
  1. bigjohn756 says

    I’ve been wondering…I assume that an octopus has a “natural” color, but, if it does, what color is it?

  2. Trish says


    Is that it’s mouth up there, with that beak like jaw that would clamp down and break my finger?

  3. ctenotrish says

    Nice! A cephalopod worthy of my given name. :) Now if there could just be a ctenophore hovering in the background . . . . then my assumed name would be well represented too.

  4. Holbach says

    “Hey, I’m a little younger than those old rocks just found on Hudson Bay. But unlike those old rocks, I can move around and make an appearance on Pharyngula!”

  5. ffrancis says

    If both “Sleek” and “Patrician” are “Octopus kagoshimensis” as the cutline indicates, how come they look so different? Or is that a really dumb question?

  6. Sili says

    Cephalopod close up.
    Posted by: Ross | September 26, 2008 5:36 PM

    Attack of the (green) killer tomatoes!

  7. says

    Cuttle Fish @ Wikipedia has a fairly simple explanation of their color changing ability.

    As for their ‘natural’ color/pattern, it’s likely decided by their rest states. The two major rest states would likely be swimming and resting/hiding in a favorite patch of ocean floor.

    I would guess what is shown in the picture is one of the rest states for that one (the “I’m hanging out here among the pebbles one.”)