That’s what web comics do when cons are on. That way new bloggers can get a foot in the door with a huge skeptic audience. It’s worth encouraging diversity of content.

  19. Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls says

    Let’s see. Laid in a stock of troll poking sticks to hand out to responders. Those for the regulars are Taser guided.

    Have a stock of air horns for gratuitous insult punctuation.

    Banana peels to help the trolls slip on their own contradictions and hypocrisy.

    Fright wigs for the Pullet Patrol. So the trolls can be kicked in the ass while attempting to laugh (a foreign concept, makes them stand out).

    ID cards for the banned trolls who are most likely to attempt to evade the banhammer.

    Chipmunk (ALVIN!!!) music backwards at 78 (recorded at 33) rpm for audio torture.

    Dawkins looped for best 10 British understatements (humorous) for video torture.

    Pepe Le Pew for aroma torture.

    Swill and grog for the responders, check.

    Everything is ready and on auto, for when I visit somebody.

  20. Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls says

    I have a bad feeling about this, be mindful young padawans.

    As long as the three post before vigorous vitriol (unless egregious) holds, no problem. Challenge facts before applying vitriol in most cases. I tend to go for their weak point before they even know they have exposed it. Look for presuppositions, and challenge there.

  21. says

    If the cell company is smart, they’ll roll in portable relays around the edges the way they do for giant electronics conventions.

    Julietdefarge, I’ve been contemplating putting up a fabric “fly sheet” a foot or two above the roof to deflect sunlight before it hits and encourage airflow underneath.

    Have fun, y’all! Maybe I’ll catch up on The Endless Thread.

  22. Ogvorbis: shameless AND impudent! says

    Thanks, Oggie! I’d written myself into a corner there. The Yoda angle helps me out more than you can know.

    Glad to be of, er, service?



    {under a line and between these({}) things or they can hear us . . . .}

    Those for the regulars are Taser guided.

    Oooh. Do I get a taser? Do I? Please? I’ll be good this time. Do I get a taser? Please? Do I?

    Figured I’d drop this here til I find a better place.

    If Pat Robertson’s vision of theological payback comes true, Peyton Manning will be injured this season as retribution for the Denver Broncos getting rid of Tim Tebow.

    Even for Darth Robertson that is amazing. Like, wow.

    I do feel sorry for Peyton Manning — every incomplete pass will be viewed by the Colorado Springs Christians as a judgement from gawds.

    As long as the three post before vigorous vitriol (unless egregious) holds, no problem. Challenge facts before applying vitriol in most cases. I tend to go for their weak point before they even know they have exposed it. Look for presuppositions, and challenge there.

    I find that asking specific questions can be politely anti-troll.

  23. DLC says

    I for one am not going to the #reasonrally, and I’m glad!
    Not because I’m so poor I can stand on a sheckel and tell if it’s heads or tails, No! but because I’m . . . I’m too good for you!
    Why, you should PAY ME to even comment here! I’m also too sexy for my shirt.

    {the preceding comment made only for cover. I’d really love to go to the reason rally, and I really am too broke. Ahh well. perhaps if this one is a success they’ll have another one. I’d love to go to the GAC too, but Australia might as well be on the moon. }
    Wait… aren’t invisible comments supposed to be enclosed with */ comment here */ ? rats.

  24. Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls says

    *sorry Ogvorbis, I called the Redhead, and that delayed your answer*

    Do I get a taser? Please? Do I?

    Of course, being an OM. But being a government employee, you must sign and initial in triplicate. Nevermind we turn two of the copies over to the Pullet Patrol™ for handling (not one PP copy has yet been used or questioned in a court of law). Then, make sure they know what will hit them before it hits them….

  25. says

    Brownian – thank you! lol I see now why there is that queue!

    Nerd and Ogvorbis, you made me chuckle! I can feel the bristling tension as the ramparts are manned for possible troll invasions!

    Everybody, it is the eve of the Reason Rally! I wish we were there, too, but this is so exciting!

  26. says

    You’re all welcome over at SNR, everybody! No silly USAian thingy will be keeping me down this weekend!

    (next week, though…)

    Free white chocolate macadamia cookies to all new readers who tell their barista they’re there on account of everyone else being busy with Reason Rally!*

    *Not actually true

  27. says

    I do feel sorry for Peyton Manning — every incomplete pass will be viewed by the Colorado Springs Christians as a judgement from gawks.

    What is poor Peyton’s loss is Colorado’s gain. The fundies in Colorado Springs will just have to deal with it.

  28. says

    Free white chocolate macadamia cookies to all new readers who tell their barista they’re there on account of everyone else being busy with Reason Rally!*

    Wah! False advertising! You lying atheist you!

  29. dano says

    Have fun. I will pray for you and everyone going to have a safe journey. Cheers!

    P.S. Cheers is Christian code for God Bless.

  30. crowepps says

    @ Natalie — you can actually follow through if you make them ‘virtual’ cookies and deliver them by USB — plus: no calories!

    Shoot, if it’s virtual, you can offer an alternative: maple bacon toffee

  31. David Marjanović says

    Content? Who needs content? We have TET and TZT now :-)

    *hides under stairs*

    Lazily, FtB twisted a finger through #reasonrally’s hair. “Do you really have to go? I can change the sheets, and this spelunking helmet is probably good for one more desce—”
    “Hush. My ride will be here in ten minutes. We can spend the time talking, or…”

    :-) :-) :-)

    Why do I get the horrible feeling that this weekend will also be known as the Great Troll Infestation of 2011?

    Probably because you’re caught in some sort of temporal paradox. Try using the terms “reconfigure the collector dish” and “tachyon emission” and see if that solves the problem.


  32. says

    This thought is from Natalie Reed’s post about “Spot the White Savior.” I’ve modified the words slightly to make it standalone:

    Expressions of anger can function as a coping mechanism for dealing with oppression and also a way of claiming self-empowerment in a hostile environment. Anger can be instrumental in helping a civil rights movement achieve momentum and strength.

    It could be another answer to “Why are you atheists so angry?”