Dreamed I got a security job at an airport. Walking a patrol, I saw a guy with his head ground into an escalator, just a body with shoulders disappearing into the bottom of the escalator like the head got sucked through it. As I kept going I could see chunks of bodies and blood everywhere like there was a mass shooting that basically jibbed people.
The elevators would only open halfway and people I haven’t seen for years were there, trying to get on but not trusting the machines to be safe. By the time I got to the bottom floor, I was involved in some kind of superhero fight. There was a guy with identical powers on each side, specifically the ability to become an incorporeal freezing mist, and use cold and telekinesis powers.
I was one of them and for some reason we required a corporeal hand to make our powers work. This could be somebody else’s hand, and they didn’t have to be alive, so we were alternating between fighting over possession of a living host that had been knocked out, or taking a random hand from the human jib pile.
I don’t remember much else about the dream, such as who won that fight. Might have just ended before the plot concluded, with waking up. Usually my goriest dreams come right before waking – I think my body is telling me to wake up, rudely.
More recently had on of those turbo dreams interrupted by alarm. Something was taking over the world with giant flowers and i had to run away from these lady bounty hunters. Or get smokes for my dad. Man I wish I could be sleeping.