I can’t decide whether it’s superfluous or appropriate for a Swede to host the Carnival of the Godless — aren’t they all unchurched heathens in horned helmets over there?
Sweden, about the most secular humanist country in the world, has a state church ( a kingdom without a state church is scarcely imaginable) and religion classes in public schools. The US with church state separation is the most religious advanced country. The religious right wants a state church. This may be a case of ‘Be careful what you wish for…’
BTW, waring a horned helmet in combat would be a really bad idea.
Sweden, about the most secular humanist country in the world, has a state church
No we don’t. Not since jan 1 2000.
There are some strange remnants of the old state church though. The constitution still says that the “king must be of the pure evangelic faith”. Slightly more bizarre than having a king in the first place.
I seem to have mislaid my helmet, but I can confirm that yes, I’m an unchurched heathen.
As for the religion classes in public schools, it’s important to note that they teach about all the major religions (Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism…), as well as minor ones, religion in general, general ethics, and so on. So it doesn’t have anything to do with the former (thank god, haha) state church.
Patrik Lsays
Well, of course we are unchurched heathens in helmets. But as to the “horned helmets”, that is a historical misunderstanding probably planted by some christian trying to make vikings look like the devil. I guess that makes us unchurched heathens in unhorned helmets…?
David Marjanović, OMsays
BTW, waring a horned helmet in combat would be a really bad idea.
Depends on shape and direction of the horns, no?
(I remember the knight in Blackadder with the Texas Longhorns on his helmet… :-D )
David Marjanović, OMsays
BTW, waring a horned helmet in combat would be a really bad idea.
Depends on shape and direction of the horns, no?
(I remember the knight in Blackadder with the Texas Longhorns on his helmet… :-D )
The Swedes are even worse than you think – they have swords.
Actually…horned helmets were probably ceremonial (just a touch religious) if used at all.
So if they are, I’d cue irony, personally.
Neat link.
You’re right, PZ, we are all pious Odinists.
Sweden, about the most secular humanist country in the world, has a state church ( a kingdom without a state church is scarcely imaginable) and religion classes in public schools. The US with church state separation is the most religious advanced country. The religious right wants a state church. This may be a case of ‘Be careful what you wish for…’
BTW, waring a horned helmet in combat would be a really bad idea.
No we don’t. Not since jan 1 2000.
There are some strange remnants of the old state church though. The constitution still says that the “king must be of the pure evangelic faith”. Slightly more bizarre than having a king in the first place.
Jesus and Mo explain more to us.
I seem to have mislaid my helmet, but I can confirm that yes, I’m an unchurched heathen.
As for the religion classes in public schools, it’s important to note that they teach about all the major religions (Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism…), as well as minor ones, religion in general, general ethics, and so on. So it doesn’t have anything to do with the former (thank god, haha) state church.
Well, of course we are unchurched heathens in helmets. But as to the “horned helmets”, that is a historical misunderstanding probably planted by some christian trying to make vikings look like the devil. I guess that makes us unchurched heathens in unhorned helmets…?
Depends on shape and direction of the horns, no?
(I remember the knight in Blackadder with the Texas Longhorns on his helmet… :-D )
Depends on shape and direction of the horns, no?
(I remember the knight in Blackadder with the Texas Longhorns on his helmet… :-D )