Feeling sick and shitty on Tuesday the 11th, I did that thing where I wake up before dawn to go to the bathroom, and on getting back to bed fall into turbosleep. Woke up after ten, from this dream.
I was helping make a video game on a contract basis for etcn mxck, working with these other two guys, who happened to be the brothers in the band Twin Tribes. Mostly I was working for the brothers, and they were dealing with the creep more directly. We were doing ground work for somebody with less technical knowledge to come in and make the game – putting together assets and animation and test levels, etc. There was an AI system for NPCs that needed tweaking – they wanted to be able to have a crowd realistically moving around a public place. The shitty rich guy insisted on having the brothers come in for a meeting, and I got dragged along.
The building was a huge corporate thing with every level secured in a haphazard of rfid locks and poorly manned security checkpoints, escalators and elevators didn’t all get where you were supposed to be. Architecturally inspired by the Seattle Public Library, I think. The brothers and I got to where we were supposed to meet mxck. We walked around the corner and boom, there dude was, and he told us to get in bed with him. It wasn’t a very big bed, but we were able to crowd in.
So there’s four people on this bed. Apartheid Junior, Twin Tribes, and me. It’s shifting and awkward and our heads keep bumping into each other. The point is, in this dream I was so close, yet again. I could just reach out and put my fingers through his eyeballs. I could grip his throat and push in on the larynx with my thumbs. Pop. I coulda got him, and I definitely thought about it.
Not sure why this dream didn’t end with me killing the bastard. I probably woke up right before doing it. Anyway, say hi to my coworkers in video game development. They make goth music and probably do not make video games.