
  1. Bayesian Bouffant, FCD says


    Another politician is in need of ridicule. Perhaps you could supply some:
    S.C. governor OK with intelligent design

    COLUMBIA, S.C., Jan. 31 (UPI) — South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford says he believes intelligent design should be taught in his state’s public school classrooms.
    In a Sunday appearance on a WIS-TV program, Sanford said there’s nothing wrong with presenting students with alternatives to the theory of evolution.
    “I think that it’s just … that there are real chinks in the armor of evolution being the only way we came about,” Sanford said.
    Intelligent design posits life on earth is too complex to be explained by evolutionary theory alone.
    “The idea of there being a, you know, a little mud hole and two mosquitoes get together and the next thing you know you have a human being is completely at odds with, you know, one of the laws of thermodynamics.”
    But College of Charleston physics professor Bob Dukes and biology associate professor Robert Dillon Jr. criticized the governor for his statements. They told the Charleston (S.C.) Post and Courier there aren’t “chinks in the armor of evolution,” and Sanford’s citation of the second law of thermodynamics was also incorrect.

    Well then, why are there still mosquitoes?

    BTW, the blockquote has a bug for quotes of more than one paragraph. You can see that I managed to work around it.

  2. says

    It really isn’t fair or accurate for the article to lump witches and pagans in with satanists. The last group are often just phonies who will have nothing to do with the first two, who are ethical people exploring pre-Christian religion, and who “get it” about evolution and don’t believe in vampires or devils, or crystals, etc. I doubt that any Wiccan/Pagan that I know (or at least, those I will hang around with) would have voted for Sharkey.

  3. craig says

    I just love the fact that he “converted” to satanism “after a bad break-up.”

    Some people just never get out of High School.

  4. says

    And there go GOP plans to “go Buffy on his ass”. Can we get James Marsters to fill in for him while he’s in jail, seeing as how at least Marsters has the musical talent our wannabe claims to have?

  5. says

    “It really isn’t fair or accurate for the article to lump witches and pagans in with satanists. The last group are often just phonies who will have nothing to do with the first two, who are ethical people exploring pre-Christian religion, and who “get it” about evolution”

    Sorry, but the “Wiccans” are every bit as “phony” as the satanists. Wicca is *not* a “pre-Christian” religion, but a mid 1950’s invention of Gerald Gardner, an English civil servant. There is absolutely no evidence to suggest that any of the beliefs of Wicca have anything to do with any actual practices of pre-Christian peoples.

    Not that I believe that the authentic practices would placate the non-existent supernatural forces, of course.