I’m sure he will be looking forward to this: his funeral is going to be held tomorrow.
Since the teaser calls him “one of the most wicked and vile human beings ever to walk the face of this earth”, and since they’ve already done a hack job on Heath Ledger (in which they build a crude dummy of the actor and set it on fire), I have a sneaking suspicion that this won’t consist of a reading of
Dawkins’ suggestion for his funeral. In fact, I don’t think these hateful yahoos are capable of reading that; the examples on their website are less than eloquent. These are not your Southern gentlemen with the lilting accents smooth as honey, but rather, a couple of dumb crackers, shrill and nasal, who can barely read their own scripts.
It’s coming from a small group of ignorant haters called the King of Terrors Ministry. I find that appropriate and amusing. Some people got seriously bent out of shape that Dawkins dared to call the Christian god “a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully,” but here’s a group of cultists who revel in that kind of description, who worship a being because he inspires terror. Oh, and like the god of Fred Phelps, their god is intensely obsessed with homosexuality.
So when is the funeral scheduled for their tact, fashion sense and intelligence, or is it far too late to do that?
But the bigger question is: Who will they vote for?
Oh, their tact, fashion sense and intelligence was stillborn. I wouldn’t be surprised if the corpse was dressed up in doll clothes and they all spent a morning getting their photos taken with it, but it’s long gone and that funeral was over ages ago.
Umm…does that constitute a death threat? Because, frankly, I’d be a tad freaked out if someone posted my funeral service.
a couple of dumb crackers
Bwahahaha! Classic.
I was surprised to find that Clorox was in on the Homosexual Agenda.
I think they should gargle with it in protest. Sort of disrespectfully. You know.
Why is he wearing that hat indoors?
King of Terrors Ministry? That makes me think of the book Deus Irae by Philip K. Dick and Roger Zelazny.
Deus Irae (Latin for “god of wrath”) is set after a nuclear war. After seeing the horrors of that event, people have starting worshiping the Christian god specifically as a god of horror and fear, with mainstream Christianity becoming a dwindling sect.
In fiction, it took a nuclear war to make the adoration of pain and suffering the norm. In the real world, all it took was a movie about two gay guys and a book.
I came across this last night and forwarded the link, maybe others did as well. At the time I asked the question whether or not it was worth it to do so, because I don’t think these wackadoos have more adherents to their “ministry” than rotting cryptkeeper Phelps has at his (their discussion forum board appears to have all of 6 registered members as of last night). It’s likely these hate-filled loons are just looking for attention, so in a sense spreading the word about them is what they want.
But on the other hand, such an obviously deranged bunch deserves to be pointed out for the threat they pose (and people who would participate in burning people in effigy for the crime of making a movie or writing a book they don’t like could easily be tipped to more overt acts). Not to mention these guys serve as the perfect exemplars of every fundie Bible-thumper stereotype out there. White trash cracker accent? check. Cowboy hat? check. “I can has a bucket” beard? check. “Christian” sermon that consists of nothing from New Testament scripture and only a few Leviticus style platitudes and then the traditional Jesus-like burning in effigy? check. Going to watch NASCAR and eat friend chicken after the “service”? Probably.
Black font on a black background.
I think that speaks volumes on the caliber of people we’re dealing with, here.
I like the fires of hell at the bottom of the King of Terrors page. It’s like these guys didn’t really get the parable of the Good Samaritan. Even by their own beliefs they are condemned, which is somewhat perverse.
That site is a send-up, right?
I mean ….. nobody actually believes all that shit for real ….. do they?
When I first heard Richard say the words that he wants read at his funeral, I just about fell over. I think they’re wonderful. I thought, “Those would be some appropriate words to say at my funeral!”
Umm…does that constitute a death threat?
I wondered this too. Frankly, I think it does, and something ought to be done about it.
All hail our Dread Father Sithis, who is terror and the void! Heed his Listener, and revel in the slaughter of his enemies!
They sure don’t like the Bible…. well any other Bible than the KJV.
This immediately signals the “Warning! Stupid contained inside” flags to be raised.
From today’s Globe & Mail, & a bit off-topic, Passenger Sean Finucane told CBC News that the co-pilot, who said “he just wanted to talk to God,” was yelling loudly but didn’t sound intoxicated.
“When they tried to put his shoes on later, for example, he swore and threatened people. … He was swearing and asking for God, and was very, very distressed.”
That fucking god-thing doesn’t actually seem to do any good. Why can’t these clowns understand that? (Rhetorical question.)
Last week, Irma Mae at the truckstop made fun of his bald spot when he tried to pick her up. He’s had ED ever since.
These hicks have learned everything they need to know about
communicatinglife by watching WWF wrestlingAre we just too damned intelligent or civilized to pull the
same assinine crap these deranged morons profer as logical
responses to our hatred of their insanity ? I think we
should respond not only in like kind, but even more in a
definitive and caustic assault. We have blatant reason on
our side and all the resourses of our people at this site
whom I consider the cream of the sane cause with PZ at the
vanguard. Come on, let’s give these insane cretins a full
blast of direct punches at their insanity. Lie down you
freaking morons; can’t you realize you are dead and your
god is not coming to your aid? You are not able to defeat
reason with your puny appeal to a non-existent god, so you
have to resort to assinine funerals for the persons who
resist your brand of deranged crap. Your freaking god is
in the coffin and you are too stupid and crazy to know it.
These hicks have learned everything they need to know about communicating life by watching WWF wrestling
Correction: WWE wrestling. The World Wildlife Federation handed them their copyright infringement on a platter a few years ago and forced them to change, over the howling protests of people who were afraid they wouldn’t be able to find the rassling matches in TV Guide if they changed the name.
“Umm…does that constitute a death threat?”
I was thinking the same thing. This can certainly be construed as a veiled threat, and thats illegal.
Reading about these fundie butt fucktards almost gives one a bad brain strain. It is hard to believe that such stupidity actually exists. Hitchens was right religion poisons everything it touches and then some.
Crackers for Christ.
These are the kind of people who get shot by their “unloaded” gun.
(By the way, did anyone read that scripture quote on the side-bar? Talk about lack of understanding, or maybe just unabashed hypocrisy)
This is the quote on the side bar….
*****Put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering; Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye. And above all these things put on charity, which is the bond of perfectness.
Colossians 3:12-14 (KJV) ****************
I think i’ll try forgiving them from my bowels of mercy.
Cameraman’s got the shakes.
Quoting The Mekons;”This funeral is for the wrong corpse.”
“King Of Terror Ministries”? Does this mean they approve of terrorism?
I like the bowels of mercies. WTF does that mean? I think the WWF was spot on.
Bow down in terror, feel the wrath of god,
we preach hate and loathing; it’s a little odd.
But we have the say so from the lord almighty,
to scare you into belief, we feel quite rightly.
A funeral of the living is a warning,
to repent to christ in the morning.
Is it a death threat? We’ll say no more,
In case we feel the weight of the law.
Why are these christians so militant?
Does their dogma preach this ill-intent?
Clueless and crass you may call us,
But we are just lovin’ our Jee-zus!
Correction: WWE wrestling.
Man, I am so out of touch with the American arts scene.
The hat is so you can’t see his eyes. You know, adds a bit of theatre. Also makes him look more scary: scary for Christ.
Were the group formed in July 1999?
I couldn’t watch more than the first little bit. Did he ever manage to not come across as one of those nasty wife-abusing bad acting guys that seem to be in every movie that my mother watches on Lifetime?
A joke? I mean, I’d hate to be frothing over something that was just a joke. Would be embarrassing.
In fact, that’s how we should probably act towards all religious wackos from now on. Automatically assume satire and laugh knowingly with them. Might mess with their heads, at least.
Hey, if they can do this, can we hold (and protest) a fake funeral for Fred Phelpes? I don’t think just one is going to suffice for all the rancor that man has generated.
They have a rather skewed idea of vile and wicked, don’t they?
They haven’t met me yet.
That is SteveB from the Righteous Response Squad, I though I recognised him, so I checked the forum and the member list is almost identical to the Righteous Response Squad one.
I can guarantee you SteveB and his most avid fan Donna have not the slightest scrap of intelligence. They invited a few atheists to their debate forum a while back. Within about 2 days of them loosing, they made the debate forum off limits to people under 18 so we didn’t corrupt the youths who weren’t fully indoctrinated. Within 2 weeks they shut debates and cast us from their site.
I can guarantee you SteveB and his most avid fan Donna have not the slightest scrap of intelligence.
Well, Donna in the forum section sports a signature that says, “Even Darwin believes now” (because he’s in hell with Heath Ledger, you see).
I say these people need the fear of God put in them by being served to appear in court for terroristic threats. We’ll see how fearless they are then.
I’m with AJS. This time it has to be a joke.
My inner six-year-old just got over her hangover from the last one and now she’s gone back to pouting in the corner. And Shep the snake is sulking too and he won’t eat and little Vinda Lou is bonding emotionally with this week’s rat. Won’t somebody think of the chillllldren?
Nice framing, PZ. While I was reading that, I had these mental scenes of Dawkins debating with some of the characters from the movie “Deliverance” – Duelling banjos and all…
On another note have a look at this website:
Now this article is from a guy generally considered to be a friend to science. This is an older article but well just read it. Is it bizarre or does it just seem that way to me?
How sad. Their ‘comments’ address (under ‘Contact Us’) is an invalid address. Permanent failure…of the address too. And I had sent such a wonderful comment too, praised them for the great idea!
No, really. I believe you can tell more about a man by his enemies than his friends. If Dawkins is an enemy of these morons, then he’s an even greater man than I had realized.
Maybe they’ll repair the address and I’ll be able to congratulate them on making that clear to the general public. Maybe.
ive not watched the video but i suppose im right in thinking these guys with their threats of hell and condemnation of homosexuality (which is probably the root cause of their distress, these guys are likely aching for it in that so called ‘one way street’)are rather like the guys who appear on al quaeda videos but they havent got the guts to actually cut of somebodys head yet?? oh and they both believe in god, i almost forgot about that bit.
It’s not a legal threat, not in the US anyway. Dawkins is a public figure, they specifically disclaim any personal threats. Calling him “wicked and vile” should both be personal opinions.
That’s not to say there’s nothing they can be sued for, but seriously, why bother? They’re insignificant trash.
I registered with their forum so I could tell them that they are “horrible people”.
Their forum rules are scary. Wonder how long I will last before being banned:
“1. Always remember this is a LITERAL CHRISTIAN FORUM. You are welcome to post, but do not forget that you are a guest here and respect is to be given to ALL members even if you do not believe the same beliefs.
2. NO blasphemy allowed. DO NOT be derogatory towards the Lord our God or the Bible. One warning will be issued, and if it continues, the member will be banned permanently.
3. Do not come to this forum in the opinion of changing member’s minds about their faith. We are striving to build people UP in their faith, not tear them DOWN. If it appears that this is why you are here, you will be notified. If your actions do not change, you will be banned.
4. NO vulgarity, insults to other members, degrading remarks, or derogatory slang may be used either in the forum, in private messages or emails. One warning, then permenant ban will ensue.
5. Debating is not allowed, but we highly encourage kind and patient discussions. If a topic is leaning towards a debate, it will be locked.
6. NO pornographic or other objectional materials allowed. IMMEDIATE banning for disregarding this rule.
7. NO portion of this site may be copied or used elsewhere without the express written consent of the Admins of the site. Do not post copyrighted material on this site unless you have written consent of the owner.
8. Website links are subject to review and may be removed upon Admin discretion.”
No blasphemy, no trying to change people’s minds, no debate. Fun group.
Here is the single best face-to-face response to the Westboro Baptist Church cult I’ve ever seen. Maybe love really can conquer hate….
“Flirting with a Westboro Church man”
I thought it was a parody at first, but it’s a pretty poor attempt if it is.
I had a heart attack when I read the first line of your post., event though it was filed under “Kooks”–sheesh! I’m glad it’s not really his funeral.
“All Hail Our Dread Father!” WOOHOO!
I watched a couple of minutes of their videos. The really sorry thing is, that jackass has some teenage children who appear. Man, they’re screwed.
Just watched the “We hate gays” video you linked. Holy crap – 20-160 unique sexual partners in a year? If I had known that, I might have tried the gay lifestyle before I got married.
I must say, nearly every gay friend of mine is in a monogamous, long-term, same-gender relationship. I feel like I should be telling them that they are 19-159 partners below average. But perhaps my sample size is too small and therefore far outside the norm. None of them have tried “converting” me, as that video implies they will. In the future, though, if they want to convert more, maybe they should point out how much sex is available. I don’t have *ANY* hetero- friends who can claim 160 unique partners in a year.
Unless, maybe there are lies in that video? But that can’t be, can it – God hates liars, too.
(Brain trying to function)
Can anyone enlighten me :
disipline(sic)..right there on the church section
Did this go too far?
Their site is KING of Terrors. There don’t seem to be any woman involved. My guess is that these guys are queerer than a three-dollar bill and must have a very big closet.
Oh, and like the god of Fred Phelps, their god is intensely obsessed with homosexuality.
Well, if one believes in a god, one likes to think s/he shares one’s, um, values.
I went back and watched the “Homosexual Agenda” video. Hell, can you even imagine the number of times “Jeff” from Pilgrim Baptist Church (the minister in all the videos) has jerked off watching the footage of the Gay Pride parades?
Gee, Dawkins seems to be dancing around the dreaded anthropic principle there… he must be some sort of closet creationist.
(note for the humor impaired: I’m not serious)
aside: does “King of Terror” imply that accepting Jesus means that the terrorists have won? This seems like a namespace clash that even the most kooky would have cognitive dissonance issues with…
Here is the single best face-to-face response to the Westboro Baptist Church cult I’ve ever seen. Maybe love really can conquer hate….
Oh my gosh, The Chasers took them on? Awesome. We so need tv like that here.
God Dang, That is one hunky fella there. Mr Shrek is so dumped.
Not copyright, trademark infringement. WWF is understood to indicate the World Wildlife Federation, and when people began writing them about professional wrestling they became understandably concerned.
A trademark is essentially a distinguishing symbol that indicates a specific thing. It is a unique representation of an entity in symbolic form. In short, the phrase “coca cola” is iconic of the Coca Cola® product and improper use thereof is understood to be a deliberate attempt to create confusion in the public, and to represent another product as being the same as the original. It’s a form of fraud.
[We now return you to your regularly scheduled bozo bashing.]
So, according to Dawkins, these people’s god is:
“a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully,”
With the possible exception of “sadomasochistic”, these people seem to consider all those ADMIRABLE qualities! So what’s the problem?
They are, without question, homophobic, malevolent, megalomaniacal bullies. And almost certainly misogynistic and racist.
The sad truth is that these dumb hicks don’t know any better than those dumb wacko so called muslims who flew planes into the world trade center. They really believe that s#!+. It’s a sad day, but then again, most days are sad days in america nowadays. One look at our prsidential elections can tell you that. Dawkins is brilliant! I thank him for being able to elequently speak the truth in the face of such foolish and blind adversity.
I must say, nearly every gay friend of mine is in a monogamous, long-term, same-gender relationship. I feel like I should be telling them that they are 19-159 partners below average.
I’ve been with my partner for over 20 years, and last year we even went and got married and everything (we’re Canadian, so no problem). Clearly we’re dragging the average way down. I hope someone else is making up for it
I don’t see how you can even be angry at those King of Terrors people: they’re so pathetic and desperate for attention, like a four-year-old who learned a dirty word. Did you go to the forums on their site? It’s every bit as sad as they are:
Total posts 5 • Total topics 5 • Total members 9 • Our newest member godhatesfags
Total posts: 5. Total members: 9. Total brain cells: 37, give or take.
Pyramus, that brain cell counts sounds a little high. Are you sure you’re not confusing it with the Total Real Teeth count?
The **** have made their vile Dawkins video.
They accuse Dawkins of nothing more or less than what Mitt Romney or the King of Jordan has done. So I guess their backwards priorities are: pick on dead actors, pick on the smart, avoid picking on those in power.
And about picking on actors (like Reagan, Schwarzenegger, and Ledger) — people need to remember that these people are trained to present other people’s words persuasively — an intellectually honest hate attack would address the author of the 2005 novel, or the big money that funded it. But live people defend themselves.
Richard Dawkins is working at Oxford nowadays, and You Tube is world-wide. Would someone versed in British Libel Law care to offer a general opinion on the wisdom of posting this video?
Why does the word “infantile” leap to mind upon seeing that video?
Dawkins is da man!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I fully expect the eminent professor to state sooner or later: “Reports of my death have been greatly anticipated”!
So he’s “one of the most wicked and vile human beings ever to walk the face of this earth” is he? Wow. How many people has he murdered? How many innocent women and children has he blown up? How many fatwas has he declared? How many wars/crusades/holocausts/inquisitions has he started or been involved with?
Boy, they’ve got a nerve.
I fully expect the eminent professor to state sooner or later: “Reports of my death have been greatly anticipated”!
So he’s “one of the most wicked and vile human beings ever to walk the face of this earth” is he? Wow. How many people has he murdered? How many innocent women and children has he blown up? How many fatwas has he declared? How many wars/crusades/holocausts/inquisitions has he started or been involved with?
Boy, they’ve got a nerve.
Apologies for the double post – browser got stuck.