And they’re lying about why they’re doing it.
A surge of undocumented children at the border ― and not the Trump administration’s zero-tolerance policy of separating migrant families ― was driving the need for more beds, HHS spokesman Kenneth Wolfe told The Washington Post last month. Officials have “worked round the clock to add beds or add shelters to avoid any backup” at the border, Wolfe said.
A follow-up New York Times article reported that huge increases in the number of detained migrant children in recent months were due to a reduction in the number being released by the federal government to live with families and other sponsors ― and not an influx at the border.
According to the article, the tent city has no facilities beyond the necessities for life. That means these kids aren’t getting schooling, and they’re not getting legal advice. I’ll also add that it’s pretty much guaranteed they’re not getting anything close to the mental health services they need.
Add to all this the allegations of ICE officials forcing the kids to take mind-altering drugs, and it’s hard to believe that the Republican Party, who controls the entire government, views these children as people.
Where’s the line between letting the group you’ve decided to hate die en masse, and actively killing them en masse? A majority of the country already seems to be OK with turning them back at the border, and leaving them to consumed by the violence that WE played a big hand in creating.
If I’ve learned one thing about the Republican Party in my lifetime, it’s that when it comes to torture, misery, and death inflicted by the government of the United States, or by large corporations, they have no limits. They will continue to vote for laws that use prisons to enslave black and brown people. They will continue to vote for corporate rights over human rights. They will go as far as they possibly can to continue justifying their hateful, ultimate-stakes rhetoric, including actively undermining the safety of this country to pursue what looks an awful lot like a campaign of ethnic cleansing, because they’ve convinced themselves and their base that getting rid of brown people with Spanish accents will fix the economy. The program to highlight immigrant crime, the party belief in the message of The Camp of the Saints
At this point I don’t see anything really standing in the way of the GOP and their base moving farther, and farther in the direction of fascism, and the tide of blood that comes with that.
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Every single voter and supporter for Trump, including my own family, need to face punishment for this in some way.