
  1. Randomfactor says

    The whole world is waiting for room-temperature superconductors. And self-tying laces.

  2. says

    Wow, what would that cost? The magnets are great regardless, of course.

    To be sure, the disk probably wouldn’t be expensive, it’s the 50 gallons per month of liquid nitrogen as we play with it constantly that would add up over time.

    Glen Davidson

  3. Sal says

    This is exactly why religion needs to be opposed, after all, you do not have to be a fundamentalist to know that there is an inherent contradiction between science and religion. If religion has its way in dominating the public square you can kiss science, and all of its wonderful breakthroughs, goodbye.

  4. Antiochus Epiphanes says

    This is exactly why religion needs to be opposed, after all, you do not have to be a fundamentalist to know that there is an inherent contradiction between science and religion.

    One of the most fun ways to oppose religion is to support science.

  5. Richard Austin says

    Sailor (previous thread):

    Richard Austin, JMHO, but I highly recommend piano/keyboard first. All the notes are laid out linearly. When other folks are talking about “flat the third” or “just raise it up a key” or “minor, not major” it all makes sense visually. And then that translates to all the other instruments.

    I say this because I learned to play the guitar first. I can noodle around on any western stringed instrument, (w/ fiddle it’s mainly pizzicato), but I really have to think about chord structure and which finger is flatting what string when I try to keep up with musicians.

    (p.s. I can’t keep up, but I’m like a drummer, occasionally they let me hang out with them.)

    That’s actually something I’m considering, and why I’m vascillating back and forth.

    One issue is that I really don’t like the piano :) Or, I should say, I don’t like it as much. I’ve played around with the idea of learning the piano for years, and I’ve owned keyboards (even 88 key) since I was around 10.

    Pros on the piano side:
    I have a keyboard I can practice on
    I can use headphones and not piss off the neighbors
    Learning on piano is easier
    Piano can provide a foundation for later instruments
    I still need to learn to (fluidly) read music, and that’s likely easier on a piano

    Pros on the violin side:
    I have a violin available
    I can hear the difference between mechanical and artistic violin, whereas I don’t necessarily hear it with a piano
    It’s something I haven’t tried before, ergo I likely have fewer bad habits
    It’s something I actually want to do :)

    So, I’ll probably end up going with piano, though I might try to see if I can get a “teach yourself” kind of course for that, at least initially. I think I’d still like to start up the violin at some point, but I might put it off a few months. I’ll definitely need an instructor for that, no question, but there are more than a few in the area.

    Anyway, the perspective is appreciated, which is mostly why I brought it up.

  6. Rich Woods says

    I think the disc is based on a very thin sliver of superconducting material, so it would need a *huge* surface area to support the mass of a hovertrain.

    I am open to being corrected on this, of course. In fact I would positively welcome an explanation a layman can understand!

  7. Dr. Audley Z. Darkheart OM, liar and scoundrel says

    Hey, everyone.

    My bff’s mom’s funeral is on Saturday. There’s going to be a mass at the Catholic church (which pisses me off to a certain extent, since she left the church years ago). I have no idea what to expect, can anyone clue me in a little bit?

  8. Paul says

    Moggie says:

    Fucking superconductors, how do they work?

    I understand how flux pinning works, and how that can be useful in magnetic levitation, but what I don’t understand is why, when he moves the superconductor by hand, it stays in the new position instead of “bouncing back” to the old one. i.e., gravity can’t move the puck to a new position, but his hand can.

  9. D says

    Need to vent…

    Just finished an arbitration w/ a door/window company in St. Louis. It has been along time since I have been exposed to such dishonest individuals (creationist, etc on the web aside). Always check companies reputations w/ BBB & AG offices. Probably a good idea to record everything too, just in case.

  10. says

    With a piano, you can play chords and harmonies by yourself.

    My cat is in love with the Real Wool scarf Mattir gave me. I may not be able to separate them when I want to use it.

    Catholic mass. Stand up and sit down when everyone else does. There’s an Order of Service they should be following but it may be a booklet. The numbers on signs along the side are the hymns you’ll be singing, so you can cue up the next one in the hymn book in advance. At some point, people will troop up to the front. Just stand aside and let them go unless you want some paedophile to bless you.

  11. says

    If you don’t want to spend a lot of time kneeling you can slide forward and just rest your buttocks on the edge of the seat. If you don’t care that people see you’re not praying, you can just stay sitting.

    You might want to bring earplugs.

  12. Jason says

    The magnet must only be able to support a small amount of force because the guy in the video can reposition it by hand.

  13. beethovenfangirl says

    After having briefly delurked in a different thread, I started reading through the last few pages of TET only to find that there seems to be a sizeable number of people who went to Rhinebeck. So, tell me, is it true … are there knitters among you? ’cause then I would not only have a seat and a beer in the lounge, I’d also bring my knitting.

  14. Dr. Audley Z. Darkheart OM, liar and scoundrel says

    Thank you very much– that helps quite a bit.

    I’m guessing that this isn’t going to be the most fun I’ve had at a funeral, huh?

    (When my great-aunt died years ago, the family threw her a “death party”. It was potluck with music and drinks and everyone sharing fond memories. It was a really nice way to celebrate her life, as opposed to some sort of dull service.)

  15. Dr. Audley Z. Darkheart OM, liar and scoundrel says

    Since I probably won’t kneel, I’m thinking that the only people who will catch on will the the other non-kneelers. And they won’t care.

  16. Tomaz79 says

    Guys, I hope this isn’t considered spamming, but if you have a sec, could you sign the petiton to uphold the Slovenian constitution regarding separation of church and state and end government financing of religious institutions? It’s in Slovenian (check the box if you don’t want your name displayed). Google translate does a fairly good job, if you’re interested in the specifics.



  17. says

    Dr. Audley,
    Yeah, I stand when the believers stand and sit the rest of the time. It’s not a biggie with a Catholic funeral. If they do a full mass as well, they will point out that communion (i.e. the Nulla wafers) is only for Catholics and you can just sit through that.

    You might want to get there a bit early just n case the church has a particularly weird set of Stations of the Cross installed. They can be neat to look at.

  18. The Ys says

    <– knits, crochets, sews, embroiders…

    As for Catholic mass – it is mind-bogglingly boring. They do calisthenics (stand up, sit down, stand, sit, kneel, sit, kneel, etc.). The priest will read long passages guaranteed to put insomniacs to sleep. The congregation responds at certain points, and may even wind up singing a hymn. Don't worry about it. Depending on the priest, they may attempt to do communion. I recommend not going up for that, but I suppose you could steal a wafer and send it to PZ.

    I attend masses for family members (weddings and funerals) and refuse to participate in the calisthenics. I also refuse to bow my head in prayer. I don't know if they don't care or if I intimidate them, but no one's said anything to me about it. I hope your experience is similarly unexceptional. Harassment sucks.

  19. chigau () says

    At the most recent catholic church thing I attended I noticed there was a bottle of hand sanitiser beside the holy-water font.

  20. says

    It depends how much you want to blend in. It’s traditional to to kneel immediately on arriving to say a brief prayer. And to dip the knee to the altar before turning to leave. But nobody will throw bricks if you don’t do it; they’ll just know you’re a stranger.

    The people in your row and the row behind will see that you’re not kneeling. So you can smile apologetically and murmur, “My knees” if you want an excuse. Or you can just ignore them.

    There’s usually a flip-out, padded kneeling bench under the pew in front of you and the first person into the pew usually flips it down for the convenience of others. You don’t have to kneel on the floor!

    There are parts where the priest says something and the congregation responds. If it’s a sung service, the priest intones his part and the congregation intones back on a single note with a dip on the second-last note.

    For hymns, the organ (and choir if present) carry the congregation. Enjoy the music. There will probably be vibrantly stained-glass windows as well.

    Did you ask why there’s a mass for a non-believer? To please a great-aunt?

  21. says

    If you want to follow along with the service or actually sing the words to the hymn, someone beside you is always there to point out the place.

  22. Crudely Wrott says

    Quantum Locking: Works every time, no supplication required.

    Wicked cool. Literally and otherwise, eh?

  23. says

    I have always wondered why that water that came out from the small tank in the church was holy. No one ever told me why despite the fact that I have been babtized and done the communion and confession things *throw up*. They should cross out the holy part and add in filthy.

  24. Diana says

    beethovenfangirl – Yes, there are knitters amongst The Horde. And spinners, crocheters, weavers, woodworkers, beer-crafters, and other handicrafter-type things I can’t think of right now. Probably stick-whittlers, even. Photographers . Sewers. (Sewists?) Costume-maker/designers. Sailers. Gamers. Marathoners.

  25. chigau () says

    Dr Audley
    I second myeck waters’s suggestion to get a good look at the stations of the cross, they can border on the pornographic.

  26. Kieran says

    It depends on the area the church is, most diocese don’t allow personal touches at the funeral. It maybe a full mass, in which case it’s simon says without any prompting. If the coffin is already at the church the actual funeral part is about ten to fifteen minutes long. If not the coffin is recieved sprinkled with water then brought up to the altar, where it will be ignored until after the mass has finished, there maybe a eulogy generally by the preist. If the preist knows the person this can actually be nice otherwise it feels like fill in the name here. As I said they may allow a member of the family to speak right at the end for a few minutes this is completely based on the whims of the church itself.
    Then lots of incense a few short prayers, then to the graveyard.There will be singing and with a bit of luck maybe some baroque classics on a good organ which can be nice.

  27. says

    #16 ” i.e., gravity can’t move the puck to a new position, but his hand can.”

    The hand has magical powers – think masturbation.

  28. Epikt says

    Dr. Audley Z. Darkheart OM, liar and scoundrel

    My bff’s mom’s funeral is on Saturday. There’s going to be a mass at the Catholic church (which pisses me off to a certain extent, since she left the church years ago). I have no idea what to expect, can anyone clue me in a little bit?

    I attended the funeral mass of a friend last month. The service consisted of a fifteen-minute infomercial for the church, followed by a bit of blather about how she was in a happy place with sky-fairy. There was communion, which I refused. But the best part was a sort of testimonial as to what a wonderful person she was, which consisted almost entirely of boilerplate, to the point that I was surprised not to hear something like, “We are gathered to celebrate the life of deceased’s name here…”

  29. Inane Janine, OM, Conflater Of Arguments says

    Beethovenfangirl, Mattir is the person you want to contact. If you have a facebook account, look her up and ask to be invited into the facebook pharyngula horde.

    Patricia, (Though I have not seen her in a while.) is also a knitter. And Nerd Of Redhead’s wife, Redhead, is a Kninja Knitter.

    Good luck and have fun.

  30. SteveV says

    Gnumann (previous thread}

    Violence does not of course solve anything,

    “My mother said violence never solves anything.” “So?” Mr. Dubois looked at her bleakly. “I’m sure the city fathers of Carthage would be glad to know that.”

    Not quite so sure if I agree with the other quote from this source and I won’t copy it for fear of Godwin.

  31. The Ys says

    If you have a facebook account, look her up and ask to be invited into the facebook pharyngula horde.

    Is there a Horde circle on G+?

    I’d love to join in, but I’m doing my best to excise Facebook from my life.

  32. says

    I was going to declare TET bankruptcy, but then I noticed it had turned into TEB; I can skip-read that easily. So here goes.

    Swedish thieves are crappy

    I’ve heard and read several times now that it’s a superstition: pee or poo on the crime scene and you won’t get caught. But that was before CSI.
    I don’t think Benjamin is a misogynist, but he may very well be a misanthrope (and in a dark way, a funny one at that — think Jack Nicholson in As Good As It Gets). It’s just that he’s currently focusing on trying to get a relationship with a woman, which makes his misanthropy come across as misogyny. Had he been gay, he probably would’ve come across as a self hating misandrist. Of course I’m speculating wildly here, but Ben, try bisexuality and you won’t be seen as a misogynist anymore.

    Also, we played Set.

    Okay, so now I’m jealous in envy.

    Also, hurray! huzzah! Jules is back!
    Also, someone — I think it was chigau, but I can’t find it — asked for off-facebook pictures of Rhinebeck and the sleepover. I second that.
    Nope, I’m bankrupt after all. While I was typing this, I noticed another episode had opened up by seeing it coming up in the most recent comments.
    Anyone here on LinkedIn? Want to link up in?

  33. Therrin says

    Richard Austin, definitely go with piano first, especially if you’re looking to increase fluency with reading music.

    Did you hear about the violinist who bragged that he could play 32nd notes?
    The rest of the orchestra didn’t believe him, so he proved it by playing one.

  34. Rey Fox says

    The dating/creeping threads have gotten so godawful that a circumcision thread is actually a breath of fresh air.

  35. Inane Janine, OM, Conflater Of Arguments says

    I cannot really answer, The Ys. I do not have neither a facebook nor a g+ account. I was just trying to help out a newbie.

    Because we, at Pharyngula, are mean and nasty to all new comers. (Yes, I am tease a rather silly and self centered troll now.)

  36. Carlie says

    The Ys – there is effort being made to find a non-facebook social location. G+ is out because too many of us are too mad at its policy on real names; Diaspora is a possibility, but no one has had enough time to really try it out yet.

  37. The Ys says

    Because we, at Pharyngula, are mean and nasty to all new comers. (Yes, I am tease a rather silly and self centered troll now.)

    Yes, I’ve noticed that, Janine. I got run off last week and haven’t dared to post on Pharyngula since! ;)

  38. Rey Fox says

    So, tell me, is it true … are there knitters among you?

    Pharyngula is a knitting club with a skeptic problem.

    Also, we played Set.

    The funniest part of those group pictures to me was the scattering of Set cards on the floor on the far right side of the frame.

  39. Inane Janine, OM, Conflater Of Arguments says

    “I am tease…”

    English is my second language but I lack a mother tongue.

  40. Richard Austin says

    There’s a bunch of us on FB (referred to as PET to distinguish it from TET here). G+ is out for a lot of reasons. A legitimate attempt at Diaspora is being made, but as I’m not there I don’t know the status.

    There’s kind of a Venn diagram for the FB folks – those who post on the wall and comment on posts, and those who use FB’s chat function. For a few of us, it’s the chat function that gets the majority of use, and I think that’s one of the main holdups in moving off of FB (my understanding is that no one’s come up with a much better option; we tried IRC and I think that’s still around, but FB’s just too darned convenient).

    But, yeah, I think most of the techie contingent is in FB chat a lot of the time.

  41. Dhorvath, OM says


    Tell you what. When we’re out. Just say something like that, I’ll vomit up my meal, and then you can eat it.Like a little wolf baby!

    Did I laugh? Why yes, and no food came out of my mouth.


    You down with DoP? (Yeah, you know me!)

    Who’s the Black Sheep? Yeah, I think you will fit in just fine.

    That’s shitty. Curse them.

    Sally Strange,

    Pharyngula porno: there will be sheep, tents, tentacles… And everyone will come!

    And pilling, don’t forget the pilling. I mean, Brownian has to have a part, yes?


    I certainly put too much weight on physical appearance. Or so my parents and some friends keep telling me. All married to, or being themselves beautiful women. I’m sure you understand my confusion.

    I see the sexy in most, so I can’t relate well to this. Does it impact who you make friends with as well?

    Or if I say that I see a relationship as a reciprocal possession (or rather, contract)? Not joking, a mutual contract is really how I see myself in a relationship.

    I would wish that you use a different set of terms, contracts are about control which doesn’t dovetail well with accepting people for who they are.

    Thanks for the suggestions. I’m very bad at making new connections, and yet I love to meet people.

    I meet people incredibly easily, but many who I know do not so it has given me to introspection regarding that difference. I can make no guarantees, but it works for me.

    Well, except when the alpha male decides to assert his position in the group. I hate it when a guy transforms a group conversation into a peeing contest.

    I don’t have this issue so much, not that I haven’t seen toxic men make a group uncomfortable, but most of the people I spend time around aren’t that guy and don’t know him either.

    I do have (or had) a few women friends, some I may find attractive, but I don’t feel the urge to flirt with them, so I guess I’m right in calling them friends.

    Not following this, friends can flirt too.

    I am sorry to hear Alfie is ailing, in good hands though, yes?

    And he will wonder why son wants little to do with him later in life.

    G+ had a name issue, we are dabbling with Diaspora at the moment.

  42. says

    Good evening
    Back from work, kids in bed, let’s call it a day.

    Dost thou remember ye fudge-recepies?

    Prepare to be angered. When my paternal grandfather died, who was nominally a church member, the stupid asshole priest repeated the standard-sermon, mentioning Jesus fucking Christ way more often than my grandpa. The only thing that kept the family there was that we didn’t want grandma to have a heart attack there on the spot, since she was collapsing anyway.
    When Mr’s granduncle died, I told the family I’d be waiting outside of the church and come to the final farewell at the cemetery. Now that man wasn’t only a nominal catholic, but a practising one. In his life he passed a lot of extra money onto the RCC, but he was nasty, he gave it explicitly for projects he supported. The priest managed to get his name wrong during the whole service…

    To quote Sergant Jackrum: By my honour, I’m not a violent man
    Nah, it doesn’t solve most things, I know it doesn’t teach anything, but sometimes it would be very satisfying to just be able to give some people a good kicking.

    Oniongirl set up a flickr account, you need to mail her to get the password

  43. The Ys says

    @ Carlie:

    I tried Diaspora ages ago, but didn’t care much for the interface. I can understand the frustration with G+, though. I dislike the name policy. I’m just fed up with FB and the “Nudie photos are fine as long as it’s not breastfeeding” and the “hey, pages inciting violence against women are funny!” crap. I’d delete my account now if I had all the contact info for my family and friends…but no one seems to respond to email anymore. Lame.

  44. Carlie says

    There’s kind of a Venn diagram for the FB folks – those who post on the wall and comment on posts, and those who use FB’s chat function.

    Ha! I was very active on the fb wall, but didn’t even realize there was anything going on in chat because I never used fb chat. There are too many different interaction possibilities!

    The Ys – I deleted my fb account a few weeks ago, just a week after being at a family wedding and all of us saying how great it was to be able to keep in touch that way. The most recent set of changes triggered it, but I really needed to get off of it anyway. I’m not sure that I wouldn’t have the same problems with any given social online setting that I did with fb, so right now I’m taking a break entirely (except for here, obviously).

  45. First Approximation, Shevek says

    Pharyngula porno: there will be sheep, tents, tentacles… And everyone will come!

    Everyone will have gay sex with Brownian, then gay sex with Onion girl, then Brownian and Onion Girl will have gay sex with each other.

  46. Crip Dyke, Right Reverend Feminist FuckToy of Death & Her Handmaiden says

    I’ve seen a lot of cool tech. & I’ve been a proponent of new transport systems on a moderate scale to test them. But I’ve generally been against superconducting levitation being used for tracked transport. Instead, I’ve been in favor of using Halbach arrays for new transportation mechanisms that form a cross between a plane & a train. I’ve thought that Halbach arrays might do a great job as a first stage in a new orbital launch system. They’re cheaper and they are more useful in many respects than the superconducting magnetic levitation that I had seen in my life up to this point. The work necessary to keep a superconducting “train” contained within a track system seemed outrageously complicated and expensive.

    But Holy Halbach, Batman, this “quantum locking”! This is a wholly different animal. I am impressed beyond the capacity of words to express.

    Now I have to investigate quantum locking. Does it have application in fusion research? Can it help prevent plasma eddies? How does it happen and on what scales is it useful? How much magnetic drag is created? Can the drag effect be used to generate electricity? If so, then whatever energy is lost in locomotion (should we create a tracked transport system using the tech) would be gained in electricity that can be siphoned off to be used elsewhere. (Of course, aerodynamic losses would not be regained elsewhere, but having close to zero losses to magnetic drag would be quite a feat.)

    I’m just stunned. Science (pbui) ftw!

  47. Dr. Audley Z. Darkheart OM, liar and scoundrel says

    I have no idea why there’s a mass for bff’s mom. My best guess is it has to do with the rest of the family being Catholic and that’s just What You Do™.

  48. Crip Dyke, Right Reverend Feminist FuckToy of Death & Her Handmaiden says

    Paul said:

    I understand how flux pinning works, and how that can be useful in magnetic levitation, but what I don’t understand is why, when he moves the superconductor by hand, it stays in the new position instead of “bouncing back” to the old one. i.e., gravity can’t move the puck to a new position, but his hand can.

    Then you don’t understand how flux pinning works….

    Not that i do either – I hadn’t heard of it until today, despite my pretensions to physics geekiness – but I just thought I’d say that.

    It must be true that there is a cancelation of forces, up to a certain maximum. But a cancelation of forces does not stop motion – it stops acceleration. Thus when something like a hand exceeds that maximum force-cancelation, the item is moved. When the exterior force is no longer applied, the object must then move at a constant speed relative to the track. The speed could be zero, but it couldn’t go from zero to X to zero again, as would be required for the mechanism to cause the object to ‘bounce back”.

    Again, I don’t know how/why this works (I’m too busy today to spend much more time on this), but I **do** understand that force-balancing won’t produce that bounce effect.

    Does that help?

  49. says

    Oniongirl set up a flickr account, you need to mail her to get the password

    Ah *slaps forehead* I thought the password was only needed to post there, not for actually seeing the content. And there I was, wondering why nobody had posted anything yet. Mail (almost) sent.

  50. says

    Argh, gotta love my dad or I’d kill him.
    Phone-call 30 minutes ago:

    Me: So mum’s in full flow again
    He: hmmm
    Me: Come on, everybody could see that she’s been drinking again
    He: hmm, could be
    Me: headtodesk

    I then informed him what my plans are with regards to Saturday. It’s the little one’s birthday and we’ve planned to get the 3 great-grandmas and my aunt (the one with lung-cancer) together for coffee and cake. And I’m not going to let her spoil another kid’s birthday.
    Fuck, last year we celebrated her birthday with a big little bit Halloween-ish party. My grandpa was still alive and grandma was still walking around. But I would lie if I said everything was OK then, my mum had to leave very early to keep her appointment with Jack Daniels.

    Sorry, I’m a bit of a spoil-sport at the moment.

    I’m going to be cheerful now and make lots of Hello Kitty elastics for the kids.

  51. RealityBasedSteve says

    I had to listen with the sound off, am I really really wrong for making “choo-choo” noises when it went around on the track? I want my hover-board, and if I break my hip, well, it would be worth it. (isn’t that the the way trouble always starts?)


  52. Richard Austin says


    I have no idea why there’s a mass for bff’s mom. My best guess is it has to do with the rest of the family being Catholic and that’s just What You Do™.

    It might help to remember that funerals are for the living, not the dead.

    But, I sympathize. I’ve explicitly got my BFF listed as my healthcare agent and the person I want making funeral decisions because I don’t trust my (not really but loves to pretend like she is for some reason) religious mother with them.

    And, condolences for you and your friend’s loss.

  53. Father/Brother/Nephew/Cousin/ex-Mother-in-Law Ogvorbis, OM: Independently-Minded Baboon says

    I had to listen with the sound off, am I really really wrong for making “choo-choo” noises when it went around on the track?

    Short answer, yes.

    Long answer:

    Yes, and here’s why: steam locomotives use the steam exhaust from the cylinders, vented through a venturi and a petticoat, to create a lower-pressure stream which will capture smoke in the smokebox, and pull it out through the smokestack. This draws smoke through the flues and out of the firebox and draws fresh air into the combustion chamber. Though very wasteful of energy (the heat still in the steam is lost) and of water (water is only used once, not condensed and reused), it is necessary. Stationary boilers use very tall smokestacks to create the necessary draaft in the boilers. For rather obvious reasons, hundred-foot-tall smokestacks are not suitable on steam locomotives. While there are a few locomotives which condensed the used steam (South Africa had a few, as did some of the southern Soviet republics), they needed a fan under the smokestack create the needed draft.

    The steam, leaving the cylinders and exiting out the smokestack creates the classic chuff-chuff-chuff of a steam locomotive. For a conventional two-cylinder locomotive, there are four exhaust chuffs per revolution of the main drive wheels (two cylinders, power-stroke both directions (get your mind out of the gutter!), and the wheels set 90 degrees out of phase). For a three-cylinder locomotive, there will be six chuffs.

    However, some locomotives were built as cross-compounds with two or three cylinders. These locomotives used first-generation steam in one cylinder and then powered the second cylinder with the exhaust steam from the first. These locomotives are easy to recognize as the low-pressure cylinder is larger (this keeps power and torque equal even with different steam pressures). A three-cylinder cross-compound could use first-generation steam in the outer pair of cylinders with the third, centre-mounted cylinder powered by the second generation steam. Both designs resulted in two chuffs per full cycle.

    Some locomotives had two or even three engines under one boiler. These were the simple articulated (such as the Big Boy (I said, get your mind out of the gutter!)) and the Mallet, or compound articulated. Simple articulated locomotives used first-generation steam to both engine units — all four cylinders. This could, with perfect timing, create eight chuffs per cycle. The compound articulated used first-generation steam in the rear engine unit, the back cylinders, and second generation steam in the larger front cylinders which put it back to four chuffs per cycle.

    The ones with three engine units under one boiler were built for the Erie Railroad and the Virginian Railroad. The third engine unit actually extended under the tender. First generation steam was routed to the middle engine unit. The second generation steam was routed to the front and rear engines. The port side steam went forward, powered the front cylinders, and then left through the smokestack to create the chuff (not to mention the draft). The starboard steam was routed to the rear where it powered the third engine unit before being exhaused through a steamstack mounted on the tender. These were extremely unsuccessful locomotives as the firebox could not produce steam fast enough to keep the pressure up in the boiler. They had one of the highest torque (tractive effort) ratings of all locomotives, but were good for only about 3 miles before you had to stop and repressurize the boiler. All were rebuilt into multiple locomotives fairly quickly.

    So, again, the long answer is yes, you are “I really really wrong for making “choo-choo” noises when it went around on the track?”. The chuffing is apropriate only, ONLY with reciprocating steam locomotives (if you want, I can expand into non-reciprocating steam locomotives (yes, they had them)).

  54. Classical Cipher, Murmur Muris, OM says

    …I have SUCH a crush on you now.

    Right? TLC, you’re freakin’ killing me over here! Stop being so outrageously awesome immediately.

    Caine, your mister is very handsome indeed :) I’m so happy that you two have each other.

    Yes, I’ve noticed that, Janine. I got run off last week and haven’t dared to post on Pharyngula since! ;)

    I lol’d.

    Everyone will have gay sex with Brownian, then gay sex with Onion girl, then Brownian and Onion Girl will have gay sex with each other.

    I lol’d harder.

    Sooo, here I am on campus, screwing around, not doing my work. It’s pretty great. I couldn’t do anything last night either. Just kept intending to do something and then finding myself curled up in bed instead. Eventually I made a deal with myself that I would do my Greek translation, then I would write whatever I wanted, and then I would go to bed without trying to push myself through any of my other work. So that was okay. But now I have to actually do stuff.

  55. Father/Brother/Nephew/Cousin/ex-Mother-in-Law Ogvorbis, OM: Independently-Minded Baboon says

    Relatively Ogvorbis
    Do you do that off the top of your head?

    Yeah. Why?

  56. says

    Zachary Bos emailed me again. This time, to inform me that my photos are nice, but not all that and he didn’t want to do business with me now, but had thought about it previously, which is why he had searched me in the first place and why he decided to use my real name on the Atheist Church thread.

    He also went on to say that he received an email from someone else on the Atheist Church thread who knows him, and they sympathized with him, asking him how he liked his flogging, and that person knows he would never, ever do something nasty to anyone, like out them, yada, yada, yada.

    I briefly emailed back, saying I couldn’t believe he had the nerve to carry on his ‘argument’ via email. I told him he was beyond a creep, not to contact me again and that his name was going to the police.

    So what happens? I get another email from the asshat creep. That one I deleted without reading.

  57. Classical Cipher, Murmur Muris, OM says

    So what happens? I get another email from the asshat creep.

    Oh for fuck’s sake.
    What the hell is wrong with people around here lately? First the two exes coming in here to air shit, now this creep?

  58. The Ys says

    Caine – I sympathise. I got into a row with a man (over on Facebook) about boundaries and harassment, and I wound up leaving the discussion because his obtuseness (real or pretended) was infuriating. He started messaging me privately to continue arguing his point.

    The irony. It burnssssss, Precioussss!!!

  59. RealityBasedSteve says

    WOW! And I thought I had a wealth of obscure esoteric knowledge at my command. I tip my cap to you Ogvorbus. (for some reason my “Reply” button seems to have wandered off someplace.

    Who really WAS taken to school today. (and he liked it) :)

  60. says


    What the hell is wrong with people around here lately?

    Fuck if I know. Someone dropped a batch of creepy stalker acid in the water supply?

    The Ys:

    He started messaging me privately to continue arguing his point.

    Ugh. I’m sorry you’ve dealt with this too. Too many people don’t understand boundaries anymore.

  61. F says

    Dear Dr. Audley,

    My condolences on your, and your friend’s, loss.

    It depends on the local church. It also depends on whether or not the person in charge of funeral arrangements ordered up a full Mass, a quickie eulogy, or something in between.

    For a full Mass, bring a book or amphetamines or something. Anything to keep you awake and entertained. Especially if this is a stodgy, conservative parish and you’re looking at full Mass.

    If it is a more modern, liberal church, with a decent priest/whatever, it may not be bad at all. You’ll very likely hear some trite religious crap that will make you wince, just don’t roll your eyes back so far that your pupils get stuck the wrong way around. This makes it harder to find your way out when the time comes to leave. (Unless you are an experienced non-sighted or sight-limited person, in which case, you are probably good to go. Roll ’em back and freak out the religious with your new possessed look.)

  62. says

    Pelamun, thanks. Apparently, ZB believes he’s right, no matter what and will continue to argue that (even though that’s not what he’s doing*) no matter what.

    *I use mailwasher, so I saw the first few lines of the last email before I deleted – he claimed he wasn’t arguing his case. At all.

  63. says

    I always knew that when people who aren’t like us claim that hereditary rank is not part of human nature, they must be wrong. Now you’ve given me evolutionary proof!

    Now now, princess… it doesn’t mean one couldn’t summon up an army, murder your family and take over your country successfully by crushing your people completely, thus generating a new hierarchy :)

    It’s worked before. Pretty castles too!

    True, of course. And the observation that hereditary social status is a natural feature of primate societies doesn’t necessarily have any moral implications either way; an “is” does not imply an “ought”. (After all, killing one another over greed and jealousy is also a widespread feature of human and other primate societies, but that doesn’t mean that it should be encouraged.)

    Though it’s perhaps odd that Princess Michael, who is a devout Catholic,* would be so keen on looking for evolutionary explanations for things.

    (*She even went to the trouble of having her first marriage, to an English banker named Thomas Troubridge, annulled formally by the Catholic Church in 1978, leaving her free under canon law to marry Prince Michael a month later.)

  64. The Ys says

    Carlie: Yep, saw that clip a few hours ago. It’s wonderful!


    Caine: I really would love to run a study on inappropriate behaviour via the internet and see if people are more likely to receive certain types of messages and harassment based on gender.

    I have anecdata, but no concrete numbers.

  65. Dhorvath, OM says

    I am appalled. Sorry this shit is creeping through the web to your business end of life too.

    That’s a moment of hope. Thanks for sharing it.

  66. says


    Though it’s perhaps odd that Princess Michael, who is a devout Catholic,* would be so keen on looking for evolutionary explanations for things.

    Well, the catholic church is officially a fan of evolution saying that “ain’t god clever?”

    I’m sorry that the idiot is continuing to annoy you.
    I’m not going to ask “what’s the problem with people not understanding “no”…

    Oh, btw, I like how the GWS comic turned out, shoving the “women don’t communicate clearly” right up the ass.

  67. First Approximation, Shevek says

    Well, since there has been much talk of (non-human) primates lately:

    The first advertising campaign for non-human primates

    The objective, says Olwell, is to see if advertising can make brown capuchins change their behaviour. The team will create two brands of food – the team is considering making two colours of jello – specifically targeted at brown capuchins, one supported by an ad campaign and the other not.

    One billboard shows a graphic shot of a female monkey with her genitals exposed, alongside the brand A logo. The other shows the alpha male of the capuchin troop associated with brand A.

    Olwell expects brand A to be the capuchins’ favoured product. “Monkeys have been shown in previous studies to really love photographs of alpha males and shots of genitals, and we think this will drive their purchasing habits.”

    So much like us.

    Here is the Colbert Report’s take:

    For Americans:

    For Canadians:

  68. Mattir says

    I’m back from Manhattan, exhausted, and have unloaded my car, done a load of laundry, and called the Rhinebeck hotel to see if I can track down my missing iPod.

    And I’m feeling very disappointing lately, both to myself and other people.

  69. Father/Brother/Nephew/Cousin/ex-Mother-in-Law Ogvorbis, OM: Independently-Minded Baboon says

    “Monkeys have been shown in previous studies to really love photographs of alpha males and shots of genitals, and we think this will drive their purchasing habits.”

    Right wing fruitcake’s head ‘sploding in 8 . . . 7 . . . 6 . . .

    Expect this to show up on one of those idiotic adverts about ‘wasted government spending’ real soon. Never mind the billions we give to the energy companies, they will focus in on this cheap study and, zowie!

  70. Algernon says

    Zachary Bos emailed me again. This time, to inform me that my photos are nice, but not all that and he didn’t want to do business with me now

    Fuck that sucks. I really really hate when they do that. I got sick of people retaliating through my stupid youtube channel. I don’t expect everyone to like my music. I don’t expect most people to even “get” what I’m about. But FFS if you’re already all pissed off because you’ve been arguing me let’s be honest, you were just looking for a way to be creepy and annoying. You ought to imagine your criticism is just going to be deleted along with the abusive garbage you just heaped on at the place you linked to me from!

    I did just take the link out completely though. Screw it. Why share anything at all?

  71. First Approximation, Shevek says

    Oh for fuck’s sake.
    What the hell is wrong with people around here lately? First the two exes coming in here to air shit, now this creep?

    Yeah, I was wondering that myself.

  72. Dhorvath, OM says

    Please don’t do that. We get enough gendered slurs floating around here in a negative light, find some other way to be enthusiastic.

  73. Dr. Audley Z. Darkheart OM, liar and scoundrel says


    It depends on the local church. It also depends on whether or not the person in charge of funeral arrangements ordered up a full Mass, a quickie eulogy, or something in between.

    The good news is, I finally talked to my bff and he’s… okay, all things considered.

    Anyway, the funeral plans are: eulogies, followed by a full mass. He told me to expect this to take about three hours or so (not including the burial).

    So, thanks everyone for the input, it really helps me out.

  74. Dhorvath, OM says

    Please don’t, people find you amazing. Hope it’s but passing fatigue that has you down.

  75. chigau () says

    Maybe ZB finds you interesting and wants to go somewhere for coffee…
    brain bleach time

  76. Inane Janine, OM, Conflater Of Arguments says

    Free speech apparently means one gets to keep sending messages to a person even if the receiver of the messages does not want to communicate.

    Just from that one day of posting, why am not surprised that ZB is acting as he is.

    And I do have one very stupid question. If one wanted to have a business transaction, why would the person initiating the transaction think it would be a good idea to call a person by name when that person does not use her name on a blog?


  77. julian says

    Science. It works, bitches asspimples!

    Yeah 20 minutes and that’s the best I could come up with. Creativity, I no has it.

  78. frankb says

    The religious rituals I am most critical of are funerals and weddings because they are the most personal to someone. Weddings involve people who are alive who supposedly have some say in the matter. The deceased are totally dependent on others for what type of funeral they get, so if a funeral is all rituals with the person’s name inserted into a standard script, that’s crap. Reading all the comments about Catholic funerals is driving me nuts. All the guys in the funny hats and robes might as well play hop-scotch in the central isle for all the meaning that it has.

  79. says

    Hi, y’all! Though I’ve posted a couple times now, I’m to understand that this is where we introduce ourselves. So, I’m evil; it’s nice to meet you. I have been lurking here on and off for a while now, and have decided it’s kind of nice here. If you all don’t mind, I might hang out here for a time.

    [fanpersonsquee] I love love love Zachary Quinto, and I love love love that his coming out wasn’t like a huge press conference, or a spread in People Magazine or some such thing, but an offhand remark. Like it’s something that happens every day. Because it is!! [/fanpersonsquee]

  80. Dhorvath, OM says

    Hi, welcome, have a drink. We like people, any evidence contrary to that is a clever ruse.

  81. chigau () says

    Hi evilisgood!
    Have some chocolate rum!
    *whisper*aren’t we supposed to be kicking xe?

  82. Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls says

    *hands out introductory drink, bowl of popcornz, and a 10 e-ducat credit chit to evilisgood* Don’t eat the chit…

    Seems what ZB most wants to do is put me in my place. Asshat.

    The new Lilac Berets of the Pullet Patrol™ will be ready for action in about a week. Let us know if you need any help…

  83. Inane Janine, OM, Conflater Of Arguments says

    Psst…chigau… why do you think their is rum in the drink? As soon as the newbie is drunk enough…so keep quiet! And wait…

  84. says

    aren’t we supposed to be kicking xe?

    Yeah, I thought you beat up on all the noobs. It’s like a hazing, innit? Builds character, I say. ;)

    Oooh, Chocolate rum sounds delicious.

  85. says


    The new Lilac Berets of the Pullet Patrol™ will be ready for action in about a week. Let us know if you need any help…

    Ah, good. Where is our Mistress of the Spanking Parlor? I hope she’s absent because Naughty Marvin is keeping her busy…

  86. Inane Janine, OM, Conflater Of Arguments says

    I was thinking that it was time for me to send her an e-mail in order to see she is alright.

    It could be she is tired and frustrated. She has been fight with the VA for months for benefits.

  87. says


    She has been fight with the VA for months for benefits.

    Yeah, I know. Last time she was posting, she was pretty frustrated and furious over it. I hope it’s not that keeping her away. If you e-mail, send her ferocious hugses from me. Let her know she’s missed.

  88. Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls says

    It could be she is tired and frustrated. She has been fight with the VA for months for benefits.

    Dang, even the Lilac Berets aren’t that good…

  89. Dr. Audley Z. Darkheart OM, liar and scoundrel says

    Science. It works, bitches asspimples poopeyheads dingleberries douchcanoes!


    Science. It works, bitches asspimples poopeyheads dingleberries douchecanoes assclams!

    Hello, Evil!

    *rummages around in cupboards* Hmmmmm, there’s been a lot of newbs around lately, so the stock is getting low…

    … Help yourself to some honey flavored liqueur nips (left over from last Xmas, sorry) or I think I’ve got some flat cola in the back of the fridge somewhere (all out of the Kraken rum, sorry sorry) or there’s a box of all-natural, all-herbal (and guaranteed not to work) PMS symptom relief tea (don’t ask).

  90. Inane Janine, OM, Conflater Of Arguments says

    I just sent Patricia a short e-mail. I let her know that the Horde was wondering how she was doing.

  91. The Laughing Coyote (Papio Cynocephalus) says

    I modified a mora! (that’d duct tape on the blade, to keep the fingers safe)

    Moras are beautiful little knives, inexpensive, simple, and high-quality. I think this one cost around 10 bucks. It came with a plain red-painted handle, and I got sick of looking at it.

    Brown boot polish has become my favorite finish for carvings. It’s great for bringing out the detail, and giving a bit of an ‘instant antique’ look to it.

  92. First Approximation, Shevek says

    Science. It works, bitches asspimples poopeyheads dingleberries douchecanoes assclams cupcakes!

  93. says


    And I’m feeling very disappointing lately, both to myself and other people.


    I don’t know what this is about, but I certainly don’t think you’re disappointing. *hugs and cookies* Feel better soon.

  94. Jules says

    Hey, SQB! I was seriously wishing you were there with us when we were playing Set. Even though I had about all the competition I could handle.

    Not that I’m competitive about that game or anything.

    Because I’m not.

  95. Father/Brother/Nephew/Cousin/ex-Mother-in-Law Ogvorbis, OM: Independently-Minded Baboon says

    Ogvorbis’ Always-Fail Fudge

    You asked for it, here it is. The fudge recipe which fails every time I make it.

    1/2 cup whole milk
    1/2 cup cream
    and subtract 1 tablespoon of the mixture and use it in your coffee.

    Brin the milk/cream to a boil in a large, heavy, non-aluminum pan. Remove from the heat and stir in until dissolved:

    2 cups sugar
    1/8 teaspoon salt
    2 ounces grated good chocolate

    Bring to a boil and cook covered for 2 minutes until the steam washes down any crystals forming on the side of the pan. Uncover, reduce the heat and cook without stirring to soft-ball stage, 238F on a candy thermometer. Remove from the heat without jostling or stirring and allow to cool lto 110F. Then add:

    2 to 4 tablespoons sweet butter

    and beat the fudge partially. Then add:

    1 teaspoon vanilla

    and beat until it begins to lose its sheen. At this point, the drip from the spoon, , when you flip it over, holds its shape against the bottom of the spoon. If you want nuts, quickly add:

    1/2 to 1 cup of broken nut meat

    and pour the fudge into a battered pan. Cut into squares after it has set but before it has hardened.

    Give up and go to the local candy store and buy some fudge, arrange it in a pan, and try to pass it off as your own.

  96. crissakentavr says

    Why does the title of each article lead to a page without the comments, but also still within a frame? The outer frame has killed more than a few links from here.

  97. Father/Brother/Nephew/Cousin/ex-Mother-in-Law Ogvorbis, OM: Independently-Minded Baboon says

    Science. It works, bitches asspimples poopeyheads dingleberries douchecanoes assclams cupcakes teabagger Republicans!

    Welcome, evilisgod. don’t hold your breath on the grog. I still ain’t got mine yet, haina or no?

  98. The Laughing Coyote (Papio Cynocephalus) says

    Oh Alethea, how did they ever convince Lawrd Monckton to show up for that?

  99. says


    Why does the title of each article lead to a page without the comments, but also still within a frame? The outer frame has killed more than a few links from here.

    Doesn’t happen for me. If I click on a post title, I get the post and the comments, with the sidebars.

    Check your browser and no script, if you’re running it.

  100. Gregory Greenwood says

    I want a superconducting quantum hovertrain running from Morris to the airport. Now.

    That would indeed be ridiculously awesome. I am of the opinion that one of the important differences between science and woo is that the cool stuff that science deals with actually works.

    I wonder if a future of mostly friction-free (not counting air resistance), ultra fast and fuel efficient transport will transpire to be practical one day?

  101. John Morales says

    TLC, they told him he’d be on TV?

    (I’m sure it was above-board (that program has tight legal oversight) but that Monckton didn’t do his research very well.

    Me, I thought it a tad cruel; I don’t think he was acting)

  102. Philip Legge says

    TLC, the same way that PZ Myers and Richard Dawkins were interviewed for a movie supposedly to be entitled “Crossroads on the Intersection of Science and Religion”?

  103. First Approximation, Shevek says

    Funny enough, they probably got Lord Monckton the same way Sacha Baron Cohen got people to do interviews: lied about who they were.

  104. says


    (Listen, don’t mention the pecking order!)

    :snortle: I’m sure my response won’t count, as I’m trying for pecking points, according to crissakentavr. I really thought I didn’t need any more after getting my OM, but it seems I do.

  105. Sili says

    Re bitches:

    How about taking it up Munroe, rather than jumping down the throat of thepoor newbie for crying out loud?

  106. says

    Probably they just asked. There’s a long tradition of Australian comedians doing spoof interviews with famous people. They usually trade on the celebrity’s desire for PR, and their ignorance of Australian TV. For a much earlier version, look up Norman Gunston.

    And if it’s a bit cruel, I don’t think it’s at all unwarranted. Monckton accuses scientists of being Nazis; the Chaser accuses Monckton of being a joke.

  107. Classical Cipher, Murmur Muris, OM says

    Man, that thread just started off toxic with rank stupidity :/ It never even had a chance.

  108. Jules says

    So…I was looking for a fun thing to post on a facebook page that I manage. I googled feminism humor and clicked on Images.

    Shoulda realized that I was going to be walking straight into a big ol’ wall o’ misogyny.

    I think my favorite was the cartoon depiction of a money shot, captioned Say hello to postfeminism.

    Ima go cry in the shower for a minute.

  109. Jules says

    Or maybe this is my favorite.

    Because it’s totes feminist.

    (I got no problem with the cartoon. It’s funny enough. I just have no idea why that would be tagged feminist.)

  110. DemetriusOfPharos says

    Dhorvath, OM:

    Yeah, I think you will fit in just fine.

    Thanks! My mom always said I was witty.

    G+ had a name issue, we are dabbling with Diaspora at the moment.

    G+ has been extremely disappointing. I finally put in for an invite to Diaspora a couple days ago – I’m hoping it lives up to the hype.


    First Approximation, Shevek:

    Everyone will have gay sex with Brownian, then gay sex with Onion girl, then Brownian and Onion Girl will have gay sex with each other.

    I’m not saying no, but at least buy a guy dinner first, ok?



    Anchor comes out while reporting on Zachary Quinto.

    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I, for one, welcome our new, fabulous overlords.


    Caine, Fleur du Mal:

    Don’t use bitches. Thanks.

    It’s an XKCD reference, if that helps. I’m not arguing for the proper use of the word or anything (I’ve tried to refrain from using it because of reading so much on Pharyngula), but it is a direct quote. PZ himself posted it approvingly (not that we all have to follow PZ, its just an example). How about:
    “Science: it works… *explosion* …Now that’s odd.”


    First Approximation, Shevek

    Science. It works, … cupcakes!

    Never mind my contribution, that wins an Internet. Or two.

  111. ChasCPeterson says

    Well, fuck. It now looks inevitable that I’ve lost yet another job. God damn it. I am a fuckup and there’s no doubt.

    So I got drunk.


  112. Dhorvath, OM says

    Diaspora is functional for wallpost and groups so far as I can tell, but has no chat function. I have become somewhat attached to that aspect of FB so for the moment I play in both pools.

  113. Dr. Audley Z. Darkheart OM, liar and scoundrel says

    myeck waters:

    You might want to get there a bit early just n case the church has a particularly weird set of Stations of the Cross installed. They can be neat to look at.

    I’ve heard the term “stations of the cross” before, but I didn’t really know what it referred to. Wikipedia to the rescue!

    If I’m reading it right, the “stations of the cross” is a prayer cycle (for lack of a better word) focusing on Jesus’s pain and suffering with visual aids, yes? That’s pretty fucked up.

  114. llewelly says

    First, I am dropping in without reading the last n threads, because I have been very busy with my new job and
    moving and all of that nonsense. And I am moving again today, as soon as new roommate arrives with the truck.

    I am sorry to hear Alfie is unwell, and sorry (but not surprised) to hear creepy asshole stalkers have turned
    up on the thread.

    And I am sad to say I will be commenting less frequently than ever, as new job will keep me busy.

    And now I am off.

  115. says


    And I am sad to say I will be commenting less frequently than ever, as new job will keep me busy.

    Oh, I wish that wasn’t so. It will make the times you’re here all the sweeter. All the best with the move and the new job!

  116. Father/Brother/Nephew/Cousin/ex-Mother-in-Law Ogvorbis, OM: Independently-Minded Baboon says

    Chas: That sucks. Almost fudge should be dribbling through your USB any time now.

  117. Dr. Audley Z. Darkheart OM, liar and scoundrel says

    Oggie OM,

    Almost fudge should be dribbling through your USB any time now.

    That sounds… rather disgusting.

  118. omcdurham says

    My wife Jessa is trying to get me to stop using gender-specific insults: don’t call a woman a bitch, don’t call a man a dick, etc. Sometimes, I just feel weird calling a woman an asshole. I see her point, as we are trying to get sexism out of our culture, but it also reminds me of how phony political correctness actually is.

  119. Father/Brother/Nephew/Cousin/ex-Mother-in-Law Ogvorbis, OM: Independently-Minded Baboon says

    Almost fudge should be dribbling through your USB any time now.

    That sounds… rather disgusting.

    The recipe for my Always-Fail Fudge is up at 146 (I described it in the last thread and someone asked for the actual recipe). This is the recipe that has failed every time I have tried to make fudge. Thus, almost fudge dribbling through the USB. I can cook damn near anything but fudge.

  120. Classical Cipher, Murmur Muris, OM says

    I see her point, as we are trying to get sexism out of our culture, but it also reminds me of how phony political correctness actually is.

    Yeah… If you’re still using meaningless buzzwords like “political correctness” to refer to trying not to use sexist insults, I’m not sure you actually are clear on the point. But thanks for the effort anyhow.

  121. says


    but it also reminds me of how phony political correctness actually is.

    PC crap has nothing to do with being aware of sexist language and how it perpetuates sexism within ourselves and society at large. Changing how you speak also changes attitudes and perspective.

  122. Dhorvath, OM says

    Hey, Chas, that sucks big time. Have a drink, hell have two, for me.

    Yeah, hey, you can do it. The cost is small and the effect worth chasing.

  123. Rey Fox says

    Science. It works, mammajammas.

    Sorry, Chas. For what it’s worth, I’m pretty sure it doesn’t mean you’re a fuckup.

  124. Carlie says

    Mattir, you’ve been through a lot in the last week. Fun doesn’t mean not stressful. I hope your ipod shows up. Is there any chance you left it at the last restaurant on Sunday?

    Chas, you know the market sucks rotten eggs right now, and that places are using the crappy economy and their crappy budgets to cut positions right out from under people no matter how good those people are. It’s quite likely to have very little to do with you. Hugs if you want them.

    llewelly, good to hear from you!

    Ogvorb, belated congrats on the OM. :) Also, that fudge recipe looks suspicious. I know for soups you’re not supposed to let milk come to a full boil because it gets all gross, so I’m not sure how it would possibly work well in fudge.

  125. Rev. BigDumbChimp says

    Ok Can of Worms warning.

    What is the position of people here of reclaiming the word Bitch similar to the reclaiming of the word Queer?

    My wife and her friends often refer to themselves as “bitches” “bad ass bitches” “don’t fuck with my bitches” and i could go on.

    It’s is purely a term of endearment to them.


  126. Dhorvath, OM says

    Yeah, as someone staring down a very similar problem, (who will blink first?) I gotta say the fuckup idea is attractive, but it’s not truth.

  127. Stevarious says

    My wife and her friends often refer to themselves as “bitches” “bad ass bitches” “don’t fuck with my bitches” and i could go on.

    It’s is purely a term of endearment to them.


    I dunno. I kinda like the Godless Bitches podcast. They don’t seem to mind.

  128. Dhorvath, OM says

    Do you refer to them as bitches? Do they use it to put one another down? There is no amount of them using bitch as a positive term that would make me feel comfortable calling them bitches, so the term would at least be very context dependent, much like other reclaimed terms.

  129. says

    Rev. BDC:

    What is the position of people here of reclaiming the word Bitch similar to the reclaiming of the word Queer?

    I have a card which declares me to be a Heartless Bitch™. I don’t think there can be a wholesale reclamation of bitch while it is so closely tied to very toxic sexism. It’s a difficult word to get out of my own vocabulary, especially in the context of complaining. I also grew up when it was cool to say “Bitchin’!” every 5 seconds.

  130. Father/Brother/Nephew/Cousin/ex-Mother-in-Law Ogvorbis, OM: Independently-Minded Baboon says

    How about:

    Science. It works, really. I mean, hell, you’re reading it on a computer, right?

    Er, a little long.

    Ogvorb, belated congrats on the OM. :)

    I still wonder about y’all’s snanity, but thanks.

    Also, that fudge recipe looks suspicious.

    It is a family* modification of a fudge recipe from an ancient edition of Joy of Cooking. How ancient? It refers to ‘strong milk’ which became the creme/whole milk mixture.

    * Not my family. The mother of my best friend in high school. And with his mom, it came out perfect. Every time. Absolutely perfect.

  131. says

    @ Dr Audly

    Or you could use my trick. Ten minutes before the mass ends, you slide your butt into a seat in the back.

    Then just act like you’ve been there all along. Works just fine.

    Though I don’t use that trick any more. Now it’s “Mass? You’re kidding, right?”

  132. omcdurham says

    I get the backlash about gendered insults, and I guess I made a mistake when mentioning “Political Correctness”. But here’s a question:

    Why does breast cancer get so much attention and prostate cancer does not? There is a breast cancer awareness month, and not one for prostate cancer???

  133. says


    Why does breast cancer get so much attention and prostate cancer does not? There is a breast cancer awareness month, and not one for prostate cancer???

    Are you pissing in our lounge just for the hell of it? Do you bug Jessa with this stuff, following every point with a what about the menz question?

    The sheer amount of women dying from breast cancer was *overwhelming*, which is why campaigns were mounted to increase self exams and mammograms. There’s no good reason for anyone to die from breast cancer, including men. Yeah, men get breast cancer too, just not in the same numbers as women.

    There are campaigns for self exams and check ups when it comes to prostate cancer. Why don’t you help out with those? Are you doing self exams? Are you talking to your buddies about self exams and check ups?

  134. Philip Legge says

    Rev. BDC,

    no can of worms at all: your friends are appropriating a word which they know has a cool, bad ass, and overall positive meaning in their own shared discussions, and that’s fine if all the parties to it have that understanding; outside their group though, they can’t prescribe the word to retain that positive character, knowing that the word is far from being universally reclaimed, and so would run the risk of being misunderstood or of giving unintentional offence. Why run that risk when you could use more neutral language?

    This is why I’d be happy to use such a word positively in a private context where the intended meaning is going to be known, but would not want to use it publicly, since it gets tiresome to flag every use of that word with a disclaimer to the effect that “it is not being used pejoratively in this context”.

  135. Classical Cipher, Murmur Muris, OM says

    Why does breast cancer get so much attention and prostate cancer does not?

    Do you think this is in some way relevant to your previous comment? You put them together like they were, and yet… so very not.

  136. Rev. BigDumbChimp says

    Do you refer to them as bitches?

    Not that I can ever remember. Possibly in some late night debauchery where it would be taken as par for the course and in the spirit of the chaos. That’s not an excuse it’s just the dynamics of my friends. Other than that, never.

    Do they use it to put one another down?

    In a mean way? No, but in a kidding way, yeah probably. But they’re all really tight and have been friends since college (20 years now). It’s understood what’s going on in their group dynamic. Again, just a description of them not a commentary on how anyone else should act.

    There is no amount of them using bitch as a positive term that would make me feel comfortable calling them bitches,

    Understandable. And I’d never dream of calling gays not in my circle of friends queers, or african-americans not in my circle of friends “my nigger”. Actually I’ve never called any of my gay or AA friends either, but you get my point.

    so the term would at least be very context dependent, much like other reclaimed terms.

    But that’s my question. Do you (not you in particular but you as a group) have an issue with a group of women reclaiming Bitch? Do you have a problem with the gay rights movment reclaiming Queer?

    If you have a problem with the first what is the difference?

  137. Classical Cipher, Murmur Muris, OM says

    Regarding Rev BDC’s question, I respect the efforts of other women who are trying to do that for themselves, but I don’t think that word will ever be “reclaimed” for me. I don’t hear it as anything other than a slur meant to “put me in my place”. I mean, to some extent, if someone’s calling me a bitch in the sense that I’m too mean or assertive, then they’re an asshole and I’m probably doing something right, but I’m not going to start labeling myself that. In a broader context, I think the project is futile, but I don’t have an ethical problem with it in general.

  138. Dhorvath, OM says

    Err, I don’t know where you live, but prostate cancer month is September if I recall, and I am quite sure we have a walk/run fund raiser where I live for it yearly. Posters in bus shelters and malls, and ads on the radio too. It’s serious shit and people treat it as such.

  139. says


    They just pull stuff out of thin air.

    So is omcdurham. He’s pulling the classic “what about the menz?, what about the poor, poor menz!?” crap. I do not need to deal with that shit in TET and neither do the rest of us who get to wade through 8 tons of MRA crap in other threads.

    You’d have to be either an idiot or willfully ignorant not to know that prostrate cancer has its own campaigns and had them long before breast cancer awareness campaigns.

  140. omcdurham says

    @Caine #199:

    No,I’m not pissing in the lounge. I understand the need for breast exams and prostate exams. My mother is a breast cancer survivor, and my dad is a prostate cancer survivor…both situations have hit me right up close and personal. Both had major surgeries to clear up the issues, with my mother having two operations. I have had a prostate exam and a PSA test every year since I turned 40.

    My question was, oh, never mind…

  141. Tethys says

    Reclaiming Bitch

    I’m going to compare it to the reclaiming of the word n***er. Black people use this word all the time among each other, but it becomes a racist slur when used by any other ethnicity.

    Tina Fey used the term on SNL as push back against all the sexist shit that was being flung at Hillary Clinton.

    Since being schooled here about the word, I have tried hard to excise it from my vocabulary. It’s difficult to do.


    I love the heartless bitches website! I’ve got a card too.

  142. Rev. BigDumbChimp says

    In a broader context, I think the project is futile, but I don’t have an ethical problem with it in general.

    Yeah and I’m not claiming my wife and her friends have some noble intent here. They are just doing it for themselves.

    But that doesn’t mean other’s aren’t.

    But my question remains, and this is not commentary on your opinion or indictment of it, I’m just curious and want to understand.

    Do you have an issue with the reclamation of “queer” and to some extent, though not as an organized movement, “nigger” (though I still am not comfortable thinking it has or is in the process of reclamation though others might argue that)?

    Is there an intrinsic difference? Is it due to the position of the observer (obviously to some extent) or something else?

    Why would reclaiming one be successful or championed and not the other?

  143. Classical Cipher, Murmur Muris, OM says

    omcdurham, you need to understand this if you’re genuinely well-meaning:
    There is a thread on sexism going right now. It is full of toxic, horrifying, triggering stupidity and willful obtuseness. For the past few months, such threads have been fairly common around here. They are exhausting and extremely stressful for those people who are trying to help out in them (especially people who have been directly hurt by actions enabled by the sexism we’re all drowning in), and they make us all less than tolerant of sexism-related ignorance. Which is unfortunately what you’re displaying right now.

  144. Rev. BigDumbChimp says

    I’m going to compare it to the reclaiming of the word n***er. Black people use this word all the time among each other, but it becomes a racist slur when used by any other ethnicity.

    I agree. Has “queer” transcended that?

    Personally I do not think so. It’s made progress though. I hear it used in a non derogatory way, not that that is the ultimate measure but its a start.

  145. beethovenfangirl says

    Two noobs in a row.
    Somebody get a rope!

    *eyes you suspiciously*
    What exactly happened to the last noobs…?

  146. says

    Rev. BDC, I don’t have a problem with reclaiming queer, that pretty much has been reclaimed. That’s evidenced in that it’s not often used as a pejorative nearly as much as the current fave, faggot.

    I don’t think the reclamation of nigger is ever going to work. I think that’s one effort that harms, no matter who is doing the reclaiming.

  147. Tethys says


    I realize you didn’t mean to pull a whattabout the menz!! but now realize your mistake. It’s not your fault that you live in a very male centric world, but that BS is not tolerated here.

    Apologize, and think about why you did so. Change your behavior accordingly. Everybody benefits from equality. Yay!

  148. Classical Cipher, Murmur Muris, OM says

    Do you have an issue with the reclamation of “queer” and to some extent, though not as an organized movement, “nigger” (though I still am not comfortable thinking it has or is in the process of reclamation though others might argue that)?

    Is there an intrinsic difference? Is it due to the position of the observer (obviously to some extent) or something else?

    Why would reclaiming one be successful or championed and not the other?

    Well, I personally don’t have issues with the reclamation of those words, but I’ve never really been directly hurt by them. It’s hard to know, and I don’t want to speak too much from ignorance, but… I guess now that I’m trying to flesh out what I think about reclaiming those two words, there’s some question of what constitutes “success” in such an endeavor. I’m not sure what I would consider that to be.

  149. Father/Brother/Nephew/Cousin/ex-Mother-in-Law Ogvorbis, OM: Independently-Minded Baboon says

    *eyes you suspiciously*
    What exactly happened to the last noobs…?

    First off, welcome beethovenfangirl (I prefer Mahler but whatever). Second, there are certain questions one does not ask.

    Actually, lemme rephrase that: There are certain questions one does not ask.

  150. Carlie says

    Why does breast cancer get so much attention and prostate cancer does not? There is a breast cancer awareness month, and not one for prostate cancer???

    I’m actually with you on that – there’s a hell of a lot of “awareness” on breast cancer to the detriment of pretty much any other type of cancer out there. There is even a “think before you pink” anti-campaign now because it has become so ubiquitous as to be meaningless. Tiger Beatdown just did a big post on it, coincidentally.

  151. Daniel Schealler says

    Actually, lemme rephrase that: There are certain questions one does not ask.

    Ia! Ia! Pzmrulthu Fhtagn!

  152. Dr. Audley Z. Darkheart OM, liar and scoundrel says


    Or you could use my trick. Ten minutes before the mass ends, you slide your butt into a seat in the back.

    I would if the funeral was local*, but seeing as though I’m going to drive 3.5 hours to attend, I might as well stay for the whole thing.

    *I’m a big fan of “making an appearance” at an event (any type of event) and then getting the hell out. Yeah, I’m that person.

  153. says

    Well, fuck. It now looks inevitable that I’ve lost yet another job. God damn it. I am a fuckup and there’s no doubt.

    No, you’re not a fuckup. Losing a job does not make you a fuckup.


    I’m not ok with the word “bitch” as an insulting epithet. It’s loaded with connotations of sexism and gender-normativity, being used as a slur for both men and women who deviate from accepted gendered behavioural norms. Perhaps less obviously, it’s also long been associated with prison rape. I’d say it’s a gendered hate-word in the same way that homophobic and transphobic insults are gendered hate-words; it’s about punishing and stigmatizing the target of the insult for not conforming to hir expected gender role.

    I’m less sure about “to bitch” as a verb, and other contexts in which it’s not directly being used to insult and degrade a person. But even in that context, I’d say it’s probably best avoided.

  154. Father/Brother/Nephew/Cousin/ex-Mother-in-Law Ogvorbis, OM: Independently-Minded Baboon says

    Ia! Ia! Pzmrulthu Fhtagn!


  155. Jules says

    Regarding reclaiming bitch: it’s probably pretty comparable to reclaiming queer and fag; it’s only ok with the in-group, and it’s still widely used as a pejorative, so some idiot is going to be bound to use it as an excuse to be shitty while pretending to be friendly.

    But I use it with some of my friends (triskelethecat and I regularly toss it back and forth, and we’re both Horde devotees). Because I do like being able to harness that kind of rebelliousness.

    omcdurham, historically, women’s health has been ignored. Historically, women have been under-represented in medical studies (here’s a source).

    Also, prostate cancer typically has a better prognosis than certain forms of breast cancer. Not all cancers are created equal. I don’t think the case can be made that prostate cancer doesn’t get a fancy ribbon simply because it affects only men.

    Look at the backlash to the HPV vaccine. That will prevent cervical cancer, which affects only women.

    So it’s not exactly like ladies get all the breaks. It has more to do with relative harm of breast cancer vs prostate cancer. When it can be viewed as being related to women’s icky sexuality (cervical cancer), women get thrown into shit creek and get worse treatment than men.

  156. Rev. BigDumbChimp says

    I don’t think the reclamation of nigger is ever going to work. I think that’s one effort that harms, no matter who is doing the reclaiming.

    Yeah, I’m with you and that’s probably a bad analogy to use here.

    Is Bitch on the same level of Nigger though?

    I guess my curiosity is why has queer been to some extent successful and bitch might not?

    I think nigger has other things working against it. And I’m not sure there is a concerted effort to reclaim it like queer nor am I making the claim it should.

    And I’m not sure there is with bitch either. I’m just trying to grasp the reasons why each charged term can’t, isn’t or won’t be assimilated the same.

    Sorry for the continued repetition of these words. It’s not meant in any way but to understand the social implications of how they are being addressed today.

  157. omcdurham says

    To everyone:

    I must be speaking out of ignorance, and I had not done my homework. I am fairly new to this thread and I was not aware of some of the sensitive issues that have dominated recent conversation. Please attempt to forgive me, as I am running out of feet to chew on. I was not meaning to offend anyone, I was just trying to start a chat, and I failed miserably. I am sorry.

    As a peace offering, I can upload my pumpkin cheesecake recipe for all who are kitchen inclined.

    Thanks for your future understanding, as I am still using training wheels!

  158. Richard Austin says

    *eyes you suspiciously*
    What exactly happened to the last noobs…?

    How do you think we make the cupcakes?

  159. Rev. BigDumbChimp says

    I’m not ok with the word “bitch” as an insulting epithet. It’s loaded with connotations of sexism and gender-normativity, being used as a slur for both men and women who deviate from accepted gendered behavioural norms.

    But that’s not what i’m talking about.

    I’m not talking about making Bitch ok to use as an insult. I’m talking about reclaiming it so that it is no longer an insult.

  160. Tethys says

    I don’t think the reclamation of nigger is ever going to work. I think that’s one effort that harms, no matter who is doing the reclaiming.

    I think so too. A pejorative is a pejorative, no matter who is using it. I mostly hear it used among teens, and keep my mouth firmly shut. I did give a Mother my best raised eyebrow once in the grocery store when she used it in reference to her child.

    She definitely got it, and didn’t even mutter anything about Uppity white bitches under her breath. (at least not within earshot)

  161. Dhorvath, OM says

    OOOhhhh, Share!

    You need fear nothing, it’s all talk. We only go after people for shit they say, you haven’t said shit so it’s okay. I am a four and seven kind of fanboy.

  162. Father/Brother/Nephew/Cousin/ex-Mother-in-Law Ogvorbis, OM: Independently-Minded Baboon says

    Too obscure?

    Now that you have pointed out the obvious to the oblivious, no. I remember playing the Call of Ctulhu rpg back when I was in high school. I guess I’m just tired.

  163. says

    Rev. BDC:

    I guess my curiosity is why has queer been to some extent successful and bitch might not?

    I think you need to look back at little for an answer. Queer had the power of Stonewall behind it. Feminism has become increasingly less focused, historically. We’re not only fighting on many levels, but across an increasingly wide spectrum these days. I’d say the last time feminists were focused on one goal was ERA. Entrenched sexism has gotten even more pervasive in the last couple of decades, things have gone backwards.

    There are simply so many things to address that it’s not even worth much consideration, reclaiming one word. Bitch, right now, is simply one of a pejorative stew which perpetuates toxic sexism. I’d say any effort to reclaim it would be twice as difficult now that it’s commonly used as an insult towards men, much like pussy was the ‘big’ insult to men back in the ’70s.

  164. Father/Brother/Nephew/Cousin/ex-Mother-in-Law Ogvorbis, OM: Independently-Minded Baboon says

    Hm. They *were* quite crunchy.

    That’s from the Crunch Frog chocolate on top.

  165. says

    Dhorvath, OM:

    I am a four and seven kind of fanboy.

    Four and five for me. And the second movement of the Sonata No. 8.
    … okay, and two thirds of the remaining sonatas.

  166. says

    @ Dr Audley

    I might as well stay for the whole thing.

    Sit in the very back of the church and just ignore the *stand* *sit* *kneel* obedience training.

    Prepare to be bored by the goddrone. By the fourth “heavenly father”, my previous advice will be looking pretty good…

  167. Jules says

    As a peace offering, I can upload my pumpkin cheesecake recipe for all who are kitchen inclined.


    (And thanks for trying to understand the group culture. Not all introductions into TET go smoothly at the first pass. Mine didn’t. But I mangled my way in anyway.)

  168. Classical Cipher, Murmur Muris, OM says

    I wish I could cook pumpkin cheesecake! That sounds so good! Maybe I’ll give it a shot with your recipe sometime, omcdurham :)

  169. Father/Brother/Nephew/Cousin/ex-Mother-in-Law Ogvorbis, OM: Independently-Minded Baboon says

    But you forgot the surprise.

    But I want to make sure it remains a surprise.

    Well, that, and I can’t remember the surprise candy.

  170. Tethys says

    In my neighborhood, bitch and nigger are interchangeable. They both carry the same connotation. I blame hip-hop and rap.

    I wish I was the right color to raise the kids awareness on the subject. Unfortunately, that would be seen as racist.

  171. Father/Brother/Nephew/Cousin/ex-Mother-in-Law Ogvorbis, OM: Independently-Minded Baboon says

    And thanks for trying to understand the group culture.

    Not to be confused with group think. Differences of opinion among the regulars is fairly normal*.

    * for a given definition of normal.

  172. John Morales says


    I must be speaking out of ignorance, and I had not done my homework.

    Thus, you are a Good Example, not a Horrible Warning.


  173. Father/Brother/Nephew/Cousin/ex-Mother-in-Law Ogvorbis, OM: Independently-Minded Baboon says

    Differences of opinion among regulars is not unusual, and often expected.

    No, it is normal! not not unusual.

  174. Tethys says

    I adore the Moonlight Sonata. I’m not musically literate enough to know any of the numbers, but I probably like them too.

  175. Dhorvath, OM says

    OH no you don’t! I won’t fall into that trap. It’s not unusual, nothing we do is normal.

  176. Father/Brother/Nephew/Cousin/ex-Mother-in-Law Ogvorbis, OM: Independently-Minded Baboon says

    Disagreement is normal, not us.

    And my favourite Beethoven piece is his Chorale Symphony.

    And I’m heading for bed.


  177. The Ys says

    I’d say any effort to reclaim it would be twice as difficult now that it’s commonly used as an insult towards men, much like pussy was the ‘big’ insult to men back in the ’70s.

    One of my male friends called another guy a pussy a couple weeks ago (because the other guy wasn’t speeding).

    I told him that once he’d shoved a 7-pound object out of his penis, then maybe he could imply that my pussy was weak.

    I haven’t heard him use pussy as an insult since then. *snicker*


    As for bitch – I use the word occasionally, but I’m trying to wean myself away from it. My problem with that word is that’s what female dogs were called for hundreds of years – and are still called in some places. Using it doesn’t just imply inferiority or weakness, it implies women are animals…just dumb beasts. I don’t see a point to reclaiming something that not only insults us, but strips us of our humanity.

  178. Rey Fox says

    As a peace offering, I can upload my pumpkin cheesecake recipe for all who are kitchen inclined.


  179. says

    The Ys, I know pussy is still used, and the child version, wussy. Just not as much, nor with the same level of insult as it carried in the 70s. Back then, if a man even seemed to listen to a woman, he was labeled with the dreaded pussy-whipped. Tsk.

  180. Richard Austin says

    Someone was asking for fudge; this is my mom’s recipe, though I think she got it from someone (Cook’s Illustrated, probably). She sent me a whole DVD full of this stuff so I don’t starve (ha). I assume the 15-minutes is the prep time, since you have to chill it for a couple of hours.

    15-Minute Fudge
    16 ounces semisweet chocolate , chopped fine
    2 ounces unsweetened chocolate , chopped fine
    1/2 teaspoon baking soda
    1/8 teaspoon table salt
    1 (14-ounce) can sweetened condensed milk
    1 tablespoon vanilla extract
    1 cup coarsely chopped walnuts

    1. Cut 12-inch length extra-wide heavy-duty aluminum foil; fold edges back to form 7 1/2-inch width. With folded sides facing down, fit foil securely into bottom and up sides of 8-inch-square baking pan, allowing excess to overhang pan sides. Spray foil with nonstick cooking spray.
    2. Toss chocolates, baking soda, and salt in medium heatproof bowl until baking soda is evenly distributed. Stir in sweetened condensed milk and vanilla. Set bowl over 4-quart saucepan containing 2 cups simmering water. Stir with rubber spatula until chocolate is almost fully melted and few small pieces remain, 2 to 4 minutes.
    3. Remove bowl from heat and continue to stir until chocolate is fully melted and mixture is smooth, about 2 minutes. Stir in walnuts. Transfer fudge to prepared pan and spread in even layer with spatula. Refrigerate until set, about 2 hours. Remove fudge from pan using foil and cut into squares.
    Line 13 by 9-inch pan with two sheets of foil placed perpendicular to each other and double amounts of all ingredients. In step 2, use large heatproof bowl and Dutch oven containing 4 cups simmering water.

  181. Jules says

    Using it doesn’t just imply inferiority or weakness, it implies women are animals…just dumb beasts.

    Hey! My doggies aren’t dumb!

    The little one was studying for the LSAT all day, and it just breaks her heart that you’d say such a thing.

    (OK, so my puppy isn’t actually trying to get into law school. But still. She’s a smart girl. And so is my other one. Even though they spend most of their days eating bugs and sleeping.)

  182. kristinc, ~delicate snowflake~ says

    Alton Brown’s fudge recipe is very good texture-wise, and reassuringly detailed (especially if you watch the episode it comes from).

    I thought it tasted a bit “semisweet” for me though, when I had been looking for a milk chocolate flavor, so the jury is out on whether — this upcoming holiday season — I’ll tinker with it and use a chocolate with a lower cacao content than the completely unsweetened chocolate he calls for.

  183. says

    The Ys, I know pussy is still used, and the child version, wussy. Just not as much, nor with the same level of insult as it carried in the 70s. Back then, if a man even seemed to listen to a woman, he was labeled with the dreaded pussy-whipped. Tsk.

    Interesting. I never actually realized that “wuss” (I’ve never heard the variant “wussy”) was a derivative of “pussy”. Wiktionary suggests you’re right; it just wasn’t a connection I’d ever made in my mind.

    (Along similar lines, I didn’t learn that “twat” referred to the female genitalia until I was about twenty or so; it was routinely used as an insulting epithet when I was in school, but never with reference to the genitals, and I’d always assumed it simply to be a more profane variant of “twit”.)

  184. says

    OK, so my puppy isn’t actually trying to get into law school. But still.

    If Andy Schlafly can manage it, I think she’s in with a chance.

  185. Tethys says

    Speaking of insults from childhood days. I remember Homo was very popular. I never hear that anymore.

    It’s nice to see at least a little progress.

    Vivaldi is another favorite. Oooh string instruments, swoon.

  186. The Ys says

    I know pussy is still used, and the child version, wussy. Just not as much, nor with the same level of insult as it carried in the 70s. Back then, if a man even seemed to listen to a woman, he was labeled with the dreaded pussy-whipped. Tsk.

    Definitely. Pussy generally means ‘weak’ and girl-like now. It amuses me when I get to point out how stupid it is as an insult. :)

    I remember that Battlestar Galactica raised a lot of eyebrows back then because women actually had command positions and men actually listened to and *gasp* obeyed their orders! Most women were just fluff on other shows…I was really excited (even as a kid) to see that I had more options in life than to simply exist for other people’s use and viewing pleasure.

    I know I couldn’t put it into words back then, other than as “Hey, at least this time, the boys don’t have all of the cool roles!”

    I love the fact that Starbuck is female in the remake. It was interesting to see how certain groups of men got bent out of shape over that.

  187. First Approximation, Shevek says

    Differences of opinion among regulars is not unusual, and often expected.

    Deep rifts!

    Even in meatspace we argue about very important issues, like garden gnomes….

  188. Therrin says

    So that Mr Deity show, pretty funny stuff. Also, wow at that tie.

    (I feel like I’ll never catch up on all the good books/lectures/videos around. And could I get a moratorium on blog posts worldwide for like a month? Thanks!)


    I’m not saying no, but at least buy a guy dinner first, ok?

    I think it’s safe to say that in a month (or less) you’ll be wanting to buy him [for] dinner.

    Ia! Ia! Pzmrulthu Fhtagn!


    Dangit, I was going to tell him to try Icelandic to get back at him for that Saint story.

  189. Therrin says

    Richard Austin,

    She sent me a whole DVD full of this stuff so I don’t starve (ha).

    Edible DVD, eh?

  190. says

    Oooh, Beethoven. Symphs 5 and 9 get all the publicity but I love 7. And Missa Solemnis. And the 9th because I’m a singer – even though it’s really a bit of a tedious sing. A A A A A A A ooh look a G A A A A why do I I feel like I’m singing alto an octave up?

    And back when ah were a lass, a “pussy” was a cat. I think the genitals meaning was JUST starting to come in to popular use. Mrs Slocombe’s pussy was a double entendre, which could only work if both meanings were well known. These days the cat usage seems to be almost gone – teaching kids the “I Love Little Pussy” song must be right out.

  191. Rey Fox says

    I remember Homo was very popular. I never hear that anymore.

    It’s nice to see at least a little progress.

    Vivaldi is another favorite.

    Weird, I’ve never heard anyone call anyone a Vivaldi. Maybe at the really fancy prep schools.

  192. The Ys says

    Hey! My doggies aren’t dumb!

    The little one was studying for the LSAT all day, and it just breaks her heart that you’d say such a thing.

    I hear the LSAT’s a real pain. Kudos and kibbles to her for trying!

    (OK, so my puppy isn’t actually trying to get into law school. But still. She’s a smart girl. And so is my other one. Even though they spend most of their days eating bugs and sleeping.)

    That puts her miles ahead of any of the Republican presidential candidates. Can I write her in on the ballot? :)

  193. says


    These days the cat usage seems to be almost gone

    Pretty much, yes. I’m afraid pussy got completely re-worked and there’s no going back. Pratchett commented on that in one of the Witch books, about a song which had the line “Rosy red cock” cleaned up to “Rosy red hen” even though that didn’t make any sense in a song about dawn.

    There are a lot of words which never took off as pejoratives, either, or at least didn’t have staying power. Lavender is one. I’m a pulp art fan (I know, I know, what can I say?) and have a large collection of lesbian pulp. Lavender was commonly used in the 40s, 50s and 60s to describe gay men and lesbians.
    Third gender was used too, but that one seemed to die a quick death.

  194. Tethys says

    Rey Fox

    I laughed.


    Does anyone else keep reading DemetriusofPharos as Detritus? Oh Mr. Pratchett, what have you done to my brain.

  195. omcdurham says

    As promised, here is the Pumpkin Cheesecake

    Note: Use a springform pan! Eliminate walnuts for allergies!


    4 tbs unsalted butter
    2 ounces baker’s chocolate; chopped
    ¼ cup sugar
    1 large egg, lightly beaten
    ¼ cup flour
    ½ tsp baking powder
    1/8 tsp salt
    ¼ cup chopped walnuts

    Grease a 9-inch springform pan. In a medium saucepan, melt butter and chopped chocolate over low heat, stirring constantly. Remove from heat and let cool slightly. Stir in sugar and and egg until blended. In a small mixing bowl, whisk together flour, baking powder and salt, then add to melted chocolate mixture. Stir in walnuts. Spread mixture into greased springform pan, entirely covering the bottom. Bake for 10 minutes at 325 degrees, or until risen and dry to the touch. Remove from oven and allow to cool. After cooling, double wrap outside of pan in foil.


    4 oz baker’s chocolate, chopped
    3 8oz packages cream cheese, softened
    1 cup sugar
    4 room temperature eggs
    1 ½ tbs cornstarch
    1 tsp vanilla extract
    2 cups canned pumpkin puree
    ½ tsp cinnamon
    ½ tsp ground nutmeg
    pinch of ground cloves

    In a medium microwave-safe bowl: melt chocolate on high for about I minute, stirring halfway through. In a large mixing bowl, beat the cream cheese with electric mixer until smooth. Add sugar and mix until light and fluffy. Add eggs, one at a time while continuing to mix. Mix in cornstarch and vanilla extract. Be sure all ingredients are mixed well until smooth. Reserve 1 cup of the now finished cheesecake batter and add to melted chocolate.
    To remaining batter, mix in pumpkin puree and spices and mix until smooth. Pour this mixture over brownie crust. Afterwards, pour the chocolate/batter mixture on top, smooth to level, and swirl with spoon to create neato vortex designs.

    Place the foil-wrapped pan into roasting pan. Add hot water to roasting pan to reach halfway up the side of foil-wrapped springform pan.

    In a 325 degree oven, place roasting pan containing the springform pan/water on center rack and bake for 1 ½ hours., until firm at the edges and slightly jiggly in the center. Turn off oven, open oven door a few inches and let stand in oven for 1 hour, or until completely set.

    Remove springform pan from water bath and refrigerate for a least 4 hours, but preferably overnight. Remove foil from springform pan, remove outer ring from springform pan, carefully transfer cheesecake to serving platter, cut into wedges, and eat that shit!

  196. Classical Cipher, Murmur Muris, OM says

    Oh my fuck. I just went over to Racialicious (because I was curious about the reclamation issues we were talking about, but then I kinda went off on a tangent) and found some ignorant white ass saying the following:

    i don’t understand the meaning of the word nigger because it wasn’t directed at me? … nigger wasn’t directed at you either – it was used before your time.

    I’ve got a long way to go on race. I’m still very ignorant and I should put more time into correcting that. But gods, at least I’m not that fucking stupid.

    Here! Have the cutest thing ever! May it distract you from the burning stupid!

  197. cicely, Inadvertent Phytocidal Maniac says

    Still catching up….

    So, in the spirit of moving along: did you guys hear that Herman Cain is leading the polls? Also, he’s an idiot.

    They are desperate to find an acceptable “not-Romney”; and Cain comes with the added advantage that they can point to him and claim, “See! We’re not racists! We got us a ni….er, a black man of our own!” It lets them claim that it isn’t Obama’s blackness that they hate/fear.

    No, there is too much. Let me sum up.

    *hugs* for anyone who needs/wants them.

    Welcome in! for all newcomers and delurkers.

    Apologies for anyone to whom I owe apologies.

    *chocolate&booze&bacon* for the general populace.

  198. Philip Legge says

    OK, so my puppy isn’t actually trying to get into law school. But still.

    The dux of my high school (a couple of years ahead of my year) went profoundly blind during the latter part of his adolescence and so had a seeing-eye dog when he subsequently did his law degree at university: in rather good spirits, the law school awarded a mock degree to his labrador, for attending all of the lectures, tutorials, and exams (the joke about a BA being a bachelor of attendance is well worn).

  199. The Ys says

    Since baking recipes are on the menu *cough*, try this one:

    1 cup sour cream
    1/2 cup sugar (or substitute of your choice)
    1 tsp. vanilla
    Small splash of lemon juice

    * Warm the sour cream in a small saucepan over low heat. DO NOT set it on medium or high heat.
    * As the sour cream warms, stir in the sugar. Keep stirring, it will melt into the sour cream.
    * Stir in the vanilla and lemon juice.
    * Taste. If it’s not quite sweet enough, stir in a little more sugar.

    Voila! You have a tasty sour cream glaze, suitable for pumpkin bread, carrot or pumpkin muffins, applesauce bread…etc., etc. Takes about five minutes, and there’s NO futzing with powdered sugar.

  200. Tethys says


    I am currently reading Moving Pictures. Detritus is wooing Ruby and just brought her an entire tree as a token of his affection.

    Welcome to TET Demetrius. You might like Pratchett. He seems to be fairly popular with the horde.

    *glances at recipes* Wah!! Treacherous body and its dairy intolerance. I love cheesecake, but its just not worth it.

  201. Sally Strange, OM says

    I have a card which declares me to be a Heartless Bitch™.

    ZOMG, that was the first chatboard on which I ever posted, at the tender age of 17 or so! I never got the card, but I was a bona fide Baby Bitch.

    I don’t know, I don’t mind “bitch” when it’s amongst friends, but not in public. I’ll use it when hanging out in person with people I know well, but not on this website.

    Science: it works, losers.

    Nah. Maybe. Not quite.

  202. Sally Strange, OM says

    Ohboy. Next week is Broadway week on Dancing With the Stars.

    But apparently Carson Kressley got sent home!!?!? WTF. Nancy Grace is still on, that just ain’t right.

    Super happy that Chaz is still on, though. He’s starting to hit his stride.

  203. Inane Janine, OM, Conflater Of Arguments says

    Seeing that I am a person who used “bitch” in a few of my past monikers, I guess I better say something. While I have not said anything, I decided to stop using it. Because I make it a habit to change monikers to reflect the latest insult (but not always, some of my best were the result of Horde play) it was easy enough to change with comment and with out explaining anything.

    I did not want to be an example some manspainer could bring up when ever the debate about gendered insults inevitably comes up. While the regulars understood what I was doing, it is not just them who are commenting and/or reading. I did not want to be used as an arguing point.

    Among friends who understand where I am coming from, I can and will use “bitch” for any women that I find to be fierce and admirable. I will always think of one of my grandmothers as an evil bitch and I mean that as a very good thing. But I decided that I will use it with friends.

    That is not to say that I do not consider most of the Horde to be friends. But they are not they only people here. Sometimes, I have told people that when they post here , they have to remember who their audience here. I had to follow my own advice.

    That said, I love the fierce bitches that hang out here at Pharyngula. And I think that all will understand why I will not refer to myself and to others here with that term at this blog.

  204. says


    That said, I love the fierce bitches that hang out here at Pharyngula.

    So do I, you first and foremost. I noticed what you were doing with your monikers, it’s one of the reasons I’ve always been so fond of the She-Wolf one. It retained the flavour and feel of the bitch ones, with added ferocity.

  205. Ray, rude-ass yankee says

    Sally Strange, OM@571 on the “Saved” TET

    imaginary lesbian@435, “Next year, you are ALL coming. :)”

    Images inadvertently inspired by that particular combination of words were extremely inappropriate. ;-)

    Aha; so it wasn’t just me! :D

    He was asking where he should pitch his tent, too!

    Pharyngula porno: there will be sheep, tents, tentacles… And everyone will come!

    In my defense, I do like camping and “I’m up for it!” is a favorite phrase of mine. I just didn’t realize (tired?, tipsy?, both?) the double entendres until they were pointed out. Big Duh on my part.
    Yes I’m trying to catch up with TET and it’s going very slowly, why do you ask?

    first try at blockquotes (crosses fingers & rubs rabbits foot(rabbit doesn’t seem to mind))

  206. Ray, rude-ass yankee says

    Damn, blockquote fail@304. The quoted part wasn’t all Sally Strange, OM. She was quoting others within that. Oy! I guess I’ll have to practice more. But not tonight, it’s past bedtime (again)

    How about “Science: it works, delicate snowflakes” ?
    Nah, doesn’t roll off the tongue.

    Goof Night to all and sundry

  207. Ray, rude-ass yankee says

    Caine, Fleur du Mal@305, Thanks! Cross tentacles of course! I should know that, but I think the rabbit might object.

  208. chigau () says

    There are sooo many newbies.
    I *hugs* EVERYONE.

    I think “delicate snowflakes” rolls nicely.

  209. Inane Janine, OM, Conflater Of Arguments says

    Alan Clarke, the skeevy pedophile. (For the noobies, that is not an exaggeration. He explained how he fell in love with a teen, prayed to god and waited till she was of age before he married her. PZ banned him at that point.)

    Well, I had a rather nasty response to that.

  210. says


    Well, I had a rather nasty response to that.

    It was a perfectly reasonable response, and nowhere near as nasty as that rotten excuse for a person called for.

    And I see I did remember my Ignorant Slut incorrectly.

  211. says

    Tethys, can you take lactaids? Only good if you’re lactose rather than casein intolerant. Or that pumpkin cheesecake recipe might lend itself to using that tofu-cream cheese substitute? Perhaps with some reduced almond milk for added creaminess.

    And yeah, you can still say puss, and pusscat, and even pussycat, just not plain pussy any more. I think Puss in Boots should keep that usage alive for a while.

    I’m pretty sure I’m a heartless bitch, too, but I never really posted there. I tend not to use “bitch” anyway, even among friends, but I do get the reclaiming point. Best used among consenting adults in private.

  212. Inane Janine, OM, Conflater Of Arguments says

    Pussy. Reminds me of when I was seven, so it had to been around 1073. At the time, my father was the manager of an auto detailing shop. One of the cars there had a bumper sticker. The was a picture of a cartoon cat lying in a martini glass, bubbles surrounded the cat’s head. the bumper sticker said; “Happiness is a tight pussy!” I asked my mom, “What does happiness is a tight pussy mean?” It took a moment before she told me it meant a drunk cat.

  213. A. Noyd says

    Ugh. I really need to get better about reading instructions ahead of time. I have to write this report for Japanese class about a newspaper article. So I picked a fairly long and complicated one because I thought the report was mostly meant to be a summary. Except, when I wrote up my outline tonight, I found out that a large part of it will be personal opinions about the article as well as questions to the reader.

    The article is about 14 paragraphs long and has to do with a Chinese NGO’s plans to develop the town of Lumbini in Nepal (the birthplace of Buddha) to accommodate more pilgrims and tourists, as well as the political tension that the project is stirring up locally, internationally and among various Buddhist institutions. A lot of the backstory is merely alluded to (such as the political upheval in Nepal’s recent history). I’m not sure I could stay within the word limit in English, but now I get to figure out how to summarize the damn thing concisely in Japanese while still making it easy enough for my classmates to understand without referring to a long vocabulary list.

    I am an idiot.

  214. julian says

    I am an idiot.

    Like hell! That’s motivation right there. You’re going above and beyond the call of duty. Think of all the character you’re building!

  215. Lord Shplanington, Not A Frenchman says

    Now, I’ve sworn to never post at Kotaku’s sycophantic cesspit of a comment section ever again, but this article’s top comment is by a disgusting sexist piece of shit and I would like for them to be informed of this fact. Can some of the Pharyngulariat please do so? I know y’all are into that sort of thing.

  216. says

    Lord Shplanington:

    Can some of the Pharyngulariat please do so?

    This Pharyngulite says no. Do it yourself.

    I know y’all are into that sort of thing.

    I’m not “into it”, I do it here because it’s necessary. I don’t spend my time scouring the net for sexist asspimples, they show up here all too often. Besides, my cape and mask are at the cleaner’s and my superpowers require recharging.

  217. Inane Janine, OM, Conflater Of Arguments says

    I thought that your superpowers came from Underdog’s energy pill.

  218. andyo says

    Oh Alethea, how did they ever convince Lawrd Monckton to show up for that?

    I bet it’s also a nod to the way Baron Cohen used to get his own interviews. That video is so goddamn meta in so many levels. The Chaser guys ARE FUCKING BACK!

    And if you don’t know them, and are wondering “back from what?”… back from stuff like this (probably most famous stunt) and this and this.

  219. Inane Janine, OM, Conflater Of Arguments says

    It seems that Polly is not so pure. And even sweeter because of it.

  220. Classical Cipher, Murmur Muris, OM says

    I’ve tried so very hard to go to bed. Except now it’s one in the morning and I’m almost done with Tucker! Fuck. Goodnight all.

  221. PSG says

    cicely, Inadvertent Phytocidal Maniac: Thanks! It’s good to be here, well, in the no longer lurking sense. :)
    chigau: Hugs back at ya!
    Science. It works, … cupcakes!
    “Science: it works… *explosion* …Now that’s odd.”
    are my two favorites. squee!
    Dr. Audley Z. Darkheart OM, liar and scoundrel: Who’d have thought those years of Catholic school religion classes would actually come in handy some day! The Stations of the Cross is a (sometimes gory) depiction of the death of Jesus Christ, from trial to burial. One is supposed to be very reflective and stop to pray at each picture/station, remembering the suffering Christ went through for our sins. I’ve seen them in stained glass, relief sculpture, or just represented by plain crosses. So they can be visually interesting.

    As for the full mass, I am sorry about that. It will be a long one. You don’t have to kneel for sure, but if you’ve got someone behind you it gets a bit crowded, as the hands of a kneeler in the row behind tend to be right where a sitter’s back is on the pew. Pro Tip: You can also leave the pew/row with everyone if you’ve got a lot of people going up for communion, and just walk back to your seat rather than down the aisle. This prevents having a bunch of people climb over you.
    In comparison, the time at the grave will be brief. Almost too brief it seemed at the last funeral I attended.
    *hugs* for you and yours

  222. Lord Shplanington, Not A Frenchman says


    Do it yourself.

    I probably would get over my trepidation and do so, since I found this guy and all the people going “UR MAKIN GEWD POINTS DURFA HURFA DURFA” extremely annoying, but I’m kind of a little banned from there for not being friends with Jesus and being rather vocal about it. Also for not fellating one of the writers sufficiently.

    I’d just quit reading there if every gaming news site in the world wasn’t pretty much completely terrible.

  223. says

    Good morning

    I’m sorry to hear. Tentacles crossed that something else comes along

    Well, my experience is that of a non-native speaker, so I grew up without having it flung at me. I remember that in 12th grade a bunch of my classmates and me were in a car and the plate on the car before us read BIT (for the county Bitburg)-CH.
    Well, we were all laughing except for our primus (who wasn’t that clever, but good at appearing to). We told him to ask our English-teacher what it means. After he did he swore he’d never talk to us again.
    Another instance I remember is Meredith Brook’s “Bitch”, a song I love because the woman comes across as a totally awesome kick-ass, that’s me and either you take it or leave it woman.

    As for child-insults, I remember that the son of a friend had troubles keeping Wixer and Fixer apart, that’s wanker and heroine-addict.

    The Y’s
    Your response to the “pussy” is great.

  224. says

    So the Aussie version of Benson and Stabler brought this woman into the ER today, mid-20s, that they had just rescued after being abducted by some guy, he grabbed her off the street, bound her hands and feet, held her in some cellar for 2 days, and this morning threw her into a shallow grave and was about to hack her to pieces with a shovel, when the cops arrived just in time. What the fuck is wrong with people ?

  225. Birger Johansson says

    It gets better:
    “Decline of violence: Taming the devil within us”

    “Vivaldi” as a pejorative* word? (*not certain about the spelling)
    Hmm… didn’t Vivaldi do The Four Seasons? If “Autumn” turns out to be a violent proto-punk piece of music, I think I would like to be called a Vivaldi.
    BTW words can get subtly different emotional charge when borrowed across languages. Feel free to call me a complete utter bastard!
    — — — — — —

    Breast cancer: Men can also get it. It is rare, and since men rarely check themselves for lumps it probably has even higher mortality than among women.

  226. says

    On bitch: I’ve seen it backronymed as Being In Total Control of Herself.
    And here’s a T-shirt for Walton, with a reference to where the phrase comes from, since Walton seems just the kind of guy who has never seen Scarface. As a matter of fact, I’ve never watched it in full either, but I’ve seen enough of it to recognize the quote.

  227. says

    As to the breast cancer idiot above, Movember is big here in Australia, raising funds and awareness for men’s health issues, from prostate cancer to depression. It’s also the month where going to work feels like walking onto the set of an 80s porn movie.

  228. Moggie says


    He also went on to say that he received an email from someone else on the Atheist Church thread who knows him, and they sympathized with him, asking him how he liked his flogging, and that person knows he would never, ever do something nasty to anyone, like out them, yada, yada, yada.

    Now I’ve got the “lurkers support me in email” song stuck in my head. That shit was old even before the web.

  229. Crys says

    Why not have a superconducting hovertrain to bring you directly to where you want to go? No airport security :p

  230. says

    Dhorvath, OM:

    For the record, I’m an idiot. I was thinking of the piano concertos 4 and 5, not the symphonies. I haven’t got a favourite symphony (yet). But I’ll make a point of finding out. ;)

  231. Birger Johansson says

    Just in: Miscellaneous news:
    “Revealed – the capitalist network that runs the world”–the-capitalist-network-that-runs-the-world.html

    “Gaddafi’s hometown of Sirte falls to NTC”
    “(British) Graduates Sell Advertising Space On Their Faces To Pay Off Student Debts”
    “Julia Gillard, Australian Prime Minister, Defends ‘Not Curtsying’ To The Queen”

  232. Father/Brother/Nephew/Cousin/ex-Mother-in-Law Ogvorbis, OM: Independently-Minded Baboon says

    Here! Have the cutest thing ever!

    You did that on porpoise!

  233. says

    Oh dear, my neighbour just knocked at my door. She highly suffering from dementia and she often comes to me.
    She just told me that there are people coming who bought her flat and that she would have to leave and now she didn’t know what to do and they wanted to be back soon.
    Well, I’m positive that there are no flats sold in this house.
    I’m also sure that if there was something, her daughter would take care of things.
    When I asked her what her daughter was saying or if she was at home in the afternoon, she told me that her daughter lived “in the other house”. Well, actually she lives on the 6th floor here.
    Now I’m not sure if either she just watched TV or whether there are frauds out there who want to rob her of the little she has.
    I told her to send any people to me, but I have to leave in an hour…

  234. says


    Can you call local police and ask whether this is a known scam in the area? If so, they may be willing to come visit your neighbour and have a chat with the ‘prospective buyers’.

  235. says

    It sounds to me that — sad as that may be — she is no longer fit to live on her own. Please make sure her daughter understands this and acts accordingly. My next door neighbour was suffering from severe dementia. Her husband was taking care of her and he already had taken to locking the garden gate.
    Last December, she wandered off. She was found several days later, dead from hypothermia. I know it is sad when someone has to move to a nursing home, but the alternative is even sadder.

  236. says

    Well, I phoned my dad-in-law to make sure there are no flats sold (he used to work for the housing company) and I’ll call her daughter when I have to leave.
    I don’t want to call the police, because that might give the poor woman a heart attack. I doubt that she even remembers our conversation.

  237. Moggie says

    Birger Johansson:

    Julia Gillard, Australian Prime Minister, Defends ‘Not Curtsying’ To The Queen

    Somebody light the Walton symbol. Seriously, that can’t be an issue, can it? As long as Gillard didn’t punch the queen, she’s probably ok.

  238. says

    Julia Gillard, Australian Prime Minister, Defends ‘Not Curtsying’ To The Queen

    I saw that mentioned on TV this morning. Apparently some British unelected aristocrat is here on a visit, and people are supposed to make gestures of deference in the person’s presence. What an absurd concept. That woman’s shit still stinks.

  239. says

    “Julia Gillard, Australian Prime Minister, Defends ‘Not Curtsying’ To The Queen”

    Curtsying, although traditional, is not required by protocol. According to Debrett’s, it is acceptable to shake hands if that is preferred. Ms Gillard did not, therefore, breach protocol. (Though the bowing was rather odd; normally only men bow, while women may either shake hands or curtsey.)

    I’m much more concerned about this:

    The Australian prime minister has backed calls for her country to become a republic. Speaking ahead of last year’s general election, she said that the death of the Queen would be an “appropriate point” for Australia to end the tradition of having a British monarch as head of state.


  240. Father/Brother/Nephew/Cousin/ex-Mother-in-Law Ogvorbis, OM: Independently-Minded Baboon says

    2oth century music: Copland Appalachian Spring.

  241. says


    Science. It works, moonpie!

    I think we need to wait for Nigel to wander in. He’ll nail it, noir-style.

    I’m sorry to disappoint you, Caine. I really am. I’m just not up to the task on this one.

    I’ve been giving this some thought, and I think it’s an intractable problem. The word “bitches” in this situation indicates the group to which it refers is in a poor or inferior position. In fact, the connotation is that of, “You’ve been owned, bitches,” which is a peculiarly explicit expression of women as chattel. The expression is also joyously demeaning, in an “in your face” sort of way, with the connotation that ownership in this instance allows trivial humiliation.

    Unfortunately, any substitution for the word “bitches” in this instance would either be more offensive (say, references to actual slavery, rather than patriarcal bondage), or simply inadequate, by denigrating the intelligence of the referenced group, for example.

    You could say something like, “Science. It hits on all eight, ya’ meekly palookas,” but it just won’t pack the same punch. It’d be like a friendly smack on the keister, rather than a 50-pound bee to the kisser.

    I’ll keep thinking on it, though. I do likes me a challenge.

  242. says

    And, welcome omcdurham! I’m glad to see you here.

    We’re a tough crowd (and I’m saying “we” just because I’m well-protected by the actual tough folks), but a good’un.

  243. says


    (say, references to actual slavery, rather than patriarcal bondage)

    Not to say that patriarchal bondage isn’t slavery. Which I did, but did not mean. Poor phrasing on my part.

  244. StarStuff! Because f**k you, that's why says

    Apparently the Student Government at my university decided to be tricky bastards. They put a measure on the last student government election ballot (which no one voted on because no one knows nor cares about student elections) to sponsor prayer at the beginning of graduation ceremonies (which passed with around 60% support, but it’s not like that means much because only about 1000 people actually voted). So, my Freethinkers group has begun the process of telling them that they can’t do that. This should be interesting.

  245. StarStuff! Because f**k you, that's why says

    Oh, I go to a state school by the way, so it’s a public university and all.

  246. Rey Fox says


    Oh for crying out loud, Walton. At least let the rest of the Commonwealth cast that silly crown stuff off. The land of Uluru, dropbears, killer jellyfish, and dwarf tossing is no place for royals.

    And what about the US, Brit boy? *puffs up chest*

  247. Rey Fox says

    If you want an independent head of state, you could always adopt a distant member of the Royal Family as King or Queen of Australia.

    How about they just adopt the winner of the local pop idol contest?

  248. Mattir says

    Chas, I’m so sorry about your bad news – an assortment of wild-gathered and expertly identified fun mushrooms should be sprouting from your USB. (Those guys in the local mycological association really know their stuff.)

    Today I’m going to do a variety of things that I’ve been putting off due to anxiety. That should help with the disappointing-myself problem. If there was one thing I could change about my life, it would be the “if I avoid it, I feel less anxious” approach to paperwork and similar administrative tasks. It’s actually a classic example of negative reinforcement – avoiding the paperwork (action) removes the aversive stimuli (anxiety), thus increasing the likelihood that the avoiding-the-paperwork action will occur in the future. (Another really good example of this phenomenon is playing the alarm-clock-snooze-button game. I’m good at that one too.)

  249. Father/Brother/Nephew/Cousin/ex-Mother-in-Law Ogvorbis, OM: Independently-Minded Baboon says


    Which is exactly the same tactic used by the extreme radical conservatives of both religious and political stripe. Put the really egregious unConstitutional ballot measure in an election with traditionally low turnout. The ‘base’ (in more than one meaning of the term, here) gets energized for the ‘let’s take away the human rights of some humans’ or some other nonsense and the relatively few issue voters will be enough to sway the election. Then, when the courts or the chancellor or whoever strike it down as illegal, they can point to the university or the courts and scream about ‘liberal’s’ taking away the rights of the majority. And the sad thing is, it really works. Again and again and again and again and . . . .

  250. Moggie says


    If you want an independent head of state, you could always adopt a distant member of the Royal Family as King or Queen of Australia. Perhaps TRH Prince and Princess Michael of Kent would be a good choice. Or, if you wanted someone younger, HRH Princess Beatrice of York.

    Or they could Akihito to be emperor. That makes about as much sense as picking some Sloane from thousands of miles away.

  251. Father/Brother/Nephew/Cousin/ex-Mother-in-Law Ogvorbis, OM: Independently-Minded Baboon says

    Or they could Akihito to be emperor.

    Or the Artist Formerly Known as Prince. Or Prince Fielder. Or Prince the Police Dog. All would make just as much sense.*

    * Which is to say, what is the point of royalty again? Other than to be seen and to be rich?

  252. says

    And what about the US, Brit boy? *puffs up chest*

    Oh, I love the US. It has many redeeming features. But I think it would be hard to deny that its political scene is an utter irredeemable clusterfuck.

  253. says

    But I think it would be hard to deny that its political scene is an utter irredeemable clusterfuck.

    As opposed to the British monarchy, which is more of an inbredfuck.

  254. says

    As opposed to the British monarchy, which is more of an inbredfuck.

    Au contraire. All of the Queen’s children have married commoners. The last member of the House of Windsor to marry a member of the same bloodline was the Queen herself (the Duke of Edinburgh is a great-great-grandson of Queen Victoria, through his mother Princess Alice of Battenberg). It is no longer generally compulsory for royal dynasts to marry persons of royal blood, as I’ve pointed out here about fifteen times so far.

  255. says


    All of the Queen’s children have married commoners.

    Yes, but because of that, Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, was born without the traditional tail.

  256. Moggie says

    Ah, Princess Alice of Battenberg! I miss the old days when royalty was named after cakes. Can we petition the Windsors to change their name to Cupcake, or Krispy-Kreme?

  257. First Approximation, Shevek says

    I think giving Walton a crown at Rhinebeck has only made things worse, :P.

  258. Father/Brother/Nephew/Cousin/ex-Mother-in-Law Ogvorbis, OM: Independently-Minded Baboon says

    All of the Queen’s children have married commoners

    And one of her ancestors is (claimed to be) a bear. How does what the current generation of royalty marrying commoners have anything to bear (intentional) on the inbreeding of the previous 800 or so years?

  259. says

    Australia and the Monarchy:

    when I was in Australia, my host family was a mixed Derbyshire-Sydneysider one in Queensland. They were all staunch republicanists. I still feel their disappointment when the referendum failed. Well, better luck next time. As much as I dislike the current PM (this video does an amazing job of explaining why)


    There are rumors that Ghadafi is dead. Other reports say he may have been captured, but I can’t imagine that…

  260. says



    As much as I dislike the current PM, this is a promising stance.

    Though I guess the institution of governor-general is more egalitarian than a monarch, as an Australian of any background could be appointed to it. Same case for Canada. But I was nonetheless happy to see that many Australians actually dislike the monarchy.

    In Japan, unfortunately, the prevailing attitude in the population is indifference (which is also fortunate). A Social Democrat once told me that he pitied the Emperor, as he as to beg the Imperial Household Agency for every pencil. And he doesn’t have a passport and may not vote. I guess the entire Bird in a golden cage thing.

  261. Matt Penfold says

    There are rumors that Ghadafi is dead. Other reports say he may have been captured, but I can’t imagine that…

    The BBC is now reporting the death as though it is confirmed.

  262. says

    Janine, thank you.

    After what happened last time when they claimed they’d captured one of his sons, I’m afraid they need to show the body to the world, or at least to journalists we can trust.

  263. says

    Ah, Princess Alice of Battenberg! I miss the old days when royalty was named after cakes. Can we petition the Windsors to change their name to Cupcake, or Krispy-Kreme?

    Actually, funny you should say that. The Battenberg cake was created to celebrate the 1884 wedding of Prince Louis of Battenberg to Queen Victoria’s daughter, Princess Alice; hence the name. One of their children was Princess Alice of Battenberg (later, by marriage, Princess Andrew of Greece and Denmark), the Duke of Edinburgh’s mother.

    It’s also delicious. :-)

  264. StarStuff! Because f**k you, that's why says

    After what happened last time when they claimed they’d captured one of his sons, I’m afraid they need to show the body to the world, or at least to journalists we can trust.


  265. Rev. BigDumbChimp says

    Another reason to dislike this no talent Food Network hack.

    Fieri also needed protection from homosexuals, or at least advance warning. Early in the show’s run, Page got a phone call from Fieri, who’d just walked out of a restaurant in a huff.
    “Guy had decided that the two men running the restaurant were life partners,” Page remembers. “He said, ‘You can’t send me to talk to gay people without warning! Those people weird me out!'”

  266. Inane Janine, OM, Conflater Of Arguments says

    Walton, please, give up the family stories of these famous cousins; George, Nicky and Willi.

  267. Rev. BigDumbChimp says

    Though it does seem the accuser has a bone to pick. But I still loathe that fucker.

  268. says

    Come to terms that those uppity Australians might want to decide for themselves.

    They’re perfectly free to decide for themselves. No one’s stopping them.

    But I, conversely, am perfectly free to take the view that it would be a huge mistake for Australia to become a republic.

  269. Rev. BigDumbChimp says

    But I, conversely, am perfectly free to take the view that it would be a huge mistake for Australia to become a republic.

    A “huge” mistake?


  270. Inane Janine, OM, Conflater Of Arguments says

    I do wish people would just quit with Walton’s inexplicable intellectual blind spot. It is neither a fun nor interesting topic.

  271. says

    A “huge” mistake?


    Well, ok. A pretty small mistake. (Given that it would make almost no difference to Australian politics to replace the ceremonial Governor-General with a ceremonial President.) But it would be very depressing.

  272. theophontes says

    I went to the Public Security Bureau (China) to apply for a new working visa. I had to answer a lot of questions in affidavit form (who,what where, qualifications etc). There was also a section where they ask if one has a criminal record, has been deported or believes in god. What a pleasure to tick the “no” box and write “Atheist” under “give details…”.

  273. says

    I do wish people would just quit with Walton’s inexplicable intellectual blind spot. It is neither a fun nor interesting topic.

    Which is why I’ve decided to react only when he says something particularly egregious in support of monarchy. Which is a subjective standard, but merely saying “it would be a huge mistake” wouldn’t count.

    But the original news item that the first openly atheist Australian PM is also anti-monarchy, is worth noting!

  274. says

    I went to the Public Security Bureau (China) to apply for a new working visa. I had to answer a lot of questions in affidavit form (who,what where, qualifications etc). There was also a section where they ask if one has a criminal record, has been deported or believes in god. What a pleasure to tick the “no” box and write “Atheist” under “give details…”.

    You do know why they ask, right?

  275. Father/Brother/Nephew/Cousin/ex-Mother-in-Law Ogvorbis, OM: Independently-Minded Baboon says

    ask if one has a criminal record, has been deported or believes in god.

    Do they actually have those three grouped together? If so, bravo. If anything, I think the last one has the most likelihood of causing problems — in a democracy, a monarchy, a dictatorship, a dictatorship of the proletariat, or a communist capitalist dicatatorship. In any and all it will cause mayhem. And we have thousands of years of evidence. In fact, we have far more evidence that religion disrupts governments and societies than we have evidence for the existence of anything which religion claims to be real — like god(s).

  276. ChasCPeterson says

    Another reason to dislike this no talent Food Network hack.

    Thanks for solving a minor mystery. Never heard of this guy or his program, but I saw him taping a segment in front of a local joint last summer.

  277. janine says

    Heh. Finally signed in so that I could leave a smart assed response on one of the other FreeThought blogs. Seems that I will have to switch between monikers. I do not like using my pharyngula moniker else where because it does not make sense outside of here. (I know there is overlapping readership.)

  278. Inane Janine, OM, Conflater Of Arguments says

    Bloody fucking thing will not register my Pharyngula moniker. I guess I will comment here unregistered and register for the other blogs.

  279. A. Noyd says


    Well, we all start somewhere. I’ve been at this so long, I should be way more fluent, but I’m really unmotivated when it comes to studying on my own. Now that I’m back in school, I’m making far more progress. Anyway, がんばって!

  280. chigau (insert anything here) says

    A. Noyd
    I’ve been trying for almost 25 years.
    but not very hard.

  281. says


    The comments are priceless.

    No kiddin’.

    I have one question: How can you tell if a day is missing a thousand years ago? Two thousand years ago? More?

    Seriously. A day? And how would the NASA computers know? All the program would do would be to calculate earlier positions based on currently information. That’s all they could do.

    I’m seriously confunded by this whole ridiculous story.

  282. Inane Janine, OM, Conflater Of Arguments says

    I registered. I now have an account with the name “janine”. I tried to change it so that my current moniker can be used at this blog. The change has not been acknowledged. So I will just use it on the other FreeThought blogs because I do not want to use my Pharyngula specific moniker. “janine” is fine.

  283. Dhorvath, OM says

    It seems to be making the rounds. Would you like some fudge? It won’t improve work, but it may distract.

    Truth be told, Messian, Sigursky, Stravinsky, Mahler, Prokofiev (Romeo and Juliet? Yes, thank you.) any of the big orchestral composers works for me. I like big strings and I cannot lie.

    Hey, lookit that, it’s a baked cheesecake. Thanks for that, I don’t consider the chilled stuff cheesecake.

    Hell, it’s not like I was specific either. I am really bad for assuming that music starts and stops with how I think about it.

  284. says


    OK, probably it was him. I’m still trying to find out whether he was badly wounded in battle and then died of his wounds, or if he was executed by fighters. There are conflicting reports.


    China takes a very dim view of proselytisers of any persuasion, be they evangelical Christians, Muslim fundamentalists or Falun Gong. There have been stories about Western Christians being targeted by the Chinese security forces.

    The problem I have with this is that this type of oppression can be used by religionists to taint atheism. Sure, there are more countries where atheists should be advised to pretend to be adherents of an accepted religion (Westerners usually Christian), but one shouldn’t be happy that there are countries where this is reversed. This way one type of oppression is just replaced with another. (I’m not saying that theophontes was espousing such views).

    I think a better reaction would be to just leave the religion column blank, or write “N.A., though I don’t know if the Chinese authorities would accept that. I myself have felt the need to disguise myself as a Christian, albeit one of the “ID card” persuasion.

  285. says

    addendum: not in China, but in a country that makes adherence to an officially accepted religion obligatory, and where 50 years ago atheists were hunted down and killed as communists (after an aborted communist coup).

  286. Moggie says


    China takes a very dim view of proselytisers of any persuasion, be they evangelical Christians, Muslim fundamentalists or Falun Gong. There have been stories about Western Christians being targeted by the Chinese security forces.
    The problem I have with this is that this type of oppression can be used by religionists to taint atheism.

    That’s funny. The problem I have with that oppression, as an atheist, is that it’s oppression. The fact that theists can point to it (when they’re not claiming Hitler was an atheist) is secondary.

  287. says

    That’s funny. The problem I have with that oppression, as an atheist, is that it’s oppression. The fact that theists can point to it (when they’re not claiming Hitler was an atheist) is secondary.

    ?? I had assumed as a given that people here would have problems with oppression of any type, so what’s your point?

    I do think that atheists need to distance themselves better from this kind of ideology lest they not fall into the theists’ trap. So if I were in theophontes’ stead, I wouldn’t feel pleasure, but disgust.

  288. Erulóra Maikalambe says

    I imagine that it might be difficult to do the shopping for a meal if the recipe is in cups and the packet says ounces…

    What’s more annoying is when you need X cups of something sold by the pound.

    Then there’s ounces. When this recipe says 4 ounces, do they mean half a cup, or a quarter pound? Fucking US measurements suck. Makes as much sense as this.

  289. Jules says

    That puts her miles ahead of any of the Republican presidential candidates. Can I write her in on the ballot? :)

    YES! Everyone vote for Cindel the freckle-nosed, wall-eyed ginger wonderpup!

    If cuteness were all that mattered in a national leader, she’d be an excellent candidate.

    Or maybe Toddler Charge. She’s pretty darn cute too.

    The universe nearly imploded (you may have felt it tingle) when Toddler Charge held Newborn Charge ever so gently and whispered, “Nuggle nuggle nuggle” as she buried her nose in NBC’s cheek.

    *reads over own comment*

    Y’know, this whole working-with-kids thing makes me sound way less badass than when I was working at the defense contractor. Guess I’ll have to go throat-punch a misogynist or something to make up the difference.

    Or I could just keep listening to TC sing “Pop! Goes the Weasel” from her crib.

  290. Sally Strange, OM says

    Has anyone been following the Hot Chicks of #OWS” controversy?

    It all started out with this guy, Steven Greenberg, making video of pretty women at OWS protests. The video was equal parts slow music and slow motion shots that lingered leeringly on the women’s various body parts, and the women talking about why they were there. The obvious debates began immediately.

    What I find interesting is that in the course of defending himself, Greenberg went pretty much immediately to making rape jokes, and then it cam out that Greenberg has previously been dismissed from a position at a non-profit for billing the organization for hotel pay-for-porn and for calling a co-worker a “fucking cunt.” I mean, there’s nothing wrong with porn, but billing it to your employer’s travel expenses? That’s some entitlement right there.

    I just think it’s clear that every time something like this happens, and it gets challenged, the veil gets lifted, and it becomes clear that this guy’s intentions were not innocent at all. He has a lot of genuine hostility towards women, and that came out as soon as he was challenged for making the video.

    Moral of the story: calling out sexism in the movement is 100% worth it. It helps expose creeps so we can boot them out. Any dudebros who are going to be drawn into #OWS solely because there are hot chicks are not going to be reliable allies anyway.

  291. says


    Has anyone been following the Hot Chicks of #OWS” controversy?

    Nope, hadn’t even heard about it. However, colour me completely unsurprised. Heh, one of the first things I thought when I saw Greenberg is that was the sockpuppet nym used by the incredibly loathsome Hyperon, whose misogyny is incredibly deep. (He’s the one who said men shouldn’t be punished too much for what amounts to a few minutes of sex when talking about rape.)

  292. Sally Strange, OM says

    one of the first things I thought when I saw Greenberg is that was the sockpuppet nym used by the incredibly loathsome Hyperon, whose misogyny is incredibly deep.

    Ah, maybe that explains why I wrote “Greenberg” when I meant to write “Greenstreet.”

    Greenstreet counter-attacked at the Feministing author who criticized him, Jill, by posting publicly available pictures of her modeling a dress at a fashion show and basically saying that she was asking to be objectified when she did that, therefore she had no right to complain about him objectifying women who were just trying to join a political protest.

    I mean, the thing is, upon seeing the video, I’m sure a lot of well-intentioned guys would go, “Oh, it’s just a harmless video! Look, he loves the ladies! There’s no sexism here!” But when you challenge it, it immediately becomes obvious that yes, there is a LOT of sexism here. And this happens over and over again. When will the guys start believing us when we say, “Hey. That is some sexist shit”?

  293. Vicki says

    A cup is usually eight ounces. Unless you’re using old British kitchenware for your measurements.

    A friend of mine is Welsh and now lives in Canada, and was telling me that she had trouble with American recipes. Conveniently, we were having this conversation in her kitchen, so we could look at her measuring equipment. Her flour/sugar/etc cylinder, and one of her glass measuring cups, were in imperial pints–20 ounces to the pint, and thus ten ounces to the cup–rather than American 16-ounce pints and 8-ounce cups.

    So, she got inconsistent results: sometimes she was using cups the size meant in the recipe, but not always.

  294. Dhorvath, OM says

    Except he doesn’t love ladies, he loves looking at them and sharing their looks with other men for approval. Being out in public gives enough leering trouble, those women hardly needed his help to get more stares.
    The boyhood club didn’t get put away, it just got supplanted with a wider audience.

  295. says

    You know, the metric system would just be too easy *lol*
    I do have a measuring cup that has ounces and pint alongside grams and mililiters, but it’s from Ireland, so it doesn’t feature “cup”


    Greenstreet counter-attacked at the Feministing author who criticized him, Jill, by posting publicly available pictures of her modeling a dress at a fashion show and basically saying that she was asking to be objectified when she did that, therefore she had no right to complain about him objectifying women who were just trying to join a political protest.

    Aaaaaaaaargh, I hate that sorry excuse for an argument.
    Because a woman does something herself it does not entitle anybody to do the same thing to her. She’s not asking for it.
    I know, I’m preaching to the choir here

  296. onion girl, OM; imaginary lesbian says

    I caught up to about #100 but I have to go work and won’t be on again till probably tomorrow evening (unless I sneak a break somewhere). So just to clarify:

    Photos: There is a Flickr account located here. There is still a dearth of content due to photos moving/copying from Facebook and other places to the account, but it will soon have much. Photos will be both public and private, so many of the meet-up photos that will go up can be seen by anyone with the link; some may be private if members don’t want their photo everywhere. You only need the log-in information if you want to post photos yourself, or to see the private pics.

    Facebook: There is a Facebook group, PET (Pharyngula Endless Thread), that is open to regulars of TET. Because real names are involved, we ask that folks be at least a regular poster here or, if a lurker, known by someone who can vouch for them not being a serial killer. Or worse, a creationist. ;) You can get in touch with me, Mattir, Carlie, Audley or Katrina.

    If someone above has already posted this info, sorry! :)

    Also, just another reminder that there’s still plenty of time to support the Rebecca Watson project; just email me for details (oniongirlsays at gmail dot com).

  297. says


    saying that she was asking to be objectified when she did that, therefore she had no right to complain about him objectifying women who were just trying to join a political protest.

    Ugh. Just like ZB claiming he had every right to use my real name in a thread here, because he could go digging and find it elsewhere online. Christ, it’s not just the sexism anymore, which is fucking bad enough, but zero understanding of boundaries. It’s one damn excuse after another to behave badly and to do what you know is wrong.

    ZB was intent on making me feel like I had no right whatsoever to do business on the net or have any sort of net life at all unless I was willing to have it dragged all over the place. This is akin to what Greenstreet is doing/saying – if you don’t want this shit to happen, put yourself in a convent, ladies. Aarrgh.

  298. The Ys says

    And for those who are ticked off about cups, you left out the really fun part – there are two different cup measurements in the US.

    A dry measuring cup provides 6 ounces of flour or whatever. A liquid measuring cup is 8 ounces.

    We now return you to your regularly scheduled penguin.

  299. Matt Penfold says

    With regard US cups, I have never seem an explanation as to how one is supposed to take into account how well packed an ingredient is.

  300. Erulóra Maikalambe says

    With regard US cups, I have never seem an explanation as to how one is supposed to take into account how well packed an ingredient is.

    That’s true. A lot of B cups should actually be C’s.

  301. The Ys says

    Matt – it depends on the ingredient. Flour should never get packed down. Brown sugar should get packed down. Cheese is either crumbled or shredded (usually) and then packed a bit into the cup.

  302. Philip Legge says

    Rorschach at #332:

    So the Aussie version of Benson and Stabler brought this woman into the ER today, mid-20s, that they had just rescued after being abducted by some guy, he grabbed her off the street, bound her hands and feet, held her in some cellar for 2 days, and this morning threw her into a shallow grave and was about to hack her to pieces with a shovel, when the cops arrived just in time. What the fuck is wrong with people ?

    This was a pretty horrifying thing to read about someone living here in Melbourne; the story is now covered in The Age online, which adduces or alleges several more pieces of the story:
    * The guy met the woman through an on-line dating service;
    * The guy attempted to extort cash from her and her family in Nepal;
    * The guy is described as a resident of Endeavour Hills but the alleged crimes took place in a house in Pakenham (quite a long distance away across the eastern suburbs);
    * Charges expected to be laid today in the Dandenong Magistrates Court.

  303. Matt Penfold says

    Matt – it depends on the ingredient. Flour should never get packed down. Brown sugar should get packed down. Cheese is either crumbled or shredded (usually) and then packed a bit into the cup.

    Thanks, but wouldn’t it just be easier to weigh the ingredients ?

  304. Father/Brother/Nephew/Cousin/ex-Mother-in-Law Ogvorbis, OM: Independently-Minded Baboon says

    I hope this doesn’t come as a shock to you, but your fail-fudge is delicious.

    I have tried that fudge recipe five times and have come up with a runny mess every time. Please take this in the spirit intended: Thhhhpt!

    And, even within the non-Imperial measuring cups, there can be a 10 to 20% dofference in volume depending on the manufacturer and how long ago they were made. Where is Smoot when we need him?

  305. Dhorvath, OM says

    A measuring cup can have a measure of flour in a bowl faster than a scoop and scale. Yes, weighing is better, but it’s inconvenient enough that most people prefer the volume method.

  306. The Ys says

    Thanks, but wouldn’t it just be easier to weigh the ingredients ?

    Perhaps, but that only works if you happen to have a scale. :)

    Except on rare occasions, I don’t spend much time measuring. I only really pay attention to it for bread. If you have too much flour, you won’t get the appropriate amount of rising out of the yeast or baking soda. If you don’t have enough flour, you get a sticky mess.

  307. says

    Thanks, but wouldn’t it just be easier to weigh the ingredients ?

    Funny thing is: We (as in we in the metric system) actually do it by volume, too. Only that my measuring cup has the scales in grams, different ones for different ingredients. They are good for things like sugar, flour, rice, liquids. Anything else is weighed (or rather guessed. If it says 100g and the packet has 200 I use half of it). Weighing comes in when it’s large quantities, or is stuff like almonds and nuts

  308. The Ys says

    This was a pretty horrifying thing to read about someone living here in Melbourne; the story is now covered in The Age online, which adduces or alleges several more pieces of the story:

    Just caught up on this one – that is one of the most horrific things I think I’ve ever read. I’m glad someone found them before he’d murdered the poor woman.

    This reminds me of the mess with the Craigslist killer. I hope this was the guy’s first attempt and that he hasn’t already succeeded at killing someone.

  309. Dr. Audley Z. Darkheart OM, liar and scoundrel says

    Pfffffft! Weighing the ingredients? Where’s your sense of adventure, man?

  310. says


    this is exactly what people say when this topic comes up on the German language internet… Argh….

    That said, until a couples of years ago, I would probably have agreed with that guy on Salon re the OWS video that the problem was only with the title. Being on pharyngula has helped me a lot in understanding the issues there better.

  311. Matt Penfold says

    Well I am making a coffee and walnut cake tomorrow for our village Pot-Luck Harvest Supper on Saturday, and I will be weighing the ingredients. Except for the walnuts that go on the top. I ignore the recipe and shove as many as will fit.

    I will also be making a smoked mackerel pate. I do not need to weigh the ingredients for that.

  312. The Ys says

    O hai mansplainin’!



    @ Giliell: whenever I use vanilla, it’s just a liquid. I’ve never used a vanilla-flavoured sugar.

  313. says

    The Ys:

    O hai mansplainin’!

    It’s awful. I’ve gotta work, or I’d dive in. Did you see the shipload of crap from that jeffreyellis person? (4th comment.) A vile combination of mansplainin’ and accommodationist drivel. Oooh, you tell us what should be abhorrent to critical thinkers, baaaybee! Yeesh.

  314. says

    For fuck’s sake, Walton, why would you imagine that we should want some stupid British aristocrat as our head of state? Can’t you get it into your head that we want an AUSTRALIAN in the job?

    If we wanted to appoint a hereditary monarch I’d vote for Marcia Langton or Ernie Dingo over any of your ridiculous mob. Or we could keep Quentin Bryce on. Or yeah, the winner of the local pop idol contest, for that matter.

    Re: cooking. Who doesn’t have a kitchen scale? It’s not exactly esoteric. Well, in Australia, anyway. We do use cups, but they are metric 250ml volume, so there’s yet another kind of cup.

  315. says


    this is exactly what people say when this topic comes up on the German language internet… Argh….

    Yeah, it’s endemic. The internet has brought up new issues, but respecting boundaries shouldn’t be one of them.

  316. says

    I’ve never used a vanilla-flavoured sugar.

    So let me treat you to my low-cost, high flavour variety:
    Buy some real vanilla-beans and use the marrow on whatever you like. Put the rest of the beans and sugar into a jar, wait a bit.
    Mine is in a constant state of using and refilling and it gives a really great taste.
    And with that I go to bed

  317. The Ys says

    I don’t have a kitchen scale – never felt the need to buy one. Measuring cups and spoons fit in the utensils drawer and a scale generally doesn’t.

    I’m in Canada and we use metric too. I’m from the US originally, though.

  318. Matt Penfold says

    Buy some real vanilla-beans and use the marrow on whatever you like. Put the rest of the beans and sugar into a jar, wait a bit.

    I do that as well. I use the seeds and pods for ice cream, but remove the pods from the custard before putting it in the ice cream maker. I give them a good wash, leave to dry and put in my sugar.

    Lovely. Really nice added luxury hot chocolate.

  319. The Ys says

    @ Caine:

    “Well, it’s clear that you are not responding to this video rationally.”

    I think that’s the best line so far. I’m reading through and might jump in if I can stomach the stupid. I can feel my IQ ebbing away bit by bit with each new post.

  320. Matt Penfold says

    I don’t have a kitchen scale – never felt the need to buy one. Measuring cups and spoons fit in the utensils drawer and a scale generally doesn’t.

    Modern electronic ones do!

  321. says


    Yeah, it’s endemic. The internet has brought up new issues, but respecting boundaries shouldn’t be one of them.

    I specifically meant the “women earn less than men because they make the wrong choices”. This gets me angry every time it comes up, in whatever language.

  322. says


    I specifically meant the “women earn less than men because they make the wrong choices”. This gets me angry every time it comes up, in whatever language.

    Oh! Sorry. Yeah, that shit is bad, and it’s even worse to see so many men defending it.

  323. Matt Penfold says

    I specifically meant the “women earn less than men because they make the wrong choices”. This gets me angry every time it comes up, in whatever language.

    I recall it came up here one time. I really do have a problem understanding how anyone could make that argument, unless they have anti-women agenda they are pursuing.

  324. says

    For fuck’s sake, Walton, why would you imagine that we should want some stupid British aristocrat as our head of state? Can’t you get it into your head that we want an AUSTRALIAN in the job?

    Ah. Nationalism. Because, of course, it’s so comforting to know that one’s head of state is a person born on the same arbitrarily-defined patch of the Earth’s surface as oneself. :-)


    Greenstreet counter-attacked at the Feministing author who criticized him, Jill, by posting publicly available pictures of her modeling a dress at a fashion show and basically saying that she was asking to be objectified when she did that, therefore she had no right to complain about him objectifying women who were just trying to join a political protest.

    Yeah. That makes loads of sense. So… because one woman consented to be photographed on one particular occasion, this implies that all women everywhere consent to be photographed and leered-at on some guy’s blog. I can only assume that, in Mr Greenstreet’s fevered imagination, one woman consenting to an activity on one occasion automagically means that all women consent to said activity, and that they forgo any right to object to it. :-/

    (Because, of course, we couldn’t possibly treat women as individual people. Oh, no. That would be far too complicated.)

  325. Matt Penfold says

    Over at skepchick, it’s a video argument by Prof. Steve Horwitz!

    Yeah, I could not bring myself to watch it. Maybe tomorrow, but what with Truthspeaker and Zerple I have had my fill of idiots today.

  326. says

    Oh, I missed this bit:

    A friend of his comments, “Way to legitimize the movement, Steve.” Steven replies, “An erection legitimizes anything.” His friend replies, “Even rape?” Steven Greenstreet says, “It probably wouldn’t be rape without one.”

    Ugh. If this is what passes for “humour” in Greenstreet’s mind, I’m glad I’ve never seen any of his movies.

  327. changeable moniker says

    @Matt Penfold, “smoked mackerel pate”.

    I presume that your deliberate lack of a circumflex and acute indicates that the “pate” will function as some kind of toupée?

  328. Matt Penfold says

    I presume that your deliberate lack of a circumflex and acute indicates that the “pate” will function as some kind of toupée?

    No, just my laziness :)

  329. says

    Eeek! Scariness! The pulmonary specialist has asked me to come in next week. I had an appointment for January(*), which was the “next routine non-emergency appointment available.” So, umm, what did he see in my CT scan to warrant this?

    *twitch twitch*
    I’m seeing my GP in a few hours so maybe I’ll get some answers.

    (* Yes yes, January, there is a terrible shortage of specialists here.)

  330. says

    Alethea, it’s probably something they don’t want to wait on in regard to treatment. Scary, I know, but don’t get ahead of yourself. If it was serious scary urgent, they’d have you in right now. Hopefully, this will see you getting relief and getting better much quicker. Tentacles crossed for you.

  331. says

    @John Morales, I’m pretty sure that Gillard is the first to label herself atheist while in office. It’s a technicality, though; you’re right that there have been very many non-religious politicians. Hawke and Whitlam both used to say they were agnostic, for example.

    @Walton, when we one day have a utopia of rainbows and kittens in which nobody’s home patch of ground matters, then we can stop caring about it. Meanwhile, back on planet earth, it actually *does* matter.

  332. John Morales says


    Ah. Nationalism. Because, of course, it’s so comforting to know that one’s head of state is a person born on the same arbitrarily-defined patch of the Earth’s surface as oneself. :-)

    Your brain turns to mush on this topic, doesn’t it*?

    (It ain’t the birth-place that matters to us (we’re a nation of immigrants), but rather being part of the community; as for nationalism, that’s spelled ‘self-determination’)

    * You, of course, think being born from someone inseminated by a “royal” is a good-enough reason for you to tug your forelock obediently to them.


  333. says


    A friend of his comments, “Way to legitimize the movement, Steve.” Steven replies, “An erection legitimizes anything.” His friend replies, “Even rape?” Steven Greenstreet says, “It probably wouldn’t be rape without one.”

    So, the twelve-year-old boys that used a baton on a 10-year-old girl playing princess fairy in Homer a couple of decades ago didn’t really rape her?

    “I’m only joking” doesn’t fucking excuse this.

  334. John Morales says


    Hawke and Whitlam both used to say they were agnostic, for example.

    Actually, she’s not said that in as many words, either — and she’s friendlier to the religious than either of those two, to boot (and probably less republican, too).

    PM tells it as she sees it on the God issue

    FAINE: Do you believe in God?

    PM: No, I don’t Jon, I’m not a religious person.

    Amazingly, the radio station was not struck by lightning.

    Gillard hastened to add she was brought up a Baptist, attending the Mitcham Baptist Church. Why, she even won catechism prizes for remembering verses from the Bible.

    ”But during my adult life I’ve, you know, found a different path,” she declared. ”I’m, of course, a great respecter of religious beliefs but they’re not my beliefs.”

  335. Dhorvath, OM says

    That does sound scary, so take advantage of the pending appointment with your medical people to find out what’s going on. Not knowing is always hard. Hugs if you need ’em.

  336. Inane Janine, OM, Conflater Of Arguments says

    Ah. Nationalism. Because, of course, it’s so comforting to know that one’s head of state is a person born on the same arbitrarily-defined patch of the Earth’s surface as oneself. :-)

    You do realize how this is turn back on you because this royal born head of state shares your nationality.

    Stop. Stop. You are depress the Walton.

    Walton! Take your frog pills.

  337. says


    Ah. Nationalism. Because, of course, it’s so comforting to know that one’s head of state is a person born on the same arbitrarily-defined patch of the Earth’s surface as oneself. :-)

    Walton, this is one of those times your brain should have telegraphed “good time to shut the fuck up before I type something stupid, insulting and offensive“.

    Given you rather crazed devotion to royalty, you have no room to talk. At all.

  338. Inane Janine, OM, Conflater Of Arguments says

    I do not know why but it seems that I really hate “ing”.

  339. says

    John, Alethea,

    hm, that’s interesting. I was under the impression that agnostic was the furthest you could go back in the day. But first or not, it is remarkable that the head of government of a major Western country is openly an atheist, AND also a republican even though the country is a monarchy!

  340. Matt Penfold says

    A politician is supposed to know about the country in which they serve. With all due respect to Lizzie, I doubt she is that au fait with Australian politics.

    Now in reality she delegates the job to an Australian who acts on her behalf. But that actually makes her even less relevant. Why not just appoint, or elect, an Australian in the first place ?

  341. Dr. Audley Z. Darkheart OM, liar and scoundrel says

    I still can’t wrap my head around “nations are bad!” juxtaposed with “Long live the Queen!”. Just thinking about it makes my brain hurt.

    (Unless… I’m sure there’s a conspiracy theorist out there who believes the One World Government™ is run by the British royal family. A correlation to Rule 34, perhaps? If you can think of a conspiracy, somebody out there already believes it.)

  342. says

    Our PM wasn’t even born here anyway. Julia Gillard was born in Wales. It’s not us but the US that insists on the natural-born citizen thing.

    John M, hmmm, you may be right. I was under the impression she’d been explicit about it. My theory about Gillard, which is mine, is that the NSW Labor Catholic Right faction have blackmail material on her. Nothing else explains her refusal to support gay marriage, and her wishy-washy faitheist statements on school chaplains and such.

  343. says

    Walton seems to hold at least two politically indefensible notions, and they have collided spectacularly here:

    1. defending the monarchy

    2. advocating a world without borders

    I’m sympathetic to 2., but there’s no way it will fly in the political arena. Last time it came up I did ask if there were any studies at all that could alleviate fears about what would happen if the borders were to fall. Without such evidence, it will just remain a lofty ideal

  344. Inane Janine, OM, Conflater Of Arguments says

    John Morales, I have been dropping ‘-ing’ from a lot of the words I have been typing. I was joking that I must hate them for some reason. I decided that I should always use Chimpy as mt scapechimp.

  345. Mattir says

    SC, I often disagree with you, even vehemently and with a severe lack of tone, but yes, those are the cutest damn things that I’ve seen in ages. And in your honor, I have added one to my list-of-volunteer-things-to-knit queue, since I usually do a bit of volunteer knitting in the winter.

    I have a DDMFM in my house. He arrived, fell asleep in the car on the way home, ate a bagel, read some Richard Carrier of DaughterSpawn’s, and has been asleep for the last 4 hours. Apparently the sheep of Rhinebeck, the drama of encountering the King Walton of Pharyngula™ and 3 days at the American Museum of Natural History wore him out. For that matter, those things wore the Mattir family out pretty thoroughly.

    For mid-Atlantic-Washington-Baltimore region Pharyngulites, I am going to organize a trip to the Smithsonian with DDMFM a week from this Saturday. I’ll post more info on the Baltimore-Washington yahoo list. If you’re not on that list, email me at the address linked to my profile.

    Last night I took SonSpawn to Boy Scouts. Between Mrs. Crazy Catholic Neighbor™ discussing how she was trying not to be sad that her mother just died, Mrs. Quiverful™ with her 11th or 12th baby nursing, and a bunch of moms discussing how sad they were that their 23 year old daughters wanted to spend Thanksgiving with their boyfriends’ families and really, WHAT TO DO with all the time now that kids were out of the house, I’ve concluded that the Rhinebeck attendees, with our various neuro-psychiatric quirks, our collective discomfort with meatspace social interaction, and our peculiar hobbies and interests, were way healthier than the regular people of my local Catholic church. Really, it’s not like the launching of your kids should be a huge surprise – I’m already busy thinking about the increased opportunities I’ll have in a few years, and I’m actually really excited about it. What the hell have these silly people been doing for the last few years, while they weren’t noticing that a whole lotta free time was sneaking up?

    DaughterSpawn has informed me that should I moan about her spending time with her boyfriend instead of me, she’ll tell Pharyngula and I won’t be allowed to have a spanking until I get an actual life and stop whining. (That’s what I get for letting her stay up late arguing about the taxonomy of garden gnomes.)

  346. John Morales says


    I was under the impression that agnostic was the furthest you could go back in the day.

    Agreed — a loaded word, that.

    That’s why Ingersoll and Russell (for example) adopted that appellation, and why even now Gillard has not used that explicit term.