
  1. Magnus Malmborn says

    I so didn’t need to see the fifth appendage of Mr T… How did you find this?

  2. Wm Annis says

    This seems awfully like the work of Henry Darger. Well, except that the little girls have been replaced with Mr. T.

  3. Anne Nonymous says

    Uh, isn’t that kind of NSFW?

    Of course, I also didn’t need to see the sexualized images of pandas and the thing I can’t convince myself isn’t child porn that were elsewhere on that site.

  4. Grumpy says

    For the record, any commercial use of this image would run afoul of a new law in Oklahoma. It makes it a crime to use the likeness of a military veteran without their consent.

    Yes, Laurence Tureaud did wear the uniform. No, it wasn’t in a “crack commando unit.”