She really hasn’t changed a bit.

Well, maybe a little. Skatje (since everyone asks how it’s pronounced, I’ll spell it out: scot-ya) is turning 17 today, and guess how she’s going to celebrate?
She’s hosting the first ever meeting of the UMM Campus Atheists, Skeptics, and Humanists, with free pizza, free discussion, and free thought at the Morris Pizza Hut, at 7:00. She’s a regular little godless debutante, I guess.
You’ve done a nice job with that procreating business.
Here’s the best part, people:
Good to see some youth atheism activism. cheers.
I can see the opposite side now claiming child abuse taking your kid to an atheist get-together. Especially if the pizza has anchovies.
The fact that most incoming college students this year were born in 1990 makes me want to cry.
Holy crap that’s a cute picture.
FYI Skatje looks very much like a Dutch diminutive for “schat”, or “sweetie” so every time you mention her name it’s like you’re using a pet name.
Still a cute pixie, after all these years. But now apparently with a generous dash of brilliance, and a great deal of inner strength.
Hey, I was a debutante once! 1980, Edwards AFB Officer’s Club, and the special guest was (can you believe it?) the late Christopher Reeve, who was a flying enthusiast.
By a sheer although I suppose not that startling coincidence, my son celebrates his very first birthday today!
Well, we’ll be celebrating it anyway, he pretty much celebrates every day, it’s just today he’ll be doing it with a fistful of cake.
Well done Doctor. See it doesn’t take a deity to create a precious, intelligent, independent life-form…
Just a biologist.
(I hope that comes across the way I intended it to…)
Oh, I’m sure PZ knew about Skatje’s birthday whole hours in advance, so he could line up a nice embarrassing picture for the blog ;)))
(incredibly sweet pic, btw)
Well her taste in food may have changed a little then – unless she’s also going to be demanding chocolate cake with lots of cream this time round (and there was a first course to that photo which left no evidence on her mouth).
Hm, interesting family. I know I’d be embarrassed if my father put baby/kid pictures of me on a blog… you did get Skatje’s permission, right??! :)
Clearly, she got her looks from the Trophy Wife.
But she did her self description in Latin, PZ! Latin!
Paging Dr. Cartwright. Dr. Reed Cartwright!
Being Dutch, the name Skatje has the same effect on me as it has on Niobe (#7): cutie, sweetie, darling (a variation of standard Dutch “schatje”). The photo prompted me to say out loud: is het geen skatje? (Isn’t she a cutie?)
Ah, to be a child and have a birthday. To be the center of the universe, for a day!
Whoa, those are some strong glasses. Let me guess, at least 4 diopters hyperopia?
Very cute picture, btw. Happy birthday!
Won’t seem but a few days before she is joining you for Drinking Liberally, PZ!
They grow up so fast, don’t they? My daughter, the one who I carried on my shoulders at the Dallas Science Museum just a few weeks ago, and is now 22, will be taking me out for drinks to celebrate my own birthday this weekend.
Niobe and Gerrit:
Skatje looks very much like a Dutch diminutive for “schat” – treasure, sweetheart for the uninformed Anglo-Saxons – but I think it is Frisian rather than Dutch (same meaning).
Happy Birthday !
PZ, I’ve always wondered, where did you come up with the name?
Wow, just turning 17 is young to be in college. She must have skipped a year in school. My son is 17 and a senior in high school. Hey, they’re the same age and he’s an atheist too!
Happy Birthday, Skatje! May all your wishes come true!
Live long and prosper!
Happy Birthday to a fellow August 30th-er. Enjoy your CASH meeting! I’ll be settling for beer, college football (go Utes!) and good times with friends.
Mmmmmm. Cake.