My boyfriend just woke from his slumber to tell me about a dream. I was a security guard again and Elon Musk got the top of his head blown off by an assassin. Somehow people didn’t immediately know who the body was and I had access to abscond with it. He didn’t know why I wanted Elon’s body but he went along with it.
Then it transitioned to an annoyance dream, where I had given up on whatever designs I had for the corpse, and we were just trying to figure out where to get rid of it. While we were doing that, I asked him to look on the internet, find out if people knew he was dead yet. Reddit was the first place he looked, and no, the world was not yet hip to the scheme.
Anyway, he’s trying to go back to sleep now. Good luck, my dude, and may the bodies lie concealed forever.
” I was a security guard again and Elon Musk got the top of his head blown off by an assassin. Somehow people didn’t immediately know who the body was and I had access to abscond with it. He didn’t know why I wanted Elon’s body but he went along with it.”
Maybe you could use Musk’s corpse for his fingertips for ID and access to something?
Cool dream. Having Musk assassinated without it being very public knowledge very quickly does seem rather unlikely..
Or .. Weekend at
BerniesElon’s maybe?See the ten minutes 17 seconds mark onwards here :
thanks for the yuks and the link. i don’t think i could Bernie’s him with the top half of the head missing, but who knows? where there’s a will there’s a way.
sez GAS@3: “i don’t think i could Bernie’s him with the top half of the head missing, but who knows?”
Easy solution: Hire the morticians who keep Lenin’s corpse in fighting trim!
it’s what he’d want
Replace the remnants of Musks head with a manniken on a stick which will cure the issue of the “should be floppier head” that the ‘Ask-A-Mortician’ video raised in the Bernie movie case nicely! No one is likely to tell the difference and, if anyone asks, you can legitimately say it was “plastic surgery” -just leaving out the part where it was carried out post mortem and the use of a guillotine to aptly do the switch from the now messy top light old organic version to the about as metaphorically full of air artifical new one..
@ 4. Cubist : FWIW from the same channel linked in #2 we have this one :
On Lenin’s body which unlike John Brown’s is definitely not “a-moulderin’ in its grave..”
Cool dream. Having Musk assassinated without it being very public knowledge very quickly does seem rather unlikely.
I dunno, given the quality of people Musk brought into Twitter, I could imagine them either fighting or conspiring over how to impersonate their Dear Leader for maximum benefit to themselves. Sort of like a real-life “The Riches.”