To put it simply, the idea of a god or gods is preposterous; if there were any higher being which had sway over this world, we would see some measurable signs of it, which are markedly absent. Furthermore, had any such thing happened throughout history, there would be some form of consensus throughout historical record of this being or beings, but what we have from history instead is a large number of contradicting accounts. As a final note, the motivations of religious figures are transparent: They have everything to gain from perpetuating these stories, and we have seen their capability to control people through these religious teachings.
Chris Kwolek
United States
The Catholic hierarchy, the Iranian Ayatollahs, the leadership of the Mormon Church, all of these guys are quite obviously in it for the power, not for any “good” they can bring to humanity.
There is so much rhetoric created by religion around the question of existence. If you step back, it all sounds like a child making up a story about how it wasn’t them who took the cookie. Works in mysterious ways, free will, sometimes god says no, etc ad nauseum.
I just came across this today… I’m guessing it is how the religious fundamentalists view this site. (Apologies if it is already made the rounds here, I haven’t been around at Pharyngula for awhile)
Religion is almost always patriarchal – it’s a handy way for men to cement their physical advantages over women.
bluehorse, i’ve not read it all, but i guess they’re onto something. For instance, Mary Marvel is obviously the ‘trophy wife’.
Short, sweet, and to the point. Good one! Thanks for writing this.
Exactly! Thanks for writing this. These are a few of the most succinct and obvious, and yet least mentioned, reasons for not believing in deities.
Thanks for brief but oh so correct rendition.
It just strikes me so hard that I have to keep saying it. I really think you have to have some mental problem to REALLY believe in god(s) given reasonable knowledge and understanding of the modern world.
Though many people are professed believers and even play the game few modern living people are True Believers.
Sane people are cultural and/or social believers (helps strengthen family/friends ties, ethnicity identification, camaraderie, comfort/place to turn to, strengthens standing in community, etc.).
Sane people are “warm and fuzzies” believers. They so want to believe they force themselves subconsciously to believe that they believe. They do this for the personal psychological comfort that believing in a magic sky-daddy can sometimes bring. A “blanky” for adults.
Sane people are strongly indoctrinated and/or socially forced (in essence coerced) believers. Pounded into them to believe early and often and forcefully. And it could be very uncomfortable sometimes physically threatening not to believe. The subconscious mind says – “no other away – I give up”.
Most people don’t think about it really – and most people just don’t see the bennies of being atheist vs. theist in this society. No real utility in it for them but being standard brings some. Easier to go with flow so why not!
However when the chips are really down – well they may say a prayer but in action they act JUST LIKE AN ATHEIST! They really trust nothing to their so-called belief in god. To me you are as you act when definitive action is necessary!