Should I call them suras? My emerging personal religion has disparate influences, which could be read as holy texts, and as they are not currently part of a consolidated canon, they could be considered supplemental writing in the sense that islam’s suras. I dunno. I wouldn’t say apocrypha because that term denotes status as non-canon, which isn’t possible if there isn’t a canon. Or wait, maybe there’s nothing but apocrypha. A belief system of pure apocrypha. I dunno.
I want people to regard these beliefs as earnest, and as religion. Y’all jesus fucklers who use “atheism is a religion” as a gotcha, it still doesn’t make sense for atheism, but you can use it for whatever this thing is I’m putting together over here. Especially if the schedule F party boss comes ’round the factory floor to inquisite about my unusual practices and appearance.
Before I introduce the new principle, let us contemplate these other mysteries of Chaos:
Ian Malcolm. This level of control we attempt, it is not possible.
The Two Maxes. Max Headroom shows us the blipvert of our current cyberpunk dystopia, Mad Max shows us the sorrow of the coming post apocalypse.
Hellstar Remina. This text shows the way of being good when the whole world goes bad.
The Adversary. Satan speaks truth to sanctimonious power – the truth that in the end there is no real power that a human can possess.
To these I add:
Restoring Biological Truth. January 22 2025, the second most powerful man in the world decreed that all prior science on gender and sex was invalid, and the government of what is, for now, the most powerful nation in the world set about erasing from science all mention of sexual variation or ambiguity in the natural world or in human beings.
When I was an atheist I clung to the idea that science was the truest arbiter of reality, and so I must concede that whatever is allowed to exist of science in this new world must be the only truth of reality. Mans and womans are the only thing, nothing else exists, and gender is the delusion of insane sex criminals like myself.
However. If my belief that gender and biological sex are both spectra is not scientifically valid, then it must come from somewhere other than science. It must come from Revelation! From a higher power! That is the power that I believe, ardently and piously in, the power of Chaos to rend asunder clean boundaries, and make a mess of everything.
It is my religious duty to embody the power of Chaos, in specifically dressing counter to my state-mandated sex. For if I do not carry the truth of Chaos upon my visage, I am disrespecting the highest power in the cosmos. I do not love my god; I fear it, and live in this way to avoid its wrath.
Respect my religion. Allow me to wear the garments of my faith. Or concede that you do not actually care about freedom for any religion except a narrow range of christian denominations, and just fuck right off the planet in a spaceX deathtube at your earliest convenience.
Thank you.
ooh i need to add one for Death, gotta choose a good representative for that from culture or religions past. any ideas?
Baron Samedi!
Who doesn’t love the Baron? That’s a big maybe. Thanks for reminding me.
he is rude to women, but in this world, what isn’t? … of course best not to do the cultural appropriation either… i do think he’s arguably the best known modern religious embodiment of death. the angel of death can kick rocks.