Crass commercialism in a worthy cause


Mike Klymkowsky is selling some snazzy evo-wear in the name of bioliteracy. I’m definitely going to have to get that tree of life t-shirt.

Here’s yet another set of Evo-T shirts. No self-respecting biologist need expose his or her breasts to the world ever again!


  1. Pseudo-Buddhaodiscordo-Pastafarian says

    I would LOVE to have one of these *drool*

    Too bad I’m a poor college student. Call me when people start finding them at goodwill.

  2. Ray says

    I’m highly offended! In that detailed diagram, Homo Sapiens is only a few branches (twigs?) away from Turdus migratorius. Does this mean I am descended from my dog’s nether regions?

    Better than being a Republican, though…

  3. craig says

    “Stained glass window!”

    ooooooh! neat idea. but I think it would have to be a really big window to be able to work in all the detail.

  4. Coragyps says

    I really wanted a giant poster of that circulat tree of life back when it was published in Science, but I never got around to seeing if our local office supply store had a 54-inch-wide printer. Maybe this time…

  5. llewelly says

    Re Ray:

    I’m highly offended! In that detailed diagram, Homo Sapiens is only a few branches (twigs?) away from Turdus migratorius. Does this mean I am descended from my dog’s nether regions?
    Better than being a Republican, though…

    Your dog’s nether regions.

  6. Dan says

    Very Cool, will be nice if the names had hyperlinks too wikipedia, so you can easily look up the latin names, (yes you can but hyperlinks in pdf’s), blehh why doesn’t html have vector capabilities, then it would have been even cooler in your browser.