No PZ posts. I had to talk to my students about science today instead of having read the best blog on their smart phones. Thank FSM that I have a long weekend to recover from the strenuous, stressful activity of my job.
Gord O'Miteysays
No, I didn’t smite him. I wish him well, so there. Get well soon, PZ.
Doesn’t the occurrence of bacterial & viral infection suggest, (what the heck, doesn’t it prove), evolution, rather than that some feckin’ god did it?
Have some chicken soup and feel better soon, PZ.
You have a bug? I’ll pray for you.
If you are not better in four or five days let me know and I’ll call in support.
If you are, it proves prayer works.
Rey Foxsays
I want to squeeze it.
onion girl, OM (Social Worker, tips appreciated)says
Please do take care of yourself, PZ, and feel better. I hope the long weekend gives you some time to recuperate–and have time to relax as well–nothing worse that being sick on a holiday weekend.
Brother Ogvorbis, Fully Defenestrated Emperor of Steam, Fire and Absurditysays
I got the same thing every year at the beginning of the school year. Not to worry, PZ, it’ll clear up by late May/early June.
Feel better – I could recommend some homeopathic remedies and moxibustion/accupuncture if you’d like. The rage might yank you back into health pronto.
For those looking for thought provoking stuff, try Greta Christina’s post on fashion as language. (Although she’s on vacation, approving comments via cellphone, so that’s probably not much better than looking at pictures of squids.)
Allen L.says
Sick? Cancel classes but don’t cancel posting! Who is more important, students or your addicted following? New students arrive every fall, we are forever!
Maybe what you need is some Magic Vomit Flavoured Woo Juice- this guy at my blog said it even cures cancer. He says that he hasn’t had the flu in 15 years!!!
Better still, he said it in ALL CAPS, so you know it’s true!
that’s probably not much better than looking at pictures of squids
I’ve been wondering about the lack of posts myself. Sorry to hear you’re feeling bad, PZ. Get better soon!
Oh good, now I’ll have a chance to read some of those other writers that migrated here.
Dr. Strabismus (WGP) of Utrechtsays
Antiochus Epiphanes:
I had malaria once. It was kinda like the flu too, only you got better the next day, then three days later you were sick again, then better – lather, rinse, repeat.
It was great! I lost thirty pounds before they cured it.
Lynn Wilhelmsays
Feel better soon, PZ. I hope we’ll get an anti-caturday post tomorrow. But if you are feeling too badly, don’t worry about it.
You could at least tell us what sort of critter that is. Maybe a platysquid? Crocopus? It sort of looks like something that popped out of my peanut butter the other day.
Does that mean you’ve been too busy flying to speaking engagements to get your flu shots?
Flu-like bug?
Nice. Keep it short and simple. The mistake most people make is giving away too many details in an attempt to be believable.
A headache and nausea is sufficient. Maybe tell ’em you’ve got an upset stomach too. Those are consistent with a lot of legitimate ailments.
It’s when you go on to say that you’ve got a craving for greasy food and the last thing you remember before waking up next to a complete stranger is telling a totally different stranger that he’s the only person that really knows you and then crying behind a dumpster that you risk tipping them off that your ‘flu’ is more related to Mexican agave than anything Spanish.
*dons bartenders apron at Pharyngula Saloon and Spanking Parlor*
PZ, your Pharyngula Labs beta test transporter reports as being operational, so we can supply you with libations and organic veggies until the Trophy Wife gets home. E-mail us the order, but any grog over seven days old can’t be guaranteed.
Anyone, you see. You don’t have to be a well known figure or anything.
chigau (™)says
Hot Rum Toddy
(good for whatever ails you)
Make a pot of strong tea,
Add lemon and honey,
Set aside.
Drink Rum
Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trollssays
but does any atheist here want to debate Vox Day on the Existence of gods?
Why debate? Either the abject fool has the conclusive physical evidence, evidence that will pass muster with scientists, magicians, and professional debunkers, as being of divine, and not natural (scientifically explained), origin. Which can be presented to the world without debate. Here it is, here’s what to look for, go to it.
Or he has nothing but bullshit, better known as philosophical sophistry, and must use something more than just point to make his case. It appears to be latter, where he has nothing but bullshit, and needs wiggle room to not be seen as a total and abject fool in his own mind. Show me the evidence, don’t talk about it…
Sounds like you have a blockage in your chi, PZ. You ought to see a Reiki practitioner.
cicely, Inadvertent Phytocidal Maniacsays
You could at least tell us what sort of critter that is. Maybe a platysquid? Crocopus?
Adding my entirely-ineffective best wishes for a rapid recovery.
Ant Allansays
Is it a £6?
Dhorvath, OMsays
Your table is right this way . . .
I second the hot rum toddy for flu! It eases aches and pains (OK, it really just dulls one’s awareness of aches and pains but who cares?) and it really clears up sniffles and so on (well, actually, you lose concern about your running nose until you pass out for 8-9 hours of restorative sleep, after which the nasal passages have..ahem…cleared on their own and you wake up feeling much better!).
Seriously, the hot rum toddy is my go-to curative (comfort drink) when flu-like symptoms descend. Chigau’s recipe is classic – about an ounce of rum, a big teaspoon of honey and either lemon or (my personal fave) an ounce of OJ with hot decaf black tea. Unlike chigau, I mix ’em all together, though. Drink up!
Feel better soon, PZ!
“Show me the evidence, don’t talk about it…”
If you debate him, then he will present whatever he has. And if he really does spout nothing but BS, then you should have no problem demonstrating in front of everyone that is a moron.
Ant, are you trying to $1 the system or just havin’ a good 10c?
#35 Ant Allan: are you trying to $1 the system, or are ya just havin’ a good 10c?
Aaargh, sorry (hangs head). That never happened to me on the old Pharyngula. I’ll wait 15 minutes next time.
Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trollssays
If you debate him, then he will present whatever he has.
If he has the solid and conclusive physical evidence, why doesn’t he present it and avoid any potential of loss of face in a debate? That tells me all I need to know about VD’s integrity, honesty, and intelligence. If he needs to debate, he has none of the above, just utter and total bullshit. And you know it. So, take your fuckwittery elsewhere. We have your, and VD’s number.
Seriously, the hot rum toddy is my go-to curative (comfort drink) when flu-like symptoms descend. Chigau’s recipe is classic – about an ounce of rum, a big teaspoon of honey and either lemon or (my personal fave) an ounce of OJ with hot decaf black tea. Unlike chigau, I mix ‘em all together, though. Drink up!
Anything involving honey and lemon is incomplete without some root ginger squeezed into it.
You do look rather pale, yes.
I’d send you a manatee – I’ve just bought a handful – but S&H are murder.
Moggie #43 – ooh ginger! I never thought of that! If only I had flu-like…
Hang on, methinks my dear old dad also made these for Granny when the rheumatism was acting up and I did kind of sleep on my elbow funny last night…
Ant Allansays
Regarding Vox Day’s challenge, hasn’t he shot himself in the foot?
The assertion is, “that there is not only substantial evidence for the existence of gods, but that the logic and the evidence in support of the existence of gods is superior to the logic and the evidence for the nonexistence of them”.
So, VD has to show: (a) that there is substantial evidence for the existence of gods (plural!), and (b) that the logic and the evidence in support of the existence of gods is superior to the logic and the evidence for the nonexistence of them.
Whereas his opponent need only show either not-(a) or not-(b).
As (a) talks about “gods”, a possible argument against (a) (and thus the whole assertion) might be to show that whatever evidence there is supports the existence of a single God more or as strongly as it supports the existence of multiple gods; if the evidence favours a single God or is insufficient to distinguish between the One and the many, (a) is falsified and thus also the whole assertion.
Thus, the person who opposes VD needn’t be an atheist. A Christian might contend in good faith that the evidence favours a single God rather than many and so falsify the assertion.
(cross-posted, m.m.)
Mr. Firesays
Come up with our own dang title
Hope we get better soon, PZ.
Ant Allansays
So, I think a tot of The Kraken black rum is in order!
Have a speedy recovery, PZed.
You probably got it from me. Clearly your antivirus isn’t updated. Does your shirt feel like sandpaper? Every lump in the bed feels like rocks? Unconscious is a prefered state of being? Yep, thats the one. It does get better though.
Get well soon, PZ! I’ll pray for you!
(Hey, I’m in Florida. It’s not like there’s anything useful I could do)
'Tis Himself, pour encourager les autressays
Pox Day has been trying to get someone to debate him since forever. Apparently his sycophants aren’t giving him the validation he thinks he deserves.
Man, be careful mit dem bugs!!!
get well soon PZ
but at least I’ve got all these wonderful FtB blogs to explore now. No shortage of reading matter.
Illness is nature’s way of making you take a break. Hope you get to feeling better soon, and luxiuriate in the lassitude.
Caek Nomssays
Reminds me of a platypus. Hmm.. with 8 arms. Let’s call it… an octopus!!
Nope that’s not quite right.
Vox Day? Is he deliberately trying to claim to be Vox Dei (a homophone, or maybe bad spelling?), and wouldn’t that be a bit arrogant, even for a christian?
Patricia, OMsays
Xenithrys – Pox Day is an idiot with an ego equal to jehovahs. I sashayed over and read his PZ challenge thread, pure drivel. Why would anyone want to debate a delusional wanker?
Translucent half platypus, half tadpole discovered – despite great camoflage.
Hope you feel better soon PZ.
@chigau (™) : 2 September 2011 at 3:45 pm
Hot Rum Toddy
(good for whatever ails you)
Make a pot of strong tea,
Add lemon and honey,
Set aside.
Drink Rum
Honey and lemon helps for sore throats and coldy-fluey things for me – warm sake or mead may be good too. Rum’s fine as well. Eucalyptus oil is good for clearing the sinuses – and smells nice – plus mustard, horseradish sauce and wasabi.
So that explains the lack of posts! I’m dying here at work of boredom, waiting for PZ to entertain with his wit.
At least you have a long weekend to recover. Enjoy yourself!
I have been reading about yellow fever. It seems flu like enough– at first. Then, this happens.
But you probably don’t have yellow fever.
Feel better soon!
Hey baby, wait’ll you see the size of my sperm!
Maybe it’s a good thing they don’t talk, actually.
Glen Davidson
I know, what does he think? That we have useful things to do?
Glen Davidson
I knew something was up. Feel better soon, PZ.
“He looks like I feel”?
No PZ posts. I had to talk to my students about science today instead of having read the best blog on their smart phones. Thank FSM that I have a long weekend to recover from the strenuous, stressful activity of my job.
No, I didn’t smite him. I wish him well, so there. Get well soon, PZ.
Doesn’t the occurrence of bacterial & viral infection suggest, (what the heck, doesn’t it prove), evolution, rather than that some feckin’ god did it?
Have some chicken soup and feel better soon, PZ.
You have a bug? I’ll pray for you.
If you are not better in four or five days let me know and I’ll call in support.
If you are, it proves prayer works.
I want to squeeze it.
Please do take care of yourself, PZ, and feel better. I hope the long weekend gives you some time to recuperate–and have time to relax as well–nothing worse that being sick on a holiday weekend.
I got the same thing every year at the beginning of the school year. Not to worry, PZ, it’ll clear up by late May/early June.
Feel better – I could recommend some homeopathic remedies and moxibustion/accupuncture if you’d like. The rage might yank you back into health pronto.
For those looking for thought provoking stuff, try Greta Christina’s post on fashion as language. (Although she’s on vacation, approving comments via cellphone, so that’s probably not much better than looking at pictures of squids.)
Sick? Cancel classes but don’t cancel posting! Who is more important, students or your addicted following? New students arrive every fall, we are forever!
Maybe what you need is some Magic Vomit Flavoured Woo Juice- this guy at my blog said it even cures cancer. He says that he hasn’t had the flu in 15 years!!!
Better still, he said it in ALL CAPS, so you know it’s true!
I see what you did there. ;)
I’ve been wondering about the lack of posts myself. Sorry to hear you’re feeling bad, PZ. Get better soon!
Oh good, now I’ll have a chance to read some of those other writers that migrated here.
Antiochus Epiphanes:
I had malaria once. It was kinda like the flu too, only you got better the next day, then three days later you were sick again, then better – lather, rinse, repeat.
It was great! I lost thirty pounds before they cured it.
Feel better soon, PZ. I hope we’ll get an anti-caturday post tomorrow. But if you are feeling too badly, don’t worry about it.
You could at least tell us what sort of critter that is. Maybe a platysquid? Crocopus? It sort of looks like something that popped out of my peanut butter the other day.
I hope it’s nothing serious. Chicken broth, soothing cool pillows–get well.
Does that mean you’ve been too busy flying to speaking engagements to get your flu shots?
Flu-like bug?
Nice. Keep it short and simple. The mistake most people make is giving away too many details in an attempt to be believable.
A headache and nausea is sufficient. Maybe tell ’em you’ve got an upset stomach too. Those are consistent with a lot of legitimate ailments.
It’s when you go on to say that you’ve got a craving for greasy food and the last thing you remember before waking up next to a complete stranger is telling a totally different stranger that he’s the only person that really knows you and then crying behind a dumpster that you risk tipping them off that your ‘flu’ is more related to Mexican agave than anything Spanish.
Which came first?
Here’s a cute news story to cheer you up, PZ.
*dons bartenders apron at Pharyngula Saloon and Spanking Parlor*
PZ, your Pharyngula Labs beta test transporter reports as being operational, so we can supply you with libations and organic veggies until the Trophy Wife gets home. E-mail us the order, but any grog over seven days old can’t be guaranteed.
Gosh, I hope it’s not a Man Cold: those are awful. Poor Mary!
I really hope you’re better soon, for everyone’s sake. Especially mine.
Totally off topic, but does any atheist here want to debate Vox Day on the Existence of gods? He set up a challenge here:
Anyone, you see. You don’t have to be a well known figure or anything.
Hot Rum Toddy
(good for whatever ails you)
Make a pot of strong tea,
Add lemon and honey,
Set aside.
Drink Rum
Why debate? Either the abject fool has the conclusive physical evidence, evidence that will pass muster with scientists, magicians, and professional debunkers, as being of divine, and not natural (scientifically explained), origin. Which can be presented to the world without debate. Here it is, here’s what to look for, go to it.
Or he has nothing but bullshit, better known as philosophical sophistry, and must use something more than just point to make his case. It appears to be latter, where he has nothing but bullshit, and needs wiggle room to not be seen as a total and abject fool in his own mind. Show me the evidence, don’t talk about it…
Sounds like you have a blockage in your chi, PZ. You ought to see a Reiki practitioner.
Adding my entirely-ineffective best wishes for a rapid recovery.
Is it a £6?
Your table is right this way . . .
I second the hot rum toddy for flu! It eases aches and pains (OK, it really just dulls one’s awareness of aches and pains but who cares?) and it really clears up sniffles and so on (well, actually, you lose concern about your running nose until you pass out for 8-9 hours of restorative sleep, after which the nasal passages have..ahem…cleared on their own and you wake up feeling much better!).
Seriously, the hot rum toddy is my go-to curative (comfort drink) when flu-like symptoms descend. Chigau’s recipe is classic – about an ounce of rum, a big teaspoon of honey and either lemon or (my personal fave) an ounce of OJ with hot decaf black tea. Unlike chigau, I mix ’em all together, though. Drink up!
Feel better soon, PZ!
“Show me the evidence, don’t talk about it…”
If you debate him, then he will present whatever he has. And if he really does spout nothing but BS, then you should have no problem demonstrating in front of everyone that is a moron.
Ant, are you trying to $1 the system or just havin’ a good 10c?
#35 Ant Allan: are you trying to $1 the system, or are ya just havin’ a good 10c?
Aaargh, sorry (hangs head). That never happened to me on the old Pharyngula. I’ll wait 15 minutes next time.
If he has the solid and conclusive physical evidence, why doesn’t he present it and avoid any potential of loss of face in a debate? That tells me all I need to know about VD’s integrity, honesty, and intelligence. If he needs to debate, he has none of the above, just utter and total bullshit. And you know it. So, take your fuckwittery elsewhere. We have your, and VD’s number.
Anything involving honey and lemon is incomplete without some root ginger squeezed into it.
You do look rather pale, yes.
I’d send you a manatee – I’ve just bought a handful – but S&H are murder.
Missed it by -that- much:
Vox Day? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
*gasps for breath*
HAhahahahahahahahahahaha. Pox runs mouth = gawd.
Moggie #43 – ooh ginger! I never thought of that! If only I had flu-like…
Hang on, methinks my dear old dad also made these for Granny when the rheumatism was acting up and I did kind of sleep on my elbow funny last night…
Regarding Vox Day’s challenge, hasn’t he shot himself in the foot?
The assertion is, “that there is not only substantial evidence for the existence of gods, but that the logic and the evidence in support of the existence of gods is superior to the logic and the evidence for the nonexistence of them”.
So, VD has to show: (a) that there is substantial evidence for the existence of gods (plural!), and (b) that the logic and the evidence in support of the existence of gods is superior to the logic and the evidence for the nonexistence of them.
Whereas his opponent need only show either not-(a) or not-(b).
As (a) talks about “gods”, a possible argument against (a) (and thus the whole assertion) might be to show that whatever evidence there is supports the existence of a single God more or as strongly as it supports the existence of multiple gods; if the evidence favours a single God or is insufficient to distinguish between the One and the many, (a) is falsified and thus also the whole assertion.
Thus, the person who opposes VD needn’t be an atheist. A Christian might contend in good faith that the evidence favours a single God rather than many and so falsify the assertion.
(cross-posted, m.m.)
Hope we get better soon, PZ.
So, I think a tot of The Kraken black rum is in order!
Have a speedy recovery, PZed.
You probably got it from me. Clearly your antivirus isn’t updated. Does your shirt feel like sandpaper? Every lump in the bed feels like rocks? Unconscious is a prefered state of being? Yep, thats the one. It does get better though.
Get well soon, PZ! I’ll pray for you!
(Hey, I’m in Florida. It’s not like there’s anything useful I could do)
Pox Day has been trying to get someone to debate him since forever. Apparently his sycophants aren’t giving him the validation he thinks he deserves.
Man, be careful mit dem bugs!!!
get well soon PZ
but at least I’ve got all these wonderful FtB blogs to explore now. No shortage of reading matter.
Illness is nature’s way of making you take a break. Hope you get to feeling better soon, and luxiuriate in the lassitude.
Reminds me of a platypus. Hmm.. with 8 arms. Let’s call it… an octopus!!
Nope that’s not quite right.
Vox Day? Is he deliberately trying to claim to be Vox Dei (a homophone, or maybe bad spelling?), and wouldn’t that be a bit arrogant, even for a christian?
Xenithrys – Pox Day is an idiot with an ego equal to jehovahs. I sashayed over and read his PZ challenge thread, pure drivel. Why would anyone want to debate a delusional wanker?
Translucent half platypus, half tadpole discovered – despite great camoflage.
Hope you feel better soon PZ.
@chigau (™) : 2 September 2011 at 3:45 pm
Honey and lemon helps for sore throats and coldy-fluey things for me – warm sake or mead may be good too. Rum’s fine as well. Eucalyptus oil is good for clearing the sinuses – and smells nice – plus mustard, horseradish sauce and wasabi.
Probably not all taken together though. ;-)